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Bearkin have strong parental instincts and are willing to fight to protect their clans and families. To a Bearkin blood is thicker than water, and few situations would result in a Bearkin abandoning their clan and joining a life of adventure. Powerful and protective they tend to be wary of outsiders but make very loyal allies, though they rarely side with large kingdoms or armies due to their disinterest in politics.   As strong in heart as in physical ability, Bearkin are expected to provide and care tor their children (known as 'cubs') as best they can.   Blood Ties A traditional Bearkn tribe consists of one alpha male, the strongest, most capable leader.  Each Alpha has a single Beta, who is the next in the clans hierarchy, and is tied as second-in-command with the alpha's wife.
Under their command is several families of bearkin, whom swear loyality to the alpha until any of them deem themselves as strong enough to challenge the alpha in unarmed combat. If successful, the challenger becomes the leader of the clan, if they fail...they are likely cast out to find their own way. Bearkin clans tend to have strong names like First Tooth, Bloody Roar, or Scar Paw. The names are usually represented by symbols carved into trees on the boarder of the Bearkin territory to warn away rival tribes and foolish adventurers.   Most Often, a Bearkin will leave the clan if they fail to defeat the Alpha in a challenge or their clan is lost in battle. Less often the Bearkin will be banished for disgracing their family in battle or breaking the Bearkin law.  

Bearkin Traits

Your Bearkin character has a number of traits as a part of their ursine heritage. Ability Score Increase Your Strength score increases by 2.   Age Bearkin reach adolescence at about the same age as humans, but only live to about 60.   Alignment Bearkin tend naturally towards neutrality as they care for their own. It is uncommon for a Bearkin to be evil, but they range the spectrum.   Speed You have a walking speed of 30 feet and a climbing speed of 20 feet.   Keen Smell You have advantage on Perception (Wisdom) checks that rely on smell.   Animal Knowledge You have proficiency in the Nature skill.   Claws You have bear claws that do 1d4 slashing damage when used in place of unarmed attacks.   Languages You know Common and Ursine. Ursine is a primitive language of growls and barks used to intimidate and alert other hunters. There is no written form of Ursine other than Clan names.  


Black Bearkin

Smaller and more timid then many of their Bearkin relatives, the Black Bearkin tend to favor cunning and stealth over pure strength. The Black Bearkin live primarily in the underdark as single family clans. While they are weary of outsiders, they sometimes must rely on outside trade to supplement the sometimes sparse food offerings of the Underdark.   Ability Score Improvement Your Wisdom score increase by 1.   Size Black Bearkin stand 5 to 6 feet tall and weight between 200-300lbs. Your size is Medium.   Darkvision You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Stealthy You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill.   Underdark Scavenger You gain proficiency in the Survival (Wisdom) skill when foraging for food in the Underdark. If you already have proficiency in the Survival skill you can double it when foraging for food in the Underdark.  

Brown Bearkin

Fiercely protective, honorable, and strong. Brown bears are a nomadic Bearkin moving from forest to forest to cycle their prey and avoid the wrath of settlements. Due to their nomadic nature, these Bearkin have more frequent dealings with outsiders which has lead them to be more friendly and diplomatic.   Ability Score Improvement Your Charisma score increases by 1   Protector When an ally 5ft of you must make a Strength saving throw, you may choose to have the effect target you instead. This feature can be used twice per short rest.   Size Brown Bearkin Stand about 6'5 to 7 feet tall. They weigh between 300-450 lbs. Your size is Medium.   Powerful Build You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.  

Polar Bearkin

The rarest of all Bearkin. Polar Bearkin have thick winter hides and are the largest subrace of Bearkin. Due to the harsh, inhospitable climate of the arctic where they dwell, the Polar Bearkin are fiercely territorial and aggressive to outsiders. Some clans are known to attack settlements during particularly cold, harsh winters.   Ability Score Improvement Your Constitution score increases by 1   Winter Hide You can weather the coldest temperatures and can survive in driving snow and freezing rain. You have resistance to Cold Damage.   Powerful Build You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.   A History of Violence You have advantage on Intimidation (Charisma) checks against Arctic creatures of size Medium or smaller.   Size Polar Bearkin stand 7 to 8 feet tall and weigh between 400 and 500 lbs. Your size is Medium


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