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Physical Description

Kitsune inn their natural form are much like anthropomorphic foxes. They usually have light coloured fur, Orange, reddish brown, golden brown, though it isn't completely unheard of for them to posses black, white, silver or golden fur covering their entire body. Some may have multiple colors in their fur such as being mostly reddish brown with white gloves and socks. Their eyes range in colour as well, though most have blue, green, or brown eyes. Albeit uncommon they may also have orange, purple, yellow, or even red eyes. They have mostly human-like hands though they do possess dark black claws at the ends of their fingers. A kitsune is born with a single tail, but gain more tails as they grow older. A Kitsune's age is very difficult to tell since they appear to stop aging in their early twenties and commonly live to be a few years past nine-hundred, some for a full millenium.  


  Kitsune in their natural forms are quite rare, as they tend to hide their heritage while dealing with those of other races as a way to keep away from the discrimination and hatred built up in the legends of some of their most powerful brethren. There are many legends floating around the world relating to powerful nine-tailed Kitsune. Powerful and wise, a nine-tailed Kitsune has white or golden fur, tending to be powerful sorcerers. It is said in legend that Kitsune are born tricksters and have nigh infinite power by the time they are fully matured. Supposedly, the only way to kill a Kitsune is to cut off all of its tails, where it's power is stored, but that is simply a tall tale to scare young children. Due to the legend stating that a Kitsune's tail contains power, the Kitsune were nearly wiped out for their tails and most of them went into hiding. Only just getting back into the world after centuries of hiding, it is still the practice of some races to sever a Kitsune's tail in hopes of obtaining power.
This is true of most planes and continents, but on the continent of Telpes, with the lack of humans, and far fewer of the more greedy or hostile races, Kitsune (mostly) keep to their natural form, rather than hiding it, only doing so if they expect to enter hostile regions.    

Kitsune Traits

A race of anthropomorphic fox people who have magic in their blood and light shape-changing capabilities.   Ability Score Increase: 
Your charisma score increases by 2   Age: 
Kitsune reach adulthood at sixteen, cease physical aging in their early twenties and live to be over nine-hundred.   Alignment: 
Due to their nature of being a bit mischievous, Kitsune are often chaotic. Even the most displined of Kitsune find it difficult to suppress their trickster nature, but they tend to approach the trick in a much more planned out and guided manner. Kitsune are known to be both good and evil.   Size: 
Medium (Base height range of 4'5" to 6'8") .   Speed: 
Your base walking speed is 30 feet. While not carrying anything in your hands you can drop to all fours and increase your movement speed to 40 feet.   Darkvision: 
Due to your Fox heritage, you have the ability to see normally in darkness out to 60 feet as if the area was in dim light and in dim light as if the area was bright light.   Fey Ancestry: 
Being of fey blood means you get advantage against being charmed. and magic can't put you to sleep   Nimble Foxes: 
The lithe build and somewhat sleek build of the kitsune makes them quite adept at moving in some fantastical of ways and as such, kitsune are proficient in Acrobatics   Faerie Tails: 
Kitsune begin their lives with one tail around 3 feet long. At 4th level and every four levels afterwards, you grow an additional tail as you increase in age and worldly experience. Enlightening, uplifting or incredible events may also result in the growth of an additional tail, at the discretion of the DM, up to a maximum total of 9. Note: Kitsune are capable of hiding just how many tail they have...even appearing to have none if they so choose...   Kitsune Trickery: 
You can appear as a humanoid of the same sex indefinitely using a very simple illusion magic. However, on a DC 10 + proficiency bonus + Charisma Modifier Investigation check, a person looking directly at you can tell that you are not what you appear, though they still cannot tell your true form. This magic is detectable and dispelled in an anti-magic field or by dispel magic (your character level divided by 2 rounded down is the level of this spell for the sake of dispel magic). If your illusion is dispelled you cannot use the effect again until after a long rest. A kitsune also always assumes the appearance of a specfific humanoid (Player can choose, only 1). The abilty functioning as alter self (change of appearance only).   Shapechanger: 
A kitsune takes naturally to shapeshifting and develop that gift allowing them to change themselves into a fox indefinitely using a natural transmutation magic. But, on a DC 8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma Modifier Investigation check, a person looking directly at you can tell that you are not what you appear, though they still cannot tell your true form. (I.E. They may know you have sentience/can understand them.) This magic is detectable and dispelled in an anti-magic field or by dispel magic (your character level divided by 2 rounded down is the level of this spell for the sake of dispel magic). If this Magic is dispelled or you revert to normal willingly, you cannot use the effect again until after a long rest. You lose the ability to speak in Fox form, but you still understand the languages you know. Upon casting this ability to become a fox your equipment merges with you, your AC is set to 14, Your HP becomes 6 (1d8+1) your size becomes small and your max movement speed is 35 feet You gain a +4 to stealth while in this form due to your small size You also gain a 1d4 bite attack. This abilty functioning as a druid's Wild Shape (Save the fact a kitsune may only become a fox.) If the Faerie tails trait has been taken or your kitsune has a set number of tails, you may choose to display your current number of tails in this form or just a single tail.   Languages: 
You can speak, read, and write Common, Sylvan and Vulpine.  


Arctic Kitsune

Native to frigid lands with short summers and long winters, arctic kitsune dwell primarily in small communities located within taigas and tundras. Known as Kusrivaki in their native Sylvan, arctic kitsune have thick fur, short ears and snouts, and wide feet well-adapted to trekking across snow and balancing on ice. Often thicker and heavier set when compared to kitsune of other subraces, arctic kitsune have seasonal fur coats that alter between a white, marbled coat during the winter and dark gray, brown, or peppered in the summer.   Arctic kitsune culture values somberness and seriousness more so than those of other kitsune cultures, and their human forms usually resemble humans of hyperborean ethnic groups.   Ability Score Increase. 
Your Wisdom score increases by 1.   Hyperborean Anatomy. 
From your wide feet that give you an edge moving across slick surfaces to your insulated fur, your body is well-equipped for survival in hyperborean climates. When you’re in your true form, you ignore difficult terrain from nonmagical ice and snow.  

Desert Kitsune

Known equally for their fiery complexions and personalities, desert kitsune—or Thaelabi as they’re called in their nativeSylvan—also have large ears with fluffy, sandy fur and dark eyes. On average, desert kitsune are shorter than members of other kitsune subraces and their human forms typically resemble humans belonging to desert-dwelling ethnic groups.   Although they value cheerfulness and whimsy, desert kitsune seldom respect foreign authority and lawmaking, especially those of humanity, and strongly believe in an eye for an eye, craving equal or greater vengeance when wronged.   Ability Score Increase. 
Your Constitution score increases by 1.   Desert Survivalist. 
Your body naturally endures many of the desert’s hardships. For every pound of food you eat, you also count as having drank 2 gallons of water.  

Forest Kitsune

Known as Huyeou in Sylvan, forest kitsune make up most of the kitsune population, their kind especially versed in living in secrecy among humans. Extremely diverse in appearance, forest kitsune fur runs the gamut of red-orange, orange, brown, fulvous, and gray while their eye color spans the entirety of the rainbow, most often in jeweled shades like amethyst or emerald. Their human guises take nearly every size and shape imaginable and can mirror nearly any human ethnic group. Forest kitsune tend to mingle better with humans both culturally and socially than any other kitsune subrace and are often found living amongst their human peers in secret communities and neighborhoods. Members of other kitsune subraces sometimes accuse forest kitsune for internalizing too many human behaviors.   Ability Score Increase. 
Choose Charisma or Intelligence. Your chosen ability score increases by 1.   Urban Repertoire.
For many forest kitsune, learning to use many different kinds of tools and equipment is a priority for blending into human cities and settlements. Choose one martial weapon or one tool. You gain proficiency with the chosen martial weapon or tool.


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