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Lycus Arthodan, first king of Astalor

King Lycus Arthodan (a.k.a. The Uniter)

The tale of Lycus, the first king of the united human tribes and kingdoms.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as a Bastard of King Renly and a maid, he was raised as a nobody, until the kings legitimate son died in battle during the war of the five kingoms . As King Renly's last living son he was raised and trained as first a knight, and later a paladin, he quickly rose in rank and in the end, at the age of 25 became the commander of the royal guards.   in later years when his father died of a sickness, he was chosen as the new king, but he decided to be a new kind of king, he wanted peace throughout the land and began immediately peace talks with the 4 other kingdoms around him. slowly but steadly he managed to unite the kingdoms, this is also how he met his wife, Vilania, the princess of one of the kingdoms who after he was chosen as the united king, made his queen.


Knight academy, the paladin order of Arthodan

Accomplishments & Achievements

United the Five kingdoms and prominently ended the war of the five kingdoms

Personality Characteristics


Desired peace and prosperity for all.

Virtues & Personality perks

Kind, Strong, wise
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Astalor
971 1033 62 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born as a Bastard
Circumstances of Death
Killed by an assassin who was never caught
light blue
short and blond
Quotes & Catchphrases
Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarven


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