Calendar in Cambrium | World Anvil
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        While Cambrium has seven days to a week similar to our own weekdays, the names of the days are different.         Aphsday - Named after the goddess Aphelion.
"Creation starts with the encompassing blanket of darkness. Such is the natural state of the universe."   Clansday - Named after the goddess Clan.
"The next step of creation is the proliferation of beast and flora, the heart of nature still wild and pure."   Ginnsday - Named after the god Ginnun.
"Afterwards is one of dreams - as the sentient races begin to grow consciousness so too do they begin to dream."   Callsday - Named after the god Calloanth.
"Using the guidance of dreams, the sentient races begin to tame the land and learn to grow their own crops to survive."   Olsday - Named after the god Olmir.
"Once survival is secured, the next step is the collection of knowledge and the understanding of the law of the universe."   Valsday - Named after the god Valentis.
"When the universe is understood, the sentient races turn inwards and begin to explore themselves. They begin to love and grow new life."   Xestsday - Named after the god Xestus.
"Inevitably, all things die. Where creation begins in darkness it must end in darkness."


    An Ver (Spring)
Pronounced: In Verr

An Æstas (Summer)
Pronounced: In Ais-tas

An Autumina (Autumn)
Pronounced: In Awe-toh-mina

An Hrim (Winter)
Pronounced: In Hrim