Cambrium 101 in Cambrium | World Anvil
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Cambrium 101

Here you will find all of the basic information about Cambrium in small, bite-sized pieces to make it easier to understand.    
  • Cambrium's setting can be described as dark high-fantasy.
  • Cambrium is a planet that is very similar to Earth in many ways - same gravity, same atmosphere, and so on. It exists in its solar system as the third planet from the sun as well.
  • Cambrium does not have countries. Instead, areas of territory are referred to as continents.
  • It has the same number of days, months and seasons in a year as Earth, however the months and seasons have different names.
  • Cambrium's equator is where the most mild weather is located. Travelling north progressively gets colder while travelling south progressively gets warmer.
  • Cambrium's rulers are known as Dragonlords. There are four Dragonlords that correspond to the points of the compass; North, South, East and West. The continents are divided into chapters that correspond with the Dragonlord that rules them.
  • The races across Cambrium (such as the races that are available to players) are collectively known as the sentient races.
  • The sentient races have only recently started to gain a foothold on the lands after centuries of being ruled and oppressed by dragonkin.
  • The war that gave the sentient races this advantage is known as the Dragonwar.
  • The years in Cambrium have the affix 'AD', meaning After Dragonwar. The present year is 543 AD, meaning it has been 543 years since the Dragonwar.
  • Any year before the Dragonwar has the affix 'BD', meaning Before Dragonwar. When calculating BD years the dates go in reverse, for example 1 BD means one year before the Dragonwar, while 100 BD means 100 years before the Dragonwar.
  • While dragonkin are still considered the overlords of Cambrium (via the Dragonlords and other positions of power) a large majority of the dragonkin were either killed or mysteriously vanished after the Dragonwar.
  • There have been no 'true' dragons born since the Dragonwar. The cause of this remains unknown, however it also means 'true' dragons are extremely rare in the present date.
  • Cambrium's technology level is considered Aetherpunk, which is the development of magic-tech that can power advanced technology, such as airships or wireless communication.
  • This magi-tech is powered by the crystal growths find throughout Cambrium, which contain a surplus of magical energy within them. However the technique of using this energy is a well-kept secret.
  • Every hundred or so years a special event occurs on Cambrium known as the Occulation. When the moon eclipses the sun a mysterious force causes the magic on Cambrium to go haywire, sometimes pulling creatures and artefacts in from other realms. People that arrive in this manner are known as Crystalmarked, due to their bodies being physically marked in some way with a crystalline pattern. These Crystalmarked are often hunted by wizards and other high-level nobility, believing that their body parts make powerful spell components, or to keep as trophies.