Deities of Cambrium Tradition / Ritual in Cambrium | World Anvil
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Deities of Cambrium

Written by Taciturn

As Cambrium and its universe is part of the multiverse a variety of well-known gods also exist there. From Forgotten Realms deities to real life pantheons, all exist in some form or capacity with little to no difference to how they are known in our own universe. Deities are beings that are not limited to one particular time-space and as such can exist simultaneously across different realms and universes.   Similarly, while not all of these deities are worshipped in every part of the world, these are instead a list of the most well known across Cambrium, as there are many pantheons in many cultures. Some of them, like Sekhem, are known almost everywhere, while others are more region specific. Therefore gaining specific information on certain deities will require going to lands where they are commonly worshipped or finding a scholar who specialises in their workings.      

Deities of Cambrium

Deity Alignment Domain(s) Symbol
Abzu the Mountain Eater Lawful Evil Forge, Knowledge, Light, War A mountain split in two
Ambellina the Thief Chaotic Neutral Death, Knowledge, Trickery Alchemical sign for Saturn
Aphelion the Dark Lady True Neutral Death, Grave, Peace, Trickery, Twilight An upright hand with a wisp of darkness
Calloanth the Deluge Neutral Good Life, Nature, Tempest Crop plants under rain
Clan the Wolf-Mother Chaotic Neutral Death, Grave, Nature A wolf's paw with a red and purple eye within it
Delphinium the Clockwork Queen Lawful Neutral Arcana, Forge, Knowledge, Light, Order, War Three different sized cogs interconnected
Evander the Hunter Neutral Good Grave, Nature, Trickery, Twilight A bow with a knocked arrow
Ginnun the Endless Dark True Neutral Death, Grave, Tempest, Twilight A whirlpool seen from above
Hati the Betrayer Neutral Evil Death, Trickery, War A crescent moon with the rest blacked out
Hrímnir the Relentless Frost Chaotic Neutral Nature, Tempest, Twilight An intricate snowflake design
Khiimori the Divine Wind Chaotic Good Life, Light, Nature, Tempest Kumo patterning in white and red
Olmir the All-Knowing Lawful Neutral Arcana, Knowledge, Order An open spell book and quill
Raevnos the Living Tempest Chaotic Evil Death, Tempest, War A storm cloud with a single lightning bolt
Sanguinis the Blood Baron Neutral Evil Arcana, Death, Trickery A bloody handprint
Sekhem the Radiant Lawful Good Forge, Life, Light, Knowledge, Order, Peace, War A Doric temple facing forward
Sköll the Destroyer Chaotic Evil Death, Light, War A half sun with the other part blacked out
Trygvi the Martyr Lawful Good Grave, Order, War A horned helm with the right eye blacked out
Valentis the Lover Chaotic Good Life, Light, Peace, Twilight Musical notes forming a circle
Xestus the Lord of Decay True Neutral Death, Grave, Nature, Trickery A half decayed skull
Yasei the Wild Lord Chaotic Good Life, Light, Nature, Tempest, Twilight A pink lotus flower

Abzu the Mountain Eater


Depicted as a red dragon with an enormous mace tail, Abzu is the deity of mountains, volcanoes, fire, magma/lava, earthquakes, forges, blacksmiths, metal, traders, greed and money. Metal workers call upon the heat of his fiery breath to fuel their forges, and traders often aspire to gain as much wealth as the beast. Said to have existed before the Dragonwar, Abzu took up position as a deity when he realised that he could use his power to influence and intimidate the smallfolk instead of spending his time trying to eradicate them. However, his temper is infamously short and he does not abide fools. Anyone who tries to trick him or his followers are said to meet a fiery doom. Cambrium's currency is pressed with a bust of Abzu upon them, making him one of the most well known gods.

Ambellina the Thief


Depicted as a lithe human woman with vivid ginger hair, silver-blue eyes and white wings, Ambellina is the deity of thieves, smugglers, cutpurses, urchins, orphans, subterfuge, stealth, shadows, stealing, cat-burglars, trickery, luck both good and bad, curiosity and risk taking. Ambellina is a mysterious deity that does not seem to interfere directly in the material plane, or at least not in any overt way. It is believed she spends most of her time trying to infiltrate Ginnun's dream realm, which no other deity has managed to enter, and represents the risk taking associated with uncovering forbidden knowledge.

Aphelion the Dark Lady


A counterpart to Xestus, Aphelion is a deity of darkness, loss, death, suffering, loneliness, sadness, grief and mourning. She is often portrayed as a tall human woman with bone white skin, inky black hair that flows into shadows, and vivid deep blue eyes. Where Xestus represent the cold, unfeeling personification of death and the afterlife, Aphelion instead offers motherly comfort, that darkness is a soothing blanket that can be called upon in times of grief. Her clerics and paladins often find themselves taking part in funerary rites, particularly for humanoid races. She is believed to be married to Xestus, though is also associated with Ginnun, Sekhem, Khiimori, Trygvi, Valenis and Yasei. She is often associated with being the 'good' aligned deity of the moon, particularly the dark side of the moon, in contrast to Hati as the evil-aligned moon deity.

Calloanth the Deluge


Depicted as a lung-style dragon with black and green scales, curling ram horns and a mane of green and yellow fur, Calloanth is the deity of rain, agriculture, fertility, crops, and life. Once Calloanth was the husband to Ravenos, however they were unable to recoil their differences and Calloanth was in fact the one to call for the aid of the other deities in order to chain his wife to prevent her from causing irreparable harm to Cambrium. Some people claim to see his form diving between clouds during a thunderstorm, and being able to spot him is a good omen.

Clan the Wolf-Mother


Depicted as a wolf with a calico pelt of brown, blonde and black fur with heterochromatic eyes, the right being red and the left being purple, most artistic renderings have her placed in an aggressive, openly hostile stance, however the rare few that have met her found she was reserved, intelligent but guarded. She is the deity of wild animals (especially wolves), packs, good/neutral lycanthropes, good/neutral monsters, animalistic hunting and nature reclaiming the land. Many barbarian tribes view Clan as their primary deity. Despite her ferociousness, she is protective of her followers, and all wild animals are considered her children. She represents the unbridled force of nature, nature's fury and revenge, and how it cannot be truly tamed. She considers Evander her mortal enemy, who represents humanoid races attempting to traverse or settle the untamed wilds. Many female-presenting sentient races have begun to associate Clan with pregnancy and childbirth as opposed to Valenis, as they believe that it 'whitewashes' the pain and anguish during the birthing process, as well as diminishing the protective instincts of a mother for their offspring.

Delphinium the Clockwork Queen


Delphinium, sometimes shortened to Delphi, is depicted as a tall human female with long blonde hair, her upper face always obscured by her hard helmet. She's often dressed in leather armour and a frayed leather duster, with a belt full of various artificer's tools. She is the deity of inventions, clockwork, magi-tech, artificers, engineers, scientists, scientific discoveries, experiments and technology. She is one of the more involved deities, and it is generally believed that she helped Sekhem deliver intelligence to the sentient races. Cambrium's fuel source, delphinite, was named after her.

Evander the Hunter


Evander, sometimes shortened to Vander or Vand, is depicted as a pale humanoid figure with goat horns extending over the top of his head. Most often dressed thick winter clothing, he is the deity of hunters, survivalists, travellers and traversing through the wilderness. People who become lost in nature often appeal to Evander to send a guide to bring them back to safety. He is known to be reclusive, rarely showing himself to people, but those who claim to have met him say that he is soft-spoken, kind but wrathful towards those who disrespect nature. While Clan considers him an enemy, Evander feels neutral towards her, often lamenting the lost potential between their allyship.

Ginnun the Endless Dark


While most often depicted as a gargantuan deep sea leviathan, Ginnun can sometimes be depicted as a monstrous humanoid or completely humanoid in appearance. Known also as the Sea Lord or Lord of the Depths, he is the deity of the abyss, the void between realms, seas and oceans, dreams and nightmares, corruption and neutral-aligned desire. Sailors fear enticing his wrath, believing that his endless coils churn up the waters with his thrashing. He represents the corruptive influence of overwhelming and unrestricted curiosity, and it is thought that dreamers enter his watery realm and their souls are suspended there until they awaken, where Ginnun feasts on their dreams and nightmares.

Hati the Betrayer


One half of twin deities, he is the deity of destruction, strife, madness, trickery, evil-aligned lycanthropes, evil-aligned desire, the moon and the apocalypse. He is known to be intelligent, cunning and sly, often manipulating mortal folk into working for him, opening their minds to his corrupting influence and forcing them to become his thralls. Most cults dedicated to the twin deities are suicidal in nature, eager to bring about the destruction of the world and mortal races with it, so that a new world order can start. Most often depicted as a bipedal wolf with dark blue and silvery-white fur, with blazing white eyes and a crescent moon marking on his back. He has large, dark blue wings that has ever-shifting constellations of stars upon them.

Hrímnir the Relentless Frost


Depicted as a bear-like monster with the back half of a lion, a whip-like tail, two sets of arms and a monstrous head with spiralling horns and a constant grimace that bares his teeth, he is the deity of winter, frost, ice, snow, cold climates, hibernation, winter nights and giantkin. It is believed that Hrímnir is the father of all giant races, and any mortal race with giant in their blood can trace their lineage back to him. He is often described to be in a constant state of drowsiness, as well as often uncaring and lazy. While he is rarely sighted, it is believed that he is more likely to answer the prayers of giantkin or ice-aligned spell casters, though most often his blessings aren't always what is asked from him, making him an unreliable and unpredictable deity.

Khiimori the Divine Wind


Depicted as a radiant white stallion with red stripes and two horns, he is the deity of the wind, fey creatures, horses, sand, sandstorms, deserts, steppes, warm climates and freedom. It is thought that a sudden gust of wind means that Khiimori just galloped by on the clouds, playing in the sky with other fey creatures. Known also as the king of fey, all fey creatures big and small refer to his command, and as many of them are Khiimori is chaotic, playful but overall good meaning. He acts more like an animal than a sentient being, and communication between him and mortal folk come in the form of visions as he does not speak. He is a bastion of ultimate freedom, and so many Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Good individuals are known to align themselves with him.

Olmir the All-Knowing


Depicted as a horse-headed humanoid wearing nothing aside from a large purple cape, the underside of which glistens with an array of stars and galaxies however has no genitalia, Olmir is the god of magic, the arcane, knowledge, balance, order, wizards, sorcerers and universal law. As one of the most prominent deities in Cambrium, he represents the pursuit of the scholarly arts, the gathering of knowledge and the fragile balance of the universe. Court judges often swear an oath to Olmir when taking their position. Believed to be a cold and calculating deity, he often does not interfere with the lives of mortals, he does however make it his business to punish those trying to meddle with the fabric of reality, and is thought to actively try and prevent the Occultations from happening.

Ravenos the Living Tempest


Known also as the Chained Storm, Ravenos is depicted as a huge blue dragon with gold teeth and claws and chains around her appendages. She is the deity of the sky, storms, thunder and lightning, air, natural disasters, dragons, dragonborn, lizardkin, greed and conquest. Ravenos is constantly in a state of rage and thus the other deities decided it was best to chain her in a secret location with magic to prevent her from encompassing the world in constant storms. Many evil-aligned paladins and clerics pray to Ravenos to be instilled with her fury to dominate their opponents. Despite the fact that Raevnos' physical body cannot manifest before her warriors she is able to grant an aspect of her power to her chosen champions, in an effort to find her physical form and free her to begin her plans for world domination.

Sanguinis the Blood Baron


Depicted as a bipedal werewolf with teeth stained red with blood, Sanguinis is the deity of blood, ritual sacrifice, vampires, blood-drinkers, neutral/evil-aligned monsters, exsanguination, assassins, murderers and other professions that deal in death. Most sacrifices are done in his name in order to receive his blessing for power and knowledge. The art of blood magic is a highly dangerous and illegal practice in most continents, thus many of Sanguinis' cults are shrouded in secrecy and kept out of the public eye. Him and his followers are most associated with night-time, especially with the new moon. Despite being considered an evil deity, Sanguinis does not act overtly malicious towards mortal kind, knowing well enough that he relies on their blood sacrifices to keep his power.

Sekhem the Divine


Depicted as a tall, dark-skinned humanoid with an extra set of arms ending in large scorpion-like pincers, along with a scorpion's tail, Sekhem is the deity of kings, royalty, civilisation, conquest, humanity and nobility. Known also as the Father of Man and the King of Gods, Sekhem is the most prominent deity in humanoid settlements, believed to have gifted the knowledge of building and construction to mortal folk in order to stand against their dragon tyrants, lifting them out of the primordial muck to become sentient, intelligent beings capable of adapting to harsh conditions. A stern but attentive man, Sekhem offers his blessing to those he deems to be noble of heart or of royal blood. Rather than saying 'Thank the Gods' many people in Cambrium instead say 'Thank the Divine', in reference to Sekhem.

Sköll the Destroyer


A twin to Hati, Sköll is the deity of destruction, strife, madness, trickery, evil-aligned lycanthropes, evil-aligned desire, the sun and the apocalypse. As the more hot-headed of the two, Sköll is known for his purging flames that are capable of melting through anything. Many of his fanatical followers wish to bring about the apocalypse so that Sköll might cleanse the world of all the non-believers, but believe they would be spared because of their loyalty. In truth, Sköll cares very little for his followers, seeing them as little more than toys to be played with, broken and then discarded. Often depicted as a wolf with brown fur, and fire-like fur cuffing his elbows, knees, around his neck and down towards his chest, and a sun spot marking on his back. The sclera of his eyes are black with bright orange pupils, and he has large yellow wings that have ever-shifting sun spots that move like animated Rorshach drawings.

Trygvi the Martyr


Trygvi is a grizzled, older looking humanoid figure with light blonde-grey hair and beard, an eyepatch over his right eye and a bear pelt as a cape. He is the deity of war, warriors, justice, vengeance, retribution and self-sacrifice. It is believed that he sacrificed his eye in order to promise peace amongst the other deities of Cambrium's pantheon, or at least not outright hostilities despite their differing domains. He understands that evil beings are necessary part of existence, and without evil or chaos there would not be goodness or order. Instead, he believes that the good must be challenged by the presence of evil.

Valentis the Lover


Valentis is an albino humanoid figure with long pastel pink hair, pale skin, pink-red eyes and white wings, often dressed in sheer clothing and is barefoot. He is the deity of love, sex, seduction, lust, happiness, pregnancy/birth, marriage, bards, musicians, artists and good-aligned desire. He is often depicted having a halo made of rose petals, and a cigarillo in his hands that produce a sweet-smelling, musky pink smoke. When he offers his blessing to mortals it is said that he gives one of these cigarillos to them, and smoking it gives one an immense amount of inspiration. Despite being a good-aligned deity he enjoys being a trickster and pulling pranks, which he claims to be his 'challenges' to his followers. However, he never does anything deliberately or outright harmful.

Xestus the Lord of Decay


Depicted as an humanoid-insectoid alien figure with four arms and tentacle-like hair, Xestus is the god of death, the dead, decay, rot, fungi, mould, entropy, curses and disease. Despite holding domain over areas of reality that many people find frightening Xestus is not an evil-aligned deity, however that does not stop fanatic followers of his from misconstruing his work and using them for their evil machinations. He is the counterpart to Calloanth, who holds domain over life, and the pair are believed to have a good, if not working relationship. Known to be an extremely private deity, not much is known about Xestus' life or history, nor does he often respond to prayers or pleas. A common insult in Cambrium is "Xestus take you!" in place of "Go to hell!" or similar insults.

Yasei the Wild Lord


Depicted as a tall, albino alicorn, Yasei is a counterpart of Clan in that where she represents nature's fury and vengeance, Yasei is a nature god that represents peace and the natural balance of the wild. He is the deity of nature, sylvan magic, rebirth, natural growth, wildlife, beauty, fresh water sources, ki, monks, wisdom, enlightenment and plants. Many monastic traditions espouse that Yasei is the creator of ki, a mystical life energy that can be manipulated similar to magic by some, and so often have a shrine to him somewhere in their temples. An ally to Clan, Calloanth, Aphelion, Evander, Khiimori, Sekhem and Valenis, Yasei is often sought out by other deities to mediate arguments and disruptions between the pantheon due to his calm nature and perceived wisdom.

The Lord Above and The Lord Below

While technically classed as deities, very little is known about the Overlord and the Underlord. Those that do know of them (most often scholars and wizards) believe they were the very first deities created when the explosion of wild magic created Cambrium and its solar system. The Overlord is believed to be the one who sits above all other deities, as an emperor might sit above their lords, and can take away deity domains or ascend new deities where needed. Conversely, the Underlord seems to have been forgotten except for a very select few that study Cambrium's history. Whether or not the 'under' and 'over' prefix connotes their literal physical presence - I.E in the sky or in the Underdark - remains unknown, as very little writing exists for either of them.