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Dwarves of Cambrium


The creation myth of Cambrium's dwarves states that all sentient beings were created from clay and a spark of magic that permeates the land. However, dwarves themselves were built from solid rock and metal, which made them superior to the races that were moulded from clay. As such, a common insult to non-dwarves is 'clayborn'. Because of this, dwarves generally believe that being created from stone gives them an unparalleled understanding of the properties of rock and metal, allowing them to more easily discover valuable veins of ore or minerals and having the knowledge to extract it.

When dwarves first traversed above ground they believed the sun to be an immense Fireball spell and so quickly retreated back underground, meaning they were cut off from the majority of Cambrium's other sentient races, and so when they eventually connected their allyship was considerably stunted in comparison to others. Unlike many sentient races the majority of dwarves do not overtly worship any of the known deities. Instead, they follow a caste system in which the highest stratum are considered divine, and were created with the divine right to rule over others.


Beards are typically associated with dwarves. While this is still the case in Cambrium the meaning behind them are slightly different. Much like many real world cases of upper class individuals flaunting wealth, so too is a well grown beard to a dwarf. Typically big, magnificent beards decorated with metal clasps and beads are the pinnacle of upper class folk, while ordinary beards or no beards at all are associated with the layfolk. Some lower class individuals may attempt to grow a large beard to appear associated with wealth. Female dwarves are also capable of growing facial hair, most commonly as mutton chops, but not every female dwarf has a beard. Dwarven skin, hair and eye colour is as varied as humans, however blue or similar cool shades of skin tone are exclusively associated with duergar, or deep dwarves.

Caste System

To other sentient races, the caste system for dwarven communities can appear complicated. Most dwarven settlements work through a determinist system, meaning that an individual is born into a role rather than being allowed to choose their own path. Below is a general explanation of how the caste system works.

Upper Caste

Royal -

Merchants - Merchant families are considered the highest caste beneath the royal caste. As such, this caste is highly regulated and controlled with three main family names - the Tulgrics, the Hafrals and the Krolgrots. In the present date the Hafrals currently have superiority over the other families but that hasn't always been the case. There is constant tension between the three big families and the hatred between them has become intergenerational, with the newer family members not quite sure why they dislike the other families but continue the 'tradition' anyway. Other merchant caste families exist but don't have the same influence or power as the main three, and often have to pay taxes or 'protection money' to them in order to survive.

Goldsmiths - Almost on the same level as merchants, goldsmith families are among the highest caste members. They are often trained from a young age on the delicate manipulation that goes into goldsmithing, of which many dwarven societies consider an extremely important skill to the survival of dwarven culture. As such, dwarven crafted items are considered among the highest quality to other sentient races, and many pay excessive amounts of money just to have dwarven items.      

Example of a dwarven city.

The current dwarven king, Grumnen Aurumruk.