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Laws of the Legion

In order to run smoothly the legion requires strict laws to keep its soldiers in line, as its cohorts require a lot of unity amongst its soldiers in order to remain effective both in and out of combat. As mentioned in the Starseeker Company Ranks article, tirones (new recruits) that pass probation must take an oath in order to become fully indoctrinated into the legion, known as the sacramentum militare. This oath is legally binding upon being spoken, and so those who have recited the oath are then legally bound to the legion in perpetuity until released from duty. Soldiers are also required to sign a document with the oath written upon it after the spoken ceremony as means of book keeping.   Upon being sworn in, soldiers are then held to the legion's laws, known as ius scriptum (written law). Legion soldiers are still expected to uphold the laws of the continents their work takes them to, but they also have the extra duty of upholding legion law as well. Below are the laws the soldiers are expected to follow, along with the punishments that come with breaking such laws.

Minor Infractions

      • Crime: Theft from legion camp, fellow soldiers or any other representative of the legion.
• Punishment: Flogging. Ten lashes per 10 gold in value of the item(s) stolen and return of said items. Demotion by one rank.     • Crime: Theft from a non-legion citizen.
• Punishment: Fine to the value of item(s) stolen, as well as any punishment given by continent law.     • Crime: Insubordination against a higher ranked officer.
• Punishment: Half pay a week per infraction.     • Crime: Public disruption, being a nuisance, causing unnecessary fights, criminal mischief, etc.
• Punishment: Pillory and stocks for 24 hours per infraction. Continued disruptions will have the sentence increased to one week per infraction without food.     • Crime: Assault or murder of a legion member's slave(s).
• Punishment: Fine of 10 gold per one pound of weight of the slave(s) involved in the incident. Fine is halved if the slave(s) remain alive.     • Crime: Assault or murder of a non-legion member's slave(s).
• Punishment: Fine of one gold per one pound of weight of the slave(s) involved in the incident, plus any punishment given by continent law. Fine is halved if the slave(s) remain alive.     • Crime: Failure to re-pay debts agreed upon with another legion soldier.
• Punishment: Stock cages for one week per 10 gold owed. Water may be given during this infraction but food is withheld.     • Crime: Failure to re-pay debts agreed upon by a non-legion member.
• Punishment: Repossession of owned items to the equivalent amount owed as well as any punishment given by continent law.     • Crime: Failure to register newly acquired magic items or artefacts for inspection.
• Punishment: Repossession of item(s) and deduction of pay per week until the valued price of said item(s) has been recovered.      

Major Infractions

      • Crime: Theft from a senior officer or the Dominus himself.
• Punishment: Pillory and stocks for one week per 100 gold in value of the item(s) stolen. Water may be given to the offender but food is withheld during the entire punishment. If the offender survives, they are immediately demoted to munifex upon release.     • Crime: Assassination, murder or assault of a senior officer or the Dominus himself that causes grievous bodily harm.
• Punishment: Public execution. Offenders are crucified outside of camp entrances and left to die of starvation or exposure. Anyone discovered aiding executed individuals will receive the same punishment.     • Crime: Assault of a senior officer or the Dominus himself that does not cause grievous bodily harm.
• Punishment: Stripped of all ranks and titles and enslaved to the victim for five years per infraction. Upon being released from enslavement the offender is demoted to munifex.     • Crime: Assassination, murder or assault of a lower rank officer that causes grievous bodily harm.
• Punishment: Pillory and stocks for one month per infraction without food. If the offender survives, they are demoted to munifex upon release.     • Crime: Assault of a lower rank officer that does not cause grievous bodily harm.
• Punishment: Pillory and stocks for one week per infraction without food. Demotion by one rank.     • Crime: Fleeing from battle without the command to retreat.
• Punishment: Decimation; the entire cohort involved with the crime draws lots of tens. Every soldier who receives the tenth lot is then beaten to death by his fellow cohort members.     • Crime: Absconding from duty.
• Punishment: No immediate punishment. The individual(s) will not be pursued, however will have a kill on sight order issued. Their bodies will then be crucified in front of legion camps to serve as an example to others.     • Crime: Espionage, sabotage or diverting sensitive legion information to a foreign entity without permission.
• Punishment: Public execution. Flayed alive and the offender's skin is then sent back to their domain's office as a warning. Their remains are then fed to livestock.