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Llewellyn Grimm (Lew-el-in Grim)

Written by Taciturn

Llewellyn Grimm, known also as The Monstrum, is the leader of the mercenary band known as the Starseeker Company. The Company holds its base of operations at Fort Invictus on Elysium, an island in the south-west corner of Cambrium's atlas. His past prior to his introduction to the global political scene is largely unknown, making him something of a wild card.

Grimm commands a mercenary army of an estimated total of 10,000 members. Despite this military might Grimm, and by extension the Starseeker Company, has no political allegiance. Instead the war band is loaned to the highest bidder during times of conflict. This method has caused outcry and demands to have the Starseeker Company affixed to one particular state, however so far such demands have not been acquiesced to and the Starseeker Company continues to supplement the military power of various states.

Grimm himself is known to be a master tactician and a master of warfare. Those who have been privy to witnessing his combat often describe it as 'fighting like a monster', thus the alias of The Monstrum was born. His chosen weapon is known as Regicide, a longsword crafted into two spiralling helixes intersecting the main blade that leaves goring wounds in its wake.

Known for being extremely private, Grimm is a stern, unreadable man prone to casual bouts of sadism. He is extremely intelligent, cunning, and relentless, known for being without mercy and demonstrating psychopathic tendencies. Many describe him as having a predatory nature not unlike a wolf, and being in his close proximity as unnerving. He has no qualms in breaking social convention if it means for his own betterment, and as such many of his detractors often refer to him as being nothing more than an animal in human skin.

Outwith combat Grimm is known for having a particular interest towards occult artefacts, especially ones from other planes. Despite being wealthy he holds little interest in money, instead preferring to liberate such artefacts from defeated opponents. It is not unusual for him to send out parties of legionnaires to follow leads on mythical items throughout Cambrium.

There are many rumours that suggest he may in fact be a werewolf.

Dominus Grimm
The Dominus
The Monstrum
Gender: Masculine
Species: Human (?)
Size: Medium
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Symbol: A bronze aspis shield and two crossed dory spears against a purple background
Followers: The Starseeker Company
Spouse: None
Offspring: Likely many unacknowledged offspring