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Starseeker Company Ranks

The Starseeker Company is a large war band headed by its Dominus, Llewellyn Grimm. It is estimated to have around 10,000 members at any one time. The ranks of the Starseeker follow similar ranks of the Roman Legion. These ranks, from lowest to highest, are as followed:

Low-Level Ranks

Tiro - A new recruit. They spend six months in constant training before becoming a munifex. Plural tirones.   Munifex - Basic level foot soldier. Makes up the bulk of the Legion.   Discens - Munifex soldiers in training for the immunes position.   Immunes - Trained specialists, such as surgeons, engineers, surveyors, architects, craftsmen and so on. Generally exempt from camp and hard labour due to the nature of their work.   Evocatus - A re-enlisted veteran. They are excused from regular duty and paid double the standard wage.

Mid-Level Ranks

Optio - An officer appointed by the Centurion to be their second-in-command.   Signifer - The officer responsible for paying their cohort as well as fielding complaints from soldiers. More of an administrative role.

Higher-Level Ranks

Centurion - Each legion has around 60 centurions, one to command each group of the 10 cohorts. These are considered veteran soldiers who have proven their loyalty and skill. The group that each centurion commands is a reflection of their rank - command of the first group of the first cohort is the highest and the fifth group of the tenth cohort is the lowest.

Senior-Level Ranks

Primus Pilus - The 'first javelin'. This is the commanding centurion of the first cohort and senior centurion to the entire legion.   Eques - The knights of the legion, most often fighting on horseback. However most of their responsibilities are administrative. Decorated soldiers can 'retire' into this class to live out the rest of their military career. There are generally five to each cohort.   Praefectus - The camp Prefect. A long-serving veteran soldier who is in command of making and breaking camp, along with the responsibilities that come along with it. Considered third in command behind the Tribunus.   Tribunus - Second in command of the legion, behind the Legatus.   Legatus- Legionary commander. The most senior position of the legion, and the position that holds the most authority. If something were to happen to the Dominus the Legatus would take his place.

Other Ranks

  The entire legion army is split up into groups called cohorts. There are generally ten cohorts in total, each arranged dependent on the cohorts strengths and specialities in warfare. Each cohort had a designated Roman numeral to distinguish them. Their groupings are as followed:    
Cohort I (1) - Made up of the most elite soldiers of the legion. Its commander is the Primus Pilus, the highest ranking and most respected centurion.   Cohort II (2)   Cohort III (3)   Cohort IV (4)   Cohort V (5) - Generally the highest cohort a majority of soldiers will be promoted to during their careers.   Cohort VI (6)   Cohort VII (7)   Cohort VIII (8)   Cohort IX (9) - One of the first cohorts many soldiers 'graduate' into.   Cohort X (10) - Made up of soldiers in training, or demoted by punishment to this cohort.
    Other ranks include:    
Legionnaires - Civilians that have no military rank.   Praetorian Guard - The Dominus' personal guard. An extremely respected duty and usually made up of retired centurions or knights that wish to continue to serve the legion.   Auxiliaries - Conscripts or recruits that join the legion temporarily. They are paid one third of the standard wage and often given the most dangerous roles.

The Oath

  When tirones (new recruits) pass their six months of training, before they are promoted to munifex (foot soldier) they must swear an oath to the Dominus, known as the sacramentum militare. The oath is as follows:   "This soldier swears that they shall faithfully execute all that the Dominus commands, that they shall never desert the service, and that they shall not seek to avoid death for the Company!"   This oath has the soldiers acknowledge that their superiors are authorised to administer punishments for any infractions as they see fit, including and up to execution, and that they forfeit their rights as civilians (non-military personnel).    

Where Does The Party Fit?

    The party are immunes - specialised soldiers - of Cohort IX (9), the first cohort many new soldiers graduate into. When addressing other members of the legion, they must state their cohort group number and rank along with their name. For example:   "Immunes Cohort IX [character name] reporting."   The party as a whole will do all of their missions together and generally will not be split up. They would have taken the sacramentum militare before being allowed to represent the Company. Inside of Cohort IX (9) the party belongs to Group V (5), the lowest ranking group of the cohort. As they start getting experience and do more work for the legion they will progressively rise from Group V (5) to Group I (1), and then potentially into higher ranking cohorts depending on how well they do.   Their reporting Centurion is Ravana Bloodfang, with his Optio being Claudio Salazar. Unless a command comes from higher up the Legion's chain they are considered their leaders for all commands, mission briefs and problems. While the party will be expected to listen to the commands of other Centurions, they can choose to refuse their commands if they go against their leading Centurion's (Which is Ravana for the party) commands with no punishment.   The party is paid 100 gold a week as standard pay, which is considerably more than any other known war band pays its soldiers. This may change if the character's are under punishment that reduces their amount of pay per week, or receive a bonus which is typically double the amount of their standard pay. They receive their pay from their cohort's Signifer, which is Calliope Galanos for the party. Other soldiers cannot pick up someone else's wages - it's their responsibility to get their own wages. Most groups will have a single Port Box that the Signifer uses to send their wages to be distributed. A Port Box - the shortened name of Teleport Box - is a small, cube shaped box no bigger than a jewellery box that can transport small or tiny objects from one box to another. A basic Port Box, such as the one given to the party, can only connect to one other box, which is owned by the Signifer. Everything sent between Company Port Boxes is well documented and registered.    

"May the death of my enemies benefit all living beings." - Legion motto.
Military, Army