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Miette Wildridge

Created by Danny Davidsen

Duchess Miette Wildridge

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sun-kissed and beautiful, with frizzled, auburn hair that has been slightly bleached by the sun. She has deep, emerald eyes and normally wears a simple, yellow, slightly worn sundress of high quality make.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A former Baroness of Clerwood. When Taron was banished, Duchess Triselda took a shining to young Miette, whose parents had already passed away and left her alone in charge of her house. Triselda saw that Miette had a good heart, so she mentored her and all but made it official that she should one day rule Clerwood in her stead. Miette is beloved by Clerwood’s people, and she cares for them in turn. When Taron returned, seized power and learned that Miette was his mother’s favourite, he demanded that she marry him, so no one could question his rule, which she initially refused. Taron then gave her an ultimatum, that either she marry him, and he would promise to be kinder to the people of Clerwood, or she could refuse, and he would make sure that they would suffer even more. Miette agreed to the marriage in the vague hope of helping the people.   Luckily, the marriage was prevented by the carnies of Philonius’ Roaming Curiosities, and when the former Duke Taron was ousted, the citizens clamoured for Miette to take her rightful place as Duchess of Clerwood, which she accepted. She now rules the city with fairness and kindness.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

A great leader.

Virtues & Personality perks

Take care of the people of Clerwood and honor Triselda’s wishes.
Deeply devoted to her people.

Vices & Personality flaws

Has a tendency to doubt and question herself if she is truly worthy of her place.



Is easy to bring to laughter.


Kind and compassionate.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Duchess of Clerwood
Former: Baroness of Clerwood
Year of Birth
928 aDS 29 Years old
Deep emerald eyes
Frizzled, auburn hair that has been slightly bleached by the sun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The Five
Ruled Locations