Aeon CIty

An imposing beast of concrete, steel and neon lights. Aeon City was a global superpower. Home to the IOGen and Paragon corporations, and millions of residents.   A city that began as a simple fishing village on the east coast of Onari that grew into one of the largest hubs of commerce in the modern world, and possibly the one place hit hardest by the events of The Last War   Not a safe city in any respect, policed by Paragon's own military, and governed by a state that prioritised its corporate sponsors over its own people, resulting in a very wealthy, well developed dystopia that bred gangs, smugglers and anyone willing to do anything to survive. A security and surveillance state where the corporations held all the cards   Aeon City didn't go a day without urban warfare, not a day without being a hub for substance abuse, pleasure and self indulgence. For all its power and influence, it was far from the city of dreams it sold itself as, and was a stage for nearly every corporate skirmish, operation and attack that ever took place


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