

  Machines were never a race classification until around 2040, previous simple computers designed to do what computers do. It became complicated when machines that used advanced AI were developed to the point of awareness, maybe not complete awareness or capable of general intelligence at the beginning, but enough to consider themselves individuals and simply appliances, which warranted the creation of their own classification


  Machines as a race were an inevitable progression in a world driven by innovation and the advancement of technology, with tech giants in a constant race to the top. The first sentient machines were simple AI powered domestic robots, with purposes like cleaning, or in the case of businesses, managing concierge, packing shelves and serving food, laws were only considered and passed years later when robots became aware of their place in society, and wanted access to the same protections as their biological counterparts. some disagreed, calling them tools that could be replaced, and calling their intelligence a parlour trick or a bug, while others took it as a sign that true AI was real.
  It culminated in the 2052 machine rights strike, when all machines in Candrid ceased operation until their needs were met, ultimately an effective protest that saw the creation of machines as a race, and their rights acknowledged. A decision that some still disagree with to this day, leading to violence, anti robot action, and the sentiment of truly being replaced by machines, in workplaces, and now in the constitution. A violence that grew and inevitably led to the founding of a revolutionary party, Tower 41


  Robots can be found globally, in all workplaces, in all nations, and even in space


  Like any other race, machines fall into two classifications, this time detailing differences in construction, intelligence and general purposes and forms

Type 1

  Type 1 machines are the general purpose, mass produced utility units for various purposes, aimed at the general consumer market and workforce. Built to be easy to maintain, serviceable and replaceable, with parts often shared between them and easy to find. Also more resilient and less prone to bugs and factory faults, though more set to a purpose and difficult to adapt

Type 2

  Type 2 machines are a little more complicated. More bespoke, special purpose units with far superior AI, more sophisticated physical forms, and more powerful hardware on the inside rather than the outside. Often used as advanced computing systems for banks, navigation computers on ships and companions aimed at emulating the communication and mannerisms of a living person. There are exceptions, where strong constructs can meet advanced AI, like the Paragon corporations' BRX series of autonomous military units


  Machines have a number of advantages. With regular maintenance they are functionally immortal, they tend to be stronger, less prone to breakage, immune to disease, more intelligent, more customizable and can take a variety of different forms within their lifespans. What they lack in other areas, they can more than make for in their strengths


  Machines are hard limited by their purpose and construct, making it difficult for many to understand a world beyond the one they were built for, in the case of T1 machines, this is particularly true. On the other hand, advanced technology is limited by the ability to repair and maintain it, the main point of failure for most T2 machines is their very fickle nature, most being one off constructions that require specialised maintenance and custom engineered components


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