Briona The Progenitor in Canim | World Anvil
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Briona The Progenitor

Briona the green goddess is worshipped as the earth mother and the source of all life. She is associated with both the bounty and savagery of nature, as well as fertility and healing. Typically depicted as a tree, it is believed that all plants are connected to her by their roots in the earth. She is especially important in the culture of the Fey Folk, as the Fey believe that they are descended from Briona herself. The Elves take this to mean that for the sake of mother Briona it is their responsibility to protect the woods and the wilds from monsters and people who would destroy them. They also believe it is up to them to mete out the gifts of Briona, that they may be used responsibly by all people. The Goblinoid races, however, interpret the importance of this lineage in a more extreme way. They believe that the growing societies of Humans and the Small Folk are directly threatening the domain of mother Briona. As such, there are many zealots in Goblinoid society who will violently guard against intrusion into the heart of the wilderness. Among more moderate believers, Briona is prayed to when in need of a good harvest, or to ensure numerous offspring.   Holy Symbol: Leaf Divine Domains: Life, Nature Sacred Oaths: Ancients, Redemption Otherworldly Patrons: Archfey

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