Port Aguala in Canim | World Anvil
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Port Aguala

Located on the largest of the Trinity Islands, Port Aguala is the commerce centre of Canim. Since it is located in the middle of Keremeos, Castides, and Erudites, it is the main place of trade between those cities. Port Aguala is a plutocracy, with the wealthiest merchants able to enforce psuedopolicies by the sheer momentum of the mountains of gold coins they wave about. The most popular god for the inhabitants of Port Aguala is Zern, though his worship is very personal and is not enforced in any way. Port Aguala is also a known pirate hub, and indeed many ill-gotten treasures turn up in the black markets there.   Primary Inhabitants: Sea Elves, Humans, Aaracokra Other Notable Inhabitants: Tritons, Rock Gnomes, Switfoot Halflings

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