Tenigar The Inevitable in Canim | World Anvil
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Tenigar The Inevitable

Tenigar is the god or goddess of entropy. They are associated with the darkness of night, the unstoppable flow of time, and the death that awaits all things. Depictions and feelings towards Tenigar vary wildly from people to people. When depicted as male, Tenigar is seen as a destroyer and an enemy to all life who takes the form of black-cloaked vulture who consumes life to fill his disgusting belly. When depicted as a female, Tenigar takes the form of a beautiful black raven, who carries people off into the realm of dreams where they may rest in the eternal comfort of death. It is said that Tenigar can be bargained with to gain eternal life, though it is also said that they never keep up their end of the deal.   Holy Symbol: Hourglass, Black Feather Divine Domains: Death Sacred Oaths: Oathbreakers Otherworldly Patrons: Undying

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