Tritons Ethnicity in Canim | World Anvil
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Tritons, sometimes called Merfolk, are sea-dwelling humanoids who live in neatly structured hierarchies. They are often confused with Sea Elves, though they do not share the same Fey ancestry, or pointed ears. Tritons are actually the ones who introduced the system of elections and representational governance to the surface dwellers. Tritons are considered the guardians of the sea, and have a very good relationship with Humans, High Elves, Sea Elves, and even Wingfolk who make their homes near the shores. This relationship is mostly predicated on the trade of goods that each race cannot find easily in their own habitats. Tritons have also formed a pact with the other races of Canim that ensures that the Tritons will protect the surface people from sea-dwelling monsters, provided the sea will is protected from overfishing and pollution.

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