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A Day of Reflection - Kolis-Tane

General Summary

Having rescued Myra from the temple of Mask, their enemies having taken several opportunities to escape, the group find themselves sitting in children's sitting room as Myra gets cleaned up in her room. As the group settles into the sitting room, baked goods are offered, clothes and wounds are mended, as the groups needs are attended to by the staff of the Stagwood Estate.  

Unending Night

As Myra sits on the bench of her bathroom pulling the splinters within herself out she feels her heartbeat in her throat as she feels woozy. Her back feels warm and she's not sure if it's the exhaustion or a trick of the light, but in the splinters in the pattern and space in between she sees a face. A face that once held a similar form, reflecting off the porcelain floor. Myra reacts instinctually taking an unlit candle from beside her and smashes it into the face in the floor.   There's a pulse through her veins as she contemplates it. She begins rocking, "I'm not - You're not - I'm not"   A new voice enters her mind, "Would it be so bad if you were. He was a man of conviction. A man of purpose."   To herself, Myra rocks, clutching the towel to her still bleeding wounds, "I'm not him. I don't want to be - I'm not..."   "It wouldn't change who you are, but what you could do... What you are capable of doing. That much power, don't you think you would be able to help some of those who might need it?"   The dead of their adventures flash before Myra's eyes, the people of Nightwell, the community center, the train station. "I don't have to be like him. I'm not like him..."   "You could be better," The familiar voice offers. "There are ways to be shown this. But you must be willing to embrace them."   "Shown?" Myra ask weakly.   "Quite." The voice pauses, "There will be a time, very soon, when your eyes could be opened to possibility. I hope that at that time you do not blink." Myra shuts her eyes tight and continues rocking, clutching herself trying to keep it together.  

The Parlor

Outside the tone is much lighter, as the Stagwood staff circulate dinner and anything else the group might need. Everyone feels exhausted as the constant assessing and pampering continues. Ky sits on the couch with the guys and Sarya has moved over to the main group but can't help but glance at Myra's door every few minutes. She watches as Lady Stagwood exits the room and has a moment with Lord Stagwood before walking over to Sarya and gently offering, "She is fine she is just getting cleaned up." Lord Stagwood stands guard by the door unable to decide if he should check on his daughter or not, eventually deciding to stay outside. Ayen has returned to the room and has placed himself at the table outside of Myra's door making notes within his book.   Ky explains the current situation in Nightwell, the town is rebuilding and expanding, the church bustling though he feels a large amount of that may be due to the fear from the previous situation. The Manten’Liche Army seems to be making regular trips back to town to get supplies for the force sieging Timeston. He turns to Hagren, "I heard you got a ship?"   "Yeah I did."   "How's that working out for ya?"   "Eh hit and miss."   "Huh, I've never been to keen on sailing or water but it could be fun."   "Not unless everyone wants to take a piece of your action.   "Is it a fancy ship?   "Too fancy! If I say so myself. everyone wants to get ahold of it and study it. It's getting hectic. Also I think maybe a mod is placing a hit on us if we don't comply."   Ky looks at the group bewildered, "You really do keep busy don't you? Well if you ever need a moment to relax I know an entire town of people who would be happy to celebrate you and you know well-"   "You talking about Nightwell?" Hagren asks, "I feel like we will decline the offer for a while..."   "Alright," Ky shrugs, "you know the keep there is unoccupied. No one knows what to do with it. Wow that must some ship. I mean my father sailed in the regatta and everyone loved his ship. But he didn't have people beating down doors for it."   "Guess I'm walking in his footsteps."   Ky laughs and leans in closer to whisper, "I'm sure you're a much better captain than my dad. He ah... wasn't the best and there was a reason why we had more then one ship in a year.... he crashed them."   "My advice, find the best chauffer you can find. Or sea captain, that can do it for him."   "Well if you ever want to retire I'm sure he would be happy to recruit you. I'm also sure he would be equally intrigued in whatever makes your ship fancy."   "This coming from a guy who ran away to join the clergy?" Hagren asks eyebrows raised.   Ky sucks in air from between his teeth, "yeah... I think that's the thing my sister and I agree on most." As someone comes to rub his neck, "The lifestyle... I didn't really agree to this kind of lifestyle. At least out in the world I feel like I'm doing something." He slaps Raijun on the knee, "I've heard you've gotten involved in becoming a philanthropist."   "Yes I philanthropize quite often," Raijun says tugging his imaginary lapels. "I realized you know once I buy a sword there's not really anything else I need except rice and ramen. So just trying to help out."   "That's good. Well If I can help introduce you to anybody or help with connections."   "Kinda curious about that Manten’Liche thing you were talking about. Are they just hanging out down there now?"   "Well after you all left they came in, well they were originally going to Timeston because of a possible religious relic. apparently there was some ancient pact that they could come take it regardless of what land it sat upon. But when they got there, that's when the crazy stuff, weird beasts and crazy monsters started appearing within the town. Of course they won't let anyone get close to the town because it's a holy relic. It's not a... honest situation," Ky admits.   "Is politics ever honest?" Raijun asks. "Well if it ever get's out of hand we are only a raven away."   "I can," Ky smiles, tapping his holy symbol, "I'll be sure to reach out to Gwen or my sister."   Raijun's face drops, "Wait she didn't tell you?" He looks around, perhaps looking for Myra so he can disappear. "I don't really know how to say it except to just say it... when we were at Vlypeum, we ran into some sort of primordial being and they fried Gwen and Tintreach on the spot. There was no way we could save them... I'm sorry Ky."   Ky just looks at Raijun as if waiting for the joke to land but after an uncomfortable couple of seconds, when it doesn't, the smile fades and he looks across the group. "I'm sorry... excuse me," Ky says, standing and retreating to where his father stands at the edge of the room.   Nari sits alone in the music room, having never exited after Ayen. She writes in a book, taking notes. As she works she sees the last set of words of her prophecies seem to shimmer as they being to solidify. She swears softly at the writing wishing it would resolve one way or the other. As she watches and lingers on it the final phrase starts to translate but the writing seems distinct from the other words that have come through.  

Myra's Bathroom

Myra can feel her pulse as the blood continues to flow freely from her. She applies pressure on the wounds trying to staunch it further as she attempts to keep her anxiety low enough to as not to alert the others via their mental connection. There's a knock at the door. Myra tries to say 'come in' but her mouth feels like it's full of cotton and what comes out is more akin to the cry of a wounded animal.   From outside, "Don't be naked I'm coming in." As Ky enters the room he takes in the bloody state of the bathroom, the trail from the tub to where Myra sits doubled over on the bench, towels sticky with blood, the dagger Myra used earlier still red and resting on the edge. He runs over to Myra sliding on the floor before her as the room lights up with light of new sun over a fresh summer morning. Myra sees and feels the aching of pain with each heartbeat, but with each breath in the light provided by Ky the pain dulls as the wounds start to knit. As the pain and adrenaline leaves her the exhaustion starts to hit as she feels the energy leave her.   The words Myra was hearing in the back of her mind fade into the distance as she focuses on the present, her brother in front of her. Ky shoves her from where he kneels, easily pushing her as she winces her back hitting the stone wall. "What do you think your doing?"   "Which part?" Myra asks, looking resigned to taking more blows. "Long night."   "What is all this?" Ky gestures around the room.   Myra takes in the room for the first time since being out of her panic surveying as Ky might. She raises her eyebrows, "It's not... It wasn't like... Let's be honest. If I was trying to kill myself it would be much cleaner," she laughs manically.   "Don't joke about something like that! It's bad enough that I've had to lie to mother and father about where you have been and saying that I had no way of getting in touch with you. But I come back, expecting triumphant stories, to hear that two of your party have been obliterated by a monster who came in from the sky through a rainbow and then you," gesturing around, "with half of you spilling out all over the floor."   The manic laughter drops to depression as Ky mentions the deaths of Gwen and Tintreach. A look of guilt strikes her face as quietly, "I was... going to tell you."   "I'm sorry. I know that they were good people."   "They didn't deserve what happened. And," She exhales, "there's nothing anyone can do about it now I suppose."   "You sure?"   Myra shakes her head sadly, "no body."   "Oh," Ky says quietly as he sits back on the opposing bench. The warmth still radiates off him as he leaves Myra's side. Myra leans down and scoops up one of the smaller peices of wood and chucks it at Ky. "Ew gross!" he exclaims.   Myra shrugs, "I did a dumb and I had to get it out okay? That's what - " she gestures around the room.   Ky looks mildly horrified, "you put it in you?! I'm not even going to pretend to know. Are you turning into one of those tree people?"   "Gods I hope not," Myra says putting her head in her hands.   Ky comes over again and touches her head, a blinding light radiates out. "Well that helped last time, but I didn't feel anything take hold or release. So... hopefully your not turning into a tree person. But that... I don't know. But," he says thoughtfully, "you always did have a stick up your butt so maybe it's just that..."   Myra can't help but laugh as she sits up and shoves him away, "you ass." As she does Ky seems to calm down seeing his sister return and he sits beside her again and they begin to catch up.   Outside the night continues as everyone is instructed to bathe as warm bathing accommodations are made. Some resist more than others, Raijun is forcibly thrown in causing his flotation duck to inflate, but eventually everyone find their way to a well deserved sleep.  


The following occurs over the following series of days. Myra is exhausted (lvl 3) going into the following few days.  


Hagren rises early the next morning starting his training, working on his footwork. Unlike other mornings, there isn't a beautiful display of sunlight dancing off the buildings in Lights Touch. The morning is quiet on the Stagwood Estate, the residual sounds of the city muffled beyond hearing. There are still some remnants from the party the night before but things are already being cleared and cleaned. As he runs around the estate Hagren notices a bush. At first pass it seems normal but as the bush starts to make faces at him each time he passes it Hagren gets more unsettled. Reminded of Nightwell, Hagren tries to avoid the bush, but as he passes it a final time it's figure resolves itself into that of Hagren's own face his tongue sticking out in jest. Hagren sighs, "Someone's messing with me," as he returns to the estate to report it to the Stagwoods.  


Sarya comes down in the morning looking for Myra. She doesn't have to go far finding the door to Myra's office ajar, Myra concentrating on some list she's working on. Sarya knocks on the frame. "Come in," Myra intones before looking up. "Oh Sarya"   "I'm so sorry."   "For what?"   "For everything"   "The part where my parents tried to marry me off? The part where you said you loved me?"   "No that part I'm happy with."   "umm the part where you fought against the people who were trying to kill us? The part where you came and got me back? I'm sorry I'm missing the part."   "It's my - It's not my fault. but I should have done more. I should have killed them all years ago."   Myra's eyebrows raise as she laughs, "That's a little drastic."   "mmm - they... I was afraid of them."   "They seem like reasonable people to be afraid of," Myra looks down at her hands which have started to tremor, tucking them under the desk quickly.   Sarya circles the desk taking one of the hands. "How are you doing? I know Lylah's here and all but she can only do so much."   "Frankly I'm exhausted," Myra smirks. Frowning, "But as much as I try to sleep I don't seem to get very much. But you know what else is new I suppose."   "At least you're trying... I haven't been resting well either." Sarya pauses, "how is your," she gestures to Myra's body indicating her skin.   Myra rolls up her sleeve exposing where one of the smaller areas of wood was previously. The skin is pink and new, but the wood is gone and it looks healed, "Good as new. Magical healing everyone should try it," Myra jokes. Sarya laughs. "Lylah says she doesn't think there will be a scar if she keeps at it a couple more days."   "I'm glad to hear that, though...."   "Though?"   "I can help but think I made it worse," Sarya worries, "For you, for Raijun and Adama, for Hagren. I was worried they would come after me and -"   "They didn't come after you," Myra cuts in. "Pretty sure we basically explicitly say that given that I'm the one they hauled off like a sack of potatoes."   "What if I led them to you?"   "If it makes you feel better the last time we encountered those people one of them had a notebook in their pocket which just listed every location Raijun had gone for the prior month and a half. It probably wasn't you is what I'm saying. Besides he's the one who's been running around yelling Nightblade as loud as he can. I think Drel'Themar hurt his ego a little bit more than he'd like to admit..."   "I suppose," Sayra concedes. "They didn't even notice him," She laughs.   Myra smiles, "He walks that fine line between not wanting anyone to know he's there because he's a sneaky ninja man and really wanting everyone to notice him."   "Oh, I thought it was mostly the latter." They laugh amongst themselves as Myra agrees. "Well then, if you're feeling better, maybe you could show me around the gardens a little bit? The last time I saw them we were running though them attempting to outpace Ayen so I'd like a proper tour if that's okay."   Myra smiles, "I know a better place anyway," she whistles and Spryg bounds into the room. Myra, still exhausted from the previous day's events forgoes walking instead making Spryg big and getting on. She leads Sarya out the back and they go on a gentle walk back through the gardens past the locations of the previous nights festivities. Myra leads Sarya down a path she clearly knows by heart deeper into the forest. A short time passes and the forest before them suddenly opens into a grove. A field of flowers lies dormant for the season, as a bench sits overlooking a small pond underneath a beetlebung tree. "I just come here to think. You know when it all gets to be too much." Myra slides off Spryg, who jumps up to sun themselves on a nearby boulder.   Myra sits on the bench as Sarya goes to the water dipping her toes in. "It's beautiful," Sarya compliments. The water has the chill of Rhymecalling and Sarya comes back to sit next to Myra on the bench. "So when you were little was this one of the places you would come to escape?"   Myra laughs, "And even when I was bigger honestly... I came out here a lot."   "I guess we're here now... so. What are we running from?" Myra doesn't answer, instead turning and moving close as if to kiss Sarya. There's just the smallest hesitation right before she does it as Sarya closes the gap reciprocating the request.  


As no one in the group seems to sleep much, Raijun was also up early in the morning as Hagren went out. Starting with his meditations, Raijun tries to reach out and connect to the Raven Queen for the first time since losing the scroll. As he sits in quiet contemplation he finds the connection to that part of himself does not come as easily as it did when he was attuned to the scroll. It is initially frustrating, but as he releases the frustration he feels that the path he is on is part of his mission. And that both the people that he travels with as well as something larger is with him in a different way. It feels comforting as though telling him all is not lost.   As Raijun comes to, he mutters to his empty room, "Man she is cryptic. I will figure out this puzzle," before turning his mind to other important items such as breakfast. As he goes downstairs he asks Max to send a message to Gameta asking what she might be doing for lunch. As he's waiting for a response Raijun notices Ayen. He looks tired, in a way he hasn't in the past days Raijun's known him. "Ayen, Senpai," Raijun bows half jokingly, "How are you today?"   "Yeah..." Ayen shrugs, "Any morning you can wake up is a good morning. Did you... Did you have time to take some rest last night?"   Raijun returns the shrug, "As much as I get these days. I find that over the last year or so I don't sleep much at all." He sighs smiling, "It is what it is. I just try to get rest in-between, recovery is important for the gains after all.   "Also is sleep," Ayen offers, "If you don't have sleep you can't have your metabolic cycle recirculate, and the rest and reestablishment of certain criteria both physical and not in your non waking hours are crucial for retention of said gains. You do have much to learn," Ayen smiles.   "Well I'm always down for new trainers-"   "Oh good then we start now," Ayen cuts off, as Raijun drops his pastry in an attempt to hurriedly get ready starting to go after Ayen. Ayen's eyebrows raise, "Not in the house." Raijun looks down, "Oh my bad."   "I learned that early on with Ky. No fooling around, otherwise you lose your pay for a year for some vase that gets knocked over." Ayen leads Raijun out into one of the gardens, similar to where the group had fought Ayen a few days ago during the 'escape'. "There are certain aspects that I could work with you , during you time here, to instruct you upon. These aspects could be used to help provide ways to hone your mind, body, and spirit against failure for your body to respond."   "I see. So it's not just about the dodge but learning about what happens after the dodge."   "Learning how to take a hit and still react afterwards."   "Are you telling me that I've been like rock this whole time and I need to be more like water?" Raijun says in awe.   Ayen scratches his head, "Yeah? Water is pretty malleable but also can cut through stone given enough time. It's a pretty immaculate and beautiful part of nature."   Raijun stares off in the distance, "Someone used to say the same thing to me..." He shrugs and squares up, "You're probably right I should learn how to take a punch."   "Alright then we begin." Over the following days Ayen works with Raijun to hone his Ki so that he can redirect and have stopgaps for when he is hit. So that he is not as affected by the hit in a way similar to what Iroh practices in not allowing him to be stunned. And while what Ayen is showing him is different, a more ancient method, it uses some of his body's residual energy to harden himself against stuns.   During the few days they work together Ayen imparts the wisdom but also conveys his confidence and respect for the training Raijun already has. He also suggests that, as long as Raijun is travelling with Myra, if he ever needed additional council or training he would be happy to provide it. He also shares over the week that as a fellow orphan, some of his upbringing was not dissimilar from that Raijun received. But it was through the engagement of a purpose that he found a better life for himself and made a better life for those he cared about.   "So how did you find that purpose," Raijun asks one day. "How did you know it was your calling?"   "Well sometimes... It just finds you," Ayen comments, rubbing his chest where Raijun has glimpsed a tattoo. "I was given the chance through... a mistake in my youth. And during that time... I was a bit of a roughhouse, thrill seeker, doing some things I'm not to proud of, and doing some things I was not too proud of. Well not to the same degree as your... institution. Btu robbing, stealing, it was through and opportunity or a failure at that time that I was able to find someone who saw potential in me and I found a greater purpose. I found a friend in Lord Stagwood, and through that purpose I now find myself here and very lucky that I made those decisions as I did."   "Well um... it kinda sounds like I got some reflecting to do. I mean I just want to give everyone a chance. Not everyone is as out of the box talented as you or didn't grow up as fast as I did."   "How old do you think I am?" Ayen leans in with a quizzical looks.   "Ahhh, the elf equivalent of 32?" Raijun asks.   Ayen laughs, "I appreciate that. A little bit higher but we won't go into details about that right now... Let's just say it took me a lot longer than you to arrive at the place that you are now. Both here," he says poking Raijun's biceps, "and here," he pokes Raijun's chest near his heart.   "Sometimes I feel like I could be doing more," Raijun admits " You know what I mean. I work hard but somedays I feel like I could work harder... like I'm not giving it my all. You know?"   "Yeah but that's selfish. If you just focus on empowering yourself how are you going to help lift others up."   "I guess that's what I mean. I feel like I could be doing more to help others. And I feel like it comes back to if I'm not the strongest I can be I can't inspire others to be the same way."   "Yeah but you'll get a little stronger tomorrow, and then you'll help some more people. And then you'll do the same thing the next day, and the cycle continues. But you just need to start on that path, and it's a good one. Just look at all the good you've done already. You've kept Myra alive, that's important."   "Yes, even though she runs right back into danger the moment she wakes up. I suppose that someone has to help..."   Ayen's tone shifts as he looks Raijun in the eye, "It is very important she is alive."   Raijun sweats a little, "Oh I'm gonna try to keep it that way."   "Good," He smiles his tone returning to a more jovial one. "But also don't make it too easy for her."   Raijun smiles, "Trust me man she has her hands full when it comes to dealing with me."   "Good. Between you and me it's a little payback for when she was a little one. She used to run around and cause all sorts of trouble."   "Now she has to corral me," Raijun beams, "I see."   "Yes it's a funny way that history seems to repeat itself."   "Okay well good cause tomorrow I'm going to tell her her notes are wrong and point to an obscure page and then wait for her to correct it."   "That is quite devious. I do not wish to be around to see it. But I will quite enjoy knowing that it is happening."   "It will probably take the better part of three hours... And now I have her cloak!"   "I suppose it depends on how detailed these notes are. You should see some of the drawings she made when she was a little one. Very detailed. Made absolutely no sense."   "Actually, for a logic oriented person, quite the artist. You'd be surprised. Usually those types, you know, they lean logic or they lean artistic. Personally I'm a big picture guy myself."   Ayen nods smiling, "I can see that. I do not care much for words either."   "Oh but the right words Ayen. The right words make a difference the wrong words dig you deeper into another hole."   "Very true did you read that somewhere?"   "Hah, reading, ahhh - no it's just one of my many philan-... phila..." Raijun seems to loose himself in thought. As the put down the tea and begin circling again, "Thanks Ayen, you know I don't really have anyone else to talk to about this kinda stuff. So I appreciate that someone gets the orphans thing."   "Yeah, you're not alone and I think you would find great solace in knowing that even by extending out a hand to those who would need it, like you have, that means a lot. It means a lot."   "If you ever want to be a guest star for a day, they would love to hear about your experience and how you got out of the rut. Successful people years down the road helps inspire the next generation."   Ayen stretches, "I do not believe I would be welcome by some of these individuals..."   "Is it cause they are drow?"   "Well so am I, "Ayen scratches his head. He rubs his chest, "My benefactor was not... and I may have strayed from a certain path that was expected of me in our culture. But it... worked out well for me and ...they hit really hard from what I remember... And I'm not looking to go back to under the roots any time soon."   "I get it it's not easy to face back the culture that you ran from - I kinda know from experience - but I can tell you, you can help people and make a difference. You might still have to take a whip crack or two, and trust me they do still hit hard, but if we train it should help us."   "There's no defense for the way those feet move and the way that they dance. But, maybe you're right. Maybe the first steps is getting knocked down." Ayen shrugs, "At least it is done by beautiful women."   "I'm not going to lie that is one of the more redeeming factors. I'm not just getting ragdolled by some sweaty ninja guy."   Ayen thinks a moment before shrugged, "Eh I could take that too. depends on the day," squaring up with Raijun again.  


Myra finds herself in a moment of solitude walking the grounds and gardens with Spryg supporting her, when she comes upon Nari within the stone work garden near the house. Nari seems to be working intently on something. "Nari?"   "Yes, oh hello. Oh I'm glad you're seeing fit to walk about that is good for the healing process."   Myra blushes, caught in an insecure place, "Yes I have been mandated at least thirty minutes of walking outside before I'm allowed to return to my office according to Lylah. It's probably good for something..." Myra pauses, frowning, "Have you been able to try to scry on... them."   "I have. It did not go well."   "Well I wouldn't fault you if you didn't want to after what you were saying about what happened with Alsume. I figured that Thueban might be more reasonable given that he's just a giant hunk of meat. Ah - I might have something for that." She reaches into a pouch at her side and pulls out a vial of green blood and offers it to Nari. "It should work if you're trying to scry on Thueban. Make it harder for him anyway. I found it at the lab..."   "You know Ayen doesn't give you enough credit."   Myra laughs, "What are you working on."   "An old project."   "Anything interesting?"   "Just some new information has come to light based on meeting the rest of your group. They certainly are a memorable bunch." Nari slides over a sheet of paper with the name "the dreamer" listed again and again.   "What is this?   "It's something that has perplexed me for most of my life." Nari sighs and relates to Myra detail about how she had them as a child when an illness almost killed her. It left her weak and is the reason why she has a smaller stature and thinner constitution today. She continues, relating to Myra a journey over the years to discover the meaning of the prophecy and the frustration at not being able to find answers. And she concludes saying that after she met her friends the other night things started clicking into place as the words stopped shifting.   "But it was only after you met them the other night?"   "Yes your companions certainly have an... affect on the space around them."   "Is there... one of these," brandishing the paper, "for every member of our group then?   Nari pauses, "Yes... there are."   "Would you like to share mine then?"   "hm... If I said a child of the dawn who would I be talking about?"   "In this city?"   "Yes. Maybe someone a little boring. Self concerned. Flashy?"   "Urza? I mean he's got the literal 'Dawn' in his name. If you are going for literal."   She leans closer looking deep into Myra's face, "how do you feel about him?"   "uhh... mostly ambivalent honestly?"   "You mean him no harm?"   "Not unless he does something stupid like the train again."   "What train?" Nari's eyes narrow.   "Oh," Myra runs a hand through her hair, "There was... on the way into Kolis-Tane we were on a train. And someone tried to explode the train. He's the most likely person to have hired the group ... though I doubt he knew I was on the train if he was going to explode the train." Nari's expression turns concerned. "Oh no he's infatuated with me... well he was last week I think..."   Nari looks down at her notebook, "Maybe some of my work is wrong... they're alive?"   "Urza? As far as I'm aware. When I last left him he was partying away at the Nal."   "Hmm funny how every time I'm brought in there's a connection back to that. Yeah..."   "The Nal?" Myra offers back the piece of paper, "I mean Hagren's doesn't seem to have any connection to that."   "No no, to you. Any time I get brought in it is somehow circled back to you. But I guess that's a story for a different time," Nari shuffles her papers tucking them away.   "What happened to you the other day, I'm sorry, it seemed like it was because of our group."   "You know I see things in a different way than most. But, that, seeing into someone else's addiction is a first. I can look upon and be guided by the aspect os fthe world and the weave that binds it. But that was not something I would like to experience again. You seem to have some sort of connection to it don't you?"   Myra exhales a breath, "That would be one way of putting it."   "Would you like to know how to understand that connection better."   Myra looks at Nari intently trying to hide her enthusiasm, "Very much so."   "do you have extra paper in your office?"   "If I don't I can get more," Myra suggests.   "Of course. Come I will show you," Nari stands" Do you have a blackboard or something?"   "Yes, it's a piece of glass and there's magical markers."   "Of course you would have one of those..." They riff back and forth for a bit about the merit of boards versus writing on walls. Nari suggests Myra just have someone clean her walls for her which Myra seems offended by. Eventually they make their way back to Myra's office.   Over the following days Nari teaches Myra some of the fundamentals of magic and how people pull magic from it. Myra asks after the prophecies several more times until Nari relents handing over a series of notes (see Nari's Vision). Nari seems supportive but reserved, unsure how much to share with Myra regarding both the arcane arts as well as further insights on her visions.  


Hagren find Sarya and Myra later in the day, "Your woods are infested with fairies."   "I mean usually," Myra replies. "Is there something wrong though?"   "The woods are mocking me," Hagren grouches.   "Oh, well that's rude. We should go tell it that it's rude." Myra leads Sarya and Hagren out, finding Birch who is already in the process of whacking a bush that is in their shape but with a bigger butt.   "Oh hello there," Birch waves as they approach.   "Birch so sorry to disturb, I see that you have also found one of these. Which I assume Hagren this is similar to what you saw earlier?"   Hagren nods as Birch prods the bush, "It be a jingawingas - in da bushes. It's getting close to that time of year. The solstice."   "Ah yes that would make sense," Myra nods as though that clearly clears up all questions.   "I need to do the work though. Not like this," They prod the bush with their stick, "Your mother will get very upset. Dat the bush look like this -"   "Ah yes, I can imagine that she would not enjoy... well really any part of that honestly."   "Don't worry 'bout it. I take care of it. Nooo problem."   "Hagren, it looks like Birch is on the case. Unless you would like to help beat some bushes? In which case you know have fun."   "Nah if this is going to be settled I'm okay with it," Hagren remarks turning back toward the house.   "Miss, maybe you help?" Birch asks Sarya. Sarya agrees and Birch gestures to another stick off to the side, "Take one of 'em beatin' sticks." Sarya smiles picking up a stick.   "Have fun beating around the bush!" Myra smiles, making her own retreat back inside.   As Sarya and Birch walk off Birch switches to sylvan, "You know it has been quite some time since they have been this playful. have you ever been to the Fey."   "No I haven't had the pleasure," Sarya returns.   "It's beautiful, everything with the lights. It almost feels like a dream and in that way it can get very odd. But in a good way if you know how to enjoy the dream that you are having." As they pass behind a bush they suddenly reappear at a bush down the path, "Oh darn it. It's acting up again."   "So I take it this is common for this time of year?"   "Yes even my own abilities seem to be active around this time. Someone with your deep connection might even be able to harness it in certain ways."   "Oh? How so?"   "Well I can impart some of my ways. But it is only limited to - you must hold in your heart in the truest of forms the aspects that are at the core of the fey. Merriment, trickery, and wrath." As Sarya aids Birch though she never sees any of the beings, she feels as though she is part of a little game and just by spending the time and having fun with it, Birch is able to impart to Sarya some of his knowledge.


Returning to the house on one of the later days, Hagren finds a letter for himself from a one Ryan Fortis. He has made arrangements for Hagren to come tour his and other labs, per his request at the Gala, to view in development gadgets. Hagren gathers the group, with only Adama bailing to go train with Ayen instead. Mr. Fortis arranges a time and place for pick up, meeting the group at the estate in person after spending a short period with Lord Stagwood in his study.   As the group travels to the lab, moving through the industrial and clockwork area that is the Spires, they all notice the city is in a somber state. The normal hustle and bustle set in the days previous seems to have ebbed. As they make their way outside the Forest Hills the city streets are almost barren, the towns guard are out in force as they pass a section of the city that, for almost half a block, has collapsed into a sinkhole. Not too dissimilar from the wreckage the rest of the group found themselves in after escaping from the tram. Areas of debris and damage and even from below, they can see that the paneling that was used to reflect the sun akin to a morning prayer are all damaged and shattered.   Making their way through the streets they eventually turn down a street, workers and constructs working in tandem to clear the shattered glass of the surrounding buildings. "Well you see," Mr. Fortis indicates, "as I have been made acutely aware after the festivities the other night, that you were involved in one the collapses of Zap's greatest tragedy. There were many that warned those sorts of rail systems do not belong underground but no one seemed to care seeing as that was where the money was coming from."   Myra furrows her brow, "The tragedy the other night should not be blamed on Zap as it was not... his failure."   Fortis's eyebrows raise, "Well there were certainly some weaknesses exposed in there," revealing a newspaper from under his arm. The front cover reads, "Tram Tragedy - Zap industries to Blame?" Myra spots that below the fold a second headline reads, "Stagwood Gala, an evening among the Stars".   Myra asks for the paper and Fortis readily hands it over. She scans the tram article quickly, noting that the writer blamed some mechanical and magical malfunctions on the train suggesting that it generated the blast that caused the station to collapse. The disturbance caused similar failures in adjoining stations. She frowns and moves onto the next article. The article about the gala details the safe return of the 'hero' Myra Stagwood as well as her adventuring companions the Wardens of the Weave, as they are greeted by the council of Kolis-Tane as well as other dignitaries. The reviews how their resolution in the Beholden crossing has restored trade and commerce. A wonderful evening was had in which Stagwood Futures was announced and will be helmed by Lord Stagwood with partner Ryan Fortis.   Myra can't help but let a bit of disappointment slip across her face as Raijun reads over her shoulder and cheerfully announces, "See Myra that's brand recognition!"   "Certainly an exciting bit of news this morning." He scratches his head, "It was an eventful evening last night and I'm very happy to embark upon this investiture of business with your father and your family. And I hope that some of the relics and items you bring back amongst your mission and travel will continue to serve the company your company is building in a new and prosperous way." Myra gives a practiced smile nodding, it not fully reaching her eyes.   A short while later they arrive at a workshop, a true artificing space which used to be an old factory as there is a static feature of bits and bobs along the ceiling as remnants of cloth and fabric still clings to come of the walls. "This is one of my satellite areas," Fortis explains where different aspects of the artificing community can have access to tool and other materials. There have been some items that we are now looking to capitalize on under the Futures brand but I thought I would show them to you all first.   Fortis shows the group:
  • A coin that deploys a trap that suspends someone in air
  • A small tracking ball
  • Harness that allow individuals to swap places
  "Was there any other places I might be able to open a door for you? I saw that another of your companions was speaking to Mr. Thompson?"   "I think you were interested in their potential ship work weren't you?" Myra adds as Hagren agrees.   Fortis leads the group over to the Thompson building. The Thompson building, identifiable from the large insignia on the outside, seems almost pristine and untouched in comparison to the surrounding area. As Fortis walks the group in the familiar sound of dropping papers echoes in the foyer as the group turns to see Miss Carter.   Raijun and Sarya notice that on top of the usually elevated level of stress they had come to associate with Ms. Carter she also appeared a little hungover. "No! No, no absolutely not. I'm not dealing with him today," pointing at Raijun. "No, no, no," She begins to walk away.   Raijun looks stunned, "I said I'm sorry like fifty times I wrote you a letter and gave you a book. What else do I have to do?" As Myra more quietly quickly approaches Carter to help with the papers Raijun whispers to Sarya, "In your experience, how long does a lady stay mad if you wronged her? Because its been months and she still mad at me."   Sarya looks pensive, "Months... Years...? I've heard centuries before."   "Centuries?!? By the gods..."   As Myra brandishes the Thompson crest previously presented to them the security waves them past the checkpoint, allowing them to catch Carter as she picks up her papers. "Miss Carter, if you have a moment?"   Miss Carter flushes, "Yes miss Stagwood. I'm sorry for my outburst just a lot is going on today... What can I help you with?"   Myra gives Carter a once over, "Are you okay?"   "Ah I might of indulged a little too much the other night..."   "Hagren was interested in some of your companies work if you have a moment, but I... I was rather hoping - wondering - if you had considered my previous letter?"   "Or any of mine," Raijun chimes in.   To Raijun, "No." As she's picking up the papers and organizing herself Myra notices that the book she's using is one of her own journals, the one that Raijun gifted her previously. Myra speaks mentally, "Raijun, notice the book, but maybe don't comment explicitly here.... "   "So she uses my book but still yells at me, where is the justice?!" Raijun responds mentally. Sarya nudges Raijin and winks. "What does that even mean?"   Myra refocuses on the conversation as Carter pulls her things together, saying sadly, "Maybe we could revisit that at a later time. I'm very grateful upon the offer and your vote of confidence but I have a lot to do right now. I'd be happy to give you a tour. I'm sure Mr. Thompson, though he is in a meeting right now would be very interested in talking about some of the opportunities you all have had and how a better partnership can be formed going forward."   Myra gathers some of the papers from the floor, a small note appearing on one of them as does so. The notes reads "Do you need help? -M", Myra slips it between several others and hands them back to Carter. Out loud, "Do you need any help?"   "Ah no, I'm quite used to this," as with a wave of her hand the remaining papers return back. "Very well this way. Is there anything particular that you were hoping to see in our reserach endeavors this morning?"   "I had heard that you had some fantastic shipwrights, Hagren is always looking for new things for Reach. But other than that I'm happy to just take a tour."   "Ah well, maybe just the ship work, although I do not know how it stacks up to the vessel you are currently the captain of," nodding to Hagren. "But I'd be happy to share and show what we have going on for a potential partnership as I'm sure you have been facilitating many requests."   "Yes," Hagren agrees. "I just want to keep updated on the current shipping technology."   "Certainly, we have some research going on with cannon systems, navigation, sail infrastructure is being started. All with in the realm of confidentiality of course." Hagren and Myra agree. Ms. Carter hesitates, "I might have to ask you, Miss Stagwood, to remain outside given the announcement at the gala the other night. As one of the chair persons on the Future's board, it might be a conflict of interest and I don't have the paperwork right now to facilitate and - "   Myra cuts her off gently, "I'm happy to wait outside."   "Thank you for understanding."   Myra nods, Raijun looks between them, "Do I have to wait outside?"   "You were not mentioned as part of the provisional board but..." Carter's eyes light up at her sudden power, "Yes. You do." A smile appearing across her face.   "I'll bear these punishments my lady if it means regaining your trust," Raijun bows.   Before Myra leaves Hagren pulls her off to the side asking if they had built anything to quickly record the plans. Myra apologizes but says that while she could easily recreate a copy she doesn't have a way for Hagen to do that. She does however hand him a fountain pen for 'taking notes' as she mentally conveys that this is a tiny servant that will follow instructions to scope out and or attempt to take the blueprints if an opportunity arrives.   Myra and Raijun excuse themselves stepping outside. Sarya and Hagren continue, led by Carter, into a hallway office space where Carter seems to be handing off papers and forms. She pauses several times to sign forms herself or forge Thompson's signature, "Right this way to the codex." She leads them to a door with a series of cranks at the side, Carter apologizes for the security measures and opens, as it does the picture on the other side of the door changing. "You should be aware the individual we have working on these projects to be a little bit odd at times... Just don't ask what's in the pouch." Hagren and Sarya nod in agreement.   As the group walks through the door they find themselves at a seaport. Before them the see a cannon target range, cannonballs suspended in an odd substance. They see a mossy green firbolg directing the other artificers, Carter walks the group over introducing them to Monty.   "Ah yes the research vessel that we are looking at for the - "   Miss Carter interrupts "Yes! the one at the beholden crossing. The one that can flew. Captain Hagren here, had some questions about some of the projects we have going on. Please be kind and answer any questions within reason." Monty nods and looks to Hagren for more information on what his is looking for. Hagren indicates that he's just interested in learning more about the leading tech in the space.   "From what I hear your ship is ahead of many of ours but I'd be happy to show you around." Monty shows Hagren and Sarya a number of things including:  
  • A boat that can be controlled remotely to help track fragments of Vlypeum still under the surface
  • Variable size monition cannons - can shrink to size of fist, easier to swap, can easily make shot of other shot by shrinking/growing it
  • Cannon - solidifies things that are put in into cannonball shape so that it can be fired - demoed with an ooze like material and an office chair
  • Cannon - Specific for targeting sails - creates wind that seems to shred the sails of the test vessel - slow recharge
  • Sails with able to stand the feats of nature - not demonstrated
  As Monty is talking Hagren tries to take notes on the locations of things but is quickly stopped by Carter and Monty. He tries to write the notes once more their backs are turned but Sarya slaps the "pen" out of his hand knocking it to the floor where it conveniently rolls out of sight, as the tiny servant waits out of sight listening to the conversation for information where it may need to go next.   As they listen Carter is clearly not the closest with Monty as several times he indicates things like "Not having time for paperwork," or not knowing the division name he works under. Some of his engineers also seem to enjoy pranking Monty by doing things like putting his chair in the cannon.   Hagren is about to be shown the plans for the sails when Monty asks about Reach and its capabilities. This sets Hagren off after having just talked about the importance of the sails. Hagren bemoans that everyone wants to know about the flight prompting Monty to ask, "Well yes wouldn't you want to be able to fly?"   "I'm already doing it," Hagren responds with a straight face.   "Oh yes!" Monty exaggerates, "Says the person with the flying ship! Oooh. I'm developing unique apertures and abilities for current ships but the man with the flying ship thinks he's all high and mighty. You know what you are quite rude sir! I'm not going to show you my plans for my sails."   "I think you're undervaluing the importance of developing current ships," Hagren argues. "But it seems to me you want to jump to the future instead of looking at the present."   "Well in the future we'll all have flying ships and it will be because I invented it. Not because of your flying ship! Me!"   "Exactly, now let's see those sails," Hagren pivots.   "No, you are not allowed in my office," Monty crosses his arms as underneath a desk a pen starts rolling towards the office. "I wish for you to leave! Miss Carter I have other work to get to," as he dismisses the group turning around.   Sarya, to one of the engineers Jerry (the same one who did the chair prank), "Flying is pretty cool."   "Oh yeah you fly often?"   "Yeah."   "That must be super cool! I mean I would love to fly sometime."   "Would you like to? We can right now?"   "Um you know I'm at work right now. But maybe we could meet up later and go flying around the city. I hear it's nice..."   "I mean I was just gonna show you right now... We don't have to. I'm sure someone else can show you how to fly. Enjoy your day!" Sarya says not understanding any of the potential date implications.  

Outside - Myra and Raijun

Outside Myra and Raijun perch up on a bench waiting for Hagren and Sarya to emerge. Myra chews on her cheek, "I'm worried she might be in trouble."   "Crippling debt will do that to you," Raijun answers.   Myra nods tapping her nose in an 'exactly' manner, "Probably not the best line of questioning to pursue in the corporate HQ though... 'Hey do you hate your boss?' " Myra mockingly yells in the bond to Raijun.   "Why are we here anyways? We also hate her boss," Raijun asks switching to exclusively mental chat.   "I believe Hagren agreed to steal something in return for ship repairs." Myra shrugs, "And as you make progress in one direction I seem to slide the other way...."   "What do you mean by that?"   "I usually try not to condone stealing. But," Myra shrugs, "Nari mentioned what she saw from Irik."   "Wouldn't put it past him to work with whoever gets the job done," Raijun adds. "Though it begs the question as to how bad he wants it, to contract the Immortals from this far away would cost an exorbitant sum...what is exacerbating Thompson himself to pull out all the stops?"   "I didn't get the chance to talk to him .... the other night, but he seemed quite familiar with the Slekul delegation correct? I wonder if my parents heard anything about his son...."   "Seems like he knows anyone with some serious firepower well enough to hire them or build relations, I wonder if his son's death affected him more than he lets on, despite how he talked about him like a disappointment. But I wonder, what's his end goal? All these factions he spins around have different goals and agendas, what does he hope to ultimately gain?"   "I don't know. But I'm curious. If I had......." Myra looks distant for a second "Not made it the other night. My parents would not have accepted that outcome. And I wonder if Thompson isn't the same..."   "He must've spent a fortune on restoration/revives before he realized his soul was stripped, I wonder if that drove him off the deep end. All the worlds resources and nothing you can do in the end. Maybe he thinks the necro scroll can bring him back? That being said I could see my clan having many uses for such a scroll themselves.."   "That's right. I had forgotten the sword...." Myra trails off, "And what the hell did Alsume mean 'his mission' it seemed separate," she rubs her neck for a moment.   "He seemed the shifty type, I'm not sure I'd take him at his word. Also, I noticed something from Iroh, he called up some dark power I've never seen with the necro scroll, I swear I heard abyssal on the wind and that power seemed quite unnatural"   "I - ah - don't think I saw that one... Maybe Nari could show me."   "You were passed out or in Dragon form, which sucks because you didn't get to see my Plus Ultra Steel Wind Strike but he unleashed his own special move shortly after before escaping."   "Was he already attuned to it? That would be so fast. How'd he bypass the ten day study...Concerning..."   "Don't think he did, blew up his hand trying to use it in front of me."   "Oh well that makes me feel slightly better."   "So I'm thinking this dark power was gifted elsewhere..."   "In the train station Iroh did something to me... It was like I couldn't move but he didn't touch me," Myra muses.   "One time, when I was younger, I spied on Iroh one day, he and the other elders got together and spoke about a ritual nearing completion, around the timing of our final trials. They referenced another person but I dared not get any closer to find out who but...they spoke of him with fear and reverence, and like he was more than a man... They were always obsessed with Abyssal, we used it as our comms language, wrote it in, got bonuses for abyssal artefact extractions.."   "I wonder if Nasir speaks Abyssal," Myra wonders.  

Old Friends

As Sarya and Hagren exit, "Well he usually does have a temper but that's about par for the course," Carter apologizes. "If you did wish to discuss the plans further we would certainly be open to it. But I understand you are busy and have things to do. But just know that the doors to the Thompson Trade corporation are always open to you if you so choose to seek continues partnership." As they exit she points to Raijun, "Except for you," To the rest of them, "he's not allowed."   "What did I do?!" Raijun exclaims.   "You know what you did," Carter crosses her arms.   "I offered the same thing to somebody else and they jumped up in joy at the idea of helping the Wardens and doing brand manager stuff. I thought it would be the best thing for you. If you want to hate me that's fine but I wish you would just see that I was being genuine." Raijun sees a disappointed look on her face as it turns bright red in embarrassment as she goes to storm off.   Myra catches that it wasn't the end of Raijun statement that stung but the beginning as the potential loss was incurred. Myra gives Raijun a pitying glance as he turns to her confused before firing off a message in the fading Carter's direction, "Our doors are always open you need only ask."   There's a pause before Carter's voice comes through, "You do not know the true hell I am putting up with here."   "I would like to," Myra responds softly but there is no further reply   As Raijun and Myra watch Carter walk off sadly, Sarya gets a sense of foreboding coming her way. She focuses and looks around trying to pinpoint the location, ahead she see's a figure. Ironclad, large imposing figure and form, helmet wreathed in blood and the decadence of flame. And in a blink they are gone.   "Hey Hagren," Sarya yanks on his shirt.   "What's up?" Hagren turns.   "Did you see the guys? With the fiery head?"   "Who the firbolg?"   "Nope... don't worry about it." Sarya says hastily. Hagren shrugs, no longer worrying about it.   As the group exits the lobby returning to the city, Sarya knows that out there, probably close, someone is watching. And is coming for you.
Report Date
08 Sep 2022
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