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Above the Crowds - Campfire

General Summary

As the Wardens find themselves in the bright light of day,   Myra walks over to Raijun, "I believe you. For what it's worth. Something is off I just can't make sense..." She holds the side of her head her eyes unfocusing for a second, before looking confused, she smiles embarrassed, "Sorry what was I saying? I must not have slept well last night my head seems stuffed with cotton today."   "Somethings off alright...I just cant focus long enough to figure it out...whatever it is, its power is suffocating & constant."   "Right. Yes it's like there's these blank spaces. Like when you have the word on the tip of your tongue... but it's more than a word. I wonder..." She trails off again getting the same confused expression, before refocusing. "I like your new cloak it looks very... billowing. Does that mean I can have my old one back? I think someone else might be able to make use of it."   "No I'm gonna double cloak, it helps me blend into the night...and so darkness I become..." he turns invisible though you get the sense he hasnt actually moved. As Raijin’s cloak billows in the wind, it looks majestic, each flap of the cape further cementing the awesome hero pose. Until Raijin turns just slightly to the side and a gust of wind grabs the cloak and then blows the cloak over his head and it gracefully lands down in front of him, still billowing and nearly suffocating him   "Very mature." Myra sighs running a hand through her hair, "Well this is why I moved the enchantment over to another cloak three days ago..." She pulls out another cloak, still green as they all seem to be, and the golden thread she's used to embroider sigils on the inside glints faintly. "I want you to know I could find you but I do not care enough to burn a spell," As she walks over toward the rest of the group.   "You might find me, but you'll never catch me!" Raijun shouts from the shadows, having made it to the group by the time Myra taken a few steps. Despite his typical exuberance, he is quite concerned. Myra usually figures these things out, but she seems affected, and unable to snap out of it. Raijun tries to think back to where it started but it seems like a force is impacting his ability to do so. He calls out a silent prayer to the Raven Queen before becoming visible again and sighing to himself.   Approaching Amelie, Myra offers the folded cloak she pulled from her bag with the healing potion she had tried to give Amelie earlier sitting on top. "I understand you're capable but this might help."   Taking the cloak from Myra "thank you child you truly have a generous heart" Looking down at the new land scape, "I have never dreamt of seeing sunlight again, I forgot how warming it is on the skin"   "I'm not going to make anyone else an orphan if I have a say in it," She looks off distantly before returning to herself. "Does that mean we've made it further than the others you mentioned?"   "It is like trying to remember a dream after waking - the details get fuzzy after a time. And it is seems like it has been a time" Amelie cocks her head "What of your dreams? The look behind your eyes always seem like they are thinking of a solution of a problem they were never asked to solve"   Myra looks down to her feet, "I know. I often wonder if I do more harm attempting to aid than if I didn't attempt at all." She looks at her hands, which appear raw from rubbing, perhaps from trying to get the blood of the Devas and Gold dragon off. Still looking at her hands, "As for my dreams... Well, I don't know if what I have would count as dreams. If I get lucky I fall through the darkness or work to the pounding of my hammer until the sun rises."   "Your mind rushes even when it is meant to rest" Both of her eyes begin to to glow with an intimidating malevolence, "My offer still stands to help... everyone deserves to rest and even to dream"   Myra laughs weakly, "Yeah racing mind is kinda my -" She breaks off as she looks up to find Amelie's eyes glowing. Her brows knit together, "Are you ok?"   "Fine dear," Putting a darkened hand with a surprising amount of strength, "Let me guide you," Moving her head around provocatively, "Let me give you the rest you need."   Myra eyes glaze briefly before she pulls back, trying and failing to break her grip, shaking her head as though trying to clear an unwanted thought, "Please let go. I don't know... What are you trying to do? I don't want to hurt you."   In the near distance, Raijun is watching this scene closely from the distance, one hand clenched.   "My dear i sense your nightmares, they are ..... intoxicating," Although the grip on Myra's shoulder is gone the eyes continue to deliver their piercing gaze.   As the grip is removed Myra sways slightly, stumbling back a step or two before sitting in the stadium seating. She rubs her eyes, suddenly looking exhausted, "I don't think I've ever heard the word intoxicating used in reference to nightmares... Unless it's me intoxicating myself in an attempt to not have them. You called yourself the eater or nightmares before. Back in the room with the rocks that had arms like ropes. What exactly does that mean? I assumed at the time that you were being metaphorical..."   "While the visions that come to me are cryptic and metaphorical the words from my mouth are not." While still imposing in presence Amelie has physically backed off, "I could take them away from you - all that curse you -work through the fear and daemons that cause you such nocturnal pain"   Myra's shoulders curl as she rests her head in her hands, her hair falling to cover her face as she seems to slowly curl in on herself. Quietly, "I don't believe you." She raises her head just enough to look Amelie in the eyes, despondent, "You think I haven't tried?"   "Ah but you are using the toll that is the source of your problem" Curling her fingers underneath Myra's chin, pulling her gaze up slightly, "I have a few tools of my own."   Myra's eyes hold the longing of someone abandoned in the desert who has glimpsed water, "No tonics. The last time..." She shudders at a memory. "You really think you can do something?"   With the warmness and softness of a mother, eyes softening and the viciousness behind them fades "Yes my dear if we can make it out of this labyrinth I can help"
Report Date
02 Mar 2022

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