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Around the House - Campfire

General Summary

Due to the number of conversations I've tried to split up the notes by room and who was present  

The Music Room - Nari and Ayen

As Adama slips out from the music room Ayen feels a tap at his mind. A hesitation that hasn't been there in years, as Nari's voice softly asks in his mind, "Can we talk?"   Ayen nods into the room for Nari to join him. Nari enters silently, closing the door behind her. She takes a seat on the couch farthest away from Ayen. She looks at the floor, "I'm sorry."   Ayen stays by the door for a moment takes a deep breath and then makes his way over to the couch and plops down “What happened back there?”   Nari gives a nonchalant shrug but when her arms come down her hands are shaking badly, "I tried..." She gulps her hands shaking worse at the memory, "Alsume? The remaining wizard, said something... I don't know what it was anymore... It's unimportant. And I thought... I thought it would be helpful to know what he meant. So I attempted to probe into his mind... Like I did with the bard earlier. But something happened. I'm sorry it was stupid to think that someone with a greater capacity to manipulate magic wouldn't be prepared... There was a backlash and I had spent my capabilities to prevent some... " She pauses thinking of Ayen in Thueban's jaws, the last use of her portends for the day, "more important events."   She breathes deeply the shaking growing worse despite her efforts, "It was like touching the live wire of magic. And then it was gone and there was the hole, this ache that I felt with every fiber of my being that I needed to find a new source." She laughs harshly at herself, "Decades of training and careful study out the window. It didn't even matter that I still had magic in me. I needed more and I would have done anything to get it." She looks ashamed.   She laughs cruelly at herself again, "They think that was me trying to hurt them Ayen... But the truth is so much worse isn't it? Cause we both know that I held back. It took everything in me to do it. To keep that last piece. That was me not caring."   Ayen exhales deeply letting his neck crane over the back of the couch “Is the feeling still there? Do we need to get Layla in here?”   Nari shakes her head, "When I grabbed the evocation anchor it ended." She pauses, "No that's not true. It felt like the best rush I've ever had. It wasn't at all like my episodes. It was like... the feeling when you understand something and now there's a new possibility. But the possibilities seemed endless. Then it ended. And you were on the ground and all of the bonds that were forgotten came rushing back. And I watched as Smiles almost broke apart and knew it was my fault." She pauses, "I should probably have Sunshine look at me later," she takes a breath wrapping her arms around herself, "I don't know if it will come back... I'm terrified it will."   She unpins something and offers Ayen a small brooch, her pass to cast magic on the estate, "I will understand if this is not enough to assuage your worries. If you need to take... other measures I'll cooperate with what you think is best."   Without looking up Ayen waves his hand dismissively, "Relax everything turned out okay, and sometimes things happen were you lose control for a moment. I know for you that is not an easy concept to come to terms with but raising his head with a smile let not make a habit out of it. You're good people Nari, that scumbag isn't anything more than a little case of the bad bleeds, just don't let it turn into anything more."   Ayen goes to get up but winces, and just falls back comedically onto the couch, "Geez when did you get so loud and strong- been a while since I have been this sore. Gonna have to wait a day or two before I start training Hothead and Nightblade, they might actually do some real damage if I am not careful. Getting old ...... not fun"   Some of the tension leaves Nari's shoulders at Ayen's words as she wordlessly closes her hand around the brooch and reaffixes it to her cloak. She smiles, "Oh you're getting old? At least you get to stay pretty." She pauses unsure whether to push, "Are you going to tell me what happened with you? I don't need any powers to know that if I hadn't blocked off that portal you would have followed them through. Regardless of the fact that Smiles wasn't out. You looked like you were at the end of your rope when I opened my door earlier. I know you have plans, and contingencies, and plans on those contingencies for anything happening to anyone in this family. So what happened Ayen?"   Ayen stands up wincing with the pain in his side to face out the window into the courtyard, "I failed in the one thing I promised myself I would never do. That kid is so bright and full of hope and the expectations and plans in motion for her that are being woven by this family I promised myself I would protect her from that. Ayen turns to Nari tears dripping from his eye At a moment where I needed to be that shield I acted out of duty not out of conscience. I can't come back from that.... not in her eyes... not in a way that matters."   He sighs, "Might have just been this," he rubs his chest under his shirt, "or might just have been not wanting to face her but I was going to follow them to hell and back to make sure that she knew...." Ayen trails off and looks back out the window.   Nari comes up behind him and pokes him in the sore side with her staff, "You bloodydamn idiot. She doesn't need a martyr. Or do you think she would blame anyone but herself if you got hurt for her?" She touches a hand to her temple drawing out a thin strand, "There's something you should see," she offers her hand the strand swirling in it.   Ayen winces at the poke. “You know I don’t live in the past gently pushes the hand aside all that matters is that she is back and safe I can live with my own choices in time”   "Fine," Nari touches the memory back to her temple reabsorbing it. She turns her back to the window so she's facing Ayen, "Then let me tell you. The only thing you can't come back from with that girl is if you give up on it. On her. You don't live in the past? Then don't spin this bloodydamn tale like dying is the only way she'd know how much you love her. Can whatever that is," gesturing to his chest "bring you back from the dead? Because the only thing putting yourself through hell would do would be dragging that girl along with you."   Ayen pulls their shirt over his bloodied chest, "Depends where I am and what time of year but I would rather not cash that in if I didn't have to - but for her the time would always be right. For the boy too but he could be a little shit some times," Ayen says with a smile. "Thank you... for your help and for," pause, "sticking around." Ayen give Nari a quick two pat guy hug, " So the question is where did those fuckers go...."   "Well because of my lapse in judgement there are maybe multiple groups. I can try to look tomorrow but I'm tapped for tonight unless you want me to try using that scroll again," Nari looks like she would rather eat dirt but is clearly willing to put aside her personal feelings for what Ayen thinks is right. "There's something else you should know about though. Related to my project..."   Ayen's eye brow raises" You are still working on that- wow really has you stumped doesn't it?" He jumps up to sit in the window sill looking down at Nari, "Well what other bad and world ending news do you have for me?"   "I'm not... I mean I wasn't....I stopped." She pauses, looking out the window, "I lost so many years of my life to it. I thought I needed to move on. I hadn't thought about it in months. But in the carriage earlier...It stopped changing." She pauses, "Ayen, I know what it says. Well... part of it. I've been a little distracted so it's been kinda going on in the background and there's only so much multi tasking I can do between looking for invisible devils, tracking Smiles, nearly loosing my mind twice." She swaps to talking mentally, "It's about them Ayen... Smiles too" Aloud, "I don't know why now. Maybe karmas a bitch. I know that what I wrote is true. But there's something off... Perhaps it is one of the many truths that did not come to pass for us. But then why give it to me?"   Ayen with only ever the one eye visible blinks, "What..... how am I suppose to know what your crazy mystery note means? How many words from unknown sources exist in this world and look at all the crazy stuff that happens when people listen to them. Dare I ask what happens in this story you have all the sudden discovered?"   Nari pauses. Mentally, "Is Myra related to Ky?" Ayen Looks deeply at Nari as his jovial trying to relax demeanor shifts over a moment. Nari's next pause is longer, and when it comes through even in his mind it's only as a whisper, "Is she related to you, Ayen?"   Ayen's eye narrows, "Nari watch yourself..."   Nari searches Ayen's face but seeing him closed off just looks down at her hands, wringing them. Hurt, she wraps her arms around herself, "Just my 'crazy' notes right? That's all they've ever been. Guess you don't want to hear the rest then..."   “What did you learn? What did your writings say about my.. Smiles?” Ayen looms over Nari in away she has rarely seen before the events of the past evening.   Nari turns to look out the window, arms still wrapped around herself, there are tears just forming at the edges of her eyes, "How long have we known each other Ayen? Have we made it to half a century yet? What does that buy me? Am I still good people... Or is this too much? Should I escort myself downstairs?"   Ayen looks to Nari and puts a hand on her shoulder “What does it say?” Ayen stairs eons though Nari with the ferocity of armies looking through her in this moment.   The tears roll down Nari's cheek, "Do you want me to paraphrase? Or do you want the whole thing Ayen? If I start speaking it I won't be able to stop. Not like this," Gesturing to how battered and tired she looks. "And if I speak it aloud I can't promise it will be quiet."   “Do what you must but I want you to spit it out I am starting to really get a head from all the twists and turns tonight “   Nari nods and takes a step back, she starts shaking violently as her eyes turn indigo, her tattoos glowing in tandem. The voice that leaves her mouth is not hers,   "The princess of privilege was born to a family of the highest society and respect. She grew up wanting for nothing and was exposed to the very best of culture, education, and riches. Her family's place in the world was already very well established and respected and loved by many. But on the inside of the gilded walls, a hollow apple grew from the family tree. Between the lessons, the galas, and fundraisers there were times of true perceived joy of a family raising their only child. In all the time in between, the child was alone, no one to paly with, no one to guard her so she found a special place in the garden to play. The princess was an observant child, watching every step, every conversation, that seemed to be the game her parents played. Seeing the aptitude their daughter had for all types of learning, they decided to focus her efforts on social politics as that was the best way in their minds for her to succeed. As with all things she began to excel and her parents began to present her more to society. And society was thrilled. Their shining doe of a daughter displayed beauty, with a shy demeanor that made the wall flower shine bright, and with a rare appeal. It was not long before the first suitor was presented to her. And the pieces were placed onto the board.   While on paper the golden doe matched well with the heir of the dawn, the princess found this child to be a bore. He was much to brash and lacked any sort of ambition other than to show his wealth, and compromised his ability to play the game she had studied so hard to master. To clear her mind and plot her moves she found solace in the grove at the end of the family grounds, a special place of solace and power where she could be her true self. Between all the galas and fundraisers she had to endure, she studied her behavior, only to grow to further distance from him. The doe strained under the clash between her views and that of the heir of the dawn until it was announced by her family the two were to be married. The board tilted, the game askew. This would not stand in her plans, the game was the purpose. The game is what mattered, not the ambitions of other, she had her own plans and would not be everyone else's pawn. In the interim she focused her studies on her husband to be, watched his every move, learned all his likes, studied the business of his family. The wedding was a truly extravagant affair, the doe and the spoiled child of the dawn now wed. The heir of the dawn was in rare form, as this was his special day, all from him as he collected his trophy. But as the night went on it just so happened that his drinks hit him a little stronger than normal, his drunken celebration reaching its apex as he caused a scene in his drunken ignorance and wandered away from the party. Just into the very quiet grove as his bride planned he would. Queen takes king. "   Nari's eyes return, the glowing fades, but the shaking grows more violent as her legs give out from under her.   Ayen contemplates the worlds he hears deeply then begins to laugh, “She would never," laughter, "to him," laughter, "oh my," laughter, "oh wow," laughter continues “   Nari tumbles to the ground allowing the shakes to subside before trying to get to her feet again. Rubbing her back as she rises, "Depends on who told her to, I suppose," Giving him a pointed look. "I told you there was something off..." It's unclear if Nari is hurt by the dismissal or relieved by the sudden change in attitude. Nari pushes herself into a couch, looking like it's been another three days since she last slept. She wipes away a nose bleed, "You can laugh all you want Ayen, feel free to ignore what I said. But I swear to you, I know this to be true. Or do you want to answer my questions from before?"   Ayen calms down from his odd laughing fit to face Nari, "Yes this seems like it could have happened but don't you remember way back when we found that smuggling operation of religious items. Who's family do you think that traced back to? What sort of events do you think that would have stopped learning of that news? Besides she was not un-guarded, and thanks tonight to you that still holds true. " A genuine smile rests on Ayen's face.   Nari grinds her teeth, "I know! Okay I know." She puts her head in her hands, "I didn't ask for this shit. I was willing to chalk it up as a loss and never know what it said. There must be a reason right?" Softly, "I don't want to be crazy Ayen." She pauses, "I just thought maybe there was something... I don't know... It felt true..."   Ayen reaches to Naris chin and gently lifts it to meet his gaze, "You are not crazy what you have is a gift. It will always be something keep working on your project and lets keep the group informed on what you find. Since ya know it somehow involves them"   "Would you like me to omit the part you didn't deny then Ayen? I don't suppose you want her dwelling on those words."   "Do you have any proof that what you think I am confirming by omission is true?" There is a slight tensing in the grasp he still holds under her chin.   Nari meets his eyes, "Not if you don't want there to be."   A joking smile comes across Ayen's face, as he give too pats across Naris cheek “Then nothing to worry about then.” Ayen moves towards the door “Besides what she truly is to me is so much more than a single word could describe,” Ayen opens the door with a smile and leaves the room.  

The Sitting Room - Everyone minus Ayen, Nari, Myra, and Lady Stagwood

Outside in the main parlor the Wardens are tended to in every need as the true force of the Stagwood staff descents upon them. Clothes are repaired, backed goods are consumed and much needed healing is delivered. Ky walks around to the group he is familiar with and sits down as they are being tended to “So you all have been busy, does the chaos ever stop?”   Hagren getting a massage along with the treatment. "Starting to get tired of all these fighting."   Ky Looks over, "But you all look so good while doing it! That's got to count for something."   "Not if it happens every other Se'yan, it becomes tiresome. And now someone has placed a hit to take the the scroll, just our luck. It's goin to be a goose chase, for once I want to put away the blade to feel recuperated."   Ky notes the expression on Hagren's face as he says that, and his demeanor changes "Well then I shouldn't be standing around then rolls up his sleeves and begins to assist in the healing "You are certainly in a place that one can really just the rest of the world fly by, and want for nothing his eyes do a sarcastic roll.   "That it does Ky," Raijun responds smiling, "its not just how effective you are, but how flashy the moves are in the process!" Tai chi moves and Kiiii-Yas ensue from Raijun in the background. "How have you been my guy, how's the pious work going for you, any new adventures of your own?"   Looking over to Raijun "Work has been going well , certainly after the events of Nightwell people have been seeking answers so the temple has been full. While some fill fade in time the sun has risen for a good amount so I am happy to share the light. The work in the city has resumed and is coming along nicely many new homes and businesses have been made and it is really looking like it is going to thrive. I just wish that Manten’Liche soliders would stop coming back from time to time - kinda weird group"   "Well it sounds like Nightwell is back on track, I'm glad to hear it! Those guys are still creeping around Nightwell though? Any idea what they are there for?"   "They have been coming back to the city to resupply from time to time, they seem to be having a real problem at the mines at Timeston. They come back with odd stories about the beings stalling their advance and what ever is coming out of the manner. I was suppose to great the Lions Crest delegation in town but then I was .... summoned back home"  


Raijun is trying to concentrate on what Ky is saying to him, but anyone could tell he is distracted, more than usual. Over and over in his head, he sees Iroh. In his mind he wonders why he lapsed for a moment when his hand necrophaged, why he didn't just go for the kill right there.   His mind flashes back to his teenage years, after a particularly rough day where they lost to another team in exercises, and you can just see his shadowy silhouette and Irohs, arguing behind a traditional straw door, as the words intensify and all of a sudden, you watch Raijun go flying thru the door, landing in a pile of baskets as Iroh steps through his cut out with a violent eruption   "You did WHAT?! Do you think this is just some kind of game?!"   his fist hits a wooden post, leaving a sizable dent   "Whattttt, you take one little artifact from the elder and its a big fuckin deal, what gives? They definitely cheated so I'm just getting even!"   Iroh turns a deep shade of red as he bellows   "You will give me the record NOW, you are lucky you are not executed on the spot for this treachery, you never mess with the other elders do you understand me?!"   holding him an inch away from his face , his hand holding Raijun up by the cheekbones   "Mmmmffff Ok fff" is all you hear as he is dropped and crumples   Iroh sighs as he composes himself, taking the scrolled parchment from Raijun   "Time and Time again, over and over you break rules and are punished, and look what you made me do this time. I cannot always be there to fix whack your whack mistakes!!"   With a third emphatic whack of a bamboo training stick   "You talk of being the Dragon Ninja, but the only behavior I see is that of an undisciplined thug, greedy for his own desires over the mission. You are a disappointment and I'm getting tired of your back talk and attitude, it stops now."   you see Raijun tear up at the disappointment comment, and it seems to addle Iroh's rage, who keeps yelling until he sees how hurt Raijun is at the comment, and uncharacteristically puts a hand on his shoulder and says   " ok? That...was a bit much on my part.   The truth is, I see a lot of potential in you, more than any candidate in quite some time.   It pains me that your potential comes baked in with a lack of discipline, and I just wish for you to realize it and get serious...not many make it past the next set of trials, and you have to make it have to become the Immortal I know you can come, its time for Ramen..."   Raijun perks up and is lifted up by Iroh, and as they leave, you notice Iroh keeps his hand on Raijun until they are in public.  

Myra's Room - Myra and Lady Stagwood

"I thought I lost you. I never would have forgiven myself. I'm so glad you're safe," Lady Stagwood cries as she brings Myra into a warm almost forgotten hug.   Myra collapses into it, bawling into her mother's warm embrace. Shaking, allowing herself to be held, "I was so scared."   The warm and kind embrace that only a mother could give to a child tightens around Myra. Lady Stagwood makes an audible shutter at those words "The party, I said such awful things..." She trails off into sobbing   "I'm sorry," sob, "I was..." crying, "I didn't want you to think... If that's how I left things..."   They hold each other for what seems like an eternity. Lady Stagwood finally composes herself and hold her daughter at arms length. Now finally taking in her true state and here eyes go wide. in a playful voice "Wow you really cant keep any sort of outfit clean for one evening can you?" She begins to go over to Myra's dresser and collects clothes and a brush for her hair.   Myra looks down and even though she's thrown a sweater over top she can see the spots where blood is now starting to seep through. She tries to cover it with her hand as she stands dumbly in center of the floor, "I don't think I'll be wearing these again if that helps? I ah... Might need to bathe and see Lylah again before putting on anything more ... Fitting."   "Yes you are not to leave," Lady Stagwood pauses and turns to her daughter in horror, "I .... I would prefer you stay." She turns back away realizing her words, "at least so I know you are safe..... please." She busies herself in the gathering of stuff.   Myra winces, waiting for her mother to turn away before looking down at her hand now slicked with the blood she was trying to obfuscate from her mother. Trying for lighthearted, "Yes well I was hoping to at least get a couple hours of rest in my bed before you disowned me for making such a mess of your party." She turns her back to her mother so that she can attempt to reduce the growing stain before more concern is caused.   Without hesitation Lady Stagwood almost shouts in her response, "Don't worry about the party, you are going to rest." She tops and breathes and looks back at Myra, "That was handled in my own way, the performance you and your..... friends gave will be remembered as a party trick nothing more." Putting on a confident smile, "Not all of your smarts come from your father, some tricks you do get from me."   Myra winces at the noise before she can stop herself. She turns back, having been at least partially successful in hiding the stain, a sad smile on her face, "I never thought otherwise. Or have the others not yet told you how we avoided an international conflict in the beholden. If I had to talk with what father gave me alone..." she smiles more genuinely, "let's be glad I inherited other aspects from you."   Lady Stagwood gets as close to a spit take as Myra has ever seen her, and catches her self to just reveals a warm smile "I would love to hear about your adventures, come sit I can start to at least clean your hair. " Lady Stagwood looks to the bed and clears a space "Why so short, your hair looked so nice long - very regal it framed your face... she catches herself and stops"   Myra goes and sits on the chair her mother indicates, managing to only cringe slightly as something in her side pulls unnaturally. She tries to cover it with a shrug, "It was getting in the way, and after," Deep pause, "Some events, I felt I needed to make a change. Besides it makes cleaning it so much faster. I miss being able to do things with it sometimes, but often I don't have the time for it anyway."   "You are taking care of yourself while you are out in the world" Lady Stagwood asks as she very gently starts brushing.   "I try... I try for all of them too," Myra pauses "There are some of them who don't seem to have had much of that... I can't say I'm particularly good at it, but I try."   "Well it was apparent when I met them that some of them clearly have no manors. But one thing I did appreciate is that all of them spoke of you in the way that we.... in a way that makes your father and I very proud. All of them have seemed to come back in one piece that has got to count for something."   Myra lets out a breath, "It counts for a lot... A lot. I would have..." long pause, "I don't know what I would have done if my freedom had cost me one of them." She wipes away the tears, "I know some of them are upset that they got away or that they took something. But I would never trade one of them for those opportunities. I only wish that the civilians in that station had been so lucky..." Myra looks down at the bed, "I couldn't...."   A soft kiss lands on Myra's head as the brushing pauses briefly, "The people in the station are not your fault you did take their lives. You have always been destined to make decisions that will shape the world, not all of those decisions are easy. There will always be people looking to hurt others but you have and will always be in a place of power to stop them. You will never save them all you just never stop trying. Plus none of that will be put towards you and your friends- that will fall on the fool Zap"   "Zap? Oh... someone mentioned there was an explosion after I...." Myra pales further from her already wan complexion, "I suppose that no-one that was on those trains made it out then. I hadn't even realized..."   Lady Stagwood stops and steps around to look Myra in her eyes, "Yes people died but it was very early in the morning so it is not as bad as it could have been. Same with the explosions within the temples and buildings. If this happened during the day it would have been a lot, a lot worse" She steps back and continues.   "Buildings?!" Myra explodes to her feet, nearly falling over just from the act of standing. Clutching the side of the bed for stability, "Where? When? Sky? Rachel?" She can barely get words out and seems to be trying to decide if her mother will have the information she needs or if she needs to leave to find it herself.   "Relax," As she pushes Myra back down, "It was deep within the Clockwork and Lights touch I am sure they are okay."   Myra resists only for a second before the adrenaline begins to wear off and she allows her mother to tug her back down to a seated position. She stares blankly ahead, "Was it always this... chaotic? Was I really so blind to have just never noticed it?"   "Your father and I did a good job of protecting you and your brother from the evils of this world but I do share your observation that the world seems to be or at least this region is a bit of a crazy spell"   Myra smirks, "Yes so how long has Nari been on staff for this kind of thing? When I had been introduced to her as head of 'asset acquisition and futures protection' I can't say that this is what I thought of. Maybe that's just a lack of imagination on my part though."   "It was only required for her to meet you once, Ayen was able to update her on key facets of your aging. Like I said your father and I worked hard to shield you on all aspects that could show the the true fear life at that age"   "I...." Myra pauses reconsidering, "Thank you. I'm not sure exactly how they found the temple but... I imagine it would have been more difficult without her help and ... their timing was," long pause "fortuitous." Myra begins shivering a bit remembering.   "Only the best for my daughter, she pauses, "do you want to talk about what happened.... before Ayen found you?"   Myra's silent for a while, the shaking intensifies before she seems to make some decision, almost clinically, "There were questions. I failed to comply so they resorted to more unorthodox techniques. They bound me and suppressed what minor spark of magic I seem to have within me. They then further pursued the object in my grasp as they seemed unable to take it before. In their attempt they further broke my tie to my magic and I broke a promise to myself using my own unorthodox methods to... resist. If a few of them hadn't gotten me out of there when they did... we would have tested the bounds of Lylah's magic." She shudders, "That's all I can say... please can we talk about anything else for a bit? Just for a minute." Myra runs the balled up sleeves of her sweater over her face trying to wipe away the tears that have amassed there.   Lady Stagwood continues in silence for a moment "So how long have you two been together?"   Myra turns, classic eyebrow raised mirroring a look she clearly learned from her mother, laughing from pure shock, "Excuse me?"   "I have seen they way you look at them, and you certainly respond differently to how they speak compared to the others. As a mother you notice these things"   Myra giggles, perhaps not quite believing she's having this conversation, "I mean this with the utmost respect for your insight. If we were together the gala would have gone very differently." She pauses, "I may obscure part of my life from you but do not think that we are on such bad terms or that I am such a coward that I would not introduce someone as my partner. And do not think so low of me that I would deny any partner of mine the honor of being at least my equal. If not the least so I wouldn't have to walk into potential ... other engagements."   Lady Stagwood whispers to Myra in old Elvish. Myra looks at her mother like she's never seen her before before bursting out laughing, cutting it short only because the sharp pain in her side it causes, "Who exactly do you think I have affection for mother?"   Describes an individual to Myra with quizzical eyes, Myra grows more somber and thoughtful, responding in kind.   "Well either way they are very lucky," Lady Stagwood continues, "so strong through, reminds me of your father when I first met him," She smiles.   "Okay that's enough about my love life thanks. Tell me, what interaction with the king of Lion's crest caused him to look like he had eaten a sour plum when he realized whose daughter I was? He says hello by the way."   "You spoke to Angelo? how lovely of him to not be off galivanting somewhere while Angelina is you know running an entire kingdom. I'm sure it was a look similar to this," And the Resting Regal face that Lady Stagwood has on her face breaks to imitate the stunned look the king of Lions Crest had upon meeting the Wardens.   "Oh he was definitely off galivanting when we met but I believe this particular interaction her majesty was also in the room for. Unsurprisingly she put it together first."   "Well good, it's hard enough to run a kingdom, I am very thankful your fathers days of galivanting are well behind him but some boys never grow up"   "And would you politely informing his Majesty that he acts like a child be the reason he looked like I had handed him a particularly slimy toad?"   "Oh I may have put him in his place once or twice and he has now held a high regard of fear of my presence," Lady Stagwood smiles.   "I believe Raijun is trying to start a club with him and also potentially father ... Though I'm not sure how much our last interaction with them soured that. Raijun is forever and optimist on those kinds of things though."   "Men" She laughs softly " Maybe they will even build a club house."   "Oh gods," Myra groans, "Please don't give them any more ideas."   "How else would they get anything done if it wasn't for us," She just full on laughs for a good minute with her daughter. The laugher subsides and Lady Stagwood goes quite "So you said you would only be staying for a few hours.... you should at least stay and rest. or to spend time with your brother"   "To be precise I said I hoped I could rest a few hours before you disowned me and kicked me off the estate. I ah... I don't know what's next." She pauses thinking back on the groups conversation, "I think there is a desire to track down those that ambushed us. And I think that may be smart before they decide to find us again. But, well, we'll have to speak to Nari in the morning on how we might even find them. Our group is better at... problem mitigation than problem identification. If we can get a location quickly," She sits up from where she had fallen onto the bed from laughing wincing as she does so, "We may try to move more quickly... Assuming Lylah gives me the okay. If it doesn't work or we can't find them... Well we'll certainly have to reassess. Nari had an idea but it's unclear how feasible it is."   "I won't lie," the mask crumples for just a second as Myra looks exhausted, "I could use a second if we have one. I... There's something up with Sky and Rachel. Lylah's having some issues with something at the temple." Sadly, "I have things I need to tell Ky." Running a hand through her hair, " I need to inventory what we lost. I need to talk to Ayen and Nari about another missing friend. There were things I could have done to better prepare against an attack like that. I should probably apologize for the impropriety to the Lunacre delegation. Then there's the city..." she doesn't show signs of stopping.   She lays a hand on Myra's chest, quieting her, "You don't have to go, this will forever be your home. Get cleaned up sleep, figure things out as I know you will but while you do .... let me know you are okay and safe. Stay here get shielded from the world a little bit and let your mother take care of you."   "I... Appreciate that." She leans in and lets her mother hold her softly. "I'll be here in the morning... Well," nervous laughter, "Provided no one else comes for me tonight." her fear bubbles through the joke she was attempting to make but she clears her throat, "And we can talk next steps from there? I promise not to run off without talking if you promise not to lock the gates on me. And yes having Ayen standing inside the gates staring disapprovingly at my leaving counts as locked. Does that seem fair?"   A truly motherly smile appears on lady Stagwood's face for a true moment before he face shift to that Myra maybe for the first time sees what here "Get shit done face" must look like "Very well," She steps back and heads towards the bathroom I will run you a bath and then go fetch you some soups and lotions."   "I ah... Can run my own bath thanks. And could you maybe send Lylah in, in like 20 minutes. If she's not exhausted I could use her... Consultation on something. Also could you let Ayen know that I'd like to talk to him after I see Lylah? And make someone look at him please if he hasn't been seen yet. I patched him up in the temple but someone with literally any training could probably do a better job. He kept trying to wave people back on the way in."   Lady Stagwood is already in bathroom running the water. "Why do I try?" Myra mutters to herself. In the bathroom Lady Stagwood says under her breath, "Why cant she just let me do this for her."   "Mom?" Myra stands in the doorway to the bathroom, leaning against the frame arms wrapped around herself.   "Just a minute - the tub is still filling" Under her breath "Ears like her mother" Lady Stagwood steps out into the bedroom as the tub fills behind her "Yes?"   "Thanks."   "Of course my dear, now get yourself undressed and into the tub and get all that green and red blood off of you. That shade of green looks terrible without a bit of gold"   Myra nods, she walks over to her desk and pulls something up under he sweater but it moves too fast for her mother to see what it was. She walks into the bathroom until she's further in then her mother, "I know you ah... Dislike some of the more graphic elements of fighting. I think it would be better for me to do this part alone." firmly, "please." softly, "I promise I'll see Lylah or whatever healer you send in in thirty minutes." Myra winces, "Once I can better distinguish which blood is mine."   "Of course I will give you privacy .... just promise me you are not going to jump out a window or something"   Myra raises an eyebrow, "Why exactly would I jump out a window? You promised the doors would not be locked. Besides I'm really not in shape to be jumping out of windows tonight." She sighs, "I just need to get cleaned up, you can send Lylah in in a bit. I won't even fight her, promise."   "I was just kidding but now I am concerned on how much you have already thought about this."   "You think I got my planning skills from dad?"   "Maybe, but you got the guts to pull them off from me" She opens the door to the parlor and gives you a smile and steps out.  

Myra's Bathroom - Myra

Content warning themes of: body horror, gore, self harm. Due to tools available I will not be able to block text so if you wish to avoid those themes please skip this section entirely.   As the door closes, Myra carefully unwraps the very sharp 'pen knife' she'd grabbed from her desk. She smiles, remembering Sky convincing her parents that the enchantment to hold its edge was standard among letter openers.    Myra hesitantly pulls off the sweater that was obscuring the damage. As it falls to the floor the smell of iron and rot fills the room. Myra looks down at her shredded shirt sighing. The next minute is spent cutting away her remaining clothes, working around the places where they've fused with the wood or her wounds, with the knife.   She hisses as she steps into the bath, the warm water shocking her icy limbs. She doesn't back out but sinks deeper, embracing the heat, trying to drive out some of the ice from her veins. The water quickly turns brackish and she prays that the walls are thick enough that her mother won't hear as she drains the tub and starts again sitting under the faucet trying to scrub away the night.   The tears come in fits and starts. The bruise of Alsume's hands wrapping around her throat sets her off for several minutes while punctures from Thueban might be any knife wound, most already healing over from the magical aid she received. The bruises where she had been chained are quite impressive, but nothing compares to the pitting along her skin where rotting wood replaces skin. Some seem to sit only superficially, but others seem to match the claws and jaws of a crocodile, wrapping its maw around her throat and torso. In those wounds, the wood extends deep and Myra can smell the rot from within.   She runs her fingers along each piece of wood, touching all of them in time, cataloguing them. As she does she rocks back and forth, "You're not the same. It was self defense. You'll be okay. You're not him."    She scours her skin with a cloth until the wounds that had started to scab reopen, her skin now a harsh pink, instead of its pale complexion before. Once all of the dirt, dust, and blood is gone, removed by force, only then does she turn her attention back to the wood ingrained in her form.   She starts with a small scale-like piece. She centers herself, forms her intent, and pushes. She feels the transmutation scroll push as the tether from the wood to her skin weakens, but when she pulls on the wood it doesn't budge. She tries again, but when she goes for the scroll she feels it question her. 'She is scared. She is in danger. More durability will make her safer?' Myra pushes against it, trying to explain, her anxiety spiraling.    She begins to cry, turning the water back on just to obscure the noise. She picks up the knife and lodges it under the wood. Only the splash of the scale falling into the water can be heard as Myra moves to the next one, ignoring the gouge in her arm that is now bleeding. After about five of the smaller ones have been purged, the scroll seems to comprehend Myra's intent. Realizing that these will cause more damage, it allows her to reject them as it had with previous integrations to her form.    Myra sobs in relief at the concession of the scroll, before doubling over at the pain of all the wood rejecting at once. She grits her teeth, making short work of the small ones, breathing heavily as the bath water runs red. As she attempts the larger ones she can feel herself tiring, pushing on only through pure determination. She tries to close the wounds, managing to seal some poorly, the edges still angry and red. Myra moves to the last one, smiling in relief as she removes it. But it's deeper than the rest, and even as Myra breathes a sigh of relief she feels the blood flowing from her too quickly. She stumbles out of the bath clutching a towel to the wound as she wraps another one around her sitting heavily on a bench using the last of her will to remain conscious.
Report Date
06 Sep 2022

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