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Best Laid Plans - Campfire

General Summary

Hagren gathers the party in one of the private room in the train from prying eyes; he rely the message from Crothu and said, "He was looking for someone to heist a blueprint from a Thompson's place, then give those blueprint to Crothu' cousin who live in Kolis-Tane. What do you think wanna do a hiest mission?"   “What’s in it for us?” Adama asks, “Do you significantly like this guy for some reason? Is there a way to come up with a more ammacuble arrangement, one that doesn’t require us to thoroughly burn a bridge. Why do they want those blueprints, what are they blueprints for? If you want to do it, I will definitely help, from a strategic point of view though it’s not wise. But, as we all generally run in the direction that interests us, if this interests you, I’ll be there”   "It's mostly because Thompson backed out of the Bow Breaker's deal because the things that happened in Beholden," Hagren clarifies, "Crothu wants his cut that he was promised. In exchange, he will provide us with support like providing repairs during the stay at Drel'Themar with no string attached. I think getting good term with other people beside Thompson would help us in the future. From what Crothu said, it is unbreakable sail that can handle any wind; he could have that to expand the shipping company if he had the blueprint. This man can be dangerous if we cross him so do you want in on his deal?"   “I don’t like crossing people I have worked with, it’s bad business. With that said, I will defer to you on this one. I create enough antics for fifty people. If you want to do this, I am in.”   "Best we go incognito for this, I suggest we bring Persistent with us. How about you guys Raijun, Myra, Sarya?"   “If we’re going incognito," Adama adds, "then we should try to get disguises for everyone that don’t require concentration. That and something that deflects from the abilities used. It wouldn’t be hard to put together that it’s the wardens if someone hears fireballs, grappling hooks, and giant earth elementals.   Persistent is a good idea, who do we want to frame? Having Persistent shape change into someone we want to frame and we all go as nameless individuals could work well. If there is an individual or organization that we want to frame for the job. Who do we have a grudge against?   Okay, so we would need all generic black clothes. Or better potion of disguise self. Ya know we do have another play here, though if we use it, we might tip our hand. So instead of stealing the blueprints we could just do a sending to carter and make out a deal for it. She definitely has a mission she wants to send us on. That way everyone gets what they want and we don’t have to back-stab a former alley/associate.”   "Or talk to the artificer who was the leading the project," Hagren supplies, "Monty Yontuma, who works at Clockwork Spires in Kolis-Tane. We can get casual with him/her and get us to look at the blue print."   “I meant we could just ask Carter," Adama offers, "When it comes to political conversations like this, it’s much better to jump to the top and associate with people that know us.”   "She might get suspicious, what if the project was between Thompson and Crothu. They might think there is foul play then its game over."   “Yeah that’s what I mean by it might tip our hand. Though, we pretty much know for sure that Carter will work with us. The question is how much does she ask for the blueprints. We can’t do any deals with the ship, but a mission of sorts would work.”   "The real question remain, do you think we are in good terms with Carter. I mean she is firmly contract bind to Thompson. Do any amount of money can buy her trust, or rather she go and tell on Thompson? There is too much risk asking someone who is too close to Thompson who unquestionably won't go against him."   “Do we have anything that Thompson and Carter want other than the ship? That’s a Myra question, I remember she wanted the ship and to sign us to a new contract that gave them rights to the ship, but other than that…. IDK. There is also a deal to be made here in that we do know that the owl guy who is doing research on the ship will eventually publish their research, maybe we could say they get the research first with a month gap before it’s released to everyone.”   "We can't wait month, Crothu wants them soon. First we need to talk with his cousin who will making the transaction. Also forgot to tell, that he got us the dry dock for us, and if we backed out now well... you know,"   "To be specific," Raijun asks, "are we heisting an area in Kolis Tane? We might wanna avoid causing too much trouble here until that Gala at least. But I'm always doen for a heist, I can turn invisible & teleport at will so can probably get in pretty easily."   “It is place called Clockwork Spire," Hagren offers.   "In Kolis tane, or located elsewhere?" Raijun asks.   Myra facepalms, "Literally millions of gold, you all have literal millions. And we couldn't just pay for ship work like normal people?" She releases a heavy sigh, "Well they have Reach now and I don't know what exactly will happen if you don't follow through but... Hagren, Reach is the last tie we have to them (clearly referencing Gwen and Tintreach)." Myra runs her hands through her hair, "I cannot be tied to this. My family is already a competitor with Thompson's. I think it would be risky for us to involve Carter. I think it might be a hard sell but worse than that it would be setting her up as the patsy and I don't want to do that. I had wanted to reach out to her separately but if she leaves at the same time those go missing she best have a good alibi." Turning to Raijun, "Clockwork is in Kolis-Tane," Pointing to the left mountain that has almost a hive like feeling of activity, "It's where the academies and labs are primarily in the city. It will be like breaking into Vlypeum but with more alive people... Honestly it might be harder." Myra runs a hand over her face looking exhausted, "Three options 1) We find a patsy, 2) We try to copy the blueprints, 3) We try to get in and out no trace"   "Well it just so happens that I am a subterfuge specialist," Raijun offers, "Twenty minute adventure, we'll be in and out real quick, trust me!"   "I could give everyone the ability to be someone else, or be invisible but we'd only have an hour," Myra thinks aloud. She frowns, "My best role might be as a distraction."   "I wonder if the clockwork spire folks have all this bomb technology those bandits had, we may be walking into the Techno-Lions Den..I imagine this place has some security force"   "That's definitely where that mech would have been headed. There's a patsy for you," Myra offers, "Find out who the bandits were, blame the bandits."   "How do you know they are headed that way?"   "I don't know that's where the bandits were headed but I would bet money that that tech was headed to Spires. Ayen mentioned that many of the labs had been researching similar tech after remnants from Vlypeum had started washing up. And we don't need to know where the bandits are heading to blame them, just learn enough to pin the heist on them. They had no problem potentially blowing up a train full of people. I have no problem potentially pinning a high stakes heist on them."   "You know you'd be a terrifying villain if ya wanted to be," Raijun comments both impressed and concerned at how methodical Myras plotting is.   Myra pets Spyrg menacingly, "I've spent my whole life being locked out of parts of my city." Innocently, "How else is a girl supposed to keep herself busy but by doing mental escape rooms trying to dissect the security protocols?"   "Yes Myra, fight the man, authority is for wusses, rebellion wooooooo"   "Do you think I could pay Persistent to be me elsewhere? I guess I could always have Spryg be me in my bed...."   “We might be able to pull all 3 off," Adama comments. "But 2 and 3 might be do-able if we know who has the blueprints specifically which it seems Hagren does. Sarya can scry. A bit of scrying combined with our mental link might make us capable of explaining the details effectively enough to copy the blueprints from a distance. Hmm… as I think of it. Probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to paint it as skullhillkeep stole the blueprints. We can’t be anywhere near this as the wardens, and to indemnify ourselves we should probably make a lot of noise somewhere else so we can’t even be accused of being there because we are doing something obnoxious somewhere else. Does your family have like an extra cottage that we could ugh… set on fire? I know, I know… yes I like fire, but nothing grabs people’s attentions like large explosions and fire, if I am seen throwing a fireball at a cottage (Yes it will be empty). That could cause just enough political intrigue for it to make it across the world.   Options: 1. Scry and copy 2. Heist and not be seen 3. Try and make a deal for them. 4. Say no and wish/hope/pray the bow breakers want to try and stop us from getting to Reach. We still need a beating heart. maniacal laugh 5. Have a more thorough conversation with Crothu there are some details missing, this one would involve all the wardens. 6. Heist and be loud and conspicuous framing an entity/group. 7. Try a hostile takeover (bloodless), but hostile takeover of Thompson corp. 8. Reach out to that other nation which was at the beholding crossing, their ships didn’t seem to need sails at all.”   "I think we need more details first," Myra catuions, "Hagren you said the sails were unbreakable? I mean there's any number of reasons I could seek an audience with Thompson's people on legally purchasing some inventory if not the blueprints itself. And that would get us a way to scope out the situation. I don't think it would be wise to try a heist in Spires without seeing the terrain first. I've heard some of the buildings are particularly... Normal.   Burning something down might draw unwanted attention/get you arrested so maybe let's think about other options. Like say a very public gala I will be forced to attend? I'd also like to avoid implicating another nation if possible. I don't really want to start a global conflict...   Adama what was that about a beating heart?" She notes looking concerned.   "Ahem…. Well… so I was thinking that a beating heart is a sure sign that a person is still alive, and we need to know that we’re still alive so we definitely need a beating heart to confirm. Yaaaa that’s it we need a beating heart to confirm we’re still alive”. Looks left, then right, completely avoiding eye contact, Myra's face says she's not buying it for a second but she let's it drop.   “It’s not just for a monetary gain," Hagren asserts, "but service to safely keep Reach from out of reach from prying eyes. I just don’t like the idea of corporate chill such as Thompson to be our main squeeze. Although, this guy might be more forceful than Thompson.”   Myra gives Hagren an eyebrow, "there's a difference between choosing not to associate with someone and stealing from them"   Hagren looks a little put off, “Before if we could do the heist, I like to get into contact with the artificer and learn about the blueprint and find if we can acquire them without stealing.”   "I can probably make that arrangement." Myra sighs, "I guess I'm going to go back to work."   “This does put us in a position of showing we’re interested. Asking about an item and then it coming up missing a couple days later is highly suspicious,” Adama notes.   “And since we are associate with Thompson we can get close without suspicion," hagren supplies, "If it’s written on the blueprint, can we copy the design on different piece of parchment? That way we don’t need the actual blueprint.”   "I guess the first question I have is if and how are they written down," Myra asks.   Hagren's brow furrows, “Good point.”   Myra pulls out a well used notebook and flips to some pages with mathmatical formulas and arcane runes on it, "I keep fairly detailed notes but even I don't write everything down. If someone wanted to copy Spryg. Well, they'd probably have to reverse engineer a few things or they'd need me. But Adama does bring up a good point. If I ask questions it has to be very obvious that I'm not involved."   "My main concern here is the technology people have access to - trains, bombs, gravity devices, this region clearly has advanced tech we've never seen," Raijun adds, "I imagine the security of the Spire is probably similar - we need to know what fortifications they have before we can complete a successful operation" "Couple immortal operations in my time we botched due to underestimated resourcefulness of the artificers and wizards they targeted"   “How do we go about casing a place inside and out without being seen or going there?" Adama asks.   "I think I could get us in initially potentially," Myra supplies, "I'd need to talk to my father."   “Attempt to go on a tour, use that tour as an attempt to case and place any items or resources that we might need later, when we come back a couple days later? Adama suggests, “This still creates the scenario where we need a huge distraction for how it’s not us. Now I suggest setting something on fire, definitely open to other ideas. Essentially we need to frame someone, but also make sure that we are conspicuously seen somewhere else… Hmm… wait… there are a bunch of fake wardens in that town we just left. Bet we could hire a couple to do something for us in kolis-tane.”   "I mean the train was just attacked by bandits...." Myra comments, "We could just be them.....?"   “I am not suggesting we don’t. But, we have certain patterns to our actions," Adama clarifies, "anyone that has heard of us or knows us doesn’t take them long to figure out we did xyz. Particularly if Yamil ends up back with Thompson who definitely know how we fight. Yamil and Carter have both seen us fight. It’s too easy to go from bandits to wardens.   I once was in the Carrefour and this guy was making rabbits appear and disappear out of his hand. I initially thought it was conjuration but as I looked harder I noticed he wasn’t making them appear as much as guiding everyone’s eye to something else and then just picking them up. I think it’s called misdirection.”   Myra nods, "It would definitely be helpful to know more about the people who hit the train if we wanted to pretend to be them. Though Raijun's PR campaign might actually come in handy in that case people will know we were here and that we opposed the group previously.But also if they have a history in Kolis-Tane that might make our job easier. Bonus points if we turn them in after the heist?"   “We don’t know enough about the bandits yet," Adama asserts, "Were there any that were alive and are on the train? We need to do some questioning as it would be bad if the bandits are on the low working for Thompson.”   "I mean that would be hilarious because he would have no options for recourse without outing himself," Myra adds.   “Outing ones self and knowing you were screwed over and holding a grudge are 2 separate things. It’s also possible that they are lower levels they don’t have to report directly to him or Carter, plausible deniability requires that you don’t want your head to know about the illegal dealings going on to ensure the businesses success.” "Sounds like we need more info on the Job, Hagren I think it would be best for you to follow up with the cousin. More info on the product I can maybe work out something there. And more info on our bandit friends Raijun I don't know if you have any contacts for that kind of thing but maybe you'd know where to look? Adama those bombs looked home grown to me. Maybe you could look into what made them go boom?"   "And I broke the gravity device thingy... And threw the bullet I caught back at them," Raijun laughs.   “Did the bandits have on any identifying marks? If they stole the Gundam Suit, we could locate object or scry on that and find them through that.”   Myra, who was locked in a room for 99% of the fight, looks at her feet, "Raijun or Sarya maybe you saw something...?"   “Why & how were you locked in a room?” Adama demands.   "Her butler did it," Hagren supplies.   "Please don't call Ayen a butler that's demeaning. But yes I'm a special fragile snowflake. So I got locked in the panic room. And I'm not willing to hurt Ayen without a very good reason," Myra clarifies.   “I am… locking you in a closet is enough of a reason for me to hurt him," Adama comments, "Hmm… couldn’t you have just poofed yourself to the other side of the door?”   "Also he could probably solo us," Raijun adds, "man he jumped like 20 feet in the air and pieced up that flyer it was epic!!"   "I tried teleporting out... It was heavily warded..."   Adama mental links to the rest of the group sans Myra, “That’s not good. I am beginning to ponder. Why ward a door to ensure you don’t escape? That requires forethought and planning, more so than just we are looking for Myra and she needs to be brought home”   The mysterious but handsome voice comments into Adama's mind - a very very rich family would had protocols on how to protect themselves during travel to avoid harm   "I think it was more about keeping out than keeping in." Myra supplies, "It's hard to do one without the other. They were trying to help... They left to help when they saw locking me in the box wasn't going to do that."   "So is he a servant of sort, or what is his occupation is?" Hagren asks.   "Hagren he annouced himself as captain of the guard, if he were a servant Id be terrified to think what the guards were like," Raijun corrects.   "Ayen was one of the first people to train me. But they are the captain of the guard for a reason."   "Myra, does Kolis Tane have an orphanage?" Raijun asks innocently. "I wonder if the Den of the Moon has branched out here, seems like a friendly part of the world to elves for the most part."   "I believe the Grand Dancer said that the children of the free moon had a temple up in the Abbey but not Kolis-tane. If there was a temple of Eilistraee in the city I would theorize it would be in Light's Touch? But ah, temples aren't really my area of specialty."   "Doesnt necessarily have to be a temple, I guess im wondering if theres an area of town where kids could use a morale or financial boost."   "I would guess you'd have the most luck finding that in the Shadow? The Shadow is the newest district, it started as temporary worker housing that became not so temporary. Honestly I figured you'd end up hanging out there anyway cause that's where the best food in the city is."   "Food...and orphans?! I'm sold Myra, take me awayyyy!"   "If it's other organizations like den of the free moon specifically those would be more likely in lights touch that's where the churches are. To be fair I don't know how many orphans you'll find. From what I've heard the communities in the Shadow can be quite close knit. But that is where refugees like those who were at the den of the free moon would be most likely to end up."   "Yeah with the sheer amount of money and tech around here, I wonder if you have any poor people wandering about. Unless being poor here is like just owning a small serfdom and a castle with only 2nd story towers?" Raijun asks.   "No Raijun, not everyone owns estates or towers. You'd mostly find towers in Spires but many of those are things like lab and office space, and the larger estates in Treetops."   "Wait so everyone here isn't rich too?" Nervously,"...So does that mean that I qualify for high society with my recent influx of capital? And is a monocle a hard requirement or more of a suggested guideline?"   "What? No not everyone is rich. And what are you talking about with monocles?" Myra looks bewildered.   "Isn't that like a requirement for high society? Also, when do I acquire maidens, and where?"   Myra looks at Raijun like he has three heads, before slowly facepalming, "Whyyyyy."   Raijun genuinely gestures broadly at his lack of Maidens, "Also, do I need to be like cultured to talk to these people or are they down to talk about weapons and martial arts? I guess I'm asking for a Acting Rich for Dummies phamphlet"   Through her hands, where her head is placed, "Interests will vary wildly depending on the person, just like any person. There are certainly some interested in fighting, though I would maybe leave out the piece about you breaking into rich people's homes to steal things or abduct people... If you are very focused on those topics people may assume you are hired security. That could be fine but I don't know what air your trying to give off?"   "Thats a great question Myra, I'm glad you're thinking about it too because Im in a deep state of introspection now where I am thinking to myself, what kind of Rich guy air am I trying to give off?"   Myra sighs, "Right... Well. You think on that." She pats him on the shoulder and excuses herself wandering out of the room to find Ayen. "So I now know of two attacks on the estate that were made in my absence. Are those what has you on edge?"   Raijun realizes that this is a coaching moment, and Myra has emboldened him to unlock hia chakras and align himself to the rich people plane, and is now digging deep within himself to answer the questions everyone wants to know - what kind of Rich person will he become?!   "Multiple attacks," Ayen asks confused, "it was just the one attempt to gain access to the estate. Everyone has been on edge since, especially after I was the only one to walk away from the crater that now takes up half of the south lawn "   “Poor lawn,” Sarya comments.   Myra pales slightly, "How many?"   "At least six from what we can tell," Ayen informs, "And yes Birch was quite upset when they first saw it but now they are enjoying the chance to diversify the lawn"   Myra glances to Sarya, "You'll like Birch."   “Maybe I can acquaint myself with them”   "I'll make sure you're introduced." Back to Ayen, "Did you learn what their motives were? Father didn't say and my other contacts didn't seem to know."   "It seemed that there was a chase and the kenku was being assaulted by the others as was merely looking to get away."   Myra really looks at Ayen, "And how are you doing? Father said you were recovering. It looks like Laylah was able to patch you up?"   "You know me I bounce back just fine, Laylah and a few others. Even the one who is caring for Ms. Rachel provided some assistance"   "Sky had mentioned they found a new physician. I wasn't sure if you had seen them recently... Is - are they doing - is she okay?"   "Ms. Rachel is doing much better, she seems to be thriving, and she has grew very close to Madam Slesma"   Myra breathes out a breath she didn't know she was holding, "Sky's message was short on details, is Madam Slesma associated with one of the churches? I should like to thank her in person if she's not at the residence when we visit."   "I believe she is more naturally inclined," noding to Sarya, "in her healing abilities"   "Oh yes, Sarya is also accomplished in her healing abilities. Sarya maybe she'll know of your friend if she's part of a circle?" Myra looks guiltily at Sarya , "I was umm... hoping that if Rachel were still ill, maybe you wouldn't mind taking a look at her? Sorry I meant to bring it up before..."   “Of course, I’d be happy to look at your friend. And if she’s a Druid too, perhaps she’s had word of Reina”   Myra frowns thinking on Ayen's words looking them over again, "Ayen... If it took multiple healers. Father mentioned you were injured... But he never mentioned how badly. You look okay though," She sounds like she's trying to reassure herself more than Ayen. "And I mean the rest of the group mentioned you seemed spry as ever last night." Searching their face, "You are okay right?"   Looking Myra dead in the eye, the warm smile Myra knows from childhood all too well appearing on their face for the first time since seeing them, "Yes I am fine, its gonna take a lot more than that to put me down"   Myra looks relieved, "Great. So if you're fine then the whole locking me in a magical box thing clearly just an overreaction?" she asks hopefully.   "There is not a layer of the Nine hells that I could hide from your mother if I didnt follow her instructions. Plus it is my job to keep you safe"   Myra winces at the mention of the nine hells, "Ayen, do you really think so little of your teaching?"   “No I have full faith in what I taught you it’s the rest of the world I need to watch out for”   "Ayen, I can help. I think... I think I could have helped Jakata if I'd been out here." Myra looks at her hands, wringing them, "I've been studying and practicing... Ayen if one of my friends had been seriously hurt..." she shivers, "I won't let it come to that."
Report Date
01 May 2022

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