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Elbow Grease - Kolis-Tane

General Summary

As Myra relays the directions to Raijun's most likely location Adama and Hagren pivot changing course to the Crossroads, a tram station. Myra, returned safely to to the tower by Ayen, rides the elevator up to return to where the group left Sarya in her injured state. The camera starts on Raijun, in an underground stop, soft violin music playing in the background as Salis stands frozen in front of him.   Raijun extends a hand, "Just come back with me. You can explain it all to Myra."   Salis speaks in stutters still feeling the effects of the paralysis, "Don't want to go back." Her face crumples, "I just wanted recognition for my work. I wanted to advance -"   "Who was working with you?" Raijun asks softly trying not to spook her as a train pulls in next to them.   "It was just me," Salis says looking at her shoes. "No one got hurt."   Raijun looks confused, "Sarya and Em'mt?"   Salis's eyes go wide, "That wasn't me!"   Raijun takes a step closer and she takes a step away the paralysis fading. "Don't come closer," she shouts to odd looks from outsiders. "I just took the stasis field generator. It's in my gym locker. I would never - I didn't do anything to -" She's nearly hyperventilating.   Raijun, "So just come back with me and tell Myra all about it. She liked you I'm sure she'd listen."   "I just wanted respect in the lab. I wanted to impress someone who liked me anyway," she looks ready to cry.   Raijun holds out his hand again as he takes another step toward her, "Hey, I get it you were putting in the hours but there was no recognition. Just come back with me. I'm sure if you explained what happened, you didn't mean for anyone to get hurt."   The doors to the train next to them close as Salis looks at Raijun's hand and swallows, "The code to my locker is 12-03-90. The stasis chamber is in there. I'm so sorry," and she poofs into a flash of smoke as the train starts to pull away from the platform.   Raijun whips around before catching her as she ducks behind some people in the train car on the train pulling out. Raijun races up to the train and grasps onto the end as it starts moving into the tunnel. The people on the end of the train start pointing at him in wonder as he hangs on. As they move into a less well lit bit of the tunnel the trains light flickers and Raijun uses it to shadow step aboard the train.   He calmly walks up to Sails where she's sitting and sits down next to her, calmly in abyssal, "Did you really think it was going to be that easy to stop me?"  

Catch Up

Outside Adama and Hagren race towards the location Myra has provided directions to, both checking to make sure they are going to the right location with people. Adama, still flying finds a number of people who were talking about the guy who jumped out of the thirteen story window and then ran on rooftops and follows their lead.   Adama, flying, makes it to the station first just in time to see Raijun hop onto the train. Doing some quick math Adama flies after the train with all his speed to get within misty step range poofing onto the train. Hagren follows shortly after Adama into the station but decides it's best to wait for the next train instead of attempting to run along the track.   Aboard the train a little boy has come up to Raijun where he now sits, mouth agape, "You're so cool. You're a real hero." Raijun thanks the kids and say to remember that he could grow up to be a hero too. Working on his branding he even pulls out one of his kunai and signs it with a flourish. He looks from the kid to the father and, after a moment of deliberation hands the kunai to the father explaining that it's for the kid. The kid's smile grows as he asks his dad when he can have it. His dad nervously answers when they are home and Raijun smiles satisfied as he hears the kid exclaim, "Raijun is the coolest!"   As Adama misty steps aboard the train he get's slightly less luck instead ending up next to an old gnomish woman who accuses him of not paying train fare before beginning to her her with her bag. Adama takes a second to compose himself before walking away from the woman and meeting up with Raijun.   Adama asks why Raijun's just sitting next to Salis suggesting they should instead be stabbing her. Salis, who's been just silently sobbing, looks at Raijun concerned. Raijun waves Adama off saying that Salis has agreed to come back peacefully isn't that right? She nods. Adama sighs saying he was really looking forward to stabbing someone and says he hopes that Myra can provide someone to stab later.   As they wait the train pulls up to another station. A sign outside indicates they've made it to Light's Touch though if the sign hadn't said as much they may have been able to guess from the beautiful sunrise mosaic that coated the stations wall. As they step off the train Adama notices a contingent of four individuals in white robes with gold accents. Adama recognize the symbol as the same one that Kymil had back in Nightwell and goes to intercept.   Adama attempts to introduce him and Raijun and while the priest are polite they are firm that they need to be on their way and board the train. One of them tells Adama that they are sure they will meet again as they depart. Adama stands confused on the platform with Raijun. They look back at Salis. Adama, "Are you sure you don't want to run?" He places a hand on his sword gleefully.   "I'm done running," Salis comments as Raijun and Adama surface and start the long trek back towards Spires.   Hagren waits at the other stop but the next rain that comes back has the same people in white robes who quickly move past him. Not seeing Raijun or Adama on the train Hagren decides to return to the tower.  

At the Lab

Myra and Ayen have reached the thirteenth floor, where they find Em'mt still ragdolled while Meko has places Sarya in a chair. Myra won't look at Sarya instead asking Meko if there's been any change. Ayen goes over and takes a look but says she looks fine to him. Myra settles quietly in one of the seats until the same group of white robed figures arrives up to the floor.   Myra looks extremely relieved as she greets one of them as Lylah and explains the situation. Lylah begins a thorough investigation of Em'mt and Sarya as Myra stands nervously by apologizing for not seeing her again under better circumstances.   Outside the rest of the group has returned, Salis in tow, but have been denied entry to the lab. Adama immediately threatens violence raising the hackles of the guards who start to converge on them as a threat before Raijun steps in saying he's here as the Warden's spokesperson. He does the Wardens dance and while not convinced the guards speak into their earpieces and wait for a response.   Upstairs Myra see's Ayen listen to something before replying, "Let them in," in sylvan.   The guards give a curious glance but allow the party to pass by noting that they've been asked for on the thirteenth floor.   Upstairs Lylah has finished her examination as the group arrives, Myra indicating that she called for them. Lylah turns to Myra concern on her face. She explains that while there might be something she can do for Sarya, Em'mt will need more intense care and will need to be brought back to the temple. Myra nods, warning Lylah of the earlier effect lest it happen to her as well. Lylah smiles softly at the concern before moving to Sarya.   A familiar light appears from Lylah's hand showering Sarya's head and for a moment Myra fears that the events will repeat. But as Lylah's light continues Sarya's wits seem to return to her as she blinks into consciousness. Lylah indicates that she will need to take Em'mt back to the temple and departs with her clerics carrying him out with Myra and Ayen's thanks for coming so quickly. Lylah says that they will see each other soon, hopefully under better circumstances and welcomes Myra back to the city.   Myra confirms Sarya's okay before whirling on Fortis her frustration palpable. Myra demands to know about the void fish and Fortis pales saying she isn't supposed to know about that. Myra says confidently it was in the tank before the break in asking where it is.   "It's somewhere - somewhere safe."   "Where?"   "It's -it's on another floor."   "This was the only floor authorized for this level of security yes?"   "Yes."   "And it was to have the highest level of security yes?"   "Yes."   "What other floor Mr. Fortis?" Myra asks ice cold.   Mr. Fortis pales, "I'm going to lose my funding."   Raijun explains what they found with Salis as Orto brings up the returned preservation cube. Myra looks angry at Salis but after confirming that she had nothing to do with the injury of Sarya and Em'mt tells her she would like to see her in a few days for an evaluation of a job.   Adama rebuts saying she shouldn't get anything and Myra and him go off for a minute, Myra suggesting that he was ready to hire a bugbear who tried to kill them so he really had no leg to stand on (see Hagren's Hirelings). As they fight Fortis turns to Mentros, "You're fired get out." And Mentros storms off in a huff.   Myra ends the argument with Adama approaching Salis and asking about the windows and the lab break in. She pales but says that she doesn't have the kind of magic you would need to break the windows. She explains that the windows prevent disenchantment and yet they seem to have had the magic sucked out of them.   Myra turns back to Fortis who is being consoled by Raijun, "Who was sponsoring the void fish project?"   "I can't say. It was ... interested parties on the council. Please I can't have anyone else knowing. You can't look into it any further."   Myra takes the box from Orto's hands and hands it to Mr. Fortis, icily, "We've solved the case you hired us for. From what you've told us nothing else from the lab was stolen correct?"   Fortis gulps, "Correct."   "Then we are done, good luck Mr. Fortis," Myra says as she leaves the lab leaving the Wardens to choose whether or not to follow.   She reminds Raijun as she goes that they have an appointment with Vila and Raijun appears in the elevator before Myra can get there. Ayen asks if Myra is she's sure she doesn't want to go home but she gives him a look and says she's fine asking for a carriage to be brought around. Ayen nods and speaks into his collar.   As they descend Raijun comments that he hopes Em'mt will be okay and Sarya perks up saying she heard something when she tried to restore the memories. She seems hopeful at first until she tries to recall the specifics, her face furrowing with frustration. "There were two voices. One of them seemed familiar." She scrunches her nose further, "I'm sorry that's all I can remember."   Myra looks taken aback by the apology, "You have nothing to apologize for. I'm sorry that was stupid and reckless. I should have checked...."   "Don't feel bad," Sarya comments as she tries to take Myra's hand. Myra pulls away getting into a carriage as she won't meet Sarya's eyes. Sarya seems to read the situation and turns into a raven instead of staying in human form. Meanwhile Raijun calls out instructions for the driver to make all haste to Soot and Steel.  

Soot and Sand

The carriage pulls up a short time later to Soot and Steel, Vila standing outside her arms crosses. Raijun is out of the carriage before they come to a full stop kneeling before Vila begging for forgiveness.   Vila frowns at him, "What makes you think I have time to forge a weapon for someone who is late?" she asks winking at Myra when Raijun isn't looking. Raijun swears he will improve and that he will do whatever is needed to prove himself. Vila cracks a smile, "You're gonna wish you never said that," as she drags him inside.   Inside the forge Raijun finds all the expected tools of a forge but also a number of books, they all look well used and some of them seem to be bound with rings or using hide as the binding cloth. Vila picks one up off the shelf and opens it revealing a crimson ink and deep velum pages. On the pages are a number of pictures and runes similar to the ones he first saw on Myra's sword when he met her. This shop is clearly the legacy of a craft handed down.   Vila takes his sword from a rack, unwrapping it showing that it has already been cleaned and sharpened expertly. She comments that she had to do some work to reaffix the guard as it was not what Raijun needed. "What work do you see yourself doing wielding this blade that I can impart?"   Raijun talks about his hopes for the sword how he heard of swords that could slice mountain tops and allowed it's wielder to walk on the wind.   Vila nods thoughtfully listening, "The work I will impart is but the first step. The kinds of things you speak of are lore and legends past. There is magic encased within this element that has other properties. On my own I could not unlock this without other items."   Raijun's eyes turns starry as his voice jumps asking if she is sending him on a quest.   Vila laughs, "Only if you desire a power attuned to the power of my ancestors. A relic or item of power that would make a warrior unmatched."   Outside Sky emerges from the forge looking exhausted, "He's gonna be here a while," she gestures to Raijun who is now frantically chopping wood.   "That's fine we can come back for him. Are you okay?"   Sky's lips flatten, "Yeah I'm fine Rachel just had another nightmare last night. Took a lot out of her and me. Slesma isn't feeling well."   "I'm sorry," Myra looks at the ground clearly blaming herself for the nightmares after her questions last night.   "Yeah."   Myra reaches into her bag and pulls out an extremely long feather from the Anzu. "Here a gift for Rachel."   "Oh what so she get's two gifts now?" Sky asks clearly trying to rib Myra but Myra not understanding.   Myra pulls out a second one, "Oh I'm sorry here."   Sky looks at Hagren, "What is everyone just giving out feathers? You got some you want to give me."   Hagren looks unsure but pulls a few more from his pack and hands them to her.   "Is Rachel around now? Maybe I could -"   "She's sleeping."   "Right. Well, we'll be back to grab him later. If you get tired of him feel free to kick him out." Myra motions to Raijun who is now shadow stepping with armfuls of logs.   Sky stops Myra before she gets back into the carriage, "Hey I just have a heightened stress level, you know?"   Myra squeezes out a smile, "Yeah. Definitely. I'll get out of your hair." The smile drops as soon as she turns back to the carriage.  

Briggs Books and Baubles

"Sooooo magic shop? Book shop? Magic book shop?" Adama asks.   Myra says she knows the place and directs the driver to an area of the Crescent not too far from their current location. As they approach they pull up to a store that says "Briggs' Books and Baubles". As they enter they find just piles and piles of books. At first there's no response to the door but Myra calls out asking for Briggs and there's the sound of tumbling books and before long a small gnomish woman pops out from behind the stacks smiling widely at Myra.   Myra introduces Adama to Briggs before slipping into the back with a practiced ease. Adama and Briggs talk books with Adama asking for books on war and books on liches. Briggs frowns at him, "I don't know if you want to get involved in that young man."   Adama explains that he's looking for purely self defense purposes which seems to calm her worries as she is able to find him some of the spells he's looking for (dimension door) as well as "Combat through the Ages, Kingdoms of strife, battle, and tactics in the Cantagon Archipeligo" and "Arcanum through history notable members of high magic and their achievement". As they do not have to be back to pick up Raijun for several hours the group takes a minute in the bookstore drinking tea and reading (Adama accomplishes 2 hours of Spell work).   Before they go Myra asks if Briggs has had anything interesting come through. Briggs shows the group a hat of disguise and a canteen of unending sand which Myra buys both of thanking Briggs and giving her a quick hug before leaving.   On the way back to the forge Myra asks Ayen if his contacts have found anything on Yamil. Ayen says he should have found out if he was still in the city so he thinks he may have been moved elsewhere. Myra looks antsy and asks Ayen what the probability of him letting her out tonight would be. Adama raises and eyebrow but Ayen just says that if they can get out he'll ensure they make it back in without issue. Adama grins saying that sounds like a challenge.   As they pull up to Soot and Steel Raijun explodes out the door eager to share the new blade with the group. Vila watches from the doorway a smile on her face as she asks Raijun to "never lose that energy". Raijun bows low thanking her again before running off into the carriage with his new sword. Myra thanks Vila again and the group heads back to the estate.
Report Date
10 Jul 2022

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