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Everpine Campfire - Campfire

General Summary

Hagren sits by the fire, burning with the newly acquired treant flesh, preparing pelts, and loading the new bullet into his pepper gun. Sipping the liquor he got from the carriage, he stares at the eerie sky. Raijun in a nearby tree, looks into the distance as he finds a nice spot to settle. Unbeknownst to Raijin, Adama has cast minor illusion on the tree branch to make it seem sturdier than it is. As Raijin starts falling he swears he sees Adama in the corner of his eye a smiling and laughing murmuring something about kicking people in the face.   "Odd skies out the- OH SHIT!"  Raijun exclaims as he tumbles from the tree. "Did those squirrels find me again?!" Searching the branches.   Hagren looks at Raijin's misfortune, and returns his attention to the bon fire. Myra returning from  her walk with Gwen offers a hand to Raijun, "I can't be 100 percent sure but I would guess by Adama's snickers your foe may be more mortal. Why were you hiding in a tree anyway?"   Brushing off sticks and an acorn or two, Raijun takes Myras hand, "well I wanted a comfortable vantage point, but it seems I have been foiled by nature again."   "Have you tried apologizing sincerely?" Spryg comes over and chatters in Myra's ear, she listens seriously and then responds in a language that sounds like rocks and earth. At the end she makes an upward spiral motion with her hand and Spryg flies up into the canopy.   "Neverrr, nature started it! Where is your construct going?" He asks quizzically.   Myra, rolling her eyes at the idea of nature starting anything, "Oh Spryg? I thought your vantage point idea was good so I told her to get a higher look at the sight just in case. She'll come back if she finds anything or once she's done a quick round."   "So you're automating me out of a job I see...typical 1%" he says with a friendly tease "you excited for the upcoming adventure?"   "What? I was taking your idea." sighs quickly giving up "Which adventure? The boat or the Captial or just leaving Nightwell? I am excited for the festival"   "The boat! Its like a whole new angle to my adventuring experiences...have you sailed much?"   "Not meaningfully. The city I grew up in was by the water and I've always found the water calming." gets a little bit of a far off look in her eye for a second. She shakes her head subtly as if to dislodge a thought. "But my first real journey onto the sea was getting to Greenport. Before that it had mostly been day trips or short voyages in the harbor. And how about you? For someone who can't swim you made it all the way to Greenport. Do you find it unnerving to be out on the water?"   "Not at all, the nice captain on the ship thought I was entertaining so he gave me my own floating tube safety device" he looks around and quiets down "I was hoping you could help me create such a device again."   Myra, smiling at the thought, "Of course! I'm sure we could think of something. Have you thought about learning to swim though? I'd be happy to help teach you."   " could help me best aquatic nature?" he looks at you with hope   "Maybe survival would be a good first step. I don't know that you're quite ready to fight an ocean. One thing you should know about water is that generally if you fight it it wins. It's more about moving with it, befriending it. So if your home didn't have a lot of water what did it have?"   "Lots of open plains, deserts, occasional savvannah, perfect for a young ninja to run around. You had to learn to hide in the open." he says with proud recollection.   "Did you have any celebrations at the monetary like the summer festival?"   "Well you are looking at the 2 time champion of the 100m, 200m, high jump and floor routine for our Annual Shadow Games..." he says, polishing his fingernails on his ninjago shirt, continuing on "every year the Immortals would come to the orphanage monasteries and select the strongest to join their ranks, I won those events at 17&18 and was invited to train with them."   "Oh so the Immortals existed before you?"   "As the name implies, they've been around for quite some time...they pick out orphans and mold them to their lking for various ranks and advance the strongest to higher ranks, and it goes on and on through the ages..." his voice trails off as he starts to think about the clan.   "I'm sorry I seem to be particularly skilled at reopening old wounds... Were there any celebrations that weren't competitions? Or was everything centered on training?"   Raijun with a kind look, "its ok, and yes, always on training. Do this and do that and why didn't you do more, yada yada blah blah" "can't a guy just be free and do what he likes?"   Laughing as you transition into the Charlie Brown adult voice "Yes always have to be doing something. 'Why aren't you studying? Why aren't you practicing? Etc etc' I'm sorry you never caught a break then." Eyes light up, "Does that mean you've never been to a true festival then?"   "Yeah you get it!! And then when ya rebel the lectures come out, by the gods they are drab and longwinded...." as he pretends to choke "and no I guess not! What's it like?" he asks.   "Well I haven't been to the one in Lions Crest so I have no idea what it will be like. And haven't been able to attend a festival in a while... So you're only getting my rose colored memories."   She stares off over your shoulder spacing out as you've seen her do a couple other times when concentrating or thinking through something.   "The end of harvest festival at home was quite a sight to behold. Buildings draped with lanterns and garlands, shops set up in the street, and vendors selling apple fritters and cider from makeshift stands. The entire city smelled of spices as warmth, from the hills all the way down to the sea. Even the trees participated, even though the air was cold, the entire city felt warm with reds, golds, and oranges of the leaves. The lanterns were a mix of paper, glass, and pumpkins that were hollowed out and carved into faces or works of art. My favorite part though was the masks. Everyone wore masks to ward of the spirits that come with the longer nights. Some masks had a beautiful simplicity but other involved these fantastically intricate designs. At sunset the whole city would light up the lanterns at the same time. It was truly magical. As kids, Ky and I used to get kicked out of the house the morning of the festival so our parents could prepare for the masquerade later in the evening. They would send us out with a minder and some money, and we'd loose the minder within 10 minutes. We used to eat fritters and drink cider until our stomachs ached."   "Sounds like a lot of fun...reminds me when my adoptive sister and I used to steal bread from the bakers..." you hear him sigh a bit as he mentions her "I'm glad he was safe and you get to continue forging memories with him" refering to Kymil. "I do like masks....I suppose everyone wears one all the time don't we?" quickly trying to change the subject.   You see Myra's eyes do math brain for a second clearly trying to process Raijun's words, before softening, "Some wear them better than others." There's a second of awkward silence as Myra searches for something less painful to Raijun, "So what did you do for fun then? You don't particularly strike me as the type to take the rules seriously enough that you would actually study all day as intended."   "Well I always enjoyed causing trouble to be honest...but I had a close group of friends who I did missions with that I enjoyed being around." Smiles at Myra, "sort of like our merry band of misfits."   "Why does it not surprise me that your idea of fun is just unbridled chaos?" Sighs, smiling, " Ok what was the craziest thing you did? I've seen that smile and I know there is a story."   "Caused a clan war between two other rivals by charming a nice lady from one of the factions while wearing the symbols of the other. When they found out I was hitting on a princess they attacked me, I knocked one out and I ran off scot free into the shadows, causing a large scale conflict for a while." Raijun Boasts.   Myra rubs her temples, "Raijun how many wars have you started?" Thinks about it for a second, "No wait on second thought don't tell me. I want plausible deniability."   "Ahh Myra my dear, I only spin along the threads of destiny, coaxing people to their innate desires." Tries to look philosophical   "Threads of destiny? So you're on the side of everything is known and written and we are just acting out a script?"   "Maybe, maybe not, fate can be quite fickle, I simply think that I help guide it along...I mean think about it Myra...I somehow survived so much..and still I stand...Ive thought about deeply and consulted many others and i've come to one certain conclusion." He looks at Myra with pure conviction and confidence.   "So there's no free will? We're all chained to this 'destiny'?"   "Well I think that I am chained to mine in a sense, yes. For you see Myra"   Myra eyebrow raises waiting.   Raijun, puffing out his chest and trying to speak an octave deeper, "I have come to the conclusion that I am the Chosen One."   Is not sure if this is joke so holds in her chuckles and instead waves in front of her solemnly, eyebrow still raised, "Present your argument"   "Well I have braved death dozens of times in highly improbably ways since my younger days. I believe I have been chosen for a greater purpose than myself, to be an avatar of heroism..." clenches fist and looks off to the distance, definitely serious   "And what does it mean to be an avatar of heroism Raijun?"   "Well I think that I am cursed to live with the consequences of my actions despite always surviving...and I think that its my purpose to guide others away from misfortune, and embrace it myself, because I don't think I can be brought down"   Myra's eyes go from attentive to worried, "Raijun how can you think yourself beyond death?" Softly, "You almost died in the conflict with Viridius. And why would you think that you need to take on others misfortune? Why not just prevent it or alleviate it?"   Raijun's eyes narrow, " I think that its impossible to prevent it all, so I try to bring others up despite the incoming tragedies... give them hope at least as the tale they weave spins to a'll understand in time... I am simply...the harbinger of the weave..." he whispers softly to himself.   "The weave?" Looks around paranoidly and touches an earring made of copper. The next time you hear her voice it's in your mind, "What do the scrolls have to do with anything? You can reply in a similar manner"   He chooses not to reply, and speaks aloud, "but anyways, I look forward to this carnival you mentioned, maybe this time I can buy the rounds, I've come into some money recently..."   Myra continues to look concerned "Y-yes maybe you can finally afford a good drink now."   "I do have a taste for the finer thing in life. Do you have any side business in Lions crest while we are there?"   "Nothing come to mind immediately. I have some errands to run and I'd like if we stayed a few days, one to see the festival, but two so I can run a couple of experiments. I may have something later but nothing concrete yet"   " uh.. you need a lab assistant by any chance..." tring not to act too excited.   "I would love any help you'd like to provide. Unfortunately I have errands to get supplies and such and then at least a day of theoretical legwork that needs to be done before I'm ready to do anything exciting. But if your interested and available I'd be more than happy for the company and help!"   "YES!" composes himself "it would be my honor to be an assistant experimenter at Stagwood Alchemical Academy"   Myra chuckles, staring at the carriage as though she could pull it apart with he eyes alone, "I wish I had a better understanding of conjuration. My understanding of transmutation has accelerated recently through... experimentation. But Conjuration just makes no sense to me. How do you create something out of nothing?!?" Pulls one of the logs gathered from the Treants earlier and rummages through her bag until she pulls out an adze you've never seen and starts stripping the wood into a board. Clearly taking her frustration out on the poor piece of wood.   As woodchips fly by Raijun's eye but he figures its better to let her tire herself a bit out first. "Maybe we could find a conjuration wizard or some scrolls and study them in Lioncrest?   Myra's head whips up at the word scroll but then realizes that she overreacted and tries to make it look more natural by rolling her neck out. "Yeah... Too many things to do too little time. I could fill months with my questions at this point. I'll keep thinking about it, you know keep it on the back burner, while I puzzle through some other problems. What about you, fire starter? What would you do with some free time?"   "Give back to the people and take care of street urchins"   Has returned to wood carving, slightly less aggressively, "And how will you do that? Your new found wealth? Your time?"   "Why I will teach the urchins how to steal and sow chaos themselves...maybe build a network of little ninjas who have information for me..."   The carving gets slower until it stops. Myra looks up at you in utter disbelief, "Raijun you know that stealing is a crime right? What if those children get caught? I don't suppose you'll be around to take their punishment will you?" Gently, "Maybe try talking to James? Him and Lady Adalphia seem to run quite an operation maybe you could do good with them?"   "Ever lived on the streets living off of scraps as people spit on you? You either adapt or get eaten alive, I simply provide them the skills to make it one day...but perhaps you are right...maybe I could gear them to better prospects... Like instead of thief...I could teach them to do alchemy or something.." starts trailing off as logistics come to his brain.   You see shame flicker across Myra's face as she returns back to her carving now actively avoiding your gaze. Softly, "No. I haven't. I'm sorry. I'm sure James would be more than happy to have additional assistance with his operation though."   "Though I suppose for this to work I would need someone to teach me the ways of science so I could teach the youth...."   "You could start with reading and basic arithmetic that's all it is really"   "...I don't really know how to read.. but I can count gold!"   Myra looks up in confusion, "I thought that was a joke. Raijun you told me you know how to read."   "Oh right I forgot I gave up that ruse... you just see right through me" he says with a smile.   Laughs nervously, thoroughly confused, "Teaching children the basics, and ensuring they are fed, housed, and clothed, would probably go a lot longer of a way then teaching them to steal some coppers from someone else who can't afford it." She comments as she returns to wood carving.   Raijun, mouth agape at Myra's comment, "ahh well..uhh yes I suppose you are right.."   "One of the best ways to disrupt a system is to show kindness to those who have been forgotten by it."   "Yeah, I suppose that throwing a wrench into a broken system doesn't really help anybody..."   "I would just think about the likely victims of any crimes that might be committed. If it is the ones you think you've helped I would reconsider what your help means"   "Fair enough, I will give this some thought..." Raijun says pensively.    "You have a good heart Raijun."   “Some systems can only be fixed after they are broken, destroyed and the pieces tossed into a fire” Adama comments from across the fire, the flickers of flame punctuating his words.    "As are you Myra, I'm glad to have a friend like you. Now Adama, about this knocking me out of a tree business" throws a banana at him.   Myra wonders idly if Raijun knows conjuration magic through the appearance of fruit. Shakes her head to herself and flips the log to start smoothing the other side.   Watching Raijun start a food fight, Myra attempts to subtly move towards Hagren and away from the flying fruit. "What about you Hagren do you have plans for your new found wealth?"    "Investment" Hagren comments, focusing on the fire.   Meanwhile, fruits fly across the camp as Adama throws an orange at Raijun, who catches it and throws it back in stride. Hagren, seeing the flying fruit, grabs a handful of grapes and throws them int the fray like slung rounds. One pings Raijun squarely on the forehead and Raijun falls dramtically.    Myra idlely wonders if there was a fruit basket somewhere she was not aware of... Spryg returning from above, begins circling Myra protectively. Myra has switched to a file to work on the plank of wood. "What would you invest in Hagren? Or do you mean you'd like to secure your gold for use later?"   "Betcha hes got eyes on a ship!" Raijun says, as he pulls out his blunted training sword and heads to Adama screaming "En garde you rogue!"   "A ship? You did seem at home out on the sea. What would you do with a ship Hagren? Do you have an idea in mind or would you work as a contractor?" From behind Myra hears a "hyahhhh" and sees Adama catch Raijun's sword hand and throw him on his back with a  thud.   Adama looks intently at Raijin, casts minor illusion and changes himself into his best impression of Po from Kung Fu Panda. “If it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you shall have...” Raijun makes his minor illusion as the leopard from the 2nd movie as they begin to spar in the background.    Hagren pulls his gaze away from the dueling animals and returns to Myra, "I haven't thought that far, thinking of shipping but seems there are competition there, have you ever thought of food industry."   "Which part? There's so many to choose from."   "A traveling bar on the open sea, going from port to port getting drinks to that harbor."   "Ah so rum running. Let's see I used to know the import export costs of most of the ports but I'm a bit rusty. I'm better behind the bar, see turns out liquor is just simple chemistry. But I'm not sure about your clientele from what I've heard the money doesn't stay to near the ports. That is unless you're just running the booze, then there's money to be made."   "It is a legit business, bringing place to eat and drink, and possibly some entertainment."   Myra looks up from her piece of wood into Hagren's eyes concerned she's offended him, "Oh no doubt I didn't mean to imply otherwise, I apologize if I did."   "But if you have permit for brewing I would like a further discussion."   "In which locality?" Myra laughs, "I didn't realize they had a permitting process these days. Last I had seen most names one's heard of just decided to do it and when the liquor didn't cause people to go blind or taste like feet it became popular. Naturally each regions got it's own specialty of course." Rummages through her bag and pulls out a flask and offers it to Hagren, "I'm happy to let you sample my product though"   "It might be the tavern special that you can only acquire at the ship. But first I need to open a bank account." Taking a quick swig.   It's whiskey and Myra doesn't mess around. It's smooth and strong with faint notes of Apple and Rosemary.   "Very lady like, can you make more stronger?"   Myra scowls at Hagren insisting her whisky is weak and 'ladylike', "What exactly are you looking for? And don't let the fact that it goes down easy fool you."   Hagren doubles over, "Did you forget to remove the first layer?" clutching his stomach on the ground.   Myra laughs and takes a swig, you realize you've seen her make a few drinks with a similar flask and that it has appeared with relative frequency since the fighting stopped, "Not my problem you can't handle, what were your words? My 'lady like' liquor."   Hagren passes out on the log. Myra pats Hagren's side and makes sure he's ok before returning to filing her plank of wood while watching Kung-fu panda in the background. As she works she mutters something to herself about the alcohol content of ale and it's comparison to her spirts.   Raijin goes to swing at Adama but this time poofs behind him and gives him a nice kick before poofing next to Myra. "Can I try this booze?"   Myra jumps a little at the sudden appearance of Raijun. "You had some back in the bar, I mean mixed of course but it's the basis of what I've been drinking. But sure," Offers him the same flask.   It's smooth and strong with faint notes of Apple and Rosemary. Raijun doesn't have a problem keeping it down he does however feel the whisky. Meanwhile Myra looks sober as she works on her plank.   "Ahh that wasnt so bad!" in his eyes you see a renewed confidence he can take Adama. He poofs away and tries to be slick and get the drop on him, only to semi drunkenly slip and fall on his face   Myra looks up as she hears the thud, "Raijun, you ok?" Receiving a thumbs up from the ground she returns to her wood carving.   Raijun, dusting himself off and getting up, wanders back, defeated. He looks at the carving and asks "whatcha carving over here?"   "Well before it can be anything else it needs to be a reasonable plank."
Report Date
23 Dec 2020

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