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Family Meal - Campfire

General Summary

As the group sits down for dinner Hagren asks, "Hey Myra, I was wondering, do you know what the people wearing in white and gold robes people were? I saw some while searching for Raijin and Adama."   "Those are the priests of Lythander. The ones Lylah came with. You probably noticed them up in the tower healing Sarya?"   "Is there a major clergy here?"   "Well there's a large religious presence in lights touch. The real religious leaders would be up in the Bismuth Abbey but there's certainly a decent contingent in Kolis-Tane." Myra turns to her parents at the table, "With the recent attack I assume Lylah has had her hands more than full for a bit?"   In the background, Raijun is having a lambchop attack one of his meatballs with sound effects.   Myra mentally adds a discussion on dinner etiquette to her to-dos.   Lord Stagwood replies, "Given her new station and ability we have certainly been lucky to retain her thus far.“   "New station?"   Lord Stagwood continues” She has moved up within the church as one of the First Lights of the church.”   Myra pales slightly at the thought that she accidently summoned a first light before pulling herself together, "I shall have to congratulate her the next time I see her."   Lady Stagwood chimes in, “That would proper manners. She still is on call for the family so certain expediency is expected.”   "Ayen mentioned that someone will be here to take measurements for the garments after dinner. Is there a theme to the gala that we should keep in mind for and formal wear requests?"   Raijun with a mouth full of lamb, "Yeah do I have to wear sleeves?"   Myra sips her wine to hide a smirk.   Lady Stagwood, “The theme is A Gilded Tomorrow, yes sleeves are required as representative of the Stagwood's.”   Sad ninja protest noises intensifies though no one takes much note.   "Will the Gala be here? Or will we be hosting elsewhere?" Myra inquires.   Lord Stagwood, "After the altercation on the grounds of the estate, it was important to show that we will endure so we will having it here"   Turning to Sarya, "I'm sorry I completely forgot to introduce you to Birch in the rush this morning. I'll remedy that tomorrow." To Raijun, "And I believe I promised to show you the stable." Sighs, "Just never enough time in the day. Well there will be more time tomorrow."   "Oh my god am I getting my own Pony?" Raijun asks, mouth still full of food, "I have been horseless for so long." He reaches into his top for a photo of him and Nightmare, you are unsure of how he managed to get this photo taken.   "I did not promise any ponies." looks at the photo, "How? Where? Never mind. Honestly I don't know if there are any ponies in the stable anymore. I only used one for a bit when I was very small. But I grew out of him ages ago."   "If he heard you say that how would he feel? Sounds like he needs a forever home with a doting owner at Nightblade Enterprises, what will it take to acquire the pony?"   "You want to buy Dusty?"   Swallowing and sitting up straight, "Well I'd have to inspect the pony first and make sure he's up to my standards."   Turning to her mother, "Speaking of purchases. To whom should I give the information about where to transfer the funds for my safe return." She gestures to the Wardens, "It is entirely due to the work of the Wardens."   Lady Stagwood not looking up from her food, "An agreement has already been reached and that sum has been resolved and we are not to speak more on the matter."   Myra flushes, clearly embarrassed by having been caught unaware. She says nothing, returning her gaze to her food silently, as through the mental bond she broadcasts, "Would someone like to inform me what resolution my mother is talking about?"   Sarya looks guilty.   Lady Stagwood, "The matter is resolved, no further discussion is required." A more practiced dragon like glare is flashed around the members of the table.   Sarya mentally “We mutually agreed that we were all set, as we’re friends and you came home on your own.”   The eyes at the head of the table fix to Sarya.   Myra looks a little pale as she pushes her food around her plate slowly subdividing it into smaller and smaller pieces. Not looking up, "I apologize I was not informed it had been resolved I'll not bring it up again."   Sarya does not make eye contact with any of the Stagwoods.   “So how did you make out with the mystery at Forerunner industries?" Lord Stagwood grins, "You catch the culprit, solve the crime?”   "We did find and return the project you were funding. Though I am curious about the business case for your investment. It seems useful, certainly, for the shipping of certain goods. Though I'm curious what we having coming through soon that would require the accelerated development timeline?"   Lord Stagwood scratches his head, "Well as of late we have been having problems with the normal enchantments used to preserve goods and with the possibilities to expand trade outside the islands it would be great to have a system that maintains the freshness of the goods,"   "Would it not be more expedient to review what is going wrong with the normal enchantments?"   "We have reviewed the enchantments and they are all fine. After many different experts have looked at it and none of them could find a reason why the enchantments should not hold so we sought another solution from a different avenue of magic."   Myra, now intrigued, "Were they failing in a certain location?"   "No the failures are not location based."   "Do you have any of the enchantments here? Perhaps I could take a look at them?"   "I can have some of the crates brought in tomorrow morning for your inspection, had i known you were coming home might have saved me the trouble of hiring a few of the other wizards or artificers who told me nothing was wrong" Lord Stagwood says with a playful smile.   Myra nods thinking, turning back to her mother, "Do you have a list of who is coming to the Gala? I should be prepared and brush up on my weak points."   Max as he clears the current course, “A full list has been provided in your chambers.”   Myra nods again, "Thank you Max."   With a quick bow Max and his team present a new full and delicious course.   “Wait is there homework for going to a party?" Adama asks incredulously, "Don’t you merely show and try really hard to not decapitate anyone?”   Myra looks at Adama confused, "Of course there is preparation. Don't worry you all won't be expected to know everyone as you have not been introduced before."   "Speaking of," Raijun adds, "I have ideas for how to introduce us, one involves me swinging from the main chandelier, I will send you my blueprints for the choreography."   Myra pales as Raijun continues, "yeah and then I'll hit a sick backflip and we can do the musical number, nothing crazy."   Myra's eyes dart wildly between Raijun and her mother's face as she slowly tries to recede into her chair.   Raijun is now showing his choreography blueprints to her mother, which Myra realizes are just hastily drawn stick figure diagrams.   Lady Stagwood, reviewing the notes, "You will be allowed the introduction you seek. However, I will need to approve it first. Despite your recent renown you are still guests in this home and you will behave as expected. Determine among yourselves how you would like to be introduced but I expect a demonstration before hand"   Raijun's eyes sparkle once he realizes what she just said, "Places people, we have high society to impress!" He gets out of his seat in preparation, "Myra, stand here please and be still or this may go poorly." As he tries to get Myra up she seems fully glued to her seat as she sees him stretch in a manner that indicates he plans to jump over her.   Lady Stagwood, seriously, "Dinner has not concluded, return." Intimidating pause, "to." Intimidating pause, "your." Intimidating pause. "seat." Death stare at Raijun.   Raijun not having parents had never felt the full weight of a matriarchal death stare, and despite the strong presence of Freedom Ki in his chakras, he feels compelled to sit down and sit straight, almost like a psychic force is weighing him down.   Myra, rooted to her seat, "Raijun you may also want to plan your entrance... without me." Glancing to her mother for confirmation.   "What?! But I need you to hold the flaming hula hoop!"   Doesn't blink at the actual request, "I'm sure one of the others could accommodate you."   “Myra, ya know introducing the Wardens in a flashy manner may be useful as it would allow you and by proxy your family to show the strength of your connections and capability. There is something to be said for when people are paying attention to being blinding.”   Myra nods, glancing at her mother, "Which I'm sure is why my mother indicated her support for your chosen entrances provided they've been demonstrated."   “Everyone would have heard about the beholden crossing incident and us jumping out windows and probably all our other antics in this area, meaning instead of being bland or generic go for the wow factor. Ok…. Just hear me out… So we enter to an explosion……….”   "I feel that may be a little gauche given recent events Adama," Noting her parents reaction.   “But… all endeavors can use a little fire and explosions.... Okkk, ok… I know… I can minor illusion the explosion… But’s its just not as WOW as a fireball explosion.   Wait the gala will be here, so fireball wouldn’t work… Sigh… I feel oppressed from setting things on fire”   "I believe it is called fire suppression," Myra adds helpfully, "And that's the point of the system...."   Adama pulls out his spell book and begins to read intently. Adama reads and studies his book as if the cure to cancer is somewhere within the pages. “Ya nope, no non-fire based cool spells.”   "That still leaves you with," does quick mental math "like three spells right?"   “I can still use a couple spells, but it’s like tying my arms behind my back, then locking them, and throwing me off a bridge. Oh wait… I have fly.”   "Great we're gonna need it for act 2 of this introduction," Raijun adds, "code name: Phoenix"   Turning back to her mother ignoring Raijun's concerning comment, "And the gala is to promote Mr. Fortis's Candidacy?"   Raijun is whispering things to Adama and his hand motions seem to indicate an explosion and a bird flying to the chandelier.   Lord Stagwood "His candidacy is one of the reasons yes, it is also important to show that the previous Phases incidents have not shaken the family home."   "Ah so this will be the first public event since the attack then?" Myra questions.   “Yes," Her mother confirms, "it is important to show that no mater what the gods may throw at us that we can endure and still maintain our families expected reputation and class”   Myra's half way through an eye roll before she catches herself and tries to hide it behind a fit of coughing. Upon completion of the eye roll she finds Lady Stagwood's eyes locked with yours. Myra swallows and reaches for her water, dropping her eyes, "Apologies, something went down wrong."   "Your terrified of her. Aren't you," Raijun mocks in the mind link.   There is only icy silence from Myra over the bond. Myra sips her wine, before addressing her parents, "How were your days?"   "I had some business meetings for a new venture," Lord Stagwood comments, "another discussion around the shipping problems as I previously mentioned..."   "Did you confirm the delivery for the ice sculptures like I requested?" Lady Stagwood cuts in.   "That was on my agenda..."   "Fine I will arrange for it myself," She takes a sip of her wine.   Myra to her mother, "Do you need assistance?"   “No your father is more than capable”   "Wait but you just said you'd take care of it," Raijun asks stoking the flames to see what happens.   “No my wife is far to busy with the important details I can handle something so trivial,” Lord Stagwood adds as Lady Stagwood drinks.   "Did you have a pleasant day mother?" Clearly trying to navigate to safety.   "So you don't handle the important details?" Raijun asks her father, fully sail into stormy waters.   “No I do not just the busy work that makes it easier for my wonderful wife to get the real work done,” Lord Stagwood smiles.   Lady Stagwood drinks.   Myra drinks.   "Well surely she lets you make some of your own decisions outside of desserts & agendas?" Raijun questions.   "Raijun my father runs a very successful business."   "That's what I'm saying! My mans got genius and guile," Raijun emphasizes." He's capable & committed! Surely that must beckon a loosening around the donut policies!"   “I am quite happy with the current state of these policies because my wife’s smile is a fantastic reward,” Lord Stagwood smiles at Myra and his wife.   Raijun squints at Lord Stagwood, he put a weird emphasis on the word smile that he might be implying more that just a smile. But he is honest and a bit corny. Lady Stagwood's mouth, for the briefest of moments, curls into a smile just before she elegantly draped her face with a napkin.   "How is the council? Speaking of policies."   "They continue to need a stern hand as always," Lady Stagwood sighs, "The recent incursions with the strange creatures and then the incident in the south garden has a lot of people on edge. In time it will pass... it always does."   "Strange creatures in Glemios as well?"   "Yes, dreadful and confusing things. Appearing out of no where, terrorizing people then just disappearing. The council is voting just after the Gala on special measures to better protect the public.”   "Here in Kolis-tane or further afield?"   "Within the city to start, as that is where most peoples interests lie."   "I hadn't realized they were so near," Myra's brow furrows, "Have further reports been made available? I'm curious, I have heard rumors about them."   "Yes, I had seen one myself while in Lights touch," Lord Stagwood comments, "peaceful thing made the mid-day sun turn into a rainbow around the streets. I heard later that day as it was trying to be removed it lashed out and attacked a few people in the street. Then there was the one in the bay that was attacking the trade ships...which reminds me to fill out that insurance paperwork."   "Oh you saw one yourself? Could you describe it?"   "Quite beautiful like a rainbow of mist dancing in the air like a series of ribbons."   "Fascinating. It sounds quite remarkable." And also familiar.   Turning to her mother, "And the council is looking to take countermeasures? I mean, understandably if people are getting injured."   "Yes we are elected to take action and serve the people," Lady Stagwood adds raising an eyebrow at Myra, "while others might think otherwise. Ensuring that the people of this city and its surrounding kingdoms are safe the first priority."   "What about profit?" Raijun asks, "Seems to be top of mind too," as he gestures broadly.   Myra drinks heavily.   The heat of the gaze coming from Lady Stagwood's eyes induces a tremor in Raijun's hands and a strong chill runs up from his spine, as the purest form of dread washes over him.   Lady Stagwood in a more practiced stern tone you are all to familiar with "Tell me, in your," pause, "wisdom what do you the difference of how rich and wealthy people see the world?"   "Tis a broad question that can be interpreted broadly, but it seems a lot of "rich" people struck their own fortunes, carved them out themselves, and the wealthy tend to be the distant progeny and recipients of generational compound interest, and are more like gardeners cultivating a Bonsai tree made of gold, or stocks."   Lady Stagwood pauses at the unexpectedly in-depth response before she continues, "Being rich has to do with showing off your gold through material objects, buying things and people just to show off and using your money as your only avenue to solve problems. But what do you have after that, what do you have when you spend that last coin?   Being wealthy, on the other hand, shows that you have invested wisely not with your coin but with the people whom you spend it on. My family learned long ago that the investment that never fails is the resolve of good people. So yes, you may see all these decadent things displayed and presented around you as a symbol of status, but it is a promise and a reminder. A promise to enable those who seek to better themselves and their neighbor and a reminder that if that promise is broken then all of our true wealth will disappear. So while the platinum plated utensils that you have quivering I your hand pair nicely with the dragon bone inlayed plates you feast off of do not assume my motivations.”   "What resolve and poise in the face of the challenge, truly a lady of politics, that resolve seems to run in the family, Myra is quite the politician when she wants to be....." Raijun trails off slightly before addressing her comment. "No one is assuming motivations, just seeking to understand, councilor. Tis a whole new world for me, I'd never been to Glemios before, the lords here are a different breed from the other side of the world..."   "Is she now?" Lady Stagwood asks an eyebrow raising as she scrutinizes Myra whose eyes are fixed to her plate, "Good to know those tutor sessions paid off at least in some fashion." As the Mother Dragon gaze breaks from Raijun and softens as it returns to the wine glass in front of her.   "Yes she's great at understanding the game," Raijun compliments, "I think she prefers to advise then be in the you speak of altruism and bettering thy neighbor, if you had to peg a project of your work that you are the proudest of in terms of effect on the community, what would it be?"   "For me," Raijun continues, "the work with the orphans has helped me regain my spirit and do good at large in Lions crest, and I hope to start an internship program soon to help them find their crafts."   “I am proud to hear that," Lady Stagwood's gaze softens slightly on Myra, "a true queen is not on the board but the one handling the pieces.”   "Well what I'm most proud of is a series of enchanted books that can be given to children that can help them learn to read," Lord Stagwood comments, "I would be donate a series of them to the orphanage you work with.”   "That would be fantastic," Raijun bounces, "part of my overall vision is to help them ascend into jobs with status, wizardry, artificing, alchemy, along with the more trade oriented programs, and turn refugees into ready to work impact individuals who can help the city prosper!" Raijun is clearly quite excited and begins rambling about his ideas.   Myra seems significantly more comfortable now that the topic has steered away from her, she turns to her mother "Raijun's also interested in supporting childhood literacy. Raijun haven't you talked about opening a literacy center if you acquired the funding?"   "Yes the Raijun Center for kids who can't read good and want to learn how to do other stuff good too!" He looks a bit bashful, "The erm, name is open to editing, I was just brainstorming."   Lord Stagwood looks intrigued, “Is this something you have planned for back home in the mountains or is this something you are hoping to set up elsewhere?”   " probably never going back to V'roth anytime soon," Raijun says with a rather uncharacteristic dejection.   "But..." Raijun's determination returns, "the King & Queen in Lionscrest seem to like me, and are helping me with Citizenship papers. In turn, I've invested nearly 10k in gold - a lot by non Glemios standards! Into the Den of the Moons center, and am currently helping them transport and establish supply chains on the side."   "It just feels good to see little boys and girls like me & Noelle..." He pauses pauses turning somber, "and giving them tools instead of sending them off to flaming trapeze fighting pits like we had to."
Report Date
08 Jul 2022

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