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Fireworks - Campfire

General Summary


After Zap huffed out the tent Hagren start to strike up a conversation with Fortis "What got up his tail?"   Fortis looking flustered, "He always feels the need to compensate, you are not the first that have brought accusations against him for doing underhanded dealings. We have not been able to find proof of it yet to bring it into the light."   "Several brigands attacked the train me and my companions were traveling, and several of them have used gadgets I never come across and given me trouble just to take one crony."   "I heard the city concluded that investigation, they clamed it was some low level scarf gang. Now I bet I know which Council member made sure they closed the case quick and pointed the finger"   "The council might be corrupted huh, not a surprise." Take a quick sip from his drink. "If anymore of such technology goes into organize crime I would feel there's going to be instability in Kol-Istain."   “This is one of the many reasons why Zap needs to be replaced as a council member. Crime is beginning to be a problem and I would rather them not have the arcane-tech.”  


Myra smiles, almost tearfully, listening to her father's words, her heart swelling. Maybe she hadn't failed. Maybe she could make a difference. She could take what they found and use it to help people, like Raijun was always saying. Her parents believed in her, they were proud.   "...impending engagement..." Her smile freezes years of lessons locking it in place. The blood rushing in Myra's ears drowns out the words that follow. Her vision narrows to the high lord in front of her. She blinks, suddenly standing in the middle of an icy lake. He stands in front of her, smiling, as the wind howls.   The ice moans as words echo on the wind, "Legacy, expectations, proud, engagement, future, break, Break, BREAK." The hammering sounds grows louder with every "break" until there's a large CRACK and ice under her gives way. As she's plunged into the water below she glimpses the high lord, still smiling.   The crack is heard by those closest to Myra as the tiniest imperfections in the champagne flute Myra was holding suddenly rupture, the glass rapidly cooled. Myra releases the glass and it falls. She blinks returning to her body as a few drops of blood well where the shards of glass are embedded in her hand. She looks at the mess, confused, "I apologize, my glass seems to have cracked."   Sarya mentally to Myra, “so I know a nice cave and the pack really likes to cuddle.” But recieves no response.   Raijun having just escaped his favorite harpy turns and sees Sarya as he hears the words engagement and turns to face Myra as he sees what is going on and, as the hairs on his neck tingle from the chill in the air and he just says, "Uh oh....Sarya I think this could be bad..."   Ayen is Myra's side before the largest shard of the flute hit the ground, their other hand quickly contacting Myra's back and then retreating as he shakes it away as if touching a hot coal. Myra hears the crunch of frozen blades grass around her as Ayen moves closer. The sound of the continued fireworks distracts the larger crowd from noticing the sudden movement at the center of the event. Ayen "Stand up straight, wrap your hand in this smile and ...enjoy the moment"   Myra moves to Ayen's words automatically. Wrapping her hand and straightening, a smile returning to her face.   As Myra grabs the cloth from Ayen she can already feel it stiffening in her hand as it contacts the frozen blood from her hand. She looks around to seeing only the immediate few looking at her in a point of concern but her spine does not go straight until her eyes meet the unblinking petrifying gaze of her mother, Lady Stagwood.   In her mind, the crack echoes in Myra's ears as she's plunged into the icy water below. Her dress pulls her down into the inky darkness. She struggles kicking, knowing someone, someone will come to help. She thinks of all her unfinished threads, her friends, her unanswered questions, Yamil somewhere hurt and alone. She feels the will to fight and changes her legs into something more powerful, pushing herself back to the surface. Ice has already formed over the hole and through it she can see the high lord, an amused expression on his face.    She punches through cutting her hand.    Ayen appears standing above her and she nearly cries in relief as she reaches out her hand. He kneels down, a look of concern on his face as he grabs it, pulling, "Wrap your hand in this, smile... Enjoy the moment."    Myra's face crumples. She tries to hold on as she feels herself falling back into the water, her legs no longer whatever powerful creature they had become. She feels herself split as part of her is lifted.   She's seven, seated on a plush stool, as her mother braids her hair. She watches in the mirror memorizing the movements, watching her mother's face as she talks. Sometimes her mother would bring her little snacks when they did this, or would stay and play with her after. Something has her on edge today, there are no snacks, no quiet smiles. She looks upset and keeps pulling the braid too tight, causing Myra to squirm.    She's talking to Myra, but no not to her, to her reflection. Reiterating the importance of good behavior, reminding her of what her tutors had been working on. Myra fidgets as the braid is pulled too tight again. "Will you sit still," her mother asks her reflection. "This is only going to hurt more if you keep moving." Myra says nothing but stares at her reflection, imagining that girl was out here while she was in the mirror playing with Scales in the corner. "That's better," her mother smiles relieved. "See what you can do when you put your mind to it," She ties off the braid with a green ribbon and moves her head to aside Myra's addressing the reflection. "Beautiful," Her mother kisses the reflections head. "I have to finish preparing but someone will by along in a minute to help you get dressed. Remember best behavior."   Myra sits there, staring at her reflection, even after the door is closed. "Look I can't do this," The reflection shakes her head mirroring young Myra's movements. "But maybe you can?" The reflection nods following her movements again. "So, maybe, you go out there and I'll stay in here and play. And then, when your done we can switch back." The reflection smiles missing a few child's teeth that haven't come in yet and salutes the way Myra's seen the guards do to Ayen.    She's falling again. It's so cold. And dark. Above her she can see where the hole was, the edges now thicker from where the water splashed as she fell. She spies her then, the girl from the mirror. Smiling, laughing. Others have joined Ayen and the high lord standing on the lake, her parents looking on with soft smiles. She tries to summon the fight she felt before but there's just numbness as she watches the ice begin to grow, creeping out from where the hole once was.    Myra's smile wavers as the fireworks continue in the background. She mouths an apology in Sylvan before ensuring the smile is in place. Catching the eye of a server she retrieves another glass, depositing the napkin Ayen had given her as the blood seems to have stopped.   New glass in hand she walks up to the High Lord's group to watch the remaining fireworks.  


Raijun mental links to Sarya, "Hey is it me or is Myra like uncharacteristically calm about this life changing turn of events?"   Sarya responds mentally back to Raijin “I’m not sure that it’s calm as much as it’s paused. You know how animals have a fight or flight reaction? Here’s the third option, freeze” she pauses, looking at the grass, “apparently quite literally.”   She is clearly focusing on Myra as she approaches but other than she seems to be enjoying the display and celebration. Myra seems lost in the moment and stunned by the sudden series of events and news but as always handling with a cold and efficient demeanor Avrae BOT — 07/13/2022 @Myra :game_die: Result: 2d20kh1 (2, 7) + 8 Total: 15 Myra — 07/13/2022 Myra seems to have mouthed something to her mother with what looks like an apologetic glance over the glass. She seems to have cleaned herself up and has moved on to celebrating with the high lord and his wards. Sarya — 07/13/2022 (I would also like to insight them both, but I can’t remember how to roll on here) Avrae BOT — 07/13/2022 @Sarya :game_die: Result: 1d20 (15) + 8 Total: 23 @Sarya :game_die: Result: 1d20 (3) + 8 Total: 11 Myra — 07/13/2022 Myra seemed confused but seems to have recovered. She seemed truly apologetic in whatever she mouthed at her mother. Whatever hesitancy you might have noticed earlier between her and Luneacre delegation seems to have abated slightly as Myra smiles at them. Sarya — 07/13/2022 mentally to Raijin “I don’t think that she’s all here - she’s calmer than before the announcement… but I… I can’t go over there” Raijun, the Redeemed — 07/13/2022 Raijun squints at this scene and turns back to Sarya   "Elves have charm magic right, did her mother like pacify her to get her through this, or is this Myra just packing it in bc she cant resist her mom?" Sarya — 07/13/2022 “I don’t think that it’s charm, it’s more like she’s on autopilot- reverting to her training growing up here” Raijun, the Redeemed — 07/13/2022 "So like what do we do? It seems like this is her trial that she has to go through but I do hate seeing her like this, like a canary with clipped wings..."   Raijun is uncharacteristically serious, he seems rather upset his close friend seems to be stuck in such a predicament. Myra — 07/13/2022 Myra's nose crinkles in laughter as Axilya says something into her ear. The high lord smiles as he takes a step back joining Myra's parents, watching, allowing his two wards more space with Myra. Raijun, the Redeemed — 07/13/2022 Raijun with a myra esque eye brow raise   "Ok thats it something is definitely going on...but man I dont feel like I have an angle to help here..." frustrated, he turns around and notices Gameta not too far off and waves at her Everyone Else — 07/13/2022 Axilya and Caldir jovially converse with Myra as they all cheers with each other and move in close as the show continues Everyone Else — 07/13/2022 The Stagwood's and the Lord of the Evergrown step in closer blocking Myra from view from the gathered Wardens as the Fireworks begin to conclude Everyone Else — 07/13/2022 Gameta excuses her movement as she steps closer to Raijun with a smile on her face "Hi, wow that is a very nice robe you are wearing" Raijun, the Redeemed — 07/13/2022 smiles despite his rather stoic demeanor after seeing Myra in her current state   "Thank you, it is traditional garb in my homeland, and you look stunning as well, the dress complements you nicely, good color matching!   Sorry if I made ya nervous tell you the truth I was hoping if I looped you into the conversation the harpies might back off a bit, that Laura seems to think we are an item but truth be told I just met her and she scares me." Everyone Else — 07/13/2022 Upon your complement a soft opal light shimmers around her form and is even more true on her face as she avoids eye contact "Thank you, just trying something little more bold, figured now would be the time, fancy Galla, big interview he he why not"   "Oh I just had assumed that since the way she was talking about you and was very opal light seems to burn bright for a moment had her hands over you that you were together" Raijun, the Redeemed — 07/13/2022 "Yeah to be honest, I think she tries to parade me around because it helps her out, and I feel like I have to mingle w the society elite to get my cause in front of those who can really help but man... I much prefer to be around people who have the same values and I can just be myself around, you know?" Everyone Else — 07/13/2022 The fierce opal glow fades into a dull warm one “Ya totally, leaning in to whisper honestly it was nice to see this kind of event in person, my family could have lived for months off a set of the silverware alone. While I am sure the motivations of some are well intentioned this party is a little much that effort could be applied in making a real difference. Not throwing, but the looks of it is a surprise engagement “ Raijun, the Redeemed — 07/14/2022 also whispering   "Oh my god right?! You shoulda seen Queen Stagwood when I said something along those lines"   now quietly imitating lordly voice and he recounts his icy encounter w Myras Mom   "Glad you see it that way too, what would you do, Gameta, if you had this much wealth, who/what would you support?" Everyone Else — 07/14/2022 As Raijun looks up from his whisper he could swear Lady Stagwood was looking right at him “Oh wow well I would make my parents retire and take of them because they sacrificed a lot for me and cared for me growing up with all of … ya know… the glowing. But I think after they were settled I would want to make sure that other like me have a safe place to grow and are not alone. So many are abandoned or are called an abominations and they just need someone to reach out” Raijun, the Redeemed — 07/14/2022 Raijun starry eyes intensifies as he listens closely, and once all the details have emerged, he is beaming   "Yes, often we judge the visual instead of the spirit that powers the vessel despite it being unfair. You never know who could become the next Gameta after all.   You have great ambitions, I quite like your dream, help others just like yourself, and be the beacon you never had. "   you notice that as Raijun says this, he realizes they have that in common, and so he then says   "Very ambitious goals, if you ever want a helping hand, I would love to assist in sculpting that dream into a reality!" Everyone Else — 07/15/2022 "Beacon that would be a great name for it As she brushes her hair aside from her face, I mean having a cool name for it is half the reason for something like this am I right she smile jokingly. Won't you be on your next adventure- do you know where you will be going after the Wedding?" Raijun, the Redeemed — 07/15/2022 "Well, from what I've seeing with whatever's going on here, I get the feeling the wardens will be in Glemios for a while…   Raijun trails off for a second as its clear the hamster wheel inside his head starts turning   “But this is good I think, gives both of us time to plan out our dreams and work on them together.   I mean we have to get the Wardens story down on paper, save the orphans, save the special people like you and save the world somewhere along the way!”   Raijun looks over at the crowds celebrating, the music playing and turns back to Gameta and extends a hand as he smiles and says   “In the meantime while we let our ambitious ideas matriculate, would you do me the honor of a dance so we can twirl in synchronicity with the fireworks?” Everyone Else — Yesterday at 8:38 AM "Oh I always thought that Elven weddings were rather quick turn around time but its good to know you will be around for a while Gameta smiles. "   Gameta looks up at Raijun and a surprised smile grows upon her face a she accepts Raijuns hand and with silent yet unbound excitement accepts his offer to dance
Report Date
19 Jul 2022

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