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Hopes and Dreams - Kolis-Tane

General Summary

Having stumbled their way tiredly out of the Nal the group finds their way to some carriages Myra hails to head back to the Stagwood estate.   Following up on her request from earlier in the day, Myra asked Sarya to use some of the time in the carriage to attempt to scry on Yamil. Sarya agreed, grasping Myra's staff as a focus before letting her mind zoom out. She felt cold stone rush past, it smelled dark and slightly damp. There were hurried voices and then ragged gasping, "to warn them.... they're coming... they're coming" before being shoved out of the vision the spell broken. Sarya explained what she saw to the group but said there wasn't much more she would be able to do today as the spell was broken.   As the group makes it back to the estate a confused set of guards let the group back in without issue. The main group goes in the front while Myra elects to go around the back to her room, insisting that she's not sneaking back in she just wants to minimize her interaction with anyone (to the eyerolls of the rest of the group). Neither has any issue with the group returning to their chose beds, Myra finds Spryg curled up safely on her bed a note lying beside them saying simply, "I hope you had a good night. - Ayen"  


Myra takes the goods Hagren asked to be identified to her office spending time identifying how they work before finally crawling into bed around three-thirty. As she falls asleep exhausted she finds herself in a dark void. Before her there is a series of shifting colors, a sound echoes in the background an ever present clang of metal on metal, the soothing sound of a forge.   "Hello?" she calls out to no response.   A moment passes with Myra mesmerized by the colors, "You must turn it. Otherwise it will break," A voice says authoritatively. The voice seems unknown yet familiar, almost comforting. Myra turns trying to pinpoint where the voice was coming from. But there's nothing, she attempts to step but every time she does it's like the ground is missing and she stumbles. After the third or fourth attempt the voice returns, "You must find a balance between strength and fragility. That is when a true craft is made."   Myra stops, "Who are you?" she calls.   "I am a creation."   "Then who's creation are you?"   "I am made of those who seek to dream. I am the memory of what once the dream held."   "Will you show yourself?"   "I am shown. How is up to you."   Myra considers and is constructing a form when her subconscious Raijun butts in, "Ooooh imagine me." And suddenly the scene before her changes. She's standing on a dock, the familiar form of Raijun sitting on a barrel next to her swinging his legs. A breeze picks up casting the salty air over them.   Myra turns to him, "Only you would be obnoxious enough to make this about you in my dream."   The figure of Raijun smiles but doesn't answer instead pointing towards the sunset where the sky seems to be glowing a number of colors. Myra's brow furrows as she inspects him closer but he seems perfect to her memory. She grabs his hand and it feels real and callused, as she asks, "your not him though are you? You're the scroll."   As she says it the scene changes, the voice echoes "I am a tool to be shaped and molded." With a crack of lightning she's standing in a damp town square, cobblestones underfoot. Shadowy forms circle around her, as she stares into a puddle with her reflection. "A gift bestowed. It is a tool," the voice advises as the air seems to chill around her.   Myra looks at her hands, one now clawed and scaled the other still flesh and warm with the heat of Raijun's hand in hers. Thunder rolls as the shadows move closer pressing in, "Change is inevitable. What change happens is up to you."   There's a spike of fear that runs through her as she tries to breath deeply. But as she breathes the scales grow and climb until, in the next crack of lightning its no longer her face that start back at her but the toothy maw. The shadows crystalize into frozen faces, "The guilt of you actions..."   In a lighting strike the faces are gone. In the distance she can hear two voices. One seems to be consoling another the other apologetic. "Yamil?" Myra asks with a mix of fear and hope. As she asks aloud the scene changes and she sees Yamil but younger, hunched over a bed.   He seems to be holding the hand of someone, though she can't make out who the other figure is, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I let you down. You can beat this. But you need to tell me how to help you. I don't know how to help you."   The figure though obscured seemed frail and weak. Myra hesitantly approaches. "Yamil?" she pleads as she puts a hand on his shoulder.   She wakes up.   She lies there staring up at the canopy of her bed alone in the room for a minute before sitting up and running a hand through her sweat drenched hair. Only a few hours have past, even dawn's light still slumbers. "Well nothing for it," she comments to herself and makes off for the kitchens rolling up her sleeves as she goes.  


Upstairs Adama turns in his bed, in his mind's eye we see a beautiful field of flowers. Adama plucks one and places it in his hair, and it feels right like it completes something that was missing. Movement makes him look up as he sees a silhouette on the horizon a woman carrying a child while another silhouette, smaller and more lithe seems to be running for him.   He takes off towards them running. It feels good, to run, to do something, but he never seems to draw any closer to the figure. As he runs the temperature seems to rise until the field seems blisteringly hot. When he blinks again the flowers are gone, replaced by smoldering embers the field lined with ash. The figures have also changed. The one running towards him not a flaming spear in the ground as the others have changed to a dark horse wreathed in flame, it's rider sitting imperiously atop it.   "Anger is a powerful tool. It can be used for my benefit. I see the path you stride upon. I could crush those in your path," War offers.   "Then you would deny me the retribution I seek," Adama answers.   "I could ensure the destruction you deserve reaches your soul."   "We'll talk but not now," Adama dismisses.   War laughs and Adama awakens holding a familiar pin clutched tightly in his hand. He returns it to his bag before rolling over and returning to his sleep.  


Everyone else awaking from a great nights sleep they find themselves gathering in the foyer the following morning, Raijun still attempting to shove more pastries down his throat.   "They will just keep coming," Myra comments as she helps herself to one but doesn't seem to actually eat it.   "I almost got them beat," Raijun insists as Orion peers in from another room and laughs.   Turning to Max, "Was there anything that was needed for preparations for the Gala today? Aside from staying out of the way."   "Your mother wanted to do a final fitting with you later. I think she would prefer before dinner," Max informs.   Myra gulps, "Right well I'll be sure to be back in time for that. Max would you mind asking Ayen to join us when he has a moment." Max says something into his collar as Myra turns back to the group, "So I promised introductions to Birch and the Stables but that can be done whenever as it's here is there anything else people wanted to do."   "I wanted to go to the den of the free moon!" Raijun says excitedly.   "Right that's maybe in Light's Touch? Honestly I wasn't aware they had a temple here but I'm sure someone could take us there."   "Magic shop," Adama adds. "Where do you think I could find a ring of disintegrate?"   "Umm well I think that usually those kinds of objects would be highly controlled and illegal. So while I don't know I would say your best bet would be to ask Ayen."   "Ask me what?" Ayen adds entering the room. He walks up to Raijun clapping him on the shoulder right over a bruise, "How was all of your fun last night?" Raijun tries not to whimper as he puts on a show saying they had a great time. "Excellent," Ayen adds two more pats to the same bruise.   "Ayen have you had any luck with your sources on Yamil or the vulture?" Myra asks hopefully.   "Nothing on Yamil. The only thing I found on someone named 'The Vulture' is an old bounty from the Carrefour but I'm waiting to hear back from some of my contacts there. Was that what you wanted to ask me?"   Myra inquires about going out for the day and Ayen says that as long as they behave and don't jump out of buildings or stop any trains he thinks they could go out with just Myra's normal light detail. Myra promises to make them behave and inquires for his opinion on a good magic shop. Ayen suggests The Lucky Cyclops in the spires as Reginald has taken care of them before.   Myra then tells Adama to explain his conundrum over the disintegrate ring. Adama concisely tries to explain why he needs a disintegrate ring leaving out the specifics of who & what he is trying to kill but insisting that the ring only needs to be one use. Ayen scans Adama, deliberating before giving the entire look a look over. Ayen mentions that Myra seems to trust the group and they've clearly done a lot to protect her and in that vein he might be able to help. He suggests that Adama split the task into two parts. As a ring of disintegrate would be highly regulated he suggests instead looking for a ring of spell storage that could hold that level of spell. If Adama is able to find that Ayen says that they can arrange for a wizard not directly connected to the Stagwoods to imbue the ring with the spell Adama desires. Ayen mentions that he will cover the cost of the spell if Adama is able to furnish the ring.   Adama is excited to have a plan and thanks Ayen for their help. Adama makes Ayen agree to fight him before they leave though asks that it be no magic restrictions. Ayen says he'd be happy to show Adama up in the training field when he's not as busy as he will be today and tomorrow preparing for the Gala. Myra thanks Ayen for all of the help and cuts off the group before Raijun and Adama can suggest all the ways they could get in trouble without jumping out of buildings, sweeping them out the door while promising to behave.  

Den of the Free Moon Wayward Soul Sanctuary

Making their way into one of the carriages Myra asks the driver to take them to the temple of Elistree. The driver is confused asking if they want to go to the community center in the Shadow and seems hesitant to take Myra there without Ayen's go ahead. Myra sighs and promises not to do anything reckless, "Yes that is where we would like to go please take us there."   As they sit in the cart Myra's mind drifts back to the violin music the night before and she asks if anyone else has heard it. Everyone agrees that it seems odd and Raijun and Adama note that they heard that same tune in the subway station earlier in the day. Raijuin thinks back and remembers Irik once playing a fiddle wondering aloud if it might be related.   Myra can't place the tune of the music but notes that the musical structure is one of searching, like a person looking for something they can't find. With other 'voices' added in joining in the searching but it seems to get more and more frantic as though they can't find what they are looking for. Myra notes that perhaps they should give Ayen a heads up once they are back if the Voiceless still are around and the group contemplates it until arriving into the Shadow.   Pulling up to a smaller building, the structure itself seems to remind the group of the Community center Mama runs in Lion's Crest being less about the temple and more about directing people to services and getting them what they need. Raijun rushes out of the carriage and starts looking around while Myra, knowing she would not be able to get away with the same walks up to the door of the building and knocks. The priest who opens the door seems surprised to be face to face with Myra who politely explains that Raijun has done a lot of work with their sister branch in Lion's Crest and wanted to stop by to see how things were here. The priest asks them to hold just a moment as they would get the head of the community center.   A minute passes and an androgynous looking elf appears in more practical work attires and introduces himself as Darius the head of the community center. Darius thanks 'Nightblade' for his continued very generous donations to the group and mentions that they were only recently able to secure this building using some of the funds he had donated. Raijun, thrilled by anyone using the name Nightblade, says that he's just trying to help and asks if there is anything the community center needs.   Darius indicates that mostly they could use additional hands around the place but if Raijun wanted to donate goods they could always use soft goods and food. Raijun says he's working on a towel deal which leaves Darius very puzzled but willing to accept whatever help Raijun is willing to offer. The Wardens volunteer a couple of hours of their time Myra setting up a station for mending, which after starting slow picks up steam. The rest of the Wardens lend a hand doing real hero work for a couple of hours until it starts to get around noon.   Myra finds Darius before they leave and hands them a piece of paper with a list of contacts. She tells them to reach out if they need anything and to send word if anyone is giving them trouble. She apologizes for it not being as much as Nightblade but says she hopes it helps. Darius thanks them profusely again and says that at least right now the Stagwood name goes a long way in the city though maybe not for long giving a sly smile at Raijun.  

Out and About

Heading out Myra suggests that they stop while in the Shadow and get lunch as it's the best place to get food in the city. She offers the group several options and Raijun and Adama insist they can eat their way through all of them. Myra sighs and says they'll go to Sol's and see if they could eat anything after that. She asks the driver to go to 'the Sun' and they indicate their support taking them to a nearby restaurant.   A sign out front has a very Lythander vibe in it's ornamentation but instead of indicating a Temple it just says "Hotter than the Sun" and underneath, "Buffet - All you can Eat". Myra warns the food is spicy but Raijun bluffs that he can handle anything. Myra rolls her eyes as she leads the group in. They are greeted by Sol, the proprietor who's skin reminds the group of the color of clay as molten veins seem to snake up their frame.   Sol greets Myra warmly and apologizes for not having anything prepared by Myra waves them off. She comments that some of the group think that they can handle the spice and Sol gives the group a look over and laughs asking if they think they can make it on the wall. The group turns to see a photo wall mostly covered with earth genasi and teiflings smiling back. They all help themselves to the buffet everyone taking a different level of preferred spice.   At the end of the meal most of the group is already crying with the level of spice when Sol asks who is going to take the core challenge. Saraya bails having had a rough time with just the buffet and Myra smiles and says she's not eating meat right now but thanks Sol for the offer. When Myra looks to Raijun, who is already crying from the heat, instead of answering he just puts on the 'death before dishonor' headband and signs up. Sol laughs and says that they will see if they did better than Ayen as he doesn't think he's ever seen Ayen cry so much.   Sol cuts off some of the meat and serves it to the guys who all take an initial hit. Hagren and Trenchcoat tap out after the first bite while Adama seems to be enjoying it Raijun mostly seems to be in pain. The second bite brings only more pain to Raijun but he swears he will make it through regardless of how he might feel later. Adama finishes off the third bite and thanks Sol saying he will have to get their recipe. Raijun manages to keep down the third bite but is on the floor by the point Myra asks if he wants milk. He insists he ahs to finish the challenge but after Myra assuring him he's done he proceeds to drink several glasses trying to regain any feeling to his tongue.   Sol congratulated the two saying that it's not often that humans make it on the wall. And prepares to take a picture to add to the wall that proudly proclaims "I've been to the Core and back." As Adama is suggesting Sol come up to the estate to serve spicy food Myra mentions that if anyone messes with the catering for the Gala they will be summarily executed but does say that Sol should come back up again. Sol notes that Myra's father seemed to enjoy it last time though notes that they didn't get her mother to try it. Adama asks what the meat was and Sol explains that it's part of a core bison bowl before smiling telling them that it's core bison dick right as the photo is taken.   Feeling full and very spicy the group thanks Sol again and heads out. Myra requests the driver stop at the Lucky Cyclops in Spires near where they had spent some time yesterday. The outside of the shop seems to have no windows save one very beautiful one centered on the door.   Myra knocks before entering and they see a dwarvish fellow, back turned to them sweeping up some glass, "I'll be with you in a moment."   They enter, Myra commenting, "Good to see you again Reginald." Causing the dwarf to spin. He seems to be a cyclops himself with just one eye in the middle but he waves a hand in front of his face dispelling the illusion so he car rub his eyes before greeting Myra.   The group looks at a number of things and goes back and forth with Reginald about his various familiars. He seems to have three and indicates that the crow, named Gordon, is new and he's still trying him out. He jokes that the familiars are cheaper than shop hands though they come with their own quirks, as there's a smash of glass from the backroom.   The group ends up purchasing:
  • Spells - Adama
  • A minor wand of binding - Hagren for Trenchcoat
  • Healing potions (4 lesser, 2 greater, 1 superior) - Split amongst the party
  • A 300 gold diamond and 100 gold of diamond dust - Myra
  Hagen inquires about damage that would reduce damage but Reginald says he doesn't have anything like that actively in stock. Myra indicates she could look into that kind of thing it would just take time and some of the parts Hagren was thinking about incorporating.   Reginald also has a ring of spell storing that would meet Adama's requirements for disintegrate, one time use ring, and requests 14K for it. Adama is unsure how he could make that much given other spell component costs but Myra is able to sell both the Ioune Stone of Fortitude as well as a number of doses of the purple wurm poison to help defray the cost. She loans Adama the remaining 1k he would need taking the ring from Reginald and handing it out to Adama just holding up one finger. Adama gleefully take the ring as Myra ask Reginald to maybe keep where he got the poison from to himself and also not to tell Ayen. Reginald taps the side of his nose and says to bring any other strange objects they might find by as he's always in the market for a good story.   The group thanks Reginald again and starts to return making just one more stop at Soot and Steel for Hagren to make a last minute request for his outfilt for the Gala. he places a last minute request for a cane sword to be ready by the Gala and thanks Vila for the rush job.  


Making it back Myra starts to excuse herself to go meet her mother when Adama asks a number of questions about why Myra doesn't wear dresses. Myra explains that she has no issues with dresses themselves they just are often not designed for the wear and tear of adventuring especially with the stupid shoes people want you to wear with them. Raijun excuses himself and starts bolting for the nearest bathroom as Adama pokes fun at him and follow. As the rest of the group go upstairs to relax before dinner Myra makes her way back toward her room where Max has indicated her mother will meet her.   Myra enters her room to find her mother already there, the gown rotating slowly in front of her in a dress bag. "I know it has been some time since we talked just the two of us," Lady Stagwood comments, "so I thought I could help ensure everything fit before tomorrow."   Myra nods, "As you wish," and begins to redress in the gown with her mother's assistance.   As her mother is buttoning the back, "Important people will be here tomorrow. It's vital that that everyone see that after the trial that we remain undeterred as a family." Myra nods not talking. "There will also be... other visitors. You may not remember them but they are important to us and our family. Your friends must be on their best behavior," She comments giving a glare.   "I will talk to them. I'm sure they will be."   Having finished the buttons her mother circles lingering in the back where the dress reveals a large breadth of the tattoo Myra usually keeps concealed. "Would you like to hide this?" she asks as she touches it gently. It begins to glow with a soft violet light reacting to the other scroll. "Where did you get this?"   "The tattoo I got in Lion's Crest." Myra receives an unamused gaze as her mother's question stands. Myra sighs, "Nightwell. You know where Ky is."   "Was this from him? He has not right -"   "No! Of course not he knows nothing about it."   Myra's mother breaths in, "Is this what you fought there? Ky mentioned fighting in his letters."   "What have you not heard Raijun's stories about fighting the devils off?"   "Devils? Beasts of a lower plane wouldn't care about this. Are you not going to tell me then?" Still circling.   "Will you tell me where you got yours?" Myra gestures to the item she's playing with.   She stops pacing ending behind Myra, "It's been in our family. For longer than I care to admit. The first roots. It was entrusted to us for some time... And its about time the next lady of the house receives it." Myra feels her mother tucking it into her hair motioning for her to stand still. There's a pause as she finishes, "You know that things like this come with a great responsibility."   Myra nods, swallowing. "Do you want me to hide it?" she gestures to her back.   "Yes. It paints a target on your back. How could you leave it in such an exposed place."   "Well it's usually not, it's not like most people see it!"   "I should hope not! I would hope your father and I taught you Some level of decorum!" There's a pause as they both look away. "Make sure you understand what it means to hold something like that."   Quietly as if afraid to ask, "Would you instruct me in yours then?"   Kythera, crosses circling again. "You'll find you are already prepared." She pauses behind Myra, concerned tears coming to her eyes, "It may give you strength in the places that feel you need it. But remember you're my daughter, you already have all the strength you need," She crosses toward the door, attempting to conceal her tears as she goes.   "Wait!"   She pauses hand on the door.   "Won't you tell me anything about tomorrow? What should I expect? What's going on?"   To the door, "A lot is at stake, you should be prepared for that." Pause, "We've raised you, given you certain... expectations of your station and position. Tomorrow is the beginning of that future and the end of your adventures." As she leaves the room, the door clicking closed softly behind her.
Report Date
06 Jul 2022
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