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Invitations - Campfire

General Summary

After securing his victory jacket, Raijun gets himself a bit away from the crowd to go find the Wardens resident superfan. He finds Gameta face deep in some notes, she seems to be sorting her details from the latest wardens encounter.   He waits for a second before saying “ I do believe that I owe someone an interview…still want to talk Gameta?”   Gameta looks up from the notes as in her mind sees one of the mightiest hero's of the realm covered in sweat blood and the musk of battle flip a jacket over his shoulder and come over put a strong hand down on her table and say, "Hey." She bites her lip, "Oh .... yes.... if it not too much trouble I would love to ask you about your journey and story, no detail is too small.   Where did you first learn your skills that allow you to punch giant constructs to submission?"   "Well I would be happy to regale you with my humble upbringings," Raijun flashes a smile. "You see, I was an orphan born in the snowy mountains of V'rroth. I never knew my parents, or if I had any siblings or anything really, all I remember is being part of the Immortals from a very young age.   They were a shadowy organization that does a lot of dark contractual work, you know, kidnappings, grand theft, murders, all that shadowy cabal stuff. It's not easy to do, so they trained you and trained you in increasingly savage and barbaric trials against your peers in an effort to only cultivate the best. There I learned most of my martial arts, and skills used in daily combat, how to blend into crowds and extract information, think of it like super solider elementary school."   As Raijun speaks Gameta is furiously writing capturing every detail of the words of her hero. She looks up briefly only to blush and return her eyes to the page. Until Raijun begins the part about the murders and kidnapping... "So you took part in these sorts of missions as well kidnappings....."   Raijun sighs, "I was mostly doing spying and reconaissance style missions, they put me there because I was one of the fastest they had. And I know from the outside it sounds bad, but what they did to get us there was...worse.." He recounts his trials since he was a toddler, the shocking violence they were forced under threats of death to do, the fights, the flaming trapeze elimination rounds, and he talks about how he found a group within them that werent as bad as the others and eventually became a captain of a reconaissance team, and how he let the mission get to his head, and what happened as a result.   Gemeta's face shifts from apprehension to concern as Raijun opens up, "Wow you certainly have been on a journey, so is it true you saved most of the wardens from Pirates when you first met them?"   "Yes, you know after the events in V'rroth, I just didn't want to be a bad guy anymore, but all I had ever known was crime and violence, so after escaping to the other side of the world, I was just sitting there on the docks looking out to see, when I saw this group of people who reminded me of my old team, so I decided to get involved," he recounts surprising the bandits with speed and precise strikes, and saving the bandit leader when Hagren went to execute her. "Felt good to be a hero for once, and I was inspired by one of my comrades to try to be better over the course of the next couple weeks..."   "So did you jump in before or after the dock was set on fire?"   "Before, and that was an accident, and Myra did eventually send funds to get it yeah uh, on behalf of the Wardens I do apologize about the collateral damage...we are uh...working on that piece of the heroism puzzle.   When did you first find out about us Gameta, you mentioned you were in Greenport yourself, right?"   She giggles, "You know he is still looking for all of you- you all ended up burning half the dock in Greenport down.   I grew up in Greenport and when the sickness came my Grandmother was sick and I was so scared, but once you all fought the crazy librarian and she got better I learned about you all. Not sure you all had a name yet at that point.   I always liked to tell stories so now I just explore following your adventures and learning about other hero's - I was thrilled to been invited to the Stagwood Galla as part of the press release about Stagwood Futures. Although getting to see you all in action..." She blushes and breaks eye contact.   "Wait you're going to the Galla too, what a coincidence, so am I!" Raijun smiles warmly as he notices all the blushes and giggles accumulating and leans forward and says "and it just so happens that I am currently without a +1, and Myra did give me an all access pass for a guest, did you have any interest in joining the wardens for the night? You can learn about our airship from Hagren, talk science and politics with Myra, magic with Adama and get closer to your inner spirit animal with Sarya!"   There is a high pitch sound that emanates from her body and quickly fades from your hearing range as her head begins to vigorously shakes yes. Matching high frequencies & excited shakes emit from Raijun as his sword begins to shine from the sheer amount of reverberation.   Her eyes widen "Is that coming from you, its not coming from me, i mean i would never be able to make that sound, it's such a crazy sound. What sound? Are you sure its not coming form you..."   "Oh that might be the humming of the Fist of the Sky," as Raijun draws the radiant blade and it glimmers in disfrequency, similar to Gametas outburst from earlier that night. "God you would not believe what I had to do to get this, that blacksmith, she did unspeakable things in that forge... Broke me down to my base parts and built me back up again"   "But you survived that as you survived your past must be made of good stuff, a strong soul for a dedicated hero..." As Gemeta slowly inches her hand across the table toward the one Raijun has on the table, she looks up longingly at the man coveting his reflection in the blade.... only to have that view be blocked by a slim femme fatale figure draped in the night sky and stars as Laura Mooncrest steps between them   "Well now look at my big strong man, what a champion" Laura croons. "Not only slaying those beasts but taking all that punishment and still being to look this fit," she bats her eyes. "We were interrupted before," as she walks her fingers up Raijun's arm, "care to pick up where we left off?" Camera scrolls flash in the background.   It's hard not to be staring in awe at the ridiculously attractive Raven Queen styled influencer look that Laura has, Raijun is definitely a bit swooned by the warmness and affection, but before he says anything, he looks off towards Gameta to see how she feels about this.     Myra silently to Sarya in a booth they've claimed off to the side in line of sight, "are we taking bets?"   Sarya smiles silently back to Myra “hmmm… suave and sexy or cute and fangirly…”   Trenchcoat peaks over the table and slides a gold coin in front of Myra and Sarya "Neither," He says with a smile on his maw.   As Raijun glances at the two women before him, Gameta seemed genuinely excited to even be talking to you and was enjoying hearing you share your story. Meanwhile Laura is transfixed upon you and your stature like a lion stalking its prey. Raijun looks at both of them without breaking eye contact from Laura, whose intense gaze seems to come bundled with some sort of charming effect that is quite hard to ignore.   He smiles at Laura with a wink and says as he gives her a flirty nudge back, "Ah the moon and the stars herself, nice to see you Laura, thanks for the kind words! You caught me in the middle of an interview right now, let’s catch up in a bit, try to stay out of trouble in the meantime, unless you want to be saved…” Mimicking her method of flirtation to some degree, but he is reciprocating lightly and subtly, only giving nibbles to the ravenous lion in front of him as he turns back to Gameta.   Raijun turns back to Gametam “Sorry about that, we met earlier and she also seems to be a fan - so where were we in the story?”     Laura looks stunned as her man 'walks away', ”Oh right my dear I am so sorry to interrupt your post victory interview." She leans in close to your ear and whispers, "I’ll be waiting.” As gracefully as she entered she makes her way back into the crowd.   Gameta looks stunned as Raijun sits back down, a simple humble smile returns to her face “My next question was: the rumors about you being part of a kobald acrobatic troupe I guess are untrue then?”   You can feel the lust emenating from Raijun with Laura's words as his hairs stand up for a moment, but he composes himself quickly to answer Gameta with a passionate reply, "Yes for a small period, when we went to Nightwell and found ourselves between an industrial war machine and a primordial force of nature, but the acrobatics was a fun time!"   Myra raises her champagne glass to Laura as she leaves.   “Is he one of the citizens you rescued from your time there," as she gestures over to Trenchcoat and waves cutely to him, "I heard you saved a lot of people”   Trencoat waves back with a half malevolent half you don’t know what you are getting into smile just visible as he strains to look over the table. The beautiful elven form spots Myra and with a practiced grace knocks Trenchcoat out of the way and joins Myra and Sarya’s side of the table. “Lady Stagwood I just had to come by and say hello, after seeing your commanding presence and the way you handled our host you are a true host. May I buy a round for the table and chat with you about your families event tomorrow?”   "Miss Mooncrest of course you may join us. Though I will need to send someone for a taller stool for dear Trenchcoat. Urza should have something for those who are vertically challenged. I wouldn't want to shortchange the Captain's second," She waves to one of the not Myras indicating her requests as well as another bottle and glass.   Looking down at Trenchcoat and gesturing to help, “Oh I am so sorry little one my apologies, please let me help." She reaches down and pick Trenchcoat up and sits him on her lap. Trenchcoat searches for Raijuns gaze with the most smuggest of smiles.   “I wasn’t aware that you knew of me I am honored," Laura notes. "I hope you return home has been a pleasant one, and just in time for your mothers event”   "Miss Mooncrest one must be blind or deaf to come to town and not have heard your name mentioned as one of those who can make things move."   Trenchcoat silently takes back the gold on the table and puts it back in Raijuns coin pouch.   “You are far too kind and much like your mother as she paid me a very similar complement.”   Myra flashes a smile with teeth, "I'm honored. But I'm being terribly rude I don't believe you've met the others," gesturing to Trenchcoat, "as I mentioned Trenchcoat is Second to Captain Hagren." Gesuring to Sarya, "And Sarya is an expert in the more natural magic arts."   With the same way one one show to much attention with a hairless cat, Laura scritches Trenchcoat behind his ear hole, “And what a handsome first mate he is. It is a pleasure to meet you as well Lady Sarya many of my home are skilled with that natural arts but I have never seen such power and graced mixed. Did you just come here to fight? Or are you looking to celebrate before the festivities this weekend?" She moves into the booth a little closer as she sips from her Fey Wine.   "Not at all," Myra corrects. "I wanted the Wardens to experience the full breadth of what Kolis-Tane has to offer. That they bested Urza's gauntlet," Myra slips into a genuine smile, "that's just who they are."   “Well a team is only as capable as their leaders," She reaches her arm along the back of the booth to position it just out of reach from Myra’s shoulder. Sarya smiles bemusedly at Laura’s attempts.   Meanwhile, Gemeta continues to Raijun, “What really happened at Nightwell? When I went to go after I wasn’t even allowed into the city.”   "Well it was pretty crazy, you see a very powerful druid was waging war against a bloodcrazed disgraced military general, and they caught the entire town inthe crossfire of very powerful magics and a devil lord." he tells her quite a bit of the action and aftermath, careful to avoid mentioning Myras dragon mode, or the scrolls of power, simply referring to the powerful magic of the druid as some sort of primeval force. He mentions in quite vivid detail the scene where he is fastballed at a treeant demon, when he silenced Law and Myra took center stage, Adama soloing devil knights and taking a devil lords weapon from him, and many other fun stories from their time, including running out of a collapsing pyramid at full speed only to turn heel and run back to save Gwen, getting out right as the structure collapsed.   A look of amazement and joy grows on Gameta's face as Raijun tells of the Wardens victory over Law and Viridus, “Wow that sounds amazing I didn’t know you could punch a tree that hard!”   "I know right?! I guess you could say that....their bark is worse than their bite."   Gameta eyes light with an opal light and her scale outlines glow in her skin as she begins to roar with laughter. Tables from other levels are looking down to see what is going on seeing this now draganoid woman reeling with laughter at the table with a still bloody Raijun.   Laura’s attention briefly darts to Raijuns table her eyes darken, and grips Trenchcoat a little too tight, before returning the attention back to Myra and Sarya. Myra too peers over to the other table smiling softly at Gameta and Raijun cracking up before returning her attention up to Laura.   A few moments later Gameta gains control of herself and hides her arm under the table as she begins to apologize”So sorry about that, I am a sucker for puns and simple humor. Didn’t mean to cause a scene- I can go if you would like….”   "There's nothing wrong with expressing yourself," Raijun smiles, "it's just what makes you unique outside of these savvy journalism skills of yours. I don't see why you'd have to go, we're only half way thru the story!" He inquires about the glowing nature of the scales. "Is it only one color or does it change?"   Head still looking down and instinctively still packing up, Gameta, hearing the kindness and genuine, "Its just the one color I am cursed with, it came from something when mother was exposed to while she was pregnant. She was a cartographer and was doing some work in the caves below the Dragon Spine Mountains in Vloyuth. I went to a lot of doctors and clerics when I was a child but most of them were just scared of me."   Hagren pretty much passed out, with a drink in his hand, after the fight while Trenchcoat is treating himself. After a quick power nap Hagren goes up to Myra and asks, "Hey, Trenchcoat nabbed some gears from the two train bandit guys from the arena; can you check it out if we can use them."   "Ah Captain Hagren, have you had the pleasure of meeting Miss Mooncrest? Ms. Mooncrest I'm sure you saw the Captain in the gauntlet.   Yes I can look into them though I don't have my tools here," gesturing to her current dress. "I'll ensure they are inspected for the morning."   Laura extends out a hand for Hagren to gracefully shake, “Oh it is my pleasure Captain Hagren, I have never met a captain that was so skilled in combat as well as the seas. “ She pauses for a second and refocuses, “Wait are you the captain of the ship that stopped the constructs at the Beholden Crossing?”   "Yes I believe that was right after you ordered the rescue of the Kolis-Tane fleet from the sea monster right Hagren?"   “Oh yes we, The Wadrens of the Weave, have taken out that monstrosity before any damage made to the populace.” Hagren takes Lady Mooncrest's hand and places a gentle kiss upon it “Mooncrest… there is another island near continent of Faruen with the same name; any correlation with the location?”   She accepts the kiss, and bows her head "Such strong hands, you are one strong captain. Sadly no most of my followers are within the Cantagon region so I stay where they are, ya know to be more relatable."   "Do you find you prefer travel between the islands or experiencing one location for a longer period Miss Mooncrest?" Myra inquires.   Relaxing back into the booth, "Well Lady Stagwood, it all depends on the real reason I am there. If it is to attend some sort of event or to meet up with a certain person one might take longer than the other. It all depends on the goal, and I never fail," her arm stretches back over the back of the booth.   "So how long will you grace Kolis-Tane with your presence? Are you just here for the Gala?"   "Oh i should be wrapping up shortly after but that was the main event I was booked for. And who am I to turn down a party of that scale and class?"   Myra, sipping her drink, "Yes not many would refuse my mother."   With a cute smile, "Not attending after securing an invite would be carrier suicide"   "Have you been to Kolis-Tane before? Or is this your first time?"   "Yes, it is my first time in Kolis-Tane, and so far it has been a very positive experience," Laura's arm shifts such that her hand rests on Myra's shoulder.   Myra shifts in the booth, turning to face Laura more fully but also pulling her shoulder out of Laura's current touch, "What have you found most interesting so far? I've been trying to ensure that the Wardens get to experience true Kolis-Tane."   With an eyebrow twitch Laura looks at Myra, "Well the city is certainly full of excitement, I arrived just after the explosions started happening, then there were the robberies before, Oh and the giant glowing creatures that appeared by that big church building"   "Oh my. You've certainly been here during an... interesting period then. I hope that no harm has come to you during your stay?"   "Oh it has been fantastic all the chaos has been great for work, plus it has helped getting to where I am today"   "Did you see one of the glowing creatures yourself? I've heard they can be quite dangerous, I'm glad you were able to get away unscathed."   "Oh your such a good friend, you're so sweet," Laura leans in and gives Myra a quick hug, Myra freezing. "How long are you and the Wardens in town for maybe we can do a Inspire session together?"   "Oh I'm sure Raijun would quite enjoy that. He's always looking out for the Wardens marketing and brand awareness."   Laura smiles and claps softly “That is fantastic I have a few spots maybe after the Galla, or we have an excuse to leave early if we want to do something a little more fun” She winks at Myra.   Myra blushes at the wink, "Right. You're medium of choice is scrolls, correct?"   “Ya but I inspire on, Feybook although that is for my older followers, Presto for my more loyal followers, Mage Message to share my daily inspirational quotes and with a seductive look oh and Only Fiends.”   Myra gulps clearly feeling out of her depth.   Seeing Myra’s discomfort Sarya interjects, “I haven’t been in Kolis-Tane very long, are those different types of scrolls?”   "Yes, they are all connected so for those who like to have an understanding of all the latest social information they can follow it with ease. Sadly this is something just available in the major cities and within high society but its growing."   “Ah, I had never heard of it, but I chalked that up to my… natural lifestyle.”   “It’s quite fascinating that they are connected to so large of a group,” Sarya ponders.   "The start up cost can be prohibitive to many," Myra comments, "You need the magical items to both connect into the network and then additional scrolls to be able to create on the platform."   "I go to a spa to really un-scroll for a while and it is soooo relaxing. Shifting such that she is still comfortable around Myra but now focusing on you Your natural powers and lifestyle must be really amazing - does that mean you can transform into something cool?"   “We went to a spa recently and while it was very nice, it was also a bit of a nightmare," Sarya remembers. “I don’t know about how cool it is, but as you saw earlier, I can transform into natural creatures and elementals.”   "I mean I cant do any of that so it is pretty cool to me, does that mean you can transform into different animals? Oh man I would love to be able to something that can fly."   "What would you change into if you had the opportunity Ms. Mooncrest?"   Sarya looks wistful, “flying is wonderful.”   “Something graceful, something strong, something that could soar high amounts the clouds- probably a peacock with all those feathers I would always stand out”   “Unfortunately, peafowl don’t fly well," Sarya corrects. "Those beautiful feathers are more to attract a mate than to soar” she smiles lopsidedly “my favorite is a peregrine falcon - they’re the fastest bird and they can dive and appear as if out of nowhere.”   She smiles playfully, "Oh wow I didnt know that, a falcon would be fierce, very on brand with the girl power." Turning back flirtatiously with Myra, "That must have been something to behold the first time you saw Sarya transform- from some fierce and powerful into something With a smile something fierce and powerful."   Myra blushes again, "I believe I actually first met Sarya in her other form. We almost shot her out of the sky by accident if memory serves correctly."   “Yes, but I can’t blame you all though. There were a lot of strange creatures there that were… less than friendly”   "Wow always and adventure always so much danger. I bet as a fierce falcon you had no problem if they did almost shoot you out of the sky."   “Ah yes, I was a giant vulture at that point- big and sturdy to weather the storms, creatures, and constructs in the Beholden. A bigger target for their ship, certainly”   Sarya mentally to Myra, “wait, Yamil couldn’t have been talking about me when he mentioned The Vulture, right? He wouldn’t have known that, right?”   Myra returning the message in kind, "I mean he's certainly seen you transform but I feel like I wouldn't describe you as The Vulture. Do you still have the capability to scry tonight? Once we are out of here? I'm still concerned by the note earlier. We'd need to do it on the way back as I know scrying is blocked in and out of the estate."   ”I can if you have your staff,” Sarya comments to Myra's small nod. Sarya turns to Laura, ”Vultures are a very important part of the ecosystem, even though they are not very attractive”   With a scrunched up scowl on her face,"I dont know they are kinda gross" Seeing as the topic has kinda of soured for her and glancing at the table full of smiles and giggles that is Raijun and Gameta, "Well I need to make some more rounds, I look forward to our colab session after the Galla - try not to have too much fun in the meantime."   Myra blows out a breath she seems to have been holding as Laura walks away from the table, "Gods I'm bad at this."   Sarya leans back, some tension in her shoulders that you hadn’t noticed now dissipating “I think that went fine. Any time you want me to discuss birds of prey or scavengers to… discourage… attention, I’m happy to do so.”   Meanwhile, Raijun is still chatting with Gameta, though it seems the interviewer has become the interviewee as he asks about her and her own journey, "So how did you get yourself all the way to Glemios?"   Gameta smiles and responds “Well I paid for passage from Greenport to Lions Crest, but from there I had family trade partner willing to give me passage up here if I did some work on their ship. It’s been quite the little adventure”   "Wow, look at you, you're an adventurer in your own right too! So you stayed in Lions crest huh, thats one of my favorite places!" Raijun beams, "Me and the king are homies. And I do a lot of philantropic work with the Den of the Moon over there."   Gameta Blushes, "Oh i didnt realize you were so connected with the royalty over there, I hear the king is a bit of a "show boat". What is the Den of the Free moon?"   eyes lighting up as he talks about his passion project   "Well they help refugees and the downtrodden from wars and conflicts in the area, Ive partnered with them to improve living conditions and build relatipnships in the world for trade and job programs." Raijun leans in a smidgen, "I'm gonna save allllll the kids Gameta, every last orphan, and make them into heros, scientists and people who read good!" he says with conviction.   Gameta's form begins to glow softly as she looks over at her hero, "Wow that is amazing, do you know they have a chapter in the city too?"   "Whatttt, Myra didn't even tell me! Holding out on me as always. Well it sounds like I need to go pay them a visit!"   As Raijun realizes he spiraled elsewhere he pivots,"Ah Im sorry, I spiraled into my side projects, did you have any other questions for your interview?"   The glow quickly fades from around her body and jut returns to her cheeks, "No worries this is all very interesting and I appreciate you taking the time. Wow you are a real hero off and on the adventuring path. What is ahead of the Wardens what is your next adventure?"   "Well Gameta, I'm glad you asked, I'm actually in the process of trying to recruit a talent manager for us, someone who could help us build our brand, handle media pressers, the whole nine yards... They'd have to be a savvy reporter and a big fan of the Wardens..."   Gameta's eyes go wide.   "Yeah we would need someone who is up to date, who we can trust, who cares about virtuous journalism and spreading awareness of our heroics! Maybe we need someone!"   Gameta faints on the table.   Myra spies this from a few tables away, "Well I think he's made her faint.... do we step in now?" She asks the table as she rises. Mentally to Raijun, "What did you do?!?"   "I offered her a job! I have found our new brand manager!"   "Is she okay?" Myra asks concerned, already headed toward the table.   Some of the Non-Myra Servants join at the table and begin to lay her in the recovery position at the table.   Myra crouches next to Gameta, laying a hand on her shoulder as she starts to come to, "Are you okay? You seem to have gone out for a second."   Gameta's eyes, blurry and unfocused come to focus shortly after finding Myra dead ahead and go wide again.   Myra attempts to hand her some water, "You okay honey?"   "Yes I am fine." Gameta, looking around at all the Wardens around her, "I need to go - good night," Bows multiple times and goes to leave.   To Raijun out loud after she leaves, "Do you think that's a no on the job offer?"   "I think she just needs to sleep on it."   "Should I have an actual offer drawn up then?"   "Oh yeah, shes got a great heart and inquisitive mind & enthusiasm that rivals my own, shes perfect!"   "I can have something drafted before the gala then."   "Ah that reminds me actually, I have a war dance to complete as part of our victory"   "A what?" Myra asks incredulously.   Raijun waltz to the dance floor to do a rugby stylr hakka in urzas jacket.   "Anndd he's gone...."   Waiting a moment before mentally reaching out to Raijun, "Can we please go soon? I'm exhausted. You've bested everyone and come out victorious is that enough for one night?"   "Ok if you need to go we can but these hips are hard to stop!"   Mentally, "Raijun if you give away all your moves now how will you impress them during the Gala?"   Raijun shimmies back to the table, "You're right, I need the tactical advantage." He scans for Laura to make sure he can escape. But finding her no where in sight Raijun breathes a sigh of releif and goes to leave the party with the Wardens.
Report Date
03 Jul 2022

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