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Just Ask - Campfire

As Myra and Sarya get into the cable car Sarya can still feel the cold rolling off of Myra. As Sarya takes a seat Myra takes a place at the opposite corner, staring out a window. Outside the gulls cry and the waves crash as the car begins to slowly lurch down the cliff. They are about a third of the way down when Myra speaks, though your not entirely sure if she's talking to you or herself still gazing out the window, "You leave and you tell yourself you'll be different. You tell yourself you're more than your family. But you run and you go and even a continent away you're still just a fucking Topper causing problems and thinking you're better than everyone else just cause you have a little cash. Thinking all the problems will be solved with money. Stupid."   Sarya sighs “The boys were looking for a fight… I think that they’d have taken any excuse. It doesn’t sit right with me either- they’re stuck with their lot in life here, they don’t need a bunch of rich jerks to humiliate them too. Myself included - I was having fun and wasn't thinking about others"   "Looking back on it I'm not sure if I should be relieved that we didn't do something stupider or upset that my loud drunkenness caused those people to get hurt." Myra looks at the flask at her side and seems torn between taking a drink and hurling it out the window.   Sarya sees where she's looking and says "I could probably use some water."   Myra hands over the flask, "All you have to do is ask it." She looks out the window again, "I give Raijun a hard time on the beans or the lamp but at least everyone makes sure that there's no civilians around. We've never hurt anyone besides ourselves with those. So why am I relieved they didn't decide to pull a card or find some new source for beans? I shouldn't be relieved that those people are all going to end up hurt."   As they are talking, Myra sees a familiar shape, twirling about in the streets, clearly hammered. It is Raijun, and he somehow retains his balance in his drunkard state, flowing along the streets like a ball of lightning jumping from streetlight to streetlight, and you hear a few "woooooooos" echo into the night.   "You know he tells me he shouldn't drink and I sometimes forget why."   He is running with his lamp in one hand, sheathed sword in the other, cackling at various points as he twirls and tumbles and flips   "Well at least someone's having fun," Myra counts the figures coming up short, "Where's Ada-" catching sight the figure flying off the cliff, "Never mind."   Sarya sighs.   Myra actually cracks a grin seeing Adama, shaking her head, "The most sure fire way to get that man to do something is to tell him not to."   "You're not wrong," Sarya's crankiness starts to slip and she grins too.   "Sometimes I wish that they had 1/10 of my anxiety because gods it would make life so much simpler."   There's another whoop from Raijun who has started weaving up and down walls and has realized that he can bop Trenchcoat on the head as he weaves past and get away before Trenchcoat can react. Persistent seems to have actually found lemons somewhere and is looking at them intently. Adama is flying up looking like he's getting ready to jump again.   "Then I see them and know that that's wrong... I'm just jealous I suppose."   "I'd say some bullshit like 'you just worry because you care!'" Sarya comments, "but that's not the issue. I frankly wish that I worried less, cared less, but I suppose that's just not how life works"   Myra snorts, "I wish it was only when I cared, but the nightmares I had about failing to memorize the first 100 rulers of Glemios or completely forgetting how to play the piano seem to suggest otherwise. And yet many of my regrets are that I let my anxieties prevent me from doing what I wanted." As she says that it seems Raijun is just doing whatever comes to his mind, as he swings from a lampost humming some song while giggling below.   "I was so worried that I'd hurt the people that I loved... and that I'd get hurt myself that I didn't talk to a single human for a year," Sarya confides, "Reina found me, both of us wildshaped, when I was running with a pack of wolves. She managed to convince me not to give up on humanity - at large or my own - because of what I'd seen and done, though it took a long time. Even then, I didn't want to see others, for fear that I'd cause them to be hurt, or worse, care about them if they were"   "More caring means more opportunities for pain or betrayal. And if you hide it all away and protect yourself completely maybe it will hurt but it can't be worse than what could have happened right?" Myra shrugs, "That's what I always thought anyway." She looks again at the rest of the group growing farther in the distance, "Seems like I was wrong."   "I hope that you're wrong," Sarya trails off "because I've really enjoyed getting to know you," she says in a tiny voice. Myra looks at her, trying to determine if that was the singular or plural "you" Sarya blushes bright red "all of you of course."   Myra's attention has been wandering between the group on the cliff and Sarya as the conversation progressed but Myra's attention turns fully to Sarya now. As she searches Sarya's face Sarya feels the full presence that was behind Myra's intimidation check in the bar, the vast frozen gnawing hunger of winter that promises no light or warmth. She's quiet, intensely searching, for a full minute. "I'm still scared you know. Terrified really. Even now. Especially now."   “What are you afraid of?” Sarya shivers under the sudden cold.   Myra stalks over to the other side of the unpinning her cloak and wrapping it around Sarya. It's a different one than the one she gave you previously that Raijun now hoards, causing you to wonder how many cloaks she actually has in her bag. Far off on the cliff there's more whoops and chanting of 'jump! jump! jump! jump!' She sits down next to you and tucks an errant strand of hair behind your ear, her hands freezing though she doesn't seem to notice. She seems slow and steady as though she was stalking prey more than the anxious mess her words would indicate. She leans in as though to whisper conspiratorially, "May I kiss you?"   “Please” a fire seems lit in Sarya's eyes, as if to combat the cold.   As Myra leans in there's an extremely loud whoop from the distance as if Raijun could see them from where he is on the cliff as the camera pans away from the cable car. He found a particularly shiny rock.

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