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Misplaced Memories - Kolis-Tane

General Summary

The investigation into the break-in at the Fortis lab continues. Right now Raijun and Adama are questioning the main suspects in the interrogation room. Raijun had pulled out the seemingly demonic rabbit project, perhaps in an attempt to throw them off balance or because Raijun just was bored and wanted to know more about it. While Mentros seems confused about why Raijun is dealing with the project Sails currently sits transfixed at the rabbit as it seems to be parroting previous things it heard in Abyssal.   Raijun tuts saying that Salis has been keeping things from them. He tells her that if she carries on like this she'll never work for Myra. Salis blushes slightly asking Raijun if he even knows the kinds of things she has worked on, the kinds of things Myra has worked on. "You're a hobbyist," she declares.   Raijun looks like he will rebut when the rabbit speaks again, "What's going to happen to me? Where am I going to put this?"   He pivots, "What work have you done on this Salis?"   Salis points to Mentros, "This is his work."   Mentros looks like he's swallowed something, "I had to cut some corners..."   Salis speaks up, "Cut some corners? The whole project is compromised. It was supposed to be a children's toy and it speaks in the language of demons!"   Raijun perks up, "And how would you know it spoke Abyssal?"   Salis comments that she got brough on later to test and had to read Mentros's notes asking if Raijun knew what that was like. "His notes would be things like 'made progress today'. They said nothing!"   Raijun asks curiously, "And where did you learn to speak Abyssal? I mean you were clearly understanding it."   "I needed an .... elective in school. I had already learned Elvish, draconic, and a number of others and was looking for something... different."   Adama bangs his hand down on the table, "This is all your fault isn't it? You got too big for your britches. couldn't take it anymore and snapped."   Salis straightens up, "That lacks logic."   "Then why are you stressed about the language?"   "Because you all are insinuating I did something I did not! I get no respect around here for my work -"   Salis is cut off by Mentros, "Your work is what we tell you it is."   Salis explodes at Mentros and how he was drunk off his ass and didn't do anything.   Adama comments that in his experience a true artificer should have more humility saying that the best artificer he knows has almost no ego. He mentions off hand that he believes they actually trained Em'mt. This causes both Mentros and Salis to stop mid argument.   "He was a pupil of his?" Mentros asks.   Adama nods.   Mentros looks confused, "But his teacher has been dead for at least thirty years."   "I still don't see how he could be the teacher of Em'mt with his moral compass," Salis comments.   Mentros looks at Salis, "At least I don't blow up children."   Salis sits in a huff looking at Adama, "Look why would I do anything. If Mentros did do it he get's fired and if he didn't I can go to futures anyway. It's not like I could take his spot. Either way I win. All I have to do is nothing."   Adama ticks off on his fingers, "Yeah Myra despises you, you don't get a job at futures, and you end up in jail. I mean why would Stagwood want you? You were offered a position before the incident."   Salis's eyes go wild searching, "That was offered by a Stagwood you don't have the authority to revoke it."   "I mean Myra hates being lied to," Adama offers.   "I'm not lying!" Salis practically yells.   "Then why leave that day?"   Salis looks defeated, "I snapped. I just wanted to go home... I just wanted a chance."   Raijun pivots, "Was there anything else? Anyone acting strange?"   Salis pauses, "I mean there was one thing. Em'mt is usually quiet and focused but he seemed almost jumpy that day. And... He said goodbye. He never says goodbye."   "When did he come in that day?" Raijun asks.   "He was already in before me that day. He was in his office all day. He didn't really talk at all."   Adama pivots asking what was in Salis's desk. She looks confused saying it was her notes and starts to look horrified as Adama tells her that they were all burned. Adama asks if she didn't have back-up notes and she breathes until she remembers that her back-up notes were in the lab when it was broken in and goes back to hyperventilating.   The bunny speaks up again going through a number of phrases:
  • "Don't push that button"
  • "I told you not to touch that!"
  • "Try to organize your notes without me"
  • "What's going to happen to me?"
  • "Where can I even put this?"
  • "I could just burn this all"
Raijun and Adama guess that it's a record with multiple voices but can't hear which is coming from who. Raijun asks the bunny if it knows but it responds by just telling him it is hungry. Raijun contemplates feeding the bunny his finger as Myra tells him over the bond that she's not replacing limbs fed to the rabbit.  

In the Main Lab

Outside the interrogation room Hagren has struck up a conversation with Orto talking over a number of the security measures. Orto points at Trenchcoat and asks if they can about things. "Are sure that he's not working for the competition?" Hagren looks confused so Orto continues, "Zap is a very industrious Kobold."   Hagren assures Orto that Trenchcoat only works for him and Orto relays some additional security information:
  • The floor of floor 13 is rated for 'special projects' so the force used to make the dents would have be be exceedingly high
  • Because this floor was working on projects for outside investors it has multiphase security measures, mentioning many of the elements previously detailed by Mentros and Salis
  • You cannot get off the elevator or into the lab door without a keycard
  • If a keycard is lost the access for it is immediately revoked
  • The windows of the lab were specially enchanted to never break. That enchantment is always on somehow something was able to either nullify or turn off that enchantment to break the windows but Orto is unclear how that is even possible
  • Orto notes that the dents in the floor were bigger than when the lab was working on a Ballast weight project. Orto notes paling that the floors were made to withstand an act of creation
  Hagren reviews the logs again and asks what a 1097 is and why it's next to Em'mt's initials. Orto relays that 1097 is person acting oddly. Orto relays that Em'mt said goodbye to him that day which was an exceedingly odd occurrence. Hagren nods and also questions Orto on the spilled water bottle. Orto says it wasn't anything major but that Salis's bag was leaking profusely and he had to get a mop to clean up all the water.  

The Knowledge Breaker

Myra slides into Em'mt's office shutting the door behind her, "I'm sorry for the comment earlier. About Topp. He had told me of you and I let it cloud my judgement."   Em'mt looks slightly spooked hearing the name again, "Well they didn't call him the knowledge breaker for nothing. He was supposed to be dead though. I haven't seem him in year. Not since..." he pauses, "there were things that man should never have been able to do."   Myra swaps topics, "How long have you had a void fish?"   Em'mt pales and aloud says, "I'm not sure what your talking about but if I did I'm sure it would be confidential." As he says it he pulls out a piece of paper and as he touches it words appear, "It's not safe to talk aloud. You're not supposed to know about it."   "Yes I'm sure that other donors would want their secrets safe. It's not the first time I've seen something like that."   Em'mt's eyes go wide, on paper, "It was a wonder to study while it was here."   Myra touches anther piece writing, "I have notes on the larger one we saw in the beholden but I would need more information."   Out loud, "I'm excited to work with you on this endeavor. It's a dangerous world out there, there are beings."   "Yes my father mentioned one of light that he saw." On paper, "Did Mr. Fortis know about the fish."   Em'mt nods. Aloud, "Yes I saw one myself that seemed to be made of pure abjurative energy. I saw children inside a bubble playing an a fountain and while inside nothing could hurt them. It seems we were the lucky ones with the rifts." On paper Em'mt writes, "You are in danger."   "From what?" Myra writes.   "What was in that tank could not be contained it hurt many people," Em'mt responds on paper.   "Where is it now?"   Em'mt just looks like he's having trouble remembering before shaking his head.   "Was it here before the break in," Myra writes. Em'mt nods. Aloud, "People mentioned that you said goodbye that day. And that was strange can you tell me about that."   "I had received word," Em'mt starts.   Myra pulls the note Raijun retrieved from her pocket, Em'mt's eyes again widening. "We are good at what we do."   Em'mt gulps and nods. "I had received that. And I was considering leaving. I had resolved to leave. But then in the break in. I saw the person and..." he pauses confused by what he's saying, "I knew everything was going to be okay. And... I decided to stay."   Myra asks Em'mt to recount the break in for her again and he does so his words the exact same as the initial recounting. Myra furrows her brow. "I believe there is a good chance that someone has messed with your mind Em'mt." Over the bond she asks Sarya to come into the room.   Em'mt looks concerned and confused when Sarya suddenly enters. Myra nods explaining to both of them, "Sarya I believe Em'mt's mind has been altered. Em'mt I believe Sarya may have the ability to undo the damage with your consent."   Em'mt nods looking resolved as Sarya steps up and places her hands crowning his temples. Myra steps back giving her space, warmth seems to radiate from Sarya's hands softly. Suddenly there is a harsh flash of orange light blinding, when Myra blinks recovering Em'mt is on the floor Sarya standing where she was.   Myra pushes past checking on the fallen Em'mt, "Sarya what happened?" Em'mt is almost convulsing on the ground. She turns him to his side where he seems to stay catatonic though he has a pulse. Hearing no response from Sarya Myra whirls around to find Sayra, on her feet eyes staring straight ahead glassy. She jumps up, "Sarya?" She pricks her finger and Sarya reacts frowning looking at Myra hurt but doesn't say anything.   Over the mental bond Myra calls for both Meko and Raijun not giving any details. Raijun makes it first. He checks on Em'mt then Sarya and has a similar problem to Myra. There are no obvious evident wounds on either of them, they are both alive. As Hagren comes in with Meko Mr. Fortis also rushes into the room demanding to be told what's going on. He see's Em'mt and goes for him but Hagren keeps him away as Meko goes to look them over.   With the whole group in the room Myra explains the mental block that she believed was in both Em'mt's and Mr. Fortis's mind. She explains that Sarya attempted to remove the block but something went wrong in the process. Meko calls up that they he thinks they will both be physically okay but believes something has happened to their minds.   Myra asks Orto if Ayen has arrived and he confirms he has. Myra give Orto instructions to return to the lobby and tell Ayen that she needs she needs Lylah brought in if she is still on staff and sent up immediately. She also requests that Orto tell Ayen that Lylah is not for her. Orto nods and heads off.  

Cat and Mouse

  Mr. Fortis continues to ask what is going on while Salis and Mentros also make their way to the doorway. Mentros complains loudly that he should be able to go home as Myra shoots him a death glare. As Fortis begins asking questions again Sails starts to slip out of the room. Myra notices and clicks her shoes teleporting to right beside her, "I don't know where you think your going but if you want to work with me you will stay here."   Salis looks apologetic as she misty steps away and turns invisible, "I'm sorry" comes from down the hall as they hear the elevators click.   "I have no idea how she's involved but if she knows what happened I want her found now. Raijun?" She juts her chin to the window, "We'll follow." Raijun nods seriously before taking a running jump to gracefully swan dive out the window into the street below. "Hagren, Adama you're with me." As Myra also start to move toward the window Sarya steps up to follow looking puppy like in her eagerness to follow. Myra pauses to look at Meko, "Don't let her follow us. I don't want her getting any more hurt."   Meko swears to to protect the shiver as Hagern tells Trenchcoat he's in charge of watching Mentros. Trnechcoat salutes saying he won't let anyone go anywhere. Hagren asks Persistent to join him and they nod. Myra nods at her group before looking back at both Sarya and Fortis, "I will come back," and jumps out the window with the other three casting featherfall on the way.   As they fall they see that Raijun is already tailing a familar figure. She misty steps again and this time when she comes out of the crowd there's four of her all splitting into different directions. Everyone takes one to follow.   Myra clicks her heels mid air appearing near hers but when she reaches it her hand just passes through. She sighs mentally telling everyone that hers was the fake. She turns around to head back to the tower noting that she will have to go through the crowd to get back inside.   Adama, starting to be bogged down by the crowd caused by Rajiun's jump and then exacerbated by their own, casts fly on himself speeding toward another Salis when a rug hits him in the face. He temporarily considers just smiting his Salis with a series of firebolts but decides that there is a decent chance that could cause a panic. He catches up to her after another infuriating round passing through her as well.   Hagren and Persistent also get caught in the crowd of their own making with everyone wanting to stop and ask them questions. They use their rogue abilities to get through without hurting anyone but at the cost of time. After a short round Hagren is able to make up the distance but find his hand also passed through the illusion as he roars in frustration heading back to the tower.   Raijun, who landed first, easily maneuvered around the crowd. Of course perhaps that's easier when you can go around them by running on a vertical wall with little to no difficulty. His Salis see's him coming and another spell is cast and she seems to speed up nearly vibrating with additional energy. Raijun grins, it's been a minute since anyone tried out out pace him in a footrace. He easily follows the fast Salis as she darts through a series of streets before heading underground to what appears to be a train stop. As she makes it to the bottom of the stairs what ever quickness she had wears off and she stares wide eyed and paralyzed at Raijun.   Raijun grins as he approaches her pausing only briefly to note the haunting violin playing in the background of the station.
Report Date
09 Jul 2022
Primary Location

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