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Sticky Situations - Temporus Timbers

General Summary

Having released the two monstrosities on level 3 the group prepares to fight while on level 4 Myra is investigating the room unaware of the peril approaching below. 

Don't Split the Party

Level 4

Thinking that her friends were safe below, Myra begins investigating level 4. She notes an inactive teleporter in the back of the room and sighs at the flashing sign that has appeared on the inner chamber that she is unable to read. The inner chamber appears to have an airlock that separates it with a large power like crystal in the middle. It appears there are two airlocks and that something may need to be coordinated between the inner and outer desks or at least inside the chamber, causing Myra to sigh again. Checking the room with detect magic Myra gets a strong glow from the inner crystal. Before admitting defeat Myra searches the desks finding a booklet that she feel could be instruction but once again she can't read.    Just as she is admitting defeat and starting to wonder where her friends are she gets a message from Gwen indicating that the group is fighting below and could use some help causing her to rush back to then floor below.

Level 3 

Below, the lights out, the group has engaged with what they assume are the monsters from the glass tubes. One of them appears to be a raptor scorpion while the other is a combination of a behir and and a gray render. The group quickly discovers that the mosters hit hard with Myra rejoining the group as the raptor drops Raijun. Myra tells Raijun to get up as Hagren pours a potion down his throat as Tintreach and Adama are able to manager the behir-render. Kanna attempts to talk to the raptor but Myra seeing Raijun drop appears to take out her anger on the bird monster trailing it into one of the smaller rooms. Tintreach, with detect thoughts up to track the shadowy bird, realizes that it probably would have let bygones go if Myra hadn't continued attacking and decided to knock out but not kill the bird so that they can release it.    The threats neutralized, Kanna thanks Tintreach for his restraint, while Adama says he thinks they should have just burned all the creature earning a glare from Kanna. Kanna asks for Tintreach's help healing and releasing the raptor as Gwen and Raijun heal the party. Myra silently goes over to the behir-render and begins cutting out the lightning gland, shocking herself in the process, before chucking the gland at Raijun saying he can feed it to his precious bird. before stalking back toward the teleporter.    As Kanna and Tintreach release the raptor Kanna remarks that this place is kinda beautiful. "I don't know what these people were doing but I'm glad that they aren't here anymore." To which Tintreach agrees.    As Myra stalks toward the teleporter Raijun asks why she might be upset causing her to whirl on the group and ask what they did saying that things were stable when she left. Raijun admits that he may have touched something while Adama asks how she knew it was because of us to which Myra replies she didn't until Raijun admitted it leading both of them to say "oh".    Before leaving the level Raijun checks the computer now that the system has been rebooted, the computer now reads "Anomalous apex containment adaptations." Indicating the containment with the raptor there were notes on "Prime Sentinel O'Ryan". On the other container it indicated that the monster was a combination of a Render and a behir and mentioned it was "invasive to the habitat" and could not be left alive. Looking at the notes for the broken container the computer says it was the merger of two subjects and it was "discovered after disabling a sentinel with it's sonic discharge. Contained by Prime Sentinel." The computer also indicates that it was discovered with off spring and that off spring was brought down to level two to the surgery room.    The group discusses that that would track with the claw marks of the thing breaking out and returning to a lower level to break out it's child and then coming back out here to jump out a window. Looking out the window it is quite a drop so this thing probably had wings or a good ability to climb. While the group is discussing Raijun rifles through the desk to the right of the computer and find a magical stone that can be affixed to  weapon to give it a once time boost. The nodule is a banishing nodule and 1 day when you hit a creature with a weapon attack it teleports the creature 10 ft away (random directon).    Myra suggests going up, stepping through the teleporter again and hope that this time the group will follow. 

Ooze Generators

Returning to level four Raijun sees the blinking words and translates them as "ooze generator offline". Myra throws him the instruction booklet and after some prompting Raijun agrees to read it. The instruction details that at least one to two people need to go into the chamber to activate the power conduits while some must stay outside to direct the energy to the correct locations.    The group has a discussion about who should go in to the chamber with Myra quickly volunteering and then Raijun joining her, leaving a good split of magic and arcana skills inside and outside of the chamber. As they enter the chamber the smell of Ozone hits them and Raijun sees a button on one of the computers that says initiate repair sequence. Myra asks him to kick it off but Raijun says he won't until Myra tells him what is wrong. The glass between the rooms seems to prevent active listening by the rest of the group by Myra says she's fine. Raijun pushes asking Myra if she's ok with what she did as  a dragon, Myra says of course not but expresses that she isn't sure what Raijun is looking for. She says she would do it again but still feels guilty. As Raijun pushes the button Myra sees Adama tell Kanna outside about the time that she ate people with Adama saying she at hundreds (Quick note - Myra reads lips). Raijun says he just wants to make sure his best friend is okay, which Myra laughs at asking if he could only say that behind the glass where the others can't here.    As the process starts oozes fall from the ceiling and it is quickly discovered that just hitting them has consequences as Raijun is scooped up by one. As Myra gets it over to the generator it becomes clear that people outside of the room have to press a button to accept it. Myra sees Adama and Hagren arguing over pressing the button and yells at them to press it but they pantomime not being able to hear before finally pressing the button and the ooze being sucked off of Raijun. After that Myra and Raijun form a plan involving Raijun kiting the oozes while Myra uses the vine she integrated with her arm to vine whip them pulling them closer to the controls. Gwen realizes she can use control water on some of the oozes and uses that to push some of them into place while Tintreach and Trenchcoat become the master button pressers so Myra and Raijun don't have to wait extended periods of time next to the Oozes. As the oozes get fed into the machine they activate the power crystals but often also generate living sparks that attack the party on the outside doing some nasty lighting damage. Kanna is able to put up a tree token to buff some of the party before summoning some wolves to help Adama and Hagren take out the remaining sparks.   As Myra and Raijun fight Myra confides in Raijun asking why they would start a fight with the tanked monsters below without her. Raijun says he didn't mean to and he had Gwen contact Myra as soon as the battle started but that he wouldn't leave her out intentionally. Myra also confides that she doesn't like not being able to understand as it makes her feel useless but Raijun assures her she is not. Between his reassurances and pummeling some oozes Myra seems to end the battle at least in slightly higher spirits than when she went into the room.   After all four cores are lit up the oozes stop appearing and Raijun sees the message flash "Power Restored". As the machine powers on the teleporter flashes to life allowing access to the next floor. The group decides to take a minute with everyone looking a little worse for wear after the double battles. Raijun, Gwen, and Tintreach indicate that they may need to stop for a longer rest soon as they are starting to feel tapped.    As the short rest concludes the group hears a new series of tones as the consoles flash, Raijun translates to "Warning Environmental Seal broken. Water ingress from unknown contact. Habitat Failure Immanent"
Report Date
30 May 2021

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