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Teamwork - Campfire

General Summary

Myra looks over the group in the hallway sighing and running a hand through her hair as she pulls out a small pouch of first aid supplies and starts cleaning others wounds. "Ok well I know we are usually a hot mess but that was more of a shit show than normal. I know we are supposed to be here but if the creatures trying to fry us is any indication it seems like not everything here is going to be friendly, which means we probably came here for another reason." Pointedly looks at the Wardens not mentioning the scrolls aloud. "If we continue to rush in, especially without Adama to take some of the punches, we are going to end up as charred husks and I don't plan on losing any of you today so we need to pull our shit together."   She flips the giant slayers ring to Raijun, "You're the fastest one of all of us and this will do more the more hits we land." She looks at the teamwork rings and then at both Hagren and Raijin critically, "This seems to only work when one person is willing to sacrifice most of their chance at hitting in order to aid another's attack. What are your thoughts on who should have them?"   “I would willing to take the hit, once I’m feeling better,” Hagren coughs out blood   Myra walks over and starts patching up Hagren, the supplies looking normal enough but as they are applied a rune on them flashes and the bandages seem to recede into the skin leaving a shadow of the wound behind, "I don't think you'll have to take a hit per say. Someone would just have to sacrifice one of their attacks to potentially dramatically increase the combined damage of two people. But I supposed that would mean the second user would have to remain engaged."   "I've got your back, say the signal and I can hold my attack until yours and we can move in synchronicity Hagren"   "I think I'll focus on ranged attack when we meet that dragon again."   "Well if you and Raijun can time the hits together I think you could be a very effective pair to lay down damage. Honestly I'm hoping not to have to fight that creature again. I try not to make a point of murdering metallic dragons." She finishes her work on Hagren and shifts her attention to Raijun's burns, "That still leaves us without someone to take the heat off of you both. I noticed with the ropers that you both moved away. Not that that's bad usually it's just Adama who takes up that space. I hope he's okay," She pauses looking concerned before shaking it off   "I'm worried about him too," Sayra chimes in mentally, "I can take a more defensive shape once we rest a little. I'm thinking about the time I saw an Ankylosaurus smashing through a small fishing village. Some idiot decided that it'd be a good idea to take the babies to sell on the black market and didn't think about what would happen when mom came back. But yes, I'd rather not tangle with the gold dragon. 1.) they're tough and 2.) it just doesn't sit right. Maybe we could figure out why it wants us not to go in the room if we need to go back in there"   "I was thinking about that. I think, if we do get a chance to rest, I should bond us like I did before the fight in Vlypeum and maybe you should take a more... Elemental form? I know that limits the number of times you can do it but those seem to be more hearty than some of your more natural shapes."   "That's true. Earth is sturdy, but slower. Water is slow too and I'm not sure how it'd do with the fire. Fire is faster but I'm not sure if that'd hurt the dragon"   "Might not be a bad idea to be fire just to take the blows, wouldnt it mitigate the foul things breath?" Raijun Asks.   "Well not with that dragon," Myra corrects, "Dragons are generally resistant or immune to the element they are associated with." Looks at the burns on Raijun she's working on, "And gold is definitely fire. We might need another solution for that dragon anyway if we do have to go back. This hallway doesn't seem like a fantastic spot to breathe for more than a minute. And you're already tapped,"   Sarya nods grimly.   "What if I just punch it in the face, like really hard?" Raijun adds helpfully.   "I mean that's the plan with you and Hagren though you might have to do some flying punches off of walls. I'm more worried about what happens if we need more than one punch."   "I think our main issue is these things seem resistant to my stuns and your magic, we need to wear down whatever resistance it has before we can critically strike it."   "I figured out how to speed things up but I don't quite understand the process of slowing them down. I've concentrated most of my study around making us more hearty than damaging or detracting from others. That being said, if we need to go back in I can attempt to draw fire. I have a number of options to reduce some of the incoming damage. It would help if someone else could concentrate on Spryg being large. Then I can concentrate on, well, not being hit in the face as much."   "The number one thing we have to do guys and girls - NO CLUMPING!!!" Raijun practically shouts. "We need to move to all 4 corners and block any sort of full group fire attack or we will be a medium rare addition to his collection"   Myra finishes tying a bandage around Raijuns arm and moves to go to Amelie, "May I?" She motions to the wounds on Amelie's arms.   “I appreciate the gesture but I am afraid a bandage will be insufficient to address my wounds,” While there is a open wound there is no blood. “Rest is the only desirable way for me to address these injuries. For my play in the injuries you all succumbed to I would be happy to return you all to a more restful state."   Myra motions to Hagren and Raijun whose bandages have receded into their forms, the skin now seeming to be healed where they were placed, "We are such stuff as dreams are made on, Perhaps let me try? If you find my way insufficient you are more than welcome to correct it."   Raijun looks at the dream magic eminating from Amelie, "I want her heals she looks cool!"   “If you must,” Amelie extends out the arm already bathed in a white silvery light. The same shapeless creatures now in a more peaceful form seem to be resting on her arm.   "Whooooaaaaaaa," Raijun comments.   The same embodiment of the shapeless creatures emerge and swarm out from under her robe and armor finding each member of the Wardens and dissolving their forms into the wounds with a soothing warm glow.   Raijun feels reinvigorated and a bit incredulous at the magic, "Thank you mi lady of the moonlight!" He curtsies. "How come your healing isnt this sparkly?" Looking over at Myra.   Myra looks slightly hurt before hiding her emotions and returning to her work, "I have no divine patron. For me it takes my own strength to use magic and additional visual components would require additional resources. Light is a byproduct of inefficient processes, if there's light that doesn't function as part of the spell then it's an indication that I probably did something wrong or poorly." She's quiet for a second looking sad, "Gwen's magic used to be like Amelie's." Addressing Amelie, "Is it common for your magic to shift in it's consistency? I've only ever seen that happen to one other person, and she had two gods fighting over her."   "Oh shit are you a chosen one too?" Raijun asks.   "Chosen - no, obligated yes," Amelie stands up and extends an arm out revealing one of the shapeless forms cooing in her palm. "My abilities grant me to shift the possibilities of dreams." Smiling at the silvered sweet creature sitting in her palm, as she flips her hand over the creature turns to the black and bubbling shade monster of nightmares. "That power to control prospective demands the restraint and control. There is only one who watches over me .... Jesturing to the symbol on the breastplate."   Myra shies away from the nightmare creatures, stepping back slightly, "And who is that watches over you? I apologize, theology was my brother's specialty."   The creature sputters and gnaws in the air until it colors shift once more retuning it back into a sleeping peaceful mass, "She of which watches over all things, events big and small, and sees all outcomes. The Enduring Oracle"   "Ah perhaps the mother of mysteries?"   "I do not know her by that name, but I also do not know how long I have been asleep in this forgotten place."   "And do you know how you came to be here? It sounds as though you have a desire. Something 'promised' I believe you said."   "Yes a promise to be held or a promise yet to be made. I am here to because this is where I am be." A short look of confusion slashes over her face.   "And is it your promise binding you? Or one you hope to receive?"   "I no longer feel bound my dreams and will return to my own. But I am unsure of it is a promise to keep or one yet to be kept"   "And do you know why the gilded dragon had such harsh words for you?" Myra inquires.   "I do," turning her head quizskly "I thought that you knew the intent of the dragon.... isnt that why you are here?"   "I'm afraid I'm not clear on the dragons intentions which would make it difficult to know if I was aligned with them."   "All dreams are to be interoperated differently but one thing is clear maybe as we continue on your prospective will become clear"   "May I ask what is clear? I often find difficult divining any true meaning from my unconscious thoughts."   "We are here for a reason," Now standing at her full 6'3'' height, "What ever that may be individually, we are here together and here to help"   "Help..." Myra looks distant remembering Raijun's retelling of the Queen's accusations, "Yes I suppose we try." The anger with which Myra seemed to have bolstered herself as they left the room has now abated, leaving her diminished in comparison. She runs a hand through her hair, "Were we the first people you had seen? Since your imprisonment."   "Oh no there have been others, but they have never made it far."   "Wait do you know the layout of this place?"   "It shifts and changes it is never as you remember it," Gesturing around and feeling the walls, "I have walked the halls many times but it has never been the same."   "And does every door require us to kill something or someone..."   "It depends on the wanders who have found his most safest of places."   "His?"   "Yes the one who hides here," Turning around and looking Myra in the eyes, "He made this place when he could not escape and has hidden himself here while he..... well I am not sure"   "Does she who sees all grant you insight into who he is?"   "I awake before I gain that wisdom" As Amelie begins to mention the words of who is here, to think to speak information of who resides here, everyone standing around her begins to hear white noise, it’s as if the sound is filled in with pure silence. Amelie’s lips tighten, her throat clinches are teeth nearly shatter from the force of her own mind shutting her out from saying what she desires. Everyone else perceives this only as her coughing, as if her lungs were just a little overly filled with air and that she had to release it. Nothing is noticed, other than a single drop of blood that drips from her nose.   Myra pulls out a kerchief and her water flask and offers them to her, "I'm sorry you got pretty torn up in there, are you okay?"   Wiping the blood on her sleeve, "I am fine just need a moment." She steps away from the group and is seen praying over a holy symbol. One of Amelie’s spirits takes the form of a small black bird. It appears and hovers on her shoulder, feathers black, eyes darkened and sallow. It creaks it’s neck just enough that it looks unnatural. It whispers in her ear, “Do you not forget the bargain we made, or do you enjoy undeath, I can return you to the ashes of time, or I can leave you to live your miserable existence and return to your daughters. if you attempt to mention me again, the pain you will feel would be worse than our first meeting." Amelie glimpses in her mind of agony, pure pain, not sure if it is memory or hallucination, she only remembers being pulled away from what she cared for the most. And then agony… Sadness and hurt. The screams from other people… then the memory disappears. “I am watching, don’t let me down if you want to see black and blonde hair of your progeny again”. The bird turns into a whisp and floats away.
Report Date
20 Feb 2022

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