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The Ritual Begins - Bismuth

General Summary

The group, having found their way to Bismuth Abbey, was quickly escorted to the Hall of Eternal Story where they had learned that a tribunal had been called in their honor. After initial questioning from the tribunal, they exited to deliberate leaving the Wardens 'alone' with the spectators, guards, Yamil, as well as the Grand Curator Prendergast and the Architect of the Arcane Caliah Temmulet . The group brainstormed what possible questions they might have for the promised question by Hoard Watcher Kalma Adalphia , with Myra voicing concern that they might not get a straight answer here.
  In their deliberation Myra turned to Yamil and struck up a conversation on his views on the scrolls. During the exchange Yamil became more and more agitated as Myra laid out potential danger that currently surrounds Timeston as he revealed there are people he cares about there including the Duskstone family who seem to be in the middle of the current conflict. Surprising everyone, Yamil asked Myra if she would hand over the evocation scroll, as she countered asking him to trust them and let the group help him. She promised him they would be able to help immediately after the ceremony and Yamil surprised her by saying the ceremony couldn't happen pulling Myra in and whispering that they couldn't be trusted looking around nervously. Myra looked concerned and excused herself as Sarya questions Yamil's motives in defense of Myra now that she's out of earshot. Yamil in turn slips something to Sarya before punching Raijun in an effort to disguise the gesture. The guards quickly circle and subdue Yamil as Myra watches from across the room in confusion.
  After checking in that the group is okay, Myra heads over to the Architect of the Infinite and Klara to see if she can better understand some of the more Weave related questions that she had kicking around in her head. They had a tenser conversation in which Myra learned more about the scrolls and The Architect’s view points as she outlined her goals and areas of interest indicating that she would love to get more time to study the effects on the Wardens.

  As Raijun is doubled over at Yamil's surprised attack, he complains asking why stuff like this always happened to him. Sarya pats him reassuring him that 'everything happens for a reason' but Raijun seems confused asking if this is further testing by the Raven Queen.
  Across the room, the Architect continues her conversation with Myra (see A Single Question - Campfire), "You certainly have been studying quite a bit. What is it that you really want to know about the scrolls? I'm sure you have - well, an educated guess about why people are concerned but what are you going to do afterwards? I would love to hear some of your theories."
  "After what?"
  "I mean I can't really say without knowing the outcome, can I?"
  "I bet like others you would endeavor through."
  "That's certainly possible."
  "Anything is," the architect smiles.
  "That's what I keep telling her," Raijun wheezes. There's a look between Myra and the Architect before she shifts her gaze to Raijun who's continued, "but to answer your question we have to keep finding the scrolls. And then once we find the scrolls we have to centralize them and help you guys. And then eventually we meet this author lady you keep talking about? I don't know how this all goes down."
  "Oh well only a select few, myself very excluded, have ever seen the Author of the Arcane. I understand that others of a different persuasion might have a better... connection to their deity. But the Author is just that one who writes and builds the context of events but is rarely seen between the pages."
  "If the author doesn't actually let their will be known then how can you be sure that collecting the scrolls and returning them is part of their design and part of their will?" Adama asks, "In this particular case wouldn't it be an assumption? How would you know there wouldn't be consequences from removing the scrolls from this plane?"
  "That's a fair point," the Architect concedes. "It's more from a selfish respect, that if we were to remove a tool that we as a civilization," gesturing out, "relied so heavily upon then it would fundamentally collapse many of the structures that we have in place for our society."
  "So we can't even take these things out without risking the weave and destroying society from the inside out?" Raijun asks.
  "Well that is if they are removed," The Architect corrects, "from this plane. The other suggestion is to lock them back in the chamber in which they were inscribed and return them to an inert state such that others may not seek to obtain them. Returning them back to their pre-scribed state. While not conduits of magic, they would certainly be an inert anchor. The theory is that it would resolve itself and what magic is here would stay here as long as those powers were not abused. Thus is the working theory."
  "If they are anchors, doesn't it follow that they could be anchor of magic from the godly plane to this plane just allowing the magic of the gods to flow through to the weave?" Adama continues, "And that removing the anchors would disallow use of magic."
  The Architect shakes her head, "No, because the conduit would still be there just changing the directionality of the pipe. The pipe would then be of a fixed configuration always providing the same regardless of the desired draw. The scrolls just allows us to draw from the weave. The study and origination of this type of magic allows for that connection to be made. If that connection is just locked away the teachings still remain and the weave is untouched in the proposed method. There are other more destructive means that might better align with what you're suggesting."
  "Is there any recorded history prior to the scrolls being created that speak of humanoids casting magic?"
  "Only in certain divine cases. In the era unknown, before the epoch of the gift, there were involvement of other aspects of magic. But those were brought in from other realms such as the fey or the hells, as well as the abyss. Though those are all subject to great myth and legend. It wasn't until the gods arrived and bestowed their different gifts that the aspects of magic were able to be taught, and studied, and learned. It was always there, we just didn't have the right way to see it."
  "You still haven't unequivocally stated that binding the scrolls and putting them back in their inert state would allow magic to continue indefinitely as it currently does," Adama confronts.
  "Through what I understand," The Architect say confidently, "the teachings of magic would not go away. Of course there are things that we will never know if they are locked away, and that would be quite unfortunate. But, what we do know is that allowing the practice of these items and artifacts outside the watchful eye and sometimes even in the right hands," she pauses, "they can cause a catastrophe. It is better to continue the work of reigning these objects in as more people become curious than to allow for the world to continue to have times of devastation caused by our indecision to act. There will be certain things that are lost to us but magic is a tool, and if we lock it away in the way we are speaking of it doesn't stop us from using the tool to use the things we know how to build. But it might halt the progress of understanding what could be done in the future. Better than the alternative though as you all have borne witness."
  A moment passes before the chamber doors creak open as the members of the tribunal return. The auditor steps forward, "This tribunal has decided upon the fate of the group known as the Wardens of the Weave and the items they carry. If you would please all culminate at the front." The guards lessen around Yamil as the Wardens shift their relative position, Myra moving up closer to the council next to Yamil. The auditor continues, "You all have done a great service to the region and those you have served never being asked and only taking it upon in the most humane way, you have all delivered and saved many in your actions. You have also left a wake that, while you may not have been the cause, cannot go unnoticed. However, this was an event that was unfortunately set in motion mostly due to our predecessors lack of action. We will not make the same mistake. Provisionally, you all will be allowed to continue your endeavors with the aid of the items you find along the way. However, further training and knowledge is to be shared with you and the members of this tribunal, as well as the architect and the grand curator. It will be necessary, as knowledge will give us the best chance of the desired outcome if your further involvement in this matter were to occur. We do not open all doors for you here but we open the ones that would aid you in the best way. We understand that your initial travel here was to request the use of a ritual chamber to locate and better understand the current condition of the remaining artifacts of this world. That will be conducted under the supervision of the Architect of the Arcane. The ritual will be performed and led by her, with the assistance of the wizard you brought as well. Are those terms agreeable?"
  "Hell yeah up top!" Raijun goes before catching himself, "Uh yes we find those agreeable."
  "We ask that while you are in the Abbey and the surrounding sights that you refrain from any major use of scroll magic that would bring unwanted attention or destruction to the surrounding areas as we are unsure of the connection they might have to this land. If those terms and conditions can be met, we would welcome the question you are owed at this time."
  "And what of the Golden Scorpion?" Sarya inquires.
  "He has already decided and seems through continued action seeks to rid himself of this burden. That will be mercifully granted to him."
  A flash of relief crosses Yamil's face before it turns back to a face of defiance. As Sarya raises an eyebrow to him the clay bracelet at her side heats as the words 'don't trust' momentarily appear before quickly fading.
  "I think that seems agreeable," Myra nods.
  "A question was promised and I to answer," the Hoard Watcher stands.
  "Would you be willing to defer the question to a more private chamber later Hoard Watcher? We have been told several times that perhaps this is not ... the best forum for some of our questions," Myra requests.
  The Hoard Watcher doesn't blink but the other tribunal members look across each other and the crowd. The Hoard Watcher speaks again, "Do you feel the question you have would be evaluated justly within these walls?"
  Myra pauses, considering the Hoard Watchers demeanor, "I will remind the council that I willing submitted to the zone of truth at the beginning of these questions, and so it with absolutely no judgement or ill will that my question does not belong in this forum and I do not believe it would be treated justly."
  Whispers start throughout the gallery as a hard laugh comes from the Death Breaker, "One such as yourself forgets that they are no longer in a gilded cage. This was a kindness extended to you."
  "The Hoard Watcher is welcome to decline my request," Myra says stone-faced, "it was simply a request."
  "I accept," the Hoard Watcher bangs their tail in a gavel-like motion. Myra bows in deference to the Hoard Watcher. "You may visit me at any time within the Monument of the Just and I will answer to the best I can. Understand that my view is limited. The council is more extensive in their past dealings."
  "Understood, thank you Hoard Watcher."
  The auditor stands, "With this the tribunal is closed our judgement delivered. We appreciate most of," He shoots a glance at Yamil, "your cooperation and civility in this matter. At your convince we will escort you to the chamber that you seek."
  The clergy begin to get up and walk away. Sarya turns to the group, "I would like to not be in here any more."
  "I believe the other room that we are going to will not be here," Myra suggests.
  "Perhaps we could go back to the courtyard?" Sarya asks. "I'm feeling a little... there's not enough air in here."
  Myra turns to the Grand Curator, "Is that allowable at this time?"
  "Excellent, then we shall retire to the courtyard before the ceremony."
  The Grand Curator leads the group out to the courtyard as Yamil is brought back further into the keep. As the group enters the courtyard, they feel their magic return as Klara bids her leave explaining that she is off to prepare for the upcoming ritual.
  "I should prepare some of the usual ritual diviners for this architect?" Klara asks. The Architect agrees and Klara nods leaving.
  Myra immediately turns to the Curator, "Will Yamil not be participating in the ceremony. I was under the impression that the more anchors present the greater the likelihood of success."
  "It is most likely he will be included but given his outburst I believe they are securing him inside," the Curator replies and Myra's agitation seems to wane.
  Myra returns to the group going to Nari, "Once again please?"
  Adama also turns to Nari as well, "Does everything she said add up so far? You have a greater level of study."
  Nari thinks, "Yes. From what I can tell they seem to be on the right track in terms of what we came here to do and what it would take to do it. If you wish to continue I need to ... stretch my legs," as she begins to pace around the courtyard.
  "It seems correct at least from a technical standpoint." Sarya offers. "Perhaps," she trails off.
  "Adama you should be aware as the other person attuned to an anchor, the Architect," Myra nods over to where the Architect stands, "did mention that there was a higher risk for those of us holding the scrolls. You're free to not participate if you like but," she shrugs "that's never stopped us before."
  "They can't do this without the scrolls?" Adama questions.
  "You'd have to talk to the Architect, but my understanding is that the more scrolls the easier it would be."
  "We already know that Slekul has been tracking the scrolls across the planet. I mean we can. Do we have -?"
  "Oh they took that too?" Adama asks as Myra nods guiltily.
  "It makes the attuning toward the process a little bit easier the more active participants we have. You see the anchors will participate as their names suggest and will provide a basis of how to better leverage and understand that other magic is being used and where the flow of it is strongest. While it would be ideal to have a better source of divination in this sense, we can make do as that is the primary focus of my earlier studies."
  "The problem I have is that you can be telling me your giving me a steak dinner but if I'm blind and have no idea what meat tastes like I won't know if you are or not."
  The Architect smiles, "Well you've obviously never had any of my cooking. That's fair you have certainly been deceived in the past but what other shot do you have other than relaying a little bit of trust."
  "Oh I'm pretty good at finding things - I'm pretty sure I could find out where most of them are if I tried and was given enough time and resources."
  "We also know where two are," Myra shrugs, "You could always assume they'd go after those."
  "You’re offering a direct path but we have other paths. And given that I don't know what we are doing color me suspicious. I'm always suspicious If I was -"
  "He'd be dead," Myra offers.
  "It's a good thing that you are suspicious then," she smiles.
  "Architect how are you feeling about the outcome of the tribunal?" Myra asks.
  "Mh, I had a feeling that it would have resolved in a similar fashion."
  Adama pauses casting sending to the Death Breaker, "I think we need to talk. Before this ceremony happens you and I need to converse. Where?"
  Very quickly the Death Breaker responds, "Commander, it would be my pleasure to host you within my chambers of the denied rest. I shall prepare and hope for your visit. Much to discuss indeed."
  "I need to run for a minute. I need to talk to Cormerin Muerdes."
  "Want back up? Might be dangerous to go alone," Raijun offers.

Death Breaker

The guys decide to split off leaving the Hall of the Eternal Story off towards the Church of Denied Rest. There's a fair bustle within the area between the main temples, the coloration of the earth and decorations coloring the very ground they walk on.
  As they approach they see a deep purple banner, in the center a triangle and a golden skull. While not too dissimilar from the main Manten’Liche attire and guards, large feathers and plumage in a defiant manner stick out to the sides on pauldrons and their helms. The skull is embossed in a larger breastplate or cloak. The front of the temple is covered in mosaics of depictions of death being overcome, celebrating the aspect of death as another piece of life to be conquered.
  Outside the temple two guards flank the entrance in golden and purple robes waiting. One of the guards, a bright purple teifling woman, steps forward, "Welcome, the Death Breaker has been notified of your arrival and will meet you within his chambers - please come with me."
  She leads them in to a beautiful mausoleum, stained glass casts cascading colors as more images of death as a conquerable event shine around them. Masterfully carved pews and benches line the room leading to a stone alter. The stone plinth is carved with a familiar crown but overshadowed by the triangular skull symbol. Behind the alter is a larger skull made up of hundreds of smaller skulls that have been etched and painted a bright gold. In it's eyes are corpse flowers, the smell of death and decay wafting off them.
  As they walk through the pews, the Death Breaker emerges from behind the ossuary. "Commander," the Death Breaker bows deeply to Adama, "I see you have brought some of your companions." He looks across the group his eyes lingering on Raijun, "Some more desired to step foot in these hallowed halls than others."
  "Where I go, my friends go," Adama states.
  "Perhaps during this visit some can be better educated. But please, join us," he says leading them into a back room.
  Adama turns to his group, "Before you lies the opportunity for you to have your soul confessed to the true god. The one true god. The only god that should ever exist, the best god. The god who will help you bring back those loved ones that you miss. Your mother, right?" Adama asks Hagren. "She passed."
  "I'd rather let her rest in peace than pull her out of the grave," Hagren responds.
  "There are things I would defintely give anything for..." Adama trails off.
  "It is encouraging to see that your faith is not faded during your long quest," the Death Breaker smiles.
  "My king and my country remain my only priority in this life and that there after."
  "Beautifully spoken," they all sit down to a beautiful bone charcuterie board, chalices of wine with presented in skulls. The Death Breaker, now nearer to them, appears gaunt with skin pulling at slightly odd angles, the eyes sallow and sunken, for a thin figure they have a prominent hunch as the fabric of their robes seems higher in the back.
  "Yeah Cormerin it seems as though your allies on the council have different desires of the scrolls than that which god himself decrees."
  "One must understand how to play with politics of heretics and non-believers in the true path forward. It has been trying at times but overall it will not be long until our true goal is accomplished. Many many works are in place. Do you come to deliver the scroll to me or do you seek to return home in triumph and pride."
  "I answer to one god and one god only."
  "He will be most pleased at your return."
  "I look forward to returning home triumphant."
  "That is your right and privilege. There were some," The Death Breaker pauses, "that were beginning to think you were not to return. I hope that you smite them."
  "Who dares question my honor or my integrity? Who dares say I will not return? Who dares question who I am?!"
  "I am happy to see that the tales of your ferocity were not exaggerated. There are some, back home that would question if you were to return at all. But my understanding is that those who whisper loudly are not home right now and are seeking to usurp your legend elsewhere."
  "How has my legend been usurped?"
  "Well if you could not recover one of the ancient artifacts they sought to recover another."
  "On our journey we did come across Admiral Blackspear."
  "I am unsure of that individuals alignment towards the true purpose that we seek. It is one of the adopted daughters that questioned your faith." (Talking about Claudia Adolphus)
  "I believe I've come across that one as well. Heretics," Adama sneers, "Those who try to impede - all will be revealed..." He pauses, "This ceremony, will it have a negative effect on the scroll- what will it do?"
  "No, I am unsure of the arcane involvement but I was assured by the Architect herself that it would not impede or affect the hosts that were to take part as I wanted to ensure glory would be yours now that you have returned."
  "Will you be present during the ceremony?"
  "I will not."
  "Who will be?"
  "Only those involved with the ritual. As it does not require a devout presence my skillset is not needed." As there's a flash across the Death Breaker's eyes Adama casts detect magic. The Death Breaker nods, "You are right to see to understand the environment around you. It is ever shifting. Ever changing. You never know what could be watching.”
  As Adama looks around the room, the room almost radiates with necromantic energy. The Death Breaker’s clothes well as the figure itself is giving off a magical aura. Some of the stone figures and bones give off other magical energies that have a basis in transmutation.
  "Shall I send word back to our chosen king that you will be returning soon?"
  "You dare speak for me!?"
  The Death Breaker bows his head in deference, "I only sought to inform him such that the proper arrangements would be made for your arrival. I apologize."
  "Is it you assumption that you believe that I cannot communicate to my god on my own. That there is something that you can offer me that my god cannot?!"
  "I did not mean disrespect; I just sought to aid," The Death Breaker pleading genuflecting until his head is touching the wood. "Is there any other boon I may grant you to aid in your journey?"
  "There is nothing you could possibly help me with at this point. To suggest that I needed your help in the beginning is to over-believe the position you are in Sir Death Breaker. You work for god, I talk to god. I merely say a word and god answers my plea. I request a location and he would come to my location. Can you say the same?"
  "Please speak in favor and relay that I do his work and that plans continue to progress as expected."
  "How do the plans progress."
  "There are no issues."
  "Give me the details," Adama bites.
  The Death Breaker raises his head casting a look at Hagren and Raijun. Adama looks over, "Hey can you step out for a second?"
  Hagren spills his wine on Raijun, "Whoops guess we have to go." As Raijun makes sad ninja noises of protest.
  "Man, Myra's gonna kill me," Raijun complains looking down at the wine stained cloak.
  As the door shuts behind Raijun and Hagren the Death Breaker looks to Adama, "We have been able to collect the bones of the high priest. They will suffice for imbuing the Hand to the King back to full strength. His sudden return to consciousness was a welcome response as we were unsure if he had passed to the realm beyond. But now that he has arisen final preparations... well once the remaining artifacts are collected and returned to their rightful place..." The Death Breaker gazes in Adama's eyes, "Then the risen will begin their march and all will bow before us." A confident smile creeps across his face.
  "Excellent. Everything is going according to plan. Well done Death Breaker. I know your name, when I need your service I expect a swift response."
  "Yes, I will be your loyal servant. May death pass over us all."
  "Death is only the beginning -"
  "- of our eternal rest," The Death Breaker smiles as he does flashing slightly protruding canines from his mouth.

Fate Author

  Adama exits the chamber and collects the others as they head back through the thoroughfare. "Raijun do you want to go talk with someone who would help you communicate with your god?" Adama asks.
  Raijun shrugs "Sure." Raijun looks back, "Those guys are an acquired taste for sure."
  "Yeah a lot of them are. There's a lot of this that doesn't fully add up. It makes sense that there are religious sites. It makes sense that every church would put their deity there. It even makes sense that there's a site if the scrolls were written here. What doesn't make sense is why all the rush now... The trojan horse has been let out of the box. Why are they rushing to put it back in now when it's been out for a decade? If I wanted to collect the most scrolls possible how would I do it?" Adama muses. "I would make myself the Architect of the Intellect or whatever and then somehow getting all the people who come through here to give up the scrolls. That's a really good way to get three scrolls."
  "I mean it very well could be but we've also seen that taking these things around the world doesn't seem to be helping either," Raijun shrugs, "I'm not saying we should trust them one hundred percent but they seem to have some understanding of what they are talking about. It seems like we should listen."
  "Yeah I'll listen. But, they try to take this thing away from me it's not gonna be a party."
  "I'm pretty sure they wouldn't try to take it away from you unless they were absolutely sure that they could."
  They progress across the way to the Chantry of Memories, passing the Temple of Diseased Despair, where they see huts and a smell of pestilence wafts off the encampment. As they approach the Chantry they see the dark mysterious building rising up, growing closer they see the bricks that lay the foundation. Each one slightly different with writing on them, drawing closer they can see names, as it seems the names of the builders of temple have forever been inscribed on the outside. A black robed individual stands on the outside, in the process of hoisting a banner - a darkened candle with the smoke whispering off. The individual, a mid-forties balding human man turns to greet them, "Welcome, do you seek a session with a scribe?"
  "Ah maybe?" Raijun scratches his head, "I've been getting visions and guidance from what I think is the Raven Queen and I'm not sure if I'm like the chosen one, or a passing interest, or 'spiritually touched'. I guess I would fall under the confused side of religious."
  "Well your story matters all the same, please" as they gesture the group inside. Entering, the group finds an almost amphitheater-like arrangement on the inside. From every corner they can hear the scratching of pen to paper as there are many similarly-robed individuals of every race and physical persuasion writing. Some seem in some sort of trance while others seem to be taking dictation from yet others. In the center there is a large unmoving silvery pool, sitting on the edge trailing their finger over the pool is a golden yellow-skinned elven figure. Long braided hair that starts in an almost springtime green transitioning through silver down to black at the very tips.
  As the group approaches, they turn and rise as they gesture for Raijun to join them at the pool. As Raijun proceeds, he gets a better look at the figure, about his height, though there is almost no indication of age. They are of a slimmer build with very simple robes. Their hands are speckled with ink from writing. "I believe I have read of you and your journey. Raijun is it not?"
  "Ah I see you've been reading Gameta's blog! It's gaining in popularity. Or did you mean somewhere else..."
  "I do not subscribe to the stories of this world; I understand your journey has been... complex. Please," She sits and gestures for Raijun to do the same. As Raijun sits she continues, "I am the Fate Author Envo'wen Epiadex. I have read much of your journey thus far. They speak very highly of your deeds in the past and the triumphs you have overcome. What brings you to this hall of stories?"
  "Well I was hoping to get clarity on those stories. I feel like I've been communicating with what I think is the Raven Queen or an aspect of her. And I'm not always sure if I'm on the right path or what I should be doing. I was hoping talking to some of her followers could help me clear that up."
  "One does not communicate with fate. It is a path we choose and walk for ourselves. You seem to have made it to this door, to ask this very question because of the choices you have made. So by arriving here you have completed some part of your journey. But you must leave here understanding that the information that has been given to you will allow you to make the choices you need to going forward."
  As Raijun looks at the Fate Author he notices that she's trying to hold back a giggle. "I guess my journey amuses you to some degree. I just hope that my journey -"
  She begins laughing before he can finish, "Did you understand anything I just said? Cause that was just off the cuff, really,"
  "Wait that was just some bullshit you cooked up?
  "Yes, I mean it sounds good don't you think?"
  "I do that all the time! Except everyone calls me out."
  "Well, I'm sure what you have to say is quite brilliant," she smiles. "Relax. This is a place of memory. And from what I have been told of your arrival you need to relax more."
  "But then how do I fit in more training?"
  "To train?" Pulling the mystic air around her again, "What do you seek to empower within yourself?"
  "It's not necessarily me. I mean I can only do so many push-ups. But I feel like if I don't train all the time I'll let some people down and sometimes I feel like I train all the time and I still let people down. You know?"
  She shrugs, "It will happen why stress about it now?"
  "Cause I don't want to lose anybody else?" Raijun winces.
  "Would that be so bad? They're here with you now, aren't they?"
  "Ah - I think I get what's going on here you're saying that I worry too much about the future when I could be enjoying the present."
  "It's already written," She says gesturing.
  "Oh my god I get it! You're telling me I'm just the f-ing chosen one! And no matter what I do I'm gonna end up that way anyways so I might as well just enjoy the ride. That's like deep."
  "Anyone can be a chosen one - a wise man once said that," winking at Raijun.
  "I guess I wonder, the Raven Queen is all about memories and stuff, so does she approve of what I'm doing with the monasteries and stuff? Cause I fell like I'm just building better memories for everybody. I just never know where she stands on the prevention of death?"
  "Death is natural. It comes to all but it doesn't have to be a painful experience." Her playful nature shifts to a more serious tone. "You outstretching even to those of a different path in life, a chosen faith more chosen in freedom, is not too dissimilar from Her Grace’s. The Raven Queen, as you have come to call her, is one who catalogs stories of all the souls who will and have ever been. There's no reason why they can't be happy ones."
  "Okay... So I guess that's kinda a yes?"
  "Yeah!" The Fate Author's tone lightening again, "you're doing things to make people's lives better. Why wouldn't she accept that?"
  "I don't know she's always been such a neutral force. Like 'life is as it goes' so I wasn't sure if she wants me to stop these bad guys. Cause then doesn't she get more souls anyways?"
  "What's the rush? They're like this pond," gesturing toward the pool in front of them, "it remains still unless it is disturbed," she flicks the water her sending ripples through the pool. "Chaos happens but," She puts her whole hand in and after a moment the ripples slow, "A helping hand, a calm hand, a peaceful hand, placed in the right place at the right time can help lift and disrupt chaos and pain in the world. Why wouldn't that be you? You are," somewhere between playful and serious, "a chosen one."
  "Every other religious organization seems to have some sort of hierarchy - how does that work for the librarian? Are there like arch-bishops and stuff?"
  "Sure there's various other scribes that record the stories of souls that have come and gone. Lest that they be forgotten in the mortal realm. These stories are sent and stored deep within the abbey with the chroniclers. But it through that sharing of faith and experience in life that people are remembered and to the people that remain that brings some sort of peace. To those who scribe," Showing her own ink-stained hands, "it is a worthy task. To others they spend more times in the introspection of what has been. Then there are some who spend more time on what could be and the path not taken, that diverge from the destiny that was given to them. Those sheriffs of index, that's a little bit higher up. But for me I get to sometimes read the stories every now and then. You have a particularly good one. Good balance, started off a little dark. But now you walk a path of light and look at all the light that you share and spread in the world cause you know how dark it could be.
  "So I guess what I'm getting from this conversation is that I have to keep being a beacon. A symbol of hope against injustice."
  There's a shift behind her eyes to be slightly more serious, "Yes, you do have a good story."
  "Do you already know the end?"
  She stares at Raijun, "It ends well."
  "Well I hope I can live up to it. I'm going to keep doing the things I do and let the chapters pen themselves."
  "You already have." She breaks Raijun's thoughts by splashing him with water from the pool. She smiles, "Relax. You have found the people you were supposed to find. Lost the things you were supposed to lose. You know what you have to do to find them again."
  Raijun exhales, "I have to relax."
  "Oh one other thing that just came to mind, 'jump'."
  "In the water?" Raijun asks concerned.
  "Oh, no. Then you'd have to clean it up. No, just you'll know," She comments as Raijun jumps into the air. "No, no not right now just when it's right."
  "Oh my god this is just like Sarya and 'everything happens for a reason'." A look of awe comes over his face, "Oh my god she had a premonition about me coming to the Raven Queen! Is she psychic?"
  "She could - well she has a different path," The Fate Author gives Raijun a look saying Sarya's in for it.
  "I can't wait to tell her that I figured it out. Well scribe, I appreciate you. You told me some things about myself that I didn't even realize."
  "Oh good, hope I didn't give away any major spoilers. But I've enjoyed the read thus far. Would you like to... would you like to write a page?"
  "I would love to! I just learned how to write and I've been meaning to put it into practice."
  The Fate Author smiles warmly as she leads him over to a desk. A stack of blank papers sits on the left side, an ink bottle sits recessed in the desk itself, and on the right a mail slot where the paper can be slipped into. She instructs Raijun to 'write something meaningful to you', sighing and noting that she'll make sure it "get's included in the appendix of the chosen one". Raijun thinks for a moment before he picks up a quill and begins to write about the journey of redemption. The first page is difficult but as he slips it into the zone he breathes and feels better and the second page is easier. The following pages seem to flow out of him until the fourth page or so he feels complete and he puts a period. Signs his name with a flourish and slips it into desk and stands to go.

In the Courtyard

Back in the courtyard Sarya has begun pacing as Myra corners Nari who proceeds to tell Myra a story of a time ten years ago as she lets Myra know the number of invisible people with them in the courtyard. After Nari concludes her story Myra turns, addressing the Architect, "Architect, I was wondering, is there a reason that you don't want to defer to Nari to lead the ritual if your hope is to observe?"
  "I want it to go off with out a hitch. And I understand that she is a confidant, a friend," She gives a slightly disapproving look at Nari, "But I would rather place my trust in myself rather than a false diviner. Or someone that might not be up to the task. You understand," she smiles.
  Myra looks between Nari and the Architect, "May I inquire why you keep calling her a false diviner?"
  "You must understand, it is not out of a spiteful place but that of a factual one. I was part of her... investigation the last time she was here. And her writings while... interesting in their script and their diversity just seemed to be... interesting and not meaningful or decipherable."
  The Grand Curator, watching from the side, smiles. Myra continues, "You seem to be mistaken in your information Architect. But that's not my place to correct. Ah - if you are to lead the ritual is there anything else we need to provide for it?"
  "Just be prepared for the unexpected. We're going to be tapping directly into the weave. Now in order to do what we need to do it's not going to be a small window, this is going to be akin to what is happening around the region but in a more controlled setting. Could be dangerous."
  "Do you think we risk further damaging the weave itself then?" Myra asks warily.
  "I certainly hope not as I don't expect this to be a prolonged process . Plus with the anchors in a desirable and controlled place this should go off without a hitch."
  "Yes what can you tell me about the room we will be using? Nari was quite insistent that we come up here for it but I'm not sure what makes this particular room amenable to the ceremony."
  "Well it was one of the first churches to the Author of the Arcane. It was a place of worship beneath these grounds," clicking her heels on the step she's standing on, "Well beneath us as many unknown ruins still lie. But this room was kept as way to have this connection and divination against the troubles that might be expressed in this world. It has been used at times in order to ensure proper survival and understanding of what we would face. That most recent as when the lost city returned some fifty years ago. But it is not used without great consideration. Hence the tribunal to understand the intentions of this group as if not used in the proper way it could be devastating."
  "Understandable certainly. You mentioned previously that you have experience closing the rifts have you - I've seen them dissipate on their own or do you have a process by which you can close them yourself?"
  "Yes and that is something I hope to share with you all after the close of this ritual."
  "Well that will be interesting..." Myra stares off for a minute. "Did you have any questions for me, Architect?"
  "You mentioned before you went on a trip? How?"
  "Which one, I apologize," Myra smiles.
  "The one not many sane people claim to make."
  "Ah the one where the sky was broken?"
  "Yes - that I'm quite curious about."
  Myra pauses for a second solemnly, "Ah well... the previous holder of the transmutation tether felt threatened by my presence. In one moment I was in the present... and in another moment I was in a future."
  "In A future?"
  "Well... I certainly hope it's not this future."
  "And if I were to assume given the reports of your last hm... outbursts you would be the holder of the transmutation scroll is that correct?"
  "Yes I believe that there's only been one that the tribunal brought up but that is correct."
  Sarya wanders away to fiddle with the clay bracelet thinking at it, "hey you up ;)" but there's no response.
  "Have you tried going back?" The Architect asks.
  Myra shivers, "I do not need to live or visit that future again. I much prefer to stay in the present and attempt to prevent it."
  "With a mind like yours haven't you ever wondered what is possible?"
  "I wonder about a lot of things," Myra smiles.
  "Well that's what separates the good well... from the great. Those who get out of their own head once in a while and actually do what they are thinking." Myra looks crestfallen, like she's received a bad grade for herself. "That would be something I would be more interested in discussing after our next endeavor. See what else would be possible," She winks at Myra.
  Myra blushes, looking away, "Yes I'm sure there's a lot I could learn from any time you're willing to donate, Architect."
  "Would you?" The Architect steps towards Myra, who retreats a step before holding her ground. The Architect continues, "My understanding is that you have seen a lot and met a fair amount of people in your travels. What possibilities would you explore?"
  "In the future? In the present?"
  "You have something people have and would kill for. On you, part of you." Her eyes rove over Myra as she raises an eyebrow flirtatiously, "Wouldn't you seek to push the bounds?" She takes a step, "To understand something that no one has even asked the question of? Trying to push yourself," she takes another step closer, "just a little beyond."
  Myra blushes, wringing her hands anxiously as she avoids the Architect's gaze, "There are any number of things I've thought about, Architect, but mainly what I would like to happen right now is to prevent the further deterioration of anything. I just seek to understand to something can be done to fix it all."
  The Architect inspects Myra as she answers, "Well that satiates my curiosity, lest past deeds be repeated." As she steps back, the rest of the group enters the courtyard returning.


2:15:30 At this point Klara returns and bows to the Architect, "They're ready for us." Turning to the group, "Are you all set?"
  "Yes, I suppose so," Myra replies.
  "Very well. You all are good with stairs right?"
  "I've found that I've evolved past the need for stairs," Raijun smiles.
  "Yes, Raijun does enjoy jumping."
  "Well you'll have no problem reaching the sepulcher," Klara smiles. She leads them off through the halls, they pass a number of rooms, perhaps a kitchen, proceeding to a more functional space within the hall. At one point everyone is bustled onto the metal enclosed lift which descends one, two, three stories.
  The group can see that the shaft continues further down as they exit the lift. The Architect speaks up, " Like I said this is not something that is... utilized regularly but part of the original original structure built into the mountain. So we still have a little ways to go but I hope you're not too adverse to getting real cozy." There's a winding small spiral staircase, passing a number of barred-off halls, some have people inside working in either a restorative or research type capacity.
  The group descends another five levels as there's a shift in energy. Those attuned to the scrolls feel an energization to their body as they enter the chamber. As they enter the arcane sepulcher, there are walls infused with the same material almost silver veins that run through the room. The floors are filled with arcane lights as areas of the floor seem to radiate the schools of magic, the different glyphs for the schools each represented. This area that was once clearly a place of power and study now sits with dust and energy hanging in the air.
  Already waiting in the chamber is Yamil, more properly attired. Not fully armored but unrestrained and cooperative, he gives a warm smile as the group approaches. The Architect waves away the guards surrounding him, "He will not be any trouble, you may leave." She confers silently with the lead guard before turning to the group, "If you would all kindly make your way to the symbols that you may have representation for then we will begin.
  As Nari and the Architect move toward the center, those with the scrolls move toward the respective areas, Myra keeping pace with Yamil. As Myra goes to stand on the transmutation sigil she feels a tearing as it lights up only briefly before her head explodes in pain. She quickly retreats off the sigil.
  Yamil, who was approaching the enchantment sigil beside her come up placing a hand on her, "I would be happy to share the burden if that would help."
  Myra leans in, "I had intended to get to you sooner but they dragged you off." There's a brief exchange between them as Yamil places his body such that it blocks the others line of sight to Myra.
  "Alright, hopefully that will help," Yamil smiles. "And thank you for agreeing to this I am soon happy to be rid of all of this."
  "Anything to help," Myra smiles. After a second they return to their respective platforms Myra seeming to have no additional issues.
  In the center the Architect is preparing calling out, "For those who are not in possession you are more then welcome to join us in the center or to find another place to observe from. It is unknown what will transpire but, strategically -"
  "That doesn't inspire confidence," Adama yells.
  "Well it has not been attempted in any of your lifetimes, what we are about to do with the objects that forged this ritual in the first place."
  "And why do we think this is the best option?"
  "It's the way to secure the answers you seek"
  "I think its to secure the answers you seek."
  "Well, those are not mutually exclusive."
  "I don't know yet. You haven't really told us?"
  "Well as discussed with Lady Stagwood, I seek to understand what knowledge is possible with these items and through understanding how the effect has bonded to the hosts, as they may be. I hope to better understand if anything were to happen to any of you how to best counter that."
  "Yeah this doesn't feel right."
  "Please," she smiles, "You can trust me."
  "I don't trust anyone."
  "That's a sad way to live," and the Architect winks at Adama.
  Raijun positions himself on top of the illusion sigil, not trusting the Architect. Sarya takes one of the corners between Adama and Yamil where she can clearly see him. Hagren takes up a space in the middle with Nari and the Architect.
  "Right," the Architect shouts. "Everybody good? Everybody ready?" There's a flash of nervousness, as she steps over to Nari, "Just try to keep up." With that, they begin shifting their hands moving out and around as each of the pillars begin to alight and shine.
  Slowly, as they begin to chant, motes - first from the pillars of Myra, Adama, Yamil and even Raijun begin to coalesce and shift into the center. Creating a beautiful rainbow fixture as it begins to build into a visual that's reminiscent of the first time Klara showed the group a model of the weave in the library in Lion's Crest, the pattern seems to move and shift, spin and dance. There's a surge of electrical energy as those with the scrolls feel a pulse of energy, Yamil goes down to one knee. Myra looks over concerned but after brief flash, Sarya and Adama see a shimmering speckled side of his face as he seems to be struggling against gravity. As the ritual continues, the light continues to expands covering, almost shielding, part of the center as the vortex continues to grow. Those with the scrolls feel another pulse as images begin to appear on some of the pillars, the energy seems to have created this glowing effect around Adama and Myra, representing the objects that they carry. Yamil, on the other hand, is having a conflict between an orange energy innate to his for but there's also a green energy that seems to be disconnected and unmoored.
  There's a pulse as large tendrils seem to form from the center dancing out in a display. The group is mesmerized as the tendrils seem to grow and mutate until they become eight serpent-like forms. The chamber shudders and cracks forms in the room around them as the panel under Yamil goes dark. As it does, the spiraling pauses, the tendrils lashing out as a roar rips through the chamber. The form seems to reach out toward Yamil, almost betrayed by his aspect, as a head arises out of the serpent.
  On the other side another roar shakes the chamber, as the green tendril reaches out as a head of rippling energy and flame. Then one by one, the empty stations cause the forms of other heads to appear as a hydra of pure arcane energy appears, the ceremony seemingly paused, as the weave hydra emerges, the heads associated to those with the scrolls seem less hostile than those missing.
Report Date
02 Nov 2022

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