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The Voiceless Scream - Lion's Crest

General Summary

Having returned to the Whitemane community center after the Harvest Festival, the Wardens were considering retiring for the night when a dead looking tiefling grabbed a small girl introduced to Myra as Irena and threatened to kill her unless the Wardens cooperated. Adama, unwilling to negotiate with someone who would threaten a child, attacked causing the tiefling's compatriot to set off a fireball into a crowd of bystanders killing sixteen people. We pick up with the Teifling chastising Adama for his choice.


The previously blue tiefling grimaced at Adama, "You are but a fool for rushing in. How many more people have to die before we get what we came here for?" Adama retorted that the tiefling was clearly to fool for thinking that we would negotiate with someone who held a child hostage. The tiefling replied that we were the cause of much of the destruction and that if we had only cooperated by giving them what they wanted none of the innocents would have been hurt.   As the little girl pleaded with James to save her, Jimmy attempted to offer himself in a trade with the group. Raijun, thinking the group was there for him, also attempted to offer himself but the tiefling man denied them both saying that would only be satisficed by what they came here for. Adama asked what they wanted but it was Myra who replied from behind him that they were after the scrolls. The tiefling confirmed and said they also needed some help, Tintreach or Trenchcoat should do nicely. When asked why they needed one of them the tiefling said they were "Part of the experience".   As we talked the mage pulled out a scroll and put Enemies Aboundon Adama causing flashbacks to a war long ago. As the tiefling looked at the group he again remarked "the longer we stay here the more likely people are to die." Adama, no longer sure who his friends were or what anyone was waiting for, attacked once again throwing the community center into the chaos of a battle.   As the fighting commenced again Myra, ducked into the back room, attempting to protect the scroll from the band outside. As she entered the room she noticed that there was a cloaked figure picking up the dragon statue. Myra quickly closed the door hoping to trap the person inside with her but the woman, noticing Myra, swore and went invisible. As Myra barricaded she growled for the woman to show herself to no response.   Outside the room, the community center was breaking into chaos. Patrons, their exit blocked by the group of murderers, were attempting to hide or run but had no where to go. Fires from the fireball continued to lick at the front of the building, and the wardens were sorely hurting in their fight with the group. The wizard maintained an antimagic field around the casters preventing Tintreach and Gwen from providing effective aid, which he only dropped in order to dominate the mind of Adama using him to deal extra damage to the Warden's who didn't want to harm their friend. Meanwhile, the hexblade tiefling banished Tintreach effectively removing him from the fight, while Irena charmed Jimmy repeatedly asking her to save her.   Jimmy was about to help Hagren, who was managing a bear barbarian and aiding the kobolds in escaping, when Irena started talking to him and pleading with Jimmy to "tell them where it is". Jimmy losing focus on Hagren, turned his attention and horror to the Tiefling pleading with them to let her go. Raijun squared off with another monk and identified the group we were fighting as The Voiceless a rival clan to the immortals who were well known for their acquisition of artifacts.   Myra, continuing to hear the struggle outside the room and realizing that the woman she had eyes on before was gone, left the room to reenter the chaos. As she exited she saw that Tintreach was missing, Raijun was bleeding out on the ground, Adama was menacingly stalking toward Gwen, and Jimmy attempting to lie about the location of the scroll saying it was in Lunaacre. Yelling out a question about who had Tintreach, Gwen responded that it was the tiefling. Focusing on getting Tintreach back Myra pulled out her wand of magic missiles and shot him, breaking his concentration before pleading to Raijun to stay alive (through use of a healing word).   As Tintreach reappeared, he got off one lighting bolt before the monk, who had effectively stunned Raijun, came over and stunned Tintreach as well. This prompted the woman Myra had seen in the room to appear with the dragon statue and touch it to Tintreach's frozen hand. The statue glowed brightly before opening, allowing the woman to remove the scroll and dart behind the group. Raijun, freeing himself from the stun landed a few well placed punches on the mage breaking his concentration on Adama allowing Adama to rejoin the fight on our side.   Gwen realizing the threat of the woman with the scroll used her channel divinity to read the woman's mind learning that her name was Dartina. While she still managed to infiltrate her mind Gwen found a weird static she wasn't used to as though the woman had some kind of resistance to the effect. While in her mind she heard the voices of the other two casters identified as Crypt and Oselor talking telepathically to each other. They mentioned that they wanted someone named Irik to hurry up and get the information before they activated their contingency.   As Gwen heard Dartina's thoughts, everyone else heard Jimmy break and tell the group that there was a scroll in Kolis-Tane before clutching his head in pain. As Oselor prepared an exit Myra cut him down as he moved away fizzling his teleportation spell. Adama, to prevent further attempts used magic missile to end the mage's life. In the mayhem Gwen made a 'Suggestion' to Dartina commenting on how rude it was to take the scroll and how Gwen would appreciate it if she returned it to her. We saw Dartina's eyes widen slightly before Crypt grabbed her and dimension doored out into the street. As Crypt teleported away Irena began a slow clap as she slowly grew into a larger humanoid clad in a red robe. The new figure, identified by Dartina as Irik, commented that it was "A pleasure seeing you all again," and reassured us that we would see him soon. With that note he grabbed the monk and also dimension doored out into the street. The bear man, the only remaining and surviving member of the group, who had already been viscously wounded by Hagren and his band of Kobolds looked at the surrounding members of the Wardens and put up his hands in surrender. Having secured the community center, Raijun and Adama dashed into the night attempting to pursue the disappearing members of The Voiceless. As the bear man turned to the remaining Wardens he looked at Hagren, smiled, and said "I'll take that beer now".  

The Untamed

  As Adama and Raijun pursued the fleeing Voiceless, they heard murmurs from the crowds that they were fleeing on the roofs but as they ran they were not able to get any closer until eventually the trail dropped cold. As they pursued the group Trintreach began to read the bear man's thoughts hoping to gain more insight on where they might have escaped to. At first it was minor thoughts, he felt betrayed at being left behind, he felt happy that they had succeeded, he thought their benefactor would appreciate their work. As Tintreach probed deeper into the thoughts of the benefactor the scene changed as he was shown a memory.   The air turned warm and dry with sand underfoot. Dasatra stood in the back of a small room while Crypt sat at a table across from another group of individuals. The room looked like a back room with crates surrounding the outside, the man sitting across from Crypt set a large bag of gold onto the table. On the other side of the room was five individuals, a brute of a lizardfolk with scars running along his jaw and a wild look in his eye was in the back. Beside him was a halfling woman with darker skin, brown cropped hair, spectacles, and scarring covered by bandages wrapped on her hands. A red tiefling so dark that their skin was almost black stood nearer the table. They had scars across their neck and face, with orange eyes, and seemed covered by more recent blood splatter. Immediately behind the person at a table was a well put together human identified to Dasatra as Mr. Alsume with scarring on his neck and face, short cropped hair with a swoop. He had bright green eyes and was wearing the remnants of golden scarab armor. Sitting at the table was another human covered in tattoos and arcane marks identified as Mr. Nasir. As Dasatra's focus sifted back to the conversation he could hear Mr.Nasir talking with Crypt. "I want them before he gets them. Do I make myself clear?"   Crypt nodded, "We can acquire them but your contacts better be right as we have a personal stake in this venture."   "Trust me I have connections. There was one in Greenport, find and secure them and your organization will be well rewarded."   Crypt took the bag of gold on the table, "It was a pleasure doing business with you Mr.Nasir.   As the memory faded and Tintreach returned to the rest of the group, Adama and Raijun joined back from their search. As Tintreach concluded retelling the tale there was a soft gasp from the door as Lady Adalphia stood in the doorway, looking inward at the destruction and exclaimed "Oh dear Jimmy, what has happened?"
Report Date
16 Feb 2021
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