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Train Talk - Campfire

General Summary

Still in the main train car before Myra departed, "In my defense I was five and Mr. Horny was a stuffed animal stag. Clearly it got changed later once my mother found out but Ayen would know his original name and I doubt many other people were going to pull that name out of a hat."   "Hey you don't have to justify yourself to me," Raijun laughs, "I'm just jealous you had stuffed animals, I had to make my own toys out of branches and logs because the Immortals kept taking them away"   "Yeah... If I'm being honest part of the reason I don't talk about it is that it seems like bragging. What does me telling you I had an pile of stuffed animals in my room do for you?" Myra questions. "Raijun you asked how rich my family is. My mother comes from old money and my father from new. So while I'm not actually royalty our funds probably rival that of someone who is."   "But that's like soooo cool! I want to hear about allll the things I never even knew existed, like custom stuffed animals, trains and the works! There's a whole realm of rich I never dreamed I could achieve, I feel motivated now."   Myra looks off, "I remember seeing some of the models they had for the trains when they came out with new designs. They made these tiny versions, father was an early investor so they gifted him some.... I think it took about two weeks before I was caught trying to take one apart. Honestly we should all be surprised it took that long."   "Sounds like you always liked tinkering with things, even from a young age. What inspired young Myra to be a creator?"   Myra chuckles, "I don't know if I'd call young Myra a creator. But I think my parents found early on it was better to keep me busy or I'd become destructive by oh, let's say carving my name into the main banister and then blaming it on Ky. I don't even remember how I got the knife..." She winces, "someone probably got fired for that."   "Hey I used to do the same, turns out 'Raijun wuz here' is easy to track who the perpetrator was."   Myra sighs, "I honestly don't know why I thought I would be able to pin it on Ky as he was 4...."   "You always need a patsy, that's why I blame everything on Trenchcoat!"   "I think my parents were infinitely relived when one of my teachers piqued my interest in reading, though perhaps less relieved that it started an obsession with reading about dragons... But most of my crafting skill just comes from hours of lessons where I was very bad at something and someone else was paid to be infinitely patient until I became less bad."   "What made you gravitate to stories about dragons?"   Myra blushes, "Well the first book series I read about them was a piece of fiction where a princess is fed up with all of the proper things she has to learn and convinces the staff to teach her improper things and then when she learns she's to be betrothed runs away and teams up with a dragon." She takes a long drag of her whiskey, "So not a clue really."   "Wow sounds familiar to someone I know," Raijun comments with an amused smile, "What is it about dragons that enthrall you so?"   "They were the first beings I learned of that could be considered good that weren't tied to the gods. Not that the gods are bad they just have their own plans and I have always been interested in those who buck the idea of the divine plan. Dragons were the first beings I found that was powerful and independent, not to mention innately magical. I wasn't really allowed to study magic so of course I was also interested in anything related to it, and the fact that there was a source that was not tied to the divine only made it more interesting."   "They didn't let you study at all?"   "Physics - yes, chemistry - yes, advanced mathematics - sure, but actual magic and spell craft I believe was left for 'those without aspirations'. I think my mother worried that if I studied it I would be drawn into the world of higher academia, which while incredibly valuable was not what she hoped for me." Myra shrugs, "I asked a few times, given how quickly my request was shut down I suspect some other additional motivation, eventually I just gave up I guess." She pauses, "There's a reason most of my, abilities, manifest through items."   "What did your mother want you to do instead, diplomacy, take over Dads company one day, something in between?"   "D all of the above? I don't think it's ever been explicitly stated. I know lots of things that wouldn't be enough, but most of the times I asked she'd just tell me that she just wants me to be happy. Now if only I could figure out what the hell that means."   "So she wanted you to be happy...but no like like this...and no not like that? Sounds like she didn't even know what she wanted you to want..." Raijun is visibly confused.   "Apparently it's very complicated being happy?"   "Is it though? To some degree, I feel like happiness is a combination of freedom and purpose. Finding what lets you feel free and where you draw your purpose from is the hard part I suppose, especially when you have the world at your fingertips." He sighs, "For me it was simple, or so I thought. Become a warrior of the night, be the best I can be, get to the top but then it all came crashing down...and despite what happened, now I feel like I have more freedom and purpose than I ever had."   “This does bring up the question," Adama ponders, "if your mothers ring has been returned which was the original reason you joined our merry band of travelers then what reason do you have to continue, but more importantly what reason will you tell your mother, which seems to be important to you.”   "I don't know," Myra stares dejectedly into her drink, "I just don't want to disappoint them."   "I think you'll know when you get there," Raijun adds, "I imagine it isn't fun to live in the gigantic shadow of your uber successful parents but, you've done some great things. I bet they may not show it, but they are likely proud of the leader you've become."   "Thanks Raijun that means a lot." She takes a sip, "I think you asked about titles? My mother is a Councilor. You could call them lady and lord but it's mostly honorific unless something has changed in the last few months."   "What's your dad's title, and on a scale of 1 to the king in Lions crest, how bro is he? Also what do I need to do to get a cool title, does Lord Nightblade count?"   "I don't know that I've ever thought about my father as a bro... he's just my father. Ask Ayen they've known my father longer than I have."   "I guess I'm asking what he's like and if you think we'd get along" Raijun turns to Ayen, "Hey Ayen, what is Lord Stagwood like?"   "A driven and hard working man that inspires those around him, a bit of a talker when he starts drinking..... which I see is something that runs in the family," Ayen comments glancing up from their book to look at Myra.   Myra flushes looking down into her drink, "I am nothing if not what they taught me."   The one visible eye brow raises from Ayen, and they return back to reading their book.   "So on a scale from concerned to angry how much trouble am I in Ayen?"   “No more than normal but your parents have been quite busy with the Galla and the campaign and business.”   “Sorry to interlude but Myra, HOW IS YOUR PARENTS ABLE TO GIVE OUT MILLIONS IN PLATINUMS!!” Hagren roars.   “The family has been around for a very long time… a very long time,” Ayen replies, not phased by the change in tone.   "Elves man," Raijun comments wistfully, "they have the advantage when it comes to capitalism."   "And it doesn't hurt that my father was an early investor in all this," Myra gestures to the train around them. "But in short the answer is compound interest."   "....Tell me more of this compound interest," Raijun asks intrigued, "is it possible to learn this power?"   Ayen nods while turning the page.   Myra considers Raijun doing accounting, wincing, "I know a guy I can introduce you to. Then you basically don't have to do anything."   "Wait so I can just sit around and do nothing and get this fabled compound interest?! No training or nothing?!"   "Welcome to wealth," Myra cheers with her drink, "now you can start accruing the coveted 'people'."   "This is my time Myra, I feel inspired, I will ascend to the vaults of prosperity and no longer be Maidenless! This compound interest will be my path forward...where do we start?!"   "What do maidens... You know what I don't want to know. And I'd be happy to take you to a bank and get you set up Raijun."   "You have a few stops to make first, and a change of clothes wouldn't hurt," Ayen comments.   "Thats right! Ayen, where can I find the fanciest clothes in Kolis Tane?"   Not looking up and turning the page in their book, "If you are to accompany lady Stagwood here when she returns, measurements will be collected and clothes will be provided for you."   "Can customizations be made to said outfits, perhaps to accommodate an abnormal circumference in the bicep and triceps area?" Raijun asks while flexing.   "Oh I don't think you understand," Myra adds, "It's all custom."   Raijun's eyes sparkle, "So can I get like a katana embroidered into my sleeve?"   "Certain...considerations must be made if you will be in the presence of any of the Stagwoods while in Kolis-Tane," Ayen corrects.   "Don't worry Ayen, you can ask Myra, first impressions with nobility is a specialty of mine! The king of Lions Crest and I are what you might refer to as 'absolute boys'."   Still not looking up from their book "Right....."   "What Ayen means," Myra corrects, "is that if you want the costs to be covered there is only a certain level of customization if you can have. Or have you not noticed the theme?" Myra gestures to the outfits of Ayen, the guards, and the general motifs of the train car. "And," She sighs, "if you want to accompany me it will be... Expected. You all are, of course, welcome to ditch me at any time. I won't be offended."   Raijun ponders this for a second before there's a sparkle in his eye, "Wait, so I get my own personal Stagwood cloak?"   Myra mutters into her drink, "Of course that's how he would see that." Louder, "Yes, free of charge, no stealing required. If you ask nicely they might even embroider your name on it."   Raijun's mouth drops open, "Would they embroider wardens of the weave on their for all of us?" He pauses wheels turning, "Myra this is it...we could finally have a merchandise line!!!"   Myra pinches the brow of her nose, "Ayen, what's the policy these days for contractors? I know there use to be allowances for group crests within certain constraints but I know basically all the rules go out the windows when there's elections happening. You don't want conflicting branding," she explains to the group as if that clarifies anything.   Looking up from their book, eyebrow raised, "You would consider this group contractors or friends?"   Raijun narrow his eyes at Myra, as she responds, "I would consider them friends but do you really think that will excuse them from whatever rules she has in place? Especially if it is before a gala?"   "No your mothers protocols are absolute, it just helps me understand for my report," Ayen turns a page.   "I suppose I should leave it up to you all then," Myra turns to the rest of the group, "how would you like to be introduced to my parents?"   "You BFF away from home," Raijun quickly offers.   "You of all people should know no one is excused from your mothers rules," Ayen nods at the group, "your friends will be welcome to accompany you in what capacity you see fit. You all have made quite a name for yourself after all"   "Do tell, what have you heard about us?" Raijun inquires.   "Any chance that capacity could eclipse the need for other protection?" Myra winces.   Clearly giving up on reading their book, Ayen sighs and drops it between their knees, going to address Raijun's question, but then turning a curious eye to Myra, "What sort of protection do you mean?"   Myra gestures to the guards at either end of the room, "You plus thirty guards Ayen? I don't think I've had this many babysitters since Ky left."   "Given the recent advance on the family estate this is the new level security that is standard, the priority is your safety," Ayen says seriously. "Plus it looks like your friends here can take care of themselves."   "Right so instead could I just agree to not leave my group and not have a small army trailing me?"   Flipping the book back up, "Not an army but you will have an escort."   Myra moans while drinking.   "Just the standard arrangement with the addition of myself includes."   Myra sees this is not a fight she will win, pivoting, "So how much homework have you done on them Ayen?"   Without looking up from their book, "Enough."   "Oh come on how am I supposed to know what I'm up against in your report if I don't know the outlandish things people are saying these days?" She turns to Raijun, "Clearly you need to work on your branding no one in Drel seemed to know you."   Adjusting their position on the love seat, "Well we first we got reports of the resolution of a sickness that has been plaguing the city of Greenport - since that corresponded with your arrival time and your natural inclination to seek out trouble I figured you had some involvement. Then I heard about the forestification of Nightwell and a group of adventurers fending off a dragon to save the forming settlement. Then there were reports of the same group making there way to the beholden crossing and then everything went silent. That is when I was told to survey the area but not before reports of a flying ship that emerged from under the water stopped the constructs from attacking the remaining ships."   “Those don’t sound particularly outlandish,” Sarya says dryly.   "Sounds like something out of one of Miss Stagwood's books," Looking up from their book with a cocky smile, "Leave it to someone who spent her childhood in stories to go out into the world and make her own"   Myra smiles innocently into her drink, "Come now Ayen, me get into trouble? Surely you're thinking of someone else."   "Hey listen I can explain all the trouble," Raijun starts, "I never started it ok?!"   Ayen keeps reading.   “So, what are you reading there?" Sarya inquires, "And Myra generally tries to get us out of trouble, for what it’s worth”   Ayen turns up the book showing the cover which reads Tylmyan Archectural Structures 500 AE, "That does not surprise me she always had a way with negotiations just like Lady Stagwood."   "I too, have shown promise as a negotiator and mediator of peace," Raijun adds, "it just comes more naturally to her."   "You seem to have a knack for talking from what I have seen so far.... almost like you know that the more you talk with someone the easier it is they will tell you something you want to hear," Ayen eyes Raijun over the book.   "I just like to hear people's stories," Raijun shrugs, "your world is one I've never had the privilege to experience and I'm just so curious about it. Besides, Myra clearly respects you so I get the feeling you're a stand up guy, I mean that stare could pierce an Iron shield!"   Flicking the book back into hiding their face, "Deflection and establishing commonality are also techniques used by master assassins." With a smile their face emerges again, "But hey who could refuse a good story."   Raijun smiles slyly, "You caught me, but those days are long behind me. Nowadays I just try to be the best person I can be, and inspire newer generations to be better than I was."   Ayen turns a page face unsurprised.   "Seems like you already knew that didn't you? Your reconnaissance is impressive, Master Ayen."   Another page turns.   "Surprised you know about my clan," Raijun continues, "they are so far across the world from you. I hope they haven't infiltrated into this region..."   Adjusting the book in their hands, "They wont be any time soon, not all of them made it back last time they paid me a visit."   "Which group did you run into? They segment by division, some are thieves, other spies, and others still more nefarious.."   "Over the years many, some earned my respect but many did not make it back to warn the rest of the Immortals. Like the last bear of a fellow didn't even make it past the driveway - well the fact that half oh him was already burnt to the nine hells didn't help I'm sure." Slowly moves the book away from their face surveying the train car, "Only seemed fair he was to die like that after destroying half a community kitchen on a day of celebration."   "Do you know if they have begun to associate themselves with Sekkul? I worry the kings coffers were too vast for the organization to resist, being in such proximity to each other. I wonder if their influence has arrived here as well, they have begun to campaign towards my second home in Lionscrest and I fear the worst..."   "Your clan has always been interested in providing their services to those who could offer them power in return. But no those from the Manten'Liche (MTL) kingdom seem to be on a holy crusade of their own right now. Although those two journeys seemed to be somewhat aligned. But that shouldn't sound to foreign to others along that same path."   "Have the MTL begun to trek towards this side of the globe?"   "Darkness and Death does not tend to do so well so close to the light. The morning prayers of the of the Dawn's Embrace bathe the city in an amazing glow - one of the many reasons I am not a morning person."   "You and me both Master Ayen. Though I feel like as a follower of the Raven Queen, my place is somewhere between the darkness and the light. Myra may have mentions that I'm somewhat of a Chosen One."   Myra face palms in the background, "Raijun when would I have even mentioned it? While you were finding body parts? I don't actually spend all my time talking about you."   " don't?" Raijun asks confused. "Well this is why my brand isn't on pace with the roadmap! I need you here Myra! Did you at least introduce me as Nightblade?"   Now Myra looks confused, "You were there in the room when I introduced you..."   "I was hoping you like read off my accolades or something while I was out doing in the streets...yeah."   "If it makes you feel better Raijun, Ayen probably wouldn't believe any titles I gave him about you unless they had verified them anyway."   "But everyone calls me Nightblade!" Raijun protests.   "Is that how you would like to be introduced when you are taken to Lord and Lady Stagwood?" Ayen asks. Myra shakes her head vigorously no in the background. Ayen smiles, "Is it just Nightblade or is it Rajun the Night blade?"   Raijun's face shows he clearly has not thought about it that far yet, "Lord Raijun...Nightblade...the 4th!"   "Lord of what....? Remember you are talking to ..... emboldened nobles make it believable."   "Don't encourage him!" Myra begs.   "Do you think Id be able to pass off Baron... maybe count?" Raijun daydreams.   "Why not," Ayen asks Myra, "this is fun he has a great spirit. Reminds me of when Ky wanted to take over the Crescent Bazar." Returning their focus to Raijun, "Count Nightblade might be giving off.... more vampiric vibes"   "How about, Hand of the Princess?"   "Do you hold the hand of a princess?" Ayen asks confused.   Raijun looks at Myra, "Sometimes when she drinks too much and needs to go back to her room..."   Myra glares daggers at Raijun, "Don't you dare grab my hand." Raijun goes for the hand but Myra pulls back, "I'm not a princess," she glowers.   Ayen, eyebrow raised, "Well that would certainly elicit a reaction from your parents......"   "No. Nononono," Myra pleads.   "Isn't Hand like a protector or agent kind of title?"   "Gotta be careful with hands some people would take that as you inquiring on my marriage prospects," Myra corrects. "And let me again reiterate - No."   Raijun looks horrified for a second before pivoting, "Captain Raijun, Protector of the Orphans? No...Ward of the orphans, yeah that's good"   "Master Raijun, Ward of the children of the Den of free moon, Nightblade of the ......What was the name of your group again?"   Raijun begins the Wardens dance as Myra drinks heavily, "The Wardens of the weaveeee!"   Ayen, with a smile, "Ah that's right..... Master Raijun, Ward of the children of the Den of free moon, Nightblade of the Wardens of the Weave."   Raijuns pupils dilate like a cat.   "Ward and Warden are very close you might want an alternative also ward can also mean someone in the custody of someone else," Myra interjects. "So you being the ward of the free moon may mean a pupil more than a protector depending on what your going for."   "Well then tell me, you who are so wise in your ways, what would you say instead?"   "I don't know 'Master Raijun, champion of the children of the free moon, Warden of the Weave'?"   "We gotta get Nightblade in there somewhere though," Raijun complains.   Sarya watches on, bemused by Raijin’s excitement.   "I don't need Nightblade," Myra says quietly, "I just need Raijun."   "But the street cred!" Raijun complains.   "Raijun you have done amazing things regardless of the nom de plume you choose to present yourself as." Myra drinks, "It's your name though do with it what you will."   "I just like it! You have a pedigree that dates back eons, I don't even have a last name..."   Ayen's book goes back up, “Names are over rated, they talk about the past and what has come before." They finds the page, "it is the one you make for yourself and for the one they call you after you are gone that matter.”   "I can see why you like this guy Myra, lot of wisdom in those veteran bones!"   "They've picked up a couple things in their old age," Myra smiles as she sips her drink.   “Speaking of names, whose side is the Stagwood name from?” Sarya questions.   "Was one parent Stag, and the other Wood?" Raijun adds, "Asking the tough questions here."   Myra smirks, "Ah my father's."   “Ah, I wasn’t sure what the custom for names was in Glemios. For us, it was attached to the title and the holdings,” Sarya clarifies.   "You don't have to be related to a high councilor to be appointed their heir. And as for holdings it would be a decent contest as to whom I would inherit more from though I have confidence that my mother would edge my father out."   Raijun is stunned, as if having to choose an inheiritance was a problem he never thought of.   "Honestly inheritance gets even trickier given my specific genetics. I'll most likely outlive my father but not my mother. Ayen will probably outlast us all," Myra toasts trying to be cheerful but it doesn't really come off right. "It's something I try not to dwell on too often. It's also not really a problem I worry about, I'm fine for money."   Raijun pauper noises intensifies.   Myra raises an eyebrow, "Reminding you that you are literally a millionaire Raijun. Congratulations again."   Raijun tears up, summoning Peng Yu for a tissue, "It was just so sudden, I just -" He collects himself, "But enough about me and my philantropic aspirations, what is your mothers side's name? And does she still use that name w her Elven community members?"   "Well I suppose my previous answer was misleading..." Myra admits, "I did inherit my father's name but when my parents married my father married into my mother's name. But as he was a human there was a thought that they should take a common name for a number of reasons, some personal, some political. My mother's house name is Inden'ryn, (anyone who speak elvish would understand this translates literally to 'the inner purpose of the wood') which loosely translates to 'heart wood' which became 'hart wood' which became 'stagwood'. She mostly goes by Stagwood now, the name was a joint decision between her and my father, but she'll use her elvish name when in elvish company."   “That makes sense, it’s hard with elven names, since we’re so long lived,” Sarya admits.   Myra nods, "It's a fairly common practice in Kolis-Tane for those who have vastly differing lifespans who choose to wed to take a common name. For elves I'm told it's a way to denote a specific time in their life a shared time with another. Names are cherished by the elves and sharing one is considered a large commitment. For the shorter lived partner it is also a token to ensure they understand they will not be forgotten as, if the couples have children, they almost always take the common name."   "How predominant is the elven population around here anyways?" Raijun asks.   “Very in the higher districts," Ayen adds, "but the Crescent is a more worldly mash up.”   Myra shrugs, "Glemios used to be an elvish nation so the higher up basically anywhere you go the more likely you are to find people of an elvish heritage."   "Used to, when did that change?" Raijun asks, "I am uh...not up to date on my history.."   Ayen clears their throat and turns a page.   Myra shoots Ayen a look, "Well it depends on who you talk to I'm sure some would still say it is."   "So moreso they just opened their borders to strangers?" Raijun follows-up.   "It used to be an elvish monarchy but the nation was falling behind so a study was conducted and basically they found that elves see time differently. And because they have a..." Myra glances at Ayen, "broader perspective than a people who tend to have lifespans in the decades they were spending too much time deliberating and not enough time doing things. The monarch at the time deliberated and chose to disband the monarchy after his reign setting up the system used today. It opened up the government to a system controlled by the population a more mix of people of other backgrounds. But the council system has been in place for hundreds of years now."   "Man I'm imaginging the board meeting now," Raijun sit's up stright and uses his posh voice, "....ah no Isladur. We cannot complete the project now, we have competing priorities, could we revisit this in 25 years?"   Myra laughs, "I believe the study that made the suggestions concluded just after its 50 year mark. So pretty much." Turning to Ayen, "Speaking of the council, do you know who we are supporting in the election? I assume Meredith unless she's chosen to step down but any others?"   "Lady Meserine is up for election," Ayen corrects, "but i believe the banquet is for one of your father's friends - Mr. Fortis the head of Applied Arcana at Foreruner industries."   Myra furrows her brow, "Fortis. Fortis... I mean I know Foreruner... Ayen please tell me that I haven't met Mr. Fortis I can't remember anyone but ugh it's been five years. I assume he's running for Spires?"   "That is correct Mr. Fortis has been making a name for himself recently, more of an up and comer"   Myra breathes a sigh of relief and visibly relaxes slightly.   "Which one do you prefer Ayen?" Raijun questions.   "I dont follow politics, I just enjoy the parties, plus these two are running for separate districts so there are no favorites being played within the Stagwood house hold"
Report Date
24 Apr 2022

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