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Trouble on the Tracks - Glemios

General Summary

Having made their way to Drel'Themar and received a large sum for 'returning' Myra to her family's head of security Ayen, the group found themselves on a train bound for Kolis-Tane. After a number of conversations, Myra left the main car to go investigate the 'acceptable' outfit her mother had left her with Sarya close behind. As the rest of the Warden's remained in the main car, Hagren thought he glimpsed a flash outside.   Hagren moved to a window to investigate further, and as the train rounded a bend he saw again the flashes of light. They appeared to be generated by two winged individuals who were being propelled by something other than their own wings. Hagren calls Ayen over but by the time Ayen looks the individuals seem to be gone. Hagren explains that something seemed to go past. Ayen suggests that perhaps it's just the conductor doing some kind of maintenance. Raijun joins them at the window and notes that whatever the light flashes are they seem to be coming toward them. Ayen Tells them that he'll have someone check it out and speaks to the guards at the end of the car in Sylvan causing a one of them to leave while others position themselves by the doors. Ayen mentions that they're going to go check on the girls just to be extra safe and leaves the car.   Meanwhile in the bed compartment, having found her dress held magically aloft by a garment bag, Myra lies on the bed while talking to Sarya. Myra nervously asks if they should talk about the question Adama previously posed about their relationship. Both of them stammer through asking what the other thinks with Sarya being the first to admit that she's enjoying whatever it is. Myra starts to caution Sarya but is interrupted by loud CATHUNK noises that seem to be appearing from above, which Myra thanks under her breath for saving her. The noises pause and Ayen arrives at the door knocking. Myra and Sarya inquire if he's here about the noise prompting Ayen to ask what they are talking about.   The loud CATHUNK is heard again and Ayen dispatches 'team b' to go investigate the roof of passenger car two, assuring Myra that it's probably nothing. This is quicky dispelled when, a moment later a guard is hurled by the window outside.   In the cabin with the guys Raijun, Hagren, and Adama think to join Ayen but are stopped by the guards who say it's under control but ask them to remain here while they check everything out. A conflict between the guards and the guys is avoided when a second after the request the guard seems to be hit with a shotgun blast from behind showering Raijun and Hagren in what was once his shoulder. not seeing where the shot came from Hagren immediately starts bunkering the car with the help of Adama as Raijun tries to stabilize the guy who was just shot.   In the bedroom Ayen has moved in front of the door and locked it instructing Sarya to join Myra on the bed as that is the most defensible position. Myra argues that people could be hurt, especially as they all hear the gunshot ring out from the other cabin, and says they need to go check on the others. Ayen says that if what he's heard about the group is true they should have nothing to worry about and makes no motion to leave his post blocking the door. Myra telepathically speaks to Sarya saying that they need more information and asks her if she'd be willing to go scout out what's going on in her wind elemental form. Sarya agrees but says if she's asked she's going to say Myra told her to which Myra enthusiastically agrees with. Myra bonds her and Sarya before Sarya shifts and flies out the window prompting a shout of frustration from Ayen.   In the main car the shots keep firing from one end, now mostly into the barricade erected by Hagren. Raijun goes to the guard at the other end of the car and says he needs to get out through the other door. The guard looks nervously at the one who was shot in the arm and just asks Raijun to deck him so he can tell Ayen that he tried to stop them. Raijun obliges decking the man before easily flipping up to the top of the train. There he and Sarya find two gunmen atop one of the cars with two more a car away. They also notice in the distance two aarakocra doing something to the cargo car. Raijun is able to matrix dodge the bullets lamenting that the other Warden's aren't there to see it as he stuns one of the gunmen allowing Sarya to easily fling them off the train in her air elemental form.   In the bedroom Ayen, frustrated at Sarya disobeying his orders and trying to protect Myra, engages something on the door as a shimmering wave of magic encloses the room. They apologize to Myra but mention that Myra will thank them. Myra debates that point, trying to teleport Spyrg out of the room to no avail. She attempts to reason with Ayen asking about the safety of their men and the other passengers on the train but Ayen resolutely explains that Myra is his priority joking that isn't that what her friends are for anyway. Myra reaches out to the group but the magic seems to also interfere with that communication.   Outside, Hagren and Adama join Sarya and Raijun on the rooves of the cars teaming up on the gunmen. Another one is flung off while the two aarakocra seem more interested in charging something on the cargo car using lightning strikes. The gunmen on the rooves have tricks of their own with interesting mechanical gadgets that restrain Raijun and Adama and then later Raijun and Trenchcoat. Their fists also seem to be augmented and mechanoid in nature.   As the fighting on the roof continues Sarya takes some minor damage causing Myra to take some through their bond. As a trickle of blood leaks from her nose she asks Ayen if they really thought that she wasn't going to try to help her friends. She negotiates for Ayen to go help them promising to stay in the box like a good girl if he will at least go make sure they are okay. Ayen agrees as long as Spryg stays with Myra and Myra casts haste on Ayen allowing them to join the fight up above the same round. As Ayen leaves the room the wards blocking Myra go down and she's once again able to communicate with the group.   Above, the aarakocra seemed to have finished whatever they were doing revealing a large mechanoid suit. One of the members who was previously thrown off the train reappears and with two other henchmen seem to start settling into the suit. Meanwhile, the aarakocra have moved down the train to tether themselves to the remaining gunmen, apparently as their mode of escape. Through some quick use of stuns and sentinel the group is able to take out one pair while the other beings to retreat. The retreating pair doesn't make it far though as a very pissed off Myra leans out the window firing two crossbow shots into the one flying. A final well places hit from Sarya has the pair whirling out of control past the train. Raijun and Ayen notice that on the pair that were defeated before they could begin retreating their chests begin to blink and countdown prompting both Ayen and Raijun to hurl the bodies off the train shortly before they detonate.   As that's going on Hagren has moved up the train to the mech where the main woman operating it smiles down at him. "Excuse me dear what's your name?"   "Who want's to know?" Hagren retorts.   The woman laughs, "The one who's about to destroy this train," and with that takes two steps in the suit and jumps off the train and into the forest below.   As Ayen, Adama, and Raijun catch up to Hagren, Myra loudly demands to be told what the hell is going on over the mental channel. Sarya updates her that everyone seems to be gone while Hagren adds that there might be a bomb on the train. Ayen suggests that the bomb would most likely be in the engine room and everyone, including Myra, rushes that way.   As they reach the engine room they find a sphere with a ticker with twelve segments, six of which are still illuminated. The group inspects the object seeing that it is affixed to the console with three chains. Hagren tries to rip one out while Ayen tries to pick the lock on another but both to no avail. As the bomb ticks down to five Myra runs into the room, Myra deconstructs one of the chains while Ayen and Hagren switch tactics to much more effect. The bomb now being free, Myra reduces it's size and hands it to Sarya asking her to whirlwind it as far away as possible. As she does, the gusts go wrong and end up launching the bomb into the pile of coal at the end of the car. Swearing, Adama throws up detect magic and is able to point to Raijun where to scoop as Raijun combs through the coal to retrieve the bomb. Raijun pitches the bomb to Myra who uses her staff as a bat to catapult it out of the train where mere moments later it explodes in a large flash.   The group is in high spirits except for Myra who goes up to Ayen and tells him never to lock her in a room like that again and then drops haste, paralyzing him temporarily, as she storms off. Hagren reconvenes with Meko and Persistent ensuring that they are okay and patching themselves up while Raijun and Adama check on the engineer who seemed to be knocked out. The engineer thanks them for saving him an is able to slow the train down to a more reasonable speed though comments about the mess someone made of his tools by pulling the chains out. Raijun tells him it's all in a nights work before offering a hand to Ayen asking if Ayen happened to catch all of Raijun's cool bullet dodging. Ayen comments that they mentioning it was very impressive.   As Ayen and Raijun talk, Hagren and his crew went to investigate the cargo bay where they find a number of smashed shipping boxes. He finds one larger box that's blown to bits that he assumes is what the mech was being transported in but is unable to find any identifying marks of the brand or owner.   Myra stalked her way back through the cars coming across a body of one of the Stagwood Guards who lost their life. Myra tries to see if she can stabilize him but find him beyond her power. Sarya, having been trailing Myra drops her windy form to tell her that it wasn't her fault. Myra expresses her frustration at being locked in a box noting that none of the guards would have even been on this train if it weren't for her. she comments to Sarya that "it sure feels like it's my fault," before leaving the room as Ayen enters. Sarya says last rights for the man and puts two coppers over his eyes.   "That's unfortunate," Ayen comments, supplying that the name of the man was Jakata and that this was "not the kind of homecoming," they were looking to give Myra.   Sarya expresses that Myra means well and just wants to help. She asks Ayen why they can't see how much protecting her hurts her.   "I didn't expect her to come home like this. More triumphant and more stubborn maybe. But not with friends."   "I don't like seeing her hurt."   "We can only do so much."   As Hagren investigates and the others talk, Raijun uses the opportunity to ensure that the civilians on the train are okay and know exactly who saved them, trying to ensure that he is not missed again. By the end of shaking hands everyone knows Raijun was the true hero of the night though Raijun also mentions that Myra Stagwood also helped which prompts another set of whispers.   As everyone reconvenes in the main car Adama comments that that was fun, while Raijun applauds them on the lack of civilian deaths. This earns him a glare from Myra, which he misses, as she returns to the room with a cloth and bee-lines towards the remaining hurt guard. The guard protests saying he's fine but Myra tells him to shut up and her look brokers no argument as she starts seeing to his shoulder stitching the wound closed. As Ayen and Sarya join, Ayen addresses the Warden sans Myra, "You all seem to have quite a good set of skills. Thank you for all of your help tonight." Ayen comments that him and his men will take watches the rest of the night so that we can rest easy and the Wardens head to bed.   In the morning, the Wardens find themselves awaking to the train slowing as it makes an ascent. In the distance the group ca make out the waters of the Fissure Sound and the twin peaks of Kolis-tane. One seems to be almost a hive of activity even from this distance while the other seems to almost reflect the morning sun off of it.   Myra comments to Ayen that she's stored the dress in her bag and will only change after seeing Sky so as not to ruin it immediately. Ayen comments that his instructions were to see Myra to the estate directly but after Myra's protest relents to letting her see Sky first instructing all of the guards that the "train was delayed" by the heist attempt. The guards all nod.   Hagren inquires if Ayen has any more details on that mech suit or why it was aboard the train. Ayen comments that they have no specifics but that the technology they saw wasn't super unusal for something coming out of the Clockwork Spires. Ayen explains that after the events in the Beholden crossing many of the more interesting parts had started washing up or had been found by reclaimers and brought back for study. The parts have now become quite the commodity. Ayen comments to Myra that unlike in her stories, in the real world, "not everything works out well."   Myra nods, "Don't I know it."
Report Date
30 Apr 2022

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