
Basic Information


Aarakocra are a bipedal avian race, sharing a combination of traits between birds and other humanoids. They have a feather covered epidermis and a beak, and have feathered wings along with the standard two arms and two legs other humanoids have. Each of their hands has three fingers and a thumb, while their feet have four toes each equipped with a sharp talon. Like other avian species, Aarakocra have hollow bones to help with flight. Aarakocra plumage colors vary, with males often being colors such as brown, white, black, and gray, while females are often brighter colors such as red, orange, yellow, or green.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aarakocra have a mating season once per year, and lay eggs that are incubated by females for 8 months until they hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

After hatching from their egg, Aarakocra take 8-10 years to reach their full size, and reach maturity at 16 years old.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aarakocra have keen vision, and are able to see precise details from extreme distances.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Aarakocra names have two to four syllables, punctuated with whistles, trills, and clicks that are difficult for non-aarakocra to pronounce. When dealing with non-aarakocra, they sometimes shorten their names, or use nicknames others give them.   Typical aarakocra names include Aera, Aial, Aur, Deekek, Errk, Heehk, Ikki, Kleeck, Oorr, Ouss, Quaf, Quierk, Salleek, Urreek, or Zeed.

Major Organizations

Aarakocran Protectorate

Beauty Ideals

Bright colors and intricate feather patterns were considered attractive in a female Aarakocra, while larger wings and muscular bodies were sought after in males.

Gender Ideals

Males of the species made up the vast majority of military personnel, while females took on other jobs necessary in the society. Females took care of the young in most situations, but males would often take over if wounded or on leave from their duties.

Average Technological Level

Aarakocra had a similar level of technology to elves, and were slightly above humans in terms of their level of civilization.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common, Aarakocran, Elvish

Common Dress Code

Aarakocra often do not wear clothing, and only wear it when in the presence of other races or for special occasions. Jewelry is heavily valued among females, and the shinier it is the more valuable. Males tended to prioritize their armors, often utilizing their armor to impress females or important members of the society.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Upon reaching age 3, Aarakocra are expected to leave the Golden Nest and travel around a foreign land for 2 years to experience other cultures and beliefs before returning home and committing to a career path.


One of the oldest and original species to inhabit Caphollia, the Aarakocra were originally discovered in 10 A.D. by Elven explorers traveling through the Carjol Desert. Dehydrated and suffering from the heat, the elvish expedition was taken in by the Aarakocra peoples and treated to great hospitality as they recovered. Decades later, Elves and Aarakocra established official ties and began to exchange trade and diplomatic relations. As time passed, the Aarakocra became more open to relations with other species, and began sending envoys to various human and dwarven villages scattered around the regions of Northern and Eastern Caphollia. While the birdfolk made enemies with none, they tended not to get along with the dwarves, as the idea of living underground was utterly alien and revolting to them. Eventually, the Golden Nest became a hub of trade through the Carjol Desert, and anyone passing through the desert passed through the Golden Nest. Aarakocran warriors were renowned for their prowess, and would often work to protect trade caravans and migrants that came under attack, establishing themselves as the guardians of Central Caphollia. The Aarakocran civilization prospered in the coming centuries until the great war for Caphollia in 1036 A.D. Fighting for the protection of the continent the Aarakocra were utterly wiped out by invading armies, and through magics not currently understood, the entire species disappeared across the entirety of the continent, leaving nothing but their empty homes behind. Several archeological digs are excavating the lost ruins of the Aarakocra, and a combination of elvish, human, and dwarven soldiers were assigned to protect the home of their fallen ally from those who might wish to disturb it.
75-100 years
Average Height
Average Weight
100 - 120 pounds
Geographic Distribution