
Basic Information


Dragonborn look very much like dragons standing erect in humanoid form, though they lack wings or a tail. Rather than skin, dragonborn are covered in sturdy scales that act as natural armor. Their hands and feet are strong, talonlike claws with three fingers and a thumb on each hand. The blood of a particular type of dragon runs very strong through some dragonborn clans. These dragonborn often boast scales that more closely match those of their dragon ancestor—bright red, green, blue, or white, lustrous black, or gleaming metallic gold, silver, brass, copper, or bronze.

Genetics and Reproduction

After mating, dragonborn females lay eggs, which hatch in 6-8 months after being laid. After birth, the hatchling is nursed similar to mamallian young.

Growth Rate & Stages

Young dragonborn grow quickly. They walk hours after hatching, attain the size and Development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3, and reach Adulthood by 15.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragonborn can survive in any climate, and have villages in deserts, plains, mountains, grasslands, and tundra. Dragonborn will often live in places suited to their colors.

Biological Cycle

Dragonborn go through a process of shedding their scales every 8 years after they reach adulthood. As they shed their scales, they are replaced with new softer scales that quickly harden after about a week.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dragonborn often name their young after notable dragons, but only use a portion of the name as they are not full dragons. Clan names are incredibly important to dragonborn, and losing one's clan name through exile is a sign of significant disrespect.

Major Organizations

Dragonborn clans have certain levels of prestige associated with them, and more prestigious clans are often given more respect by the other clans. Such clans include Clan Kopis, Clan Magyar, Clan Werpock, and Clan Vekris.

Beauty Ideals

Gold, silver, and jewels are seen as beautiful in dragonborn society, most likely originating from the lust dragons had for riches. Wearing ornate armor, jewelry, and having well crafted weapons are signs of wealth, prestige, and beauty.

Gender Ideals

All members of dragonborn society are expected to serve and maintain combat skills, and both genders participate in all levels of society. Females are expected to protect eggs, while males are expected to deal with external threats.

Average Technological Level

Dragonborn clans had a technological level below that of humans, and they gained most of their technology through trade and bartering with nearby human and dwarven settlements.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common, Draconic


Originally created by dragons to serve as their servants and envoys to the other races, dragonborn have existed on Caphollia since the beginning of recorded time. Discovering the usefulness of the humanoid races but not wanting to enslave them, metallic dragons infiltrated human and elven societies in attempts to find suitable mates, and eventually joined into unions with several of them. Experimentation and trial and error led to the first hybrids between dragons and humanoids, and soon enough the dragonborn race was created. The metallic dragons treated the dragonborn well, and provided them with culture, wealth, and resources, but chromatic dragons saw their successes and sought to create their own servants. A similar experiment was conducted by the chromatic dragons, but their candidates were less willing than those chosen by metallic dragons. A chromatic dragonborn race was created and enslaved by the colored dragons, much to the disappointment and anger of the metallic dragons. Knowing that they would rather the dragonborn race be free than enslaved and forced into servitude by dragonkin, metallic dragons gave freedom to their creations and waged the Dragon Wars with chromatic dragons, eventually resulting in a diminished dragon population but a free dragonborn race. These freed dragonborn formed tribal clans and dispersed into the world, setting aside their metallic and chromatic differences and working together to advance their society. Today, dragonborn are respected warriors and leaders, with most living lives of honor and service to their clans or allies.
80 years
Average Height
Average Weight
250 pounds