Mildrend Magyar

Mildrend Magyar

Mildrend is a mercenary, who was exiled from his old home. He want to do good in the world, hoping one day to return.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is an impressive specimen, who in his younger years attracted many female Dragonborn from his old clan. Standing at six and a half feet, approximately three hundred pounds, he is a big boy.

Body Features

White scales cover his entire body, with some feint yellow circle patterns running the length of his back. His horns are not large, and do not stick out much from his head.

Facial Features

He looks liek your typical dragonborn, large snout with big powerful jaws. He has razor sharp teeth, some even stick out of his mouth when it is closed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mildrend is the son of the leader of Clan Magyar. Growing up, Mildrend enjoyed the company of his brother Barcasol and the court mage. Barcasol was the heir to the throne of Clan Magyar since he was the eldest brother.   The Magyar Clan came under troubled times, attacks on two sides of their boarders forced Mildrend's father to split up the army. Barcasol went to one front, while their father and the mage went to the other. Midlrend was left to tend to the clan.   Eventually, Barcasol's front was pushed back so far that Mildrend had no other choice but to lead the remaining army in his brother's aid.   When Mildrend arrived, it was nothing but death and destruction. His brother's troops were decimated by goblins, famine, and disease. Both brothers knew that their only option was one final push. With the help of the new troops they managed to succeed in pushing back the evil forces, but something happened to Barcasol. During the final battle he was cursed, slowly turning from the charismatic leader to be into a dark, savage, being that only resembled a dragonborn.   When back home, and without the help of the court mage or their father, Mildrend spent most of his time trying to rid the curse from his beloved brother, but to no avail. Eventually they received word that their father was dead, and Barcasol was to be the new leader.   In a last ditch attempt at freeing his new leader from his curse, Mildrend tried a spell that he had made. This did not work, and the toxic nature of the spell caused the death of his brother.   This did not go well in the eyes of his clan. The elders of the clan thought that he had killed his brother. Mildrend was seen as a power hungry scum who wanted to be the ruler of the clan and was thus exiled.


Mildrend was trained to be a knight and an advisor to his brother, but his passion was magic. He was able to pursue this passion studying with the court mage in his free time.


Mildrend has been working as a mercenary, using his training in fighting and in wizardry to complete his contracts. He is a lonely drifter who want to do good in the world, eventually hoping to return home.

Personality Characteristics


He wants to bring honor to his name, so one day he can return to his clan.
Neutral Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6.5 ft
300 lbs
Known Languages
Draconic and common