The Changeling Crisis

The story begins with a group of adventurers: Beiro, Blaze, Gorosk, Kain, and Mildrend, who are aboard a transport ship bound for the city of Nilfar within the Cities of Silver, a collection of city-states controlled by mercenary companies. Their ship is ambushed by pirates, and the entire crew is killed, including the party members. Miraculously, they find themselves in the presence of Thentauril, a benevolent god who makes them his champions and sends them back to the mortal plane with a new purpose.   The adventurers reach Nilfar and meet Tiro Hawk, who sets them on a quest to unite the Cities of Silver, which are currently divided and ruled by various mercenary companies.   They arrive in Mayfax, the capital of the Cities of Silver, controlled by the Black Wolf Company led by Hadred, one of the original heroes from the past.   Hadred arrests the group and forces them to work for him. They are given a mission to protect a transport ship carrying weapons from the Dwarven Kingdoms to Mayfax.   While escorting the vessel, it is ambushed first by the same pirates who initially attacked them and then by a much larger ship controlled by a secret mercenary company known as the Silverbirds, led by Julius. Julius has gone missing, and the Silverbirds recruit the party to help find him in ancient dwarven ruins. After finding him, Julius is revealed to be Beiro's long-lost father.   Julius explains that the Cities of Silver were originally founded by both him and Hadred, but Hadred seized control when Julius disappeared. Julius plans to retake Mayfax but needs the support of other mercenary companies: the Golden Lining, the Riders of Daybreak, the SSSL, and the Zenith Guard.   The adventurers embark on a journey to gain the support of these four mercenary companies. Along the way, they face challenges, make allies, and uncover information about the demonic threat that plagues Caphollia.   However, the Zenith Guard ultimately betrays Julius and the party, leading to an ambush by the Black Wolf Company. The party repels the attack but at the cost of Julius being severely wounded.   The players leave to head back to Mayfax, where they must infiltrate the city and prepare for a siege. Entering the city through the sewers, they set a multitude of magical conduits in select places around the city.   The siege of Mayfax begins, and it is revealed that many within the city were actually doppelgangers, pretending to be human. A massive battle ensues, and the party fights their way to confront Hadred, they discover that he has been replaced by a demon called Shiv'Bolo. Shiv'Bolo intends to purge the city of life to create a gateway for a massive invasion.   The party defeats Shiv'Bolo and Kain kills Polfnir, saving the city of Mayfax and thwarting the demonic invasion.   After a month of recuperation, the party is directed southward, towards the Elvish lands to continue their quest.
Plot type
Arc 1
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