The Anvil's Vanguard

The Anvil's Vanguard strives to protect the gnomish people and their sacred machines, ensuring the heart of machinery continues to beat unimpeded.  


The Anvil's Vanguard was founded in the wake of Ticktock Metrognome's groundbreaking invention, the Metrognome. As gnomish society embraced the fusion of magic and machinery, there was a growing need for a group of skilled warriors to safeguard the gnome's creations and their people. The Guardians of the Anvil were established to fulfill this role, becoming an elite force of mechanically enhanced defenders.  


The Anvil's Vanguard is led by a council of experienced warriors, known as the Forgemasters. Each Forgemaster represents a different aspect of gnomish warfare and engineering, ensuring a balance of power and expertise within the faction. The current High Forgemaster, Ironheart Flitz, guides the other   Ironheart Flitz: The High Forgemaster of the Anvil's Vanguard, is a skilled tactician and battlefield commander. She has led the faction through numerous battles and skirmishes, earning the respect and admiration of her peers and subordinates alike. A skilled diplomat, Ironheart is known for her ability to forge alliances with other factions and races, fostering unity in the face of adversity. Despite her tough exterior, she has a strong sense of compassion and empathy, which she instills in her followers, emphasizing the importance of protecting the innocent and upholding the principles of justice.   Flint Sparkwright: The chief inventor and designer of the Anvil's Vanguard's exosuits and weapons. A creative genius, his workshop is filled with countless prototypes and blueprints, each showcasing his innovative approach to engineering. Flint is constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible with gnomish technology, incorporating new materials and ideas into his designs. Although he can be eccentric and single-minded in his pursuit of innovation, Flint deeply cares about the safety and wellbeing of his fellow gnomes and strives to create technology that will better protect and serve them.   Emberil Aegis: A highly respected metallurgist and blacksmith, responsible for the creation of the unique metals and alloys used in the Anvil's Vanguard's armor and weapons. His extensive knowledge of metallurgy allows him to develop materials with unparalleled strength, resilience, and flexibility, perfectly suited for use in the faction's advanced equipment. Emberil is a patient and meticulous worker, qualities that have earned him a reputation for perfectionism. His calm demeanor and sage advice make him a valued mentor and advisor to the other members of the faction.   Belladonna Magda: A formidable gnomish battlemage, renowned for her mastery of arcane magic and its integration into the Anvil's Vanguard's tactics and weaponry. She has dedicated her life to the study of magic, seeking to unlock its full potential for the benefit of her people. Belladonna is a charismatic and passionate leader, inspiring those around her to strive for greatness in their own magical pursuits. Despite her fierce reputation, she is fiercely protective of her allies and students, always ready to lend a helping hand or a kind word when needed.   Filigree Finehand: A master artisan, renowned for his ability to create intricate and beautiful objects with extraordinary precision and accuracy. His works are highly sought after by collectors and admirers, both within and outside of the Anvil's Vanguard. Filigree's talents extend beyond simple aesthetics, as he also lends her skills to the creation of finely-tuned mechanical components and devices for the faction's exosuits and weapons. He is a patient and detail-oriented worker, with an unwavering dedication to her craft. Filigree's gentle nature and warm personality make him a beloved figure within the Anvil's Vanguard, always willing to share her knowledge and expertise with others.  


The Anvil's Vanguard values courage, loyalty, and innovation. Members are trained in the arts of combat and mechanical engineering, with an emphasis on the importance of blending the two disciplines. The faction is known for its strict discipline and adherence to a code of honor that prioritizes the protection of gnomish society and the sanctity of the heart of machinery.   Members of the Anvil's Vanguard are trained through a rigorous and comprehensive program that combines physical conditioning, martial arts, mechanical engineering, and magical studies. Recruits begin their training by learning the fundamentals of gnomish warfare, including basic combat skills, the use of traditional weapons, and an introduction to the art of exosuit piloting. As they progress, they delve deeper into the intricacies of mechanical engineering, learning how to maintain, repair, and improve their exosuits and equipment. Advanced training focuses on specialized skills and tactics, such as stealth, reconnaissance, or the incorporation of arcane magic into their armaments.  


The Anvil's Vanguard is a powerful military force within gnomish society. While their primary focus remains on ensuring the safety and stability of gnomish settlements, their influence extends to international relations and diplomacy. The gnomes have rapidly progressed since the creation of the Metrognome shortly after become known for thier ingenuity and technological prowess, which has attracted the attention and curiosity of neighboring nations. The Anvil's Vanguard, with its cutting-edge exosuits and weaponry, has further solidified the gnomes' reputation as a formidable power.   Gnomish leaders, understanding the importance of maintaining a balance of power, work diligently to foster positive relationships with other nations. The Anvil's Vanguard often participates in joint military exercises, technology-sharing initiatives, and trade agreements, ensuring that the benefits of their advancements are not hoarded but shared responsibly. This cooperative approach has led to a network of alliances and partnerships, contributing to regional stability and peace.   However, not all nations view the gnomes' military power favorably. Some see it as a potential threat, fearing that the gnomes could use their advanced technology to dominate or exploit weaker nations. Others may be envious of the gnomes' technological achievements, seeking to undermine or sabotage their progress to maintain their own competitive advantage. To address these concerns, the Anvil's Vanguard and gnomish diplomats actively engage in diplomacy and negotiations, reassuring other nations of their intentions and promoting a message of peace and collaboration. They emphasize the importance of working together to face common threats and challenges, highlighting the potential for technological advancements to benefit all.  

Members and Hierarchy

The Anvil's Vanguard is organized into a strict hierarchy, with ranks determined by skill, experience, and dedication to the faction's goals. At the top are the Forgemasters, followed by the Exo-Knights, the faction's elite warriors who don exosuits in battle. The ranks below consist of various specialists, such as engineers, specialists, and various Initiates, all crucial to the faction's success.   Forgemasters: The highest-ranking members, responsible for overseeing the faction's operations and guiding its strategic direction. Each Forgemaster represents a specific aspect of gnomish warfare and engineering.   Exo-Knights: The elite warriors of the Anvil's Vanguard, who don exosuits in battle. They serve as the vanguard in combat, leading the charge and inspiring their comrades with their skill and bravery.   Engineers: Skilled technicians responsible for maintaining, repairing, and improving the faction's equipment, including exosuits, weapons, and vehicles. They work closely with the Exo-Knights and other specialists to ensure the efficiency and reliability of the faction's technology.   Specialists: Members who have honed their skills in specific areas, such as scouting, reconnaissance, or magical augmentation. They provide valuable support to the Exo-Knights and Engineers, contributing their expertise to the faction's overall effectiveness.   Initiates: New recruits who are undergoing the rigorous training program to become full-fledged members of the Anvil's Vanguard. They are expected to learn and demonstrate proficiency in a wide range of skills, including combat, engineering, and magical studies.    

Enemies and Allies

The Anvil's Vanguard often finds itself at odds with the Silent Saboteurs, who they view as enemies of progress and divine will. However, they maintain strong alliances with factions such as the Clockwork Assembly and the Gearwrights' Guild, working together to maintain and improve the gnomish technology that empowers them.  

Religion and Magic

Members of the Anvil's Vanguard are deeply reverent of the divine essence within machinery, seeing their role as protectors of the sacred energy that animates their creations. They honor the soul of machine, offering prayers and rituals to ensure their longevity. Many members are skilled in the use of arcane magic, often focusing on enchantments and abjurations to enhance their weapons, armor, and exosuits.