Archmagus Valora - Founder of The Order of Twelve

Nestled within the serene valley of Sanctuaire lies Archmagus Valora, the venerable founder of The Order of Twelve. Her wisdom and mystical knowledge have made her a living embodiment of the Order's inclusive philosophies.  


Archmagus Valora towers over seven feet tall, with the sharp features and swirling eyes characteristic of the Luxaris. Her pitch-black skin seems to radiate an unearthly glow from deep within, complemented by stark white markings and tendrils of energy encircling her head forming a halo. Despite her imposing appearance, she exudes an aura of compassion and understtanding.  

Position and Power

As founder of the Order, Valora holds immense influence over the spiritual direction of Sanctuaire. She guides the Order's activities from her chambers in their main complex, singing songs of philosophy and divinity that echo throughout the marbled halls of the temple chambers. Her progressive philosophies have shaped religious policy in Sanctuaire, improving understanding between diverse groups.  

Personal Traits

Valora is distinguished by her open-minded worldview and dedication to knowledge. She rejected rigid dogma in favor of studying all twelve Aspects equally. Her quest for understanding catalyzed her mystical transformation and the Order's founding. Despite her magical prowess, Valora remains humble and kind-hearted.  

Role in Cardinal

As founder of the Order of Twelve, Valora pioneered a spiritual movement based on studying all Aspects in balance. The Order's open philosophies have promoted understanding between different religions and cultures. Under Valora's guidance, the Order has grown into a major religious force with temples across Cardinal.  


From her chambers in Sanctuaire, Archmagus Valora continues shaping religious thought across Cardinal. Her profound wisdom and mystical knowledge have made her a widely respected spiritual authority. As founder of the Order of Twelve, Valora's open-minded philosophies have fostered greater unity, stability, and enlightenment.