Concordium of Ages

The Concordium of Ages is a forum for discussion, research, and collaboration on issues affecting the entire world of Cardinal, promoting understanding, cooperation, and the sharing of knowledge for the betterment of all. Le salut par la Concorde, well-being through harmony.  


The Concordium of Ages was established by the Chronarch, a wise and respected figure who proposed the formation of a grand council. Despite initial resistance from some cities, the Concordium managed to forge a strong and influential alliance among the elves of the Lamina Forests, the Goliaths of Frost Reach, the sister cities of Underkeep and Aerondor, The Emberstone of Highreach, and the Crystalline Wardens of Far Reach.  


The Chronarch serves as the ultimate leader of the Concordium, with a council of representatives from each member city aiding in decision-making.   Lady Aelara Elanessë: As the elven Queen, Lady Aelara is dedicated to preserving the ancient wisdom and traditions of her people while fostering harmonious relationships with other races and cultures.   Frostwarden Thavi "Forstfang" Ovathi: Representing the Goliaths, Frostwarden Thavi seeks to maintain the hardy way of life of his people and ensure their survival in the harsh, icy environment.   Chancellor Gavriel Sunforg: The cunning elven leader of Underkeep, Lord Elathor aims to secure the prosperity and security of the dwarven city, primarily through trade and strategic alliances. He seeks to bridge the cultural gap between the elves and dwarves, fostering understanding and cooperation between the two races.   Magister Elowen Skyweaver: The visionary helf-elf rule of Aerondor, Elowen Skyweaver is passionate about spreading innovation and progress. She strives to integrate the strengths of both elven and dwarven cultures, creating a unique and harmonious society that benefits from the best of both worlds.   Sovereign Kaldera Ashlen: Strives to harness the elemental powers of fire and earth, utilizing their potential for the protection and restoration of the Ashlands.   Auroros the Opalescent Warden: The Opalescent Warden focuses on safeguarding the unique crystalline resources of Far Reach and ensuring that their power is used responsibly and sustainably.  

Culture and Politics

The Concordium of Ages fosters a rich and diverse culture, as it brings together representatives and influences from various regions and races. This unique blend of traditions, beliefs, and customs has led to a harmonious and progressive environment that values mutual understanding and learning from one another.   Major cities within the Concordium celebrate each other's festivals and holidays, encouraging cultural exchange and appreciation. Art, music, and literature from the different regions are shared and celebrated, allowing for a greater understanding and respect for the distinctiveness of each culture.   The Concordium also encourages education and scholarly pursuits, with a strong emphasis on the importance of history and the lessons it offers. This dedication to learning has led to the creation of impressive libraries, academies, and research institutions throughout the member cities, where scholars from various backgrounds come together to share their knowledge and collaborate on new discoveries.   The leaders of the Concordium operates through a referendum held yearly to make important decisions. The political landscape of the Concordium of Ages is characterized by diplomacy and collaboration. A council, composed of representatives from each member city, meets regularly to discuss matters of mutual concern, devise strategies to address shared threats, and work together to promote the well-being of all member cities.   Each representative is responsible for advocating on behalf of their city's interests while also seeking opportunities for collaboration and compromise. This approach to politics encourages an environment of trust, openness, and mutual respect among the council members.   While the Concordium promotes a unified front, it is not without its challenges. Regional differences, divergent priorities, and tensions between certain factions can sometimes lead to disagreements and conflict within the council. However, the leadership of the Chronarch and the commitment to the common good of the member cities ensure that such disputes are resolved through negotiation and diplomacy.   The Concordium is also engaged in external politics, actively seeking to forge alliances and maintain relationships with other factions and regions in Cardinal. This diplomacy is crucial in ensuring the stability and prosperity of the member cities, as well as promoting the values and goals of the Concordium on a broader scale.  

Members and Hierarchy

The Concordium of Ages boasts a diverse membership, with representatives from various races, backgrounds, and professions. The hierarchy within the Concordium is structured to facilitate cooperation and effective decision-making, while still allowing for the unique voices and perspectives of each member city to be heard.   The Chronarch is responsible for guiding its overall direction and ensuring the smooth functioning of the council. The Chronarch is also the primary mediator in resolving conflicts and fostering collaboration among the member cities.   Each representative also has a team of advisors and aides who assist them in managing their responsibilities within the Concordium and their own city. These advisors come from various fields of expertise, such as military, diplomacy, trade, and magic, and are invaluable in providing well-rounded perspectives to the council. Within the individual member cities, local leaders, scholars, and specialists are also involved in the Concordium's initiatives and projects. They collaborate with their counterparts from other cities, sharing knowledge, resources, and expertise to achieve the Concordium's goals.   Overall, the hierarchy within the Concordium of Ages is designed to ensure effective collaboration and representation of the diverse interests and expertise of its member cities. The structure promotes the sharing of knowledge and resources while fostering unity and cooperation among the various factions and races that make up the alliance.  

Enemies and Allies

The Concordium of Ages, while promoting unity and collaboration, has faced resistance from various regions and factions. Some are hesitant to join the alliance, fearing that their independence and unique cultural identities may be compromised by the Concordium's overarching goals and policies. These factions are concerned that the Concordium might grow too powerful and ultimately become oppressive, threatening the sovereignty of its member cities.   The Concordium, aware of these concerns, strives to maintain diplomatic relations with these hesitant regions, engaging in negotiations and dialogues to dispel misconceptions and address their worries. The alliance aims to show that they respect the autonomy of each member city and that their ultimate goal is the betterment of all, rather than the dominance of one central power.   The nature of the Concordium is fragile, as its very existence relies on the delicate balance of interests, cultures, and priorities of its member cities. This balance is often upset by the events of the divergences and convergences, which bring about significant changes to the world of Cardinal, its magical energies, and the relationships between its inhabitants. The Concordium, while strong in its unity, must constantly adapt and evolve in response to these events, ensuring that they remain a cohesive and effective force in the face of unpredictable challenges.   During times of crisis or conflict, the Concordium may find itself strained as the member cities prioritize their own survival and interests over the goals of the alliance. The leadership of the Concordium, including the Chronarch and the representatives of each member city, must work diligently to reaffirm the importance of their common goals and the value of their collaboration, preventing fractures and disintegration of the alliance.   Despite these challenges, the Concordium of Ages has forged strong bonds with other factions and organizations that share their vision of unity, cooperation, and the pursuit of knowledge. They maintain alliances with various magical orders, scholarly institutions, and diplomatic organizations, working together to address the threats and challenges that face the world of Cardinal. By combining their strengths and resources, the Concordium and its allies hope to create a brighter and more prosperous future for all.  

Religion and Magic

The Concordium of Ages places great importance on the responsible and ethical use of magic, as they were formed in the aftermath of several magical disasters. This focus on proper magical practices has led the Concordium to develop a close watch of any religions of the 12 aspects of creation, as it's deeply intertwined with the use of magic. The 12 aspects of creation are believed to be the fundamental forces that shaped the world of Cardinal, and understanding these aspects is crucial to unlocking the full potential of magic.   To achieve this, the Concordium has established a committee of magical scholars, practitioners, and clergy members devoted to the 12 aspects of creation. This committee is responsible for monitoring the use of magic within the member cities, as well as promoting education and research on the ethical and responsible application of magical power. They also work closely with the religious institutions dedicated to the 12 aspects to ensure that the Concordium's actions align with the spiritual principles of the faith.   The magical practices within the Concordium are diverse, reflecting the wide array of cultures, races, and traditions represented in the alliance. Members of the Concordium are encouraged to explore and develop their magical abilities while adhering to the guidelines set forth by the religion of the 12 aspects of creation.   In addition to monitoring and guiding the use of magic, the Concordium also strives to uncover ancient magical knowledge and artifacts that can provide insights into the mysteries of the 12 aspects. They believe that by better understanding the origins of magic and the powers of the 12 aspects, they can prevent future magical disasters and contribute to the overall well-being and prosperity of the world of Cardinal.   The Concordium of Ages' commitment to responsible magic use, coupled with their understading of the 12 aspects of creation, helps to maintain a harmonious balance between the pursuit of arcane knowledge and the preservation of the world's spiritual and natural order.