Elderheim: Natures Wrath

Elderheim is a settlement enshrouded in the ancient ways of nature, nestled within the towering embrace of the ancient Elderwoods. The pervasive mists and thick snows cloak this enclave of Wyld Druids in perpetual winter, concealing their rites and the primal forces at play within. It is a place where the veil between the natural world and the mystical is thin, where the howls of the wind carry the whispers of spirits and the howls of beasts.  


Elderheim is a reflection of the untamed wilderness that surrounds it. The Wyld Druids celebrate the savage beauty of nature, revering the beasts of the forest and the elements. Their festivals follow the cycles of the Graveyard and the ebb and flow of nature. They practice rituals that are as old as the forests, often viewed with apprehension by outsiders for their raw, unbridled communion with nature's most ferocious appetites  


Elderheim's history is preserved through oral traditions and the sacred carvings on the Elderwoods themselves. The Druids believe their city was born from the whispers of the aspects of Earth, Life, and Death, a sanctuary for those who hold old and raw magics dear. The settlement has faced its trials, from internal strife to encroaching civilizations, but it remains steadfast, a testament to the resilience of the Wyld Druids and their ancient pacts with nature.  

Architecture and City Structure

The structures within Elderheim are one with the natural landscape. Buildings are constructed from stone and living wood, grown and shaped by druidic magic into habitable forms. The heart of Elderheim is the Great Thicket, a massive living edifice formed from intertwined trees, where the Druids gather for their most sacred ceremonies. The settlement is designed to be a part of the forest, almost invisible to the untrained eye, with pathways that mirror the natural veins of the earth.  


Their society is structured around a hierarchy that venerates the most attuned to the forces of nature and the old magics, the Archdderwydd. The hierarchy is fluid, much like the natural world they worship, and leadership can shift like the wind — decided by druidic challenges and natural trials rather than by birthright. The government is less a rule of law and more a guidance of wisdom, seeking to maintain the wilderness of nature. Disputes are settled through ritual combat or trials of spirit, where nature itself is often a judge.  


Elderheim is largely self-sufficient, centered around bartering and the sharing of resources. Druids contribute what they can gather, hunt, or craft from the bounty of the land. They trade infrequently with outsiders, often for minerals and materials that cannot be found or grown within the Elderwoods. Their most valuable trade commodities are their potent herbal remedies and enchantments, and the wisdom they hold. These commodities are only sought after by those brave enough to make dealings with the Wyld Druids.  

Religion and Magic

In Elderheim, Religion and magic are one and the same, an inherent connection to the land, the spirits, and the primal forces of creation and destruction. The Druids worship the Aspects of Earth, Life, and Death. They draw their magic from the land itself, channeling raw magics through their ancient rites. Their most sacred site is the Circle of Whispers, a grove where the voices of the ancients are strongest, and where the Druids go to commune with the past and the future.  

Relations with the Outside World

The Wyld Druids of Elderheim rarely interact with the outside world, preferring isolation to preserve their way of life. When they do make contact, it is often for the purpose of trade or to impart warnings of natural calamities that their divination have foretold. They are fiercely protective of their territory, and while they may offer shelter to a lost traveler during a blizzard, they expect any guest to respect their customs and leave with the secrets of Elderheim unspoken.

Threats and Conflicts

Besides those who wish to inhabit their lands, the greatest threats to Elderheim come not from external forces but from within. The balance they so desperately seek with nature is a delicate one, and it can be upset by overambition or misuse of magic. In such cases, the druids must confront their own, and the resulting conflicts are as wild and fierce as the northern gales.