Frosthold - The Frozen Furnace


Frosthold is a large, closely-knit city of Goliaths, nestled amidst the frozen northern landscape. The village exudes warmth and coziness, with scattered fires throughout the town providing refuge from the surrounding cold. The breathtaking views of snow-capped mountains in the distance serve as a backdrop to the village's sturdy homes and buildings, constructed primarily from stone and heavy timber. A sense of security and comfort pervades Frosthold, reflecting the resilience of its Goliath inhabitants and their determination to thrive in this harsh environment.   At the heart of Frosthold stands the ever-burning furnace of the Fire Giant Yrnthal, an immense structure that houses the imprisoned heart of the Frost Giant Isvaldr. This furnace not only holds the frigid cold of the heart at bay it also provides warmth to the village and acts as a symbol of the Goliaths' strength and resolve. The eternal flame within the furnace is said to hold the power to burn even the Aspect of Cold, the Frost Queen.


The Goliaths of Frosthold are a stoic and resilient people, well-adapted to their harsh environment. They value strength, endurance, and community, with each member of the village playing a vital role in its survival. Their celebrations and rituals often center around feats of strength and endurance, as well as honoring the warmth and protection provided by the furnace.   The village is known for its unique craftsmanship of ever-ice creations. Skilled artisans carve intricate designs and lifelike figures from massive ice blocks, drawing inspiration from the natural world and their own rich history. These sculptures are displayed throughout the village, showcasing the Goliaths' connection to their frigid surroundings and their unwavering spirit. Ever-ice is a natural occurrence in the north, an ice that takes months to melt even in hot temperatures.


Frosthold's origins can be traced back to a battle between Yrnthal the Fire Giant and the Frost Giant Isvaldr. As Yrnthal fell in battle, his dying act was to become a mighty furnace, trapping the Frost Giant's heart within. Yrnthal's skull became the crucible for the furnace, and the heart of ice encased inside has kept the surrounding lands bitterly cold ever since. Only the warmth emanating from the furnace makes Frosthold habitable, while venturing further north requires magical assistance or extraordinary fortitude to withstand the extreme cold.


The Goliaths of Forsthold have a deep respect for nature and the balance between the elements. They believe in the harmony of fire and ice and view their survival in the face of adversity as a testament to their strength of character.   You will find deep seated principles of strength, cooperation, and the shared responsibility of each villager through Frosthold. The Goliaths have a deep appreciation for the unique skills and talents that each member brings to the community. The social hierarchy is relatively fluid, with Goliaths gaining respect and influence through their contributions and achievements.


Frosthold is governed by a two leaders, known as the Flamekeeper and the Frostwarden. Each is chosen based on their wisdom, strength, and dedication to the community. The Flamekeeper is responsible for maintaining order as well as ensuring the furnace remains burning and protected. The Frostwarden is responsible for overseeing the village's day-to-day operations and handling trade and diplomacy.


Frosthold's legal system is centered around the principles of honor, integrity, and respect for the community. Laws are enforced by a group of Goliath enforcers know as the Embers work under the Flamekeeper. They ensure that the village remains a safe and harmonious place for all its inhabitants. The Embers are magically bound by a strict code of conduct that demands impartiality and fairness in all their actions, lest they be taken by the flames.   Transgressions in Frosthold are often dealt with through a combination of community service, restitution, and, in more severe cases, exile. The village values the opportunity for redemption and growth, and punishments are designed to reinforce the importance of contributing positively to the community.


The economy of Frosthold is not based on metallurgy as one might expect from a village with such a powerful furnace. Instead, the Goliaths have developed a thriving trade in ice sculpting and ever-ice smithing. Blocks of ice carved from the nearby glaciers are exported to distant lands, providing a vital resource for preserving food and cooling homes. The village's masterful ice sculptures are highly sought after, drawing collectors and admirers from far and wide. They also use the heat from the furnace with speciated tools to make weapons out of a durable material called ever-ice.   Additionally, the Goliaths are expert hunters and trappers, relying on their knowledge of the northern wilderness to provide for their community. The north is home to many exotic creatures that thrive in the deep cold for the Goliaths to master hutting. They trade furs, hides, and preserved meats with neighboring cities in exchange for the goods they cannot produce in their harsh environment.


The Goliaths of Frosthold pay homage to Yrnthal the Fire Giant, honoring his memory and the sacrifice he made in creating the furnace that sustains their village. They also respect the balance of fire and ice, recognizing the interplay between these elements as essential to their survival. They deeply respect the balance of fire and ice, venerating both aspects and acknowledging their interdependence. Through Frosthold you will find shrines dedicated to both the Aspects adorned with intricate ice carvings, fire braziers, and murals depicting the eternal struggle between fire and ice.   Rituals and ceremonies in Frosthold often involve offerings to the furnace, seeking it's continued warmth and protection in the face of the harsh northern climate.  

Threats and Conflicts

Despite the resilience and unity of Frosthold's inhabitants, the city faces looming threats both from within and beyond its icy borders. The ever-present danger of the Frost Giant Isvaldr's heart escaping its fiery prison brings a constant vigilance among the Goliaths, as any lapse in the furnace's power could plunge Frosthold into deadly cold. External threats include marauding ice trolls and rival tribes seeking to harness the power of the heart for themselves or extinguish the furnace to reclaim the north. Internally, ideological rifts occasionally surface regarding the balance of power between the Flamekeeper and Frostwarden, with some factions believing that a single leader should hold sway over Frosthold's destiny. These conflicts, though infrequent, have the potential to fracture the unity that has long been the city's strength against the encroaching cold and hostility of their world.