Nullah - Terraced Terra


Nullah is a city nestled in a large mountain valley, surrounded on three sides by towering mountains and overlooking a valley that drops even further in elevation. The terraced ground surrounding the city is dotted with many farms, giving the  city a lush and verdant appearance. The city's purpose is primarily agricultural, with farming being the main industry. The city is characterized by its rural feel and is known for its agriculture.


The people of Nullah and their traditions driven by the fertile land. For example In celebration of the fertile soil, locals in Nullah have an annual festival where they cover themselves head-to-toe in mud from the terraced fields. The festival starts with a communal mud bath where locals wade into a large mud pit and use their hands to cover themselves with the thick, nutrient-rich soil. The rest of the day is spent playing games, listening to music, and feasting on local food, all while covered in mud. Some visitors find the tradition a bit strange, but locals swear by the health benefits of the mineral-rich mud.   Nullah is home to a magical strain of Golden Wheat. This strain of wheat has a distinct golden hue and is incredibly resilient to pests and diseases. It produces a very high yield per acre and is coveted by bakers and chefs for its fantastic flavor and beautiful color.


Nullah was founded by a group of settlers who were drawn to the fertile land of the valley. The city has a long and storied history, with many tales of battles and alliances with neighboring villages over the fertile ground. Over time, the city grew and developed a unique culture and way of life.


Nullah has a small but tight-knit population, with a strong sense of community. The social structure is relatively flat, with a focus on mutual aid and cooperation. There is no official caste system, but there is some social stratification based on occupation and wealth. Generally the people of Nullah are humble and rely on each other to get by.   Nullah is home to a rare creature that causes the fertile soil, the Earthmaw. It's a massive, burrowing creature with tough, rocky skin that blends seamlessly into the surrounding landscape. The Earthmaw is capable of swallowing enormous boulders whole, which it uses to grind up and digest the soil in its massive stomach. Its excrement is a highly sought-after fertilizer, making the Earthmaw a valuable asset to farmers in the valley.


The government of Nullah is run by a council of farmers who are chosen based on their success in agriculture. This council is responsible for all aspects of the city's governance, including law enforcement, infrastructure maintenance, and economic planning. While this system has ensured the city's agricultural success, some residents question whether these farmers are truly qualified to handle all aspects of governance.


Nullah's laws are designed to protect the environment and the fertile soil that sustains the city's agriculture. Pollution is strictly prohibited, and heavy fines are levied against individuals or businesses that are found to be dumping waste into the river or improperly disposing of hazardous materials. The local law enforcement agency has a special division dedicated to monitoring and enforcing environmental regulations, and they have the power to shut down any business that poses a significant threat to the soil or the water supply. In addition to the environmental laws, Nullah also has strict regulations around farming and land use. Terraced farming is a complex system, and the city government closely monitors the allocation of land and water resources to ensure that each farm is being used to its fullest potential. Unauthorized development or misuse of land can result in heavy fines and even eviction from the city.   Overall, Nullah's legal system is focused on protecting the environment and ensuring the sustainability of the city's agricultural economy.


Nullah's primary trade is agriculture, with farming and livestock production forming the basis of the local economy. The city also engages in trade with neighboring cities and towns, primarily in the form of food and handicrafts. Tourism is a growing industry, with visitors drawn to the city's natural beauty and unique culture. Geography: Nullah is located in a large mountain valley with terraced farms surrounding the city. The city is on the western side of a large continent and is next to the ocean. The nearby mountains make travel difficult, and the city is only accessible through a few mountain passes.  


In Nullah, there is a small but growing movement of people who reject the aspects of creation in favor of a more spiritual, nature-based approach to life. They believe that the earth itself is a sacred entity, and that they have a responsibility to care for it and protect it from harm. This belief has led to the creation of a number of environmental advocacy groups, who work to promote sustainable farming practices, reduce pollution, and protect the natural beauty of the valley. However, they are often met with resistance from factions who see their efforts as a threat to traditional ways of life and blasphemy.  

Threats and Conflicts

The city’s singular reliance on farming makes it vulnerable to droughts or flooding, posing a significant threat to its terraced fields and, consequently, its economy. Internally, the governance by a council of farmers, while beneficial for agricultural decisions, has led to tensions among the populace, some of whom feel underrepresented and question the council's ability to manage the growing complexities of urban life, particularly as environmental regulations tighten.   The rarity and value of Nullah's Golden Wheat have attracted the envy of neighboring regions, occasionally leading to skirmishes at the borders. The presence of the Earthmaw, despite its benefits to the soil, has also caused conflict with neighboring cities that accuse Nullah of harboring a creature they deem dangerous. In the cultural sphere, the emerging spiritual movement clashes with the established traditions, leading to a cultural rift that threatens the unity of the city's people.