Sphereford: The Magnetic Marvel of Motion

Structure and Design

Sphereford is a truly awe-inspiring mechanical city, built within a series of three concentric magnetic exoskeleton spheres. Each sphere functions as a distinct layer of the city, offering unique opportunities for habitation, commerce, and industry. The city's structures, crafted from durable magnetic metals and alloys, seamlessly integrate with the spheres' intricate gears, cogs, and pulleys.   The large electromagnetic spheres are manipulated by a combination of advanced technology and magic, allowing the inhabitants to control the rotation and orientation of each layer. This system of magnetic manipulation enables Sphereford to navigate various terrains and adapt to changing environmental conditions. The inhabitants of Sphereford utilize magnetic artificial gravity, enhanced by magic, to maintain a comfortable living environment on every surface of the spherical foundation. This technology allows them to defy conventional spatial limitations and fully maximize the city's interior space.  

Layer 1 - Outer Sphere: Commerce and Living Quarters

The outermost sphere of Sphereford serves as a bustling hub for commerce and trade. Marketplaces, trading posts, and airship docks line the surface of this layer, providing a thriving environment for merchants, traders, and artisans to exchange goods and ideas. The inner layer is dedicated to residential areas, providing a comfortable living environment for Sphereford's inhabitants. The magically-enhanced artificial gravity allows residents to live on all surfaces of the sphere, maximizing living space and creating diverse, multi-directional neighborhoods.  

Layer 2 - Center Sphere: Workshops and Acadamia

The second layer is dedicated to industry and innovation. This layer houses workshops, factories, and laboratories, where the city's engineers, inventors, and artisans create cutting-edge machinery, weapons, and other devices. The inner layer of this sphere serves as Sphereford's center of education and research. This layer is home to renowned academies, libraries, and research facilities, where the brightest minds of the city gather to study and develop new technologies, magical practices, and theories.  

Layer 3 - Inner Sphere: Government and Spiritual Center

The innermost sphere of Sphereford is the seat of the city's government and spiritual institutions. This layer houses the council chambers, where Ticktock Metrognome and the representatives of various guilds and factions make important decisions regarding the city's affairs. Additionally, this sphere serves as a sacred space, housing the legendary Metrognome and numerous temples dedicated to the divine essence of mechanical life.


Sphereford is a thriving hub of gnomish culture, with a population primarily consisting of gnomes, though it is also home to members of other races who share an affinity for technology and innovation. The city's inhabitants are known for their curiosity, creativity, and industriousness, values that are deeply ingrained in Sphereford's social fabric. The city boasts numerous guilds, workshops, and academies dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the development of new technologies.  


Founded by the legendary Ticktock Metrognome, Sphereford was initially conceived as a safe haven for gnomish inventors, engineers, and artisans. Over time, the city grew and evolved, incorporating cutting-edge technology and magic into its very foundation.  


Education is highly valued in Sphereford, with a strong emphasis on science, engineering, and magic. The city is home to several renowned academies, where young gnomes and other races are taught the principles of mechanics, metallurgy, and arcane studies. The society is meritocratic, with individuals gaining respect and influence based on their skills, knowledge, and contributions to the city's continued progress.  


Sphereford is ruled by Ticktock Metrognome, who serves as both a visionary leader and a beloved figurehead. Under his guidance, the city has flourished as a center of innovation and collaboration. The Anvil's Vanguard plays a crucial role in the city's governance, ensuring its safety and stability, while also providing valuable input on matters related to technology and defense. A council of representatives from various guilds and factions assists in the administration, promoting cooperation and shared decision-making.  


Sphereford's economy is driven primarily by its expertise in technology and innovation. The city's workshops and factories produce a wide array of advanced machinery, weapons, and other devices, which are highly sought after by other nations. Trade and commerce are essential to Sphereford's prosperity, with caravans and airships regularly arriving to exchange goods and knowledge.  

Religion and Magic

The inhabitants of Sphereford hold a deep reverence for machinery and technology, believing that a sacred spirit resides within each cog and gear. This unique blend of spirituality and technology is reflected in the city's many temples and workshops, where gnomes dedicate their lives to the pursuit of divine inspiration and arcane knowledge. The Metrognome, the first magical and mechanical machine ever created, holds a place of honor within the city, serving as a symbol of the gnomes' connection to the leylines and their mastery of automata.  

Threats and Conflicts

Sphereford, despite its mechanical marvels and magnetic splendor, is not without its share of dangers and disputes. The city's reliance on magic and technology makes it a target for arcane thieves and technocratic saboteurs, who seek to exploit or dismantle Sphereford's innovations for their gain. Tensions occasionally rise between the various guilds and factions, especially when the allocation of resources or the direction of technological development is at stake. Moreover, the unique mobility of the city has led to territorial disputes with neighboring lands, as Sphereford's navigation often brings it into contentious proximity with other realms. Finally, the integration of machinery and magic poses its own threats, as malfunctions or magical anomalies could lead to catastrophic failures within the city's intricate systems.