The Annulment Order

Within the harmonious society of Nullifiers, there is a sect that interprets their duty in a more aggressive manner - The Annulment Order. Guided by their interpretation of the Null Shard's silent mandate, these are the Nullifiers who believe it is their destiny not just to neutralize magic within their realm, but to cleanse the entire world of its magical essence.
  The Annulment Order, a relatively small but fervent faction, believe the Null Shard is not just a protector of their land, but a harbinger of a world purged of magic. They argue that the eradication of magic will bring about a return to natural order and harmony, a world unmarred by the unpredictable influences of magical forces.
  The members of this sect are known as Eradicants. They train rigorously to enhance their magic-nullifying abilities and seek ways to extend the influence of the Null Shard beyond their island continent. They believe that with enough energy, the Null Shard can emit a global pulse, neutralizing all magic forever.
  Their belief that the magic-filled world is fundamentally corrupt and must be cleansed has put the Annulment Order at odds with the larger population of Nullifiers. Most Nullifiers believe in a peaceful coexistence with the outside world, maintaining their unique way of life without imposing their views or way of life on others.
  However, the Annulment Order's ideals are seen as dangerous, not just by the Nullifiers, but by magic users across the Dark Sea. The Eradicants' vision of a magic-less world poses a significant threat to those who depend on, or relish in, the use of magic. The potential that they might discover a way to amplify the Null Shard's range has attracted the attention of many magical kingdoms, sparking both fear and hostility.
  The tension between the Annulment Order, the rest of the Nullifiers, and the magical kingdoms across the sea presents a delicate geopolitical balance. Each move made by the Eradicants has the potential to ignite a conflict that could consume the peaceful Nullifiers and throw the world into an unprecedented struggle between magic and its antithesis.