The Chronarch of Rivers Run

Deep within the chambers of the Monarchy of Rivers Run, The Chronarch rules from behind his Council of Gears, a group of trusted advisors who help him navigate the treacherous waters of politics and diplomacy. This Dragonborn ruler, with multi-colored scales that shimmer in the light, is a sight to behold. He towers over his subjects, radiating an aura of power and authority that commands respect from even the most hardened warriors.   The Chronarch is renowned for his incredible strength in both magic and martial prowess, a rare combination that makes him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. His skill in the arts of war is unparalleled but it is not just on the battlefield that the Chronarch excels. He is a master of the political game, able to outmaneuver his rivals with ease and secure alliances with even the most stubborn of city-states.   Despite his fearsome reputation, the Chronarch is a fair and just ruler, beloved by his people for his commitment to justice and prosperity. His vision of a grand Federation that unites the disparate cities and settlements under the Monarchy's banner is a noble one, and he will stop at nothing to see it come to fruition. To this end, he spends countless hours in the Council of Gears, deliberating over the best course of action and strategizing for the future.   The origins of the Chronarch are shrouded in mystery, and few know his true story. Some whisper that he was born with the blood of the aspects flowing through his veins, while others speculate that he was chosen by the divine will of the aspects themselves. Whatever the truth may be, it is clear that the Chronarch is a being of immense power and influence, whose very presence commands respect and awe from all who cross his path.