The Crystalline Wardens

The Crystalline Wardens aim to protect and preserve the crystalline mountains and mines of Far Reach, as well as maintain the delicate balance between the powerful dragons, kobolds, and other inhabitants of the region.  


The Crystalline Wardens formed centuries ago when the first settlers arrived in Far Reach and discovered the region's unique crystalline formations. Recognizing the potential power and wealth that could be gained from the crystals, the settlers banded together to form a faction dedicated to protecting the region from exploitation and external threats.  


The Crystalline Wardens are led by a council of five crystalline dragons, each representing a different aspect of the faction's values and goals. They possess ancient wisdom and a deep connection to the region, guiding the faction with their unique insights and abilities.   Iridos, the Sage of Balance: Iridos is an elder amethyst dragon with a calm and measured demeanor. Known for his wisdom and diplomatic skills, he strives to maintain harmony between the various inhabitants of Far Reach. Iridos often serves as a mediator during disputes and helps the faction navigate the complexities of regional politics.   Crystara, the Guardian of the Mines: Crystara is a fierce and powerful ruby dragon, tasked with overseeing the protection of the crystalline mines. She ensures that the precious resources of Far Reach are not exploited by external threats. Her unwavering dedication to her duty has earned her the respect of the faction's members.   Glimmer, the Master of Magic: Glimmer is a mysterious sapphire dragon who is highly skilled in the arts of crystal-based and elemental magic. As the faction's magical expert, he provides guidance on harnessing the power of Far Reach's crystals and teaches members how to wield their magical abilities effectively and responsibly.   Nephrite, the Warden of the Wilds: Nephrite is a resilient and resourceful emerald dragon responsible for safeguarding the natural habitats of Far Reach. He works closely with the faction's members to preserve the region's delicate ecosystems and protect its diverse flora and fauna.   Auroros, the Ambassador of Unity: Auroros is a charismatic and persuasive opal dragon who serves as the faction's diplomat and ambassador. He fosters relationships with neighboring factions and regions, promoting cooperation and mutual support while ensuring the interests of Far Reach and the Crystalline Wardens are always represented.   Together, these five dragons form the council that leads the Crystalline Wardens, guiding the faction with their unique perspectives and abilities while upholding the values and goals that define the faction.  


The Wardens value wisdom, foresight, and balance. They view the crystalline formations and the natural inhabitants of Far Reach as sacred, and they strive to maintain a harmonious coexistence with the dragons, kobolds, and other creatures that call the region home. They have developed unique customs and traditions based on the natural beauty and resources of the region, such as crafting intricate crystal jewelry and hosting festivals to celebrate the changing seasons.   One of the most important customs among the Crystalline Wardens is Crystallization. Upon joining the faction, new members undergo a ritual in which they forge a deep connection with a chosen crystal from the region. This crystal serves as a personal focus for the member's magical abilities and a symbol of their commitment to the faction's cause. The bond between the member and their crystal strengthens over time, as they grow in skill and understanding.  

Politics and Members

The Crystalline Wardens are an independent faction, unaligned with any of the major political powers in Cardinal. They maintain diplomatic relationships with neighboring regions and factions but prioritize the well-being of Far Reach and its inhabitants above all else.   Council of Shards: At the top of the hierarchy are the Council of Shards, composed of the five crystalline dragons who serve as the ultimate authority within the faction. Each dragon is a leader in their own right, responsible for overseeing a specific aspect of the Crystalline Wardens' operations. They convene regularly to discuss pressing issues, make decisions, and ensure the faction remains focused on its goals.   Crystal Sentinels: Directly beneath the Council of Shards, the Crystal Sentinels are elite guardians chosen by the dragons themselves. These individuals are entrusted with the protection of the dragons, key locations, and the faction's most prized possessions. Crystal Sentinels are skilled fighters and mages, who have proven their loyalty and dedication to the Crystalline Wardens.   Ward Masters: Responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the faction, the Ward Masters act as regional leaders, overseeing the various outposts and territories within Far Reach. They are experienced and knowledgeable individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and a deep understanding of the region's unique challenges.   Crystal Keepers: Serving as the primary force of the Crystalline Wardens, the Crystal Keepers are trained warriors and experts in crystal-based magic skilled in both combat and the use of crystal-based magic. They are responsible for defending Far Reach from external threats and maintaining order within the region. They research and develop new spells and magical techniques, assist in the protection and preservation of the crystalline formations, and provide magical support to their fellow Wardens.   Acolytes: The newest and least experienced members of the Crystalline Wardens, Acolytes serve as apprentices and assistants to the more experienced members of the faction. They perform various tasks, such as tending to the needs of the dragons, maintaining the faction's outposts, and supporting their fellow Wardens in their duties.   This hierarchical structure enables the Crystalline Wardens to effectively manage their operations, maintain order within Far Reach, and ensure the continued protection of the region's unique environment and resources.  

Enemies and Allies

The primary enemies of the Crystalline Wardens are those who seek to exploit the crystalline resources of Far Reach for personal gain or who threaten the delicate balance between the region's inhabitants. This includes rival factions, greedy corporations, and power-hungry individuals.   The Wardens form alliances with other factions and organizations that share their commitment to protecting the environment and preserving the natural resources of Cardinal. These alliances often involve mutual support in times of conflict or assistance in addressing shared challenges.  

Religion and Magic

The Crystalline Wardens hold a deep reverence for the natural world and its inhabitants, particularly the dragons and other powerful creatures of Far Reach. They do not adhere to a specific religious doctrine but instead, practice a form of nature-based spirituality that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of maintaining balance within the natural world.   Members of the Crystalline Wardens are often skilled in the manipulation of crystal-based magic, harnessing the innate power of the crystals found in Far Reach to perform feats of healing, protection, and energy manipulation. They are also adept at working with elemental energies, particularly those associated with earth and air, as they are closely tied to the region's unique environment.