The Silent Saboteurs

The Silent Saboteurs aim to protect the gnomish society from the potential consequences of uncontrolled technological growth and prevent dangerous machines from falling into the wrong hands no matter the cost.  


The Silent Saboteurs formed centuries ago, before the creation of the Metrognomes, during a dark period when gnomes were subjugated and oppressed by larger, more powerful races. This group of gnomes recognized the potential dangers of their situation and sought to safeguard their people from future oppression. Their goal evolved over time as the gnomes became a greater part of society and began focusing on preventing powerful and dangerous machines from falling into the hands of those who would use them for nefarious purposes.  


The Silent Saboteurs are led by a secretive council known as the Silent Sounds. Each member of the council is a master of stealth, espionage, and sabotage. Their identities are kept hidden even from their own members, ensuring the safety and anonymity of the leadership. The council is motivated by a desire to protect their people from past oppressions and the potential misuse of their technology.  


The Silent Saboteurs value discretion, cunning, and foresight. Members are trained in the arts of stealth and subterfuge, with a focus on understanding the intricacies of mechanical devices. They operate under a strict code of secrecy and adhere to the belief that the ends justify the means in their mission to protect gnomish society.  


The Silent Saboteurs operate outside of the traditional gnomish political system, acting as a hidden force that influences events from the shadows. Their covert nature allows them to infiltrate and gather information on other factions, ensuring they are always one step ahead of potential threats.  

Members and Hierarchy

The Silent Saboteurs are organized in a decentralized structure, with individual cells operating independently to maintain secrecy. Each cell is led by a skilled operative known as a Whisper, who receives orders directly from the Silent Sounds. Members of the faction come from various backgrounds, including former engineers, scouts, and even disillusioned members of the Anvil's Vanguard.  

Enemies and Allies

The Silent Saboteurs consider any group that seeks to wield powerful technology for oppression or destruction as their enemy. They are particularly at odds with the Anvil's Vanguard, who they view as blind protectors of potentially dangerous machines. However, the Silent Saboteurs maintain secret alliances with other factions, such as the Elemental Engineers and the Techno-Druids, who share their concerns about the unchecked growth of mechanical life.  

Religion and Magic

While the Silent Saboteurs respect the divine essence within machinery, they believe that gnomish society's fervent devotion to technology is dangerous and misguided. Members of the faction often have a pragmatic approach to religion, using it as a means to an end in their mission. Many Silent Saboteurs are skilled in the use of illusion and enchantment magic to aid in their subterfuge and sabotage operations.